View Full Version : 95 240sx heater core

10-13-2006, 08:51 PM
Hey I just bought a 95 240sx se this summer. Now that its getting colder I went to turn the heat on and it doesnt exist. The heater core has been disconnected because it leaks. I need to put a new one in. I don't want to have to pay someone to do it cause I'm a poor college student. If anyone has any tips or advice on easy ways to remove the dash and get the core changed out I would greatly appreciate it. Also if you know of anywhere I can get a new core for less than $175 let me know. Thanks.


10-13-2006, 09:33 PM
its not that hard to do a heater core, its just time consuming, the only thing i can suggest is to get a haynes or chilton repair manual, i'd explain how to do it but i havent done one on mine yet... but i need to.

its usually just about 6 bolts on the heater core box, which is usually under the passenger side of the dash, then 4 bolts on the heater core mounting bracket, disconnect the hoses and its out.

And im not sure if you have to drain the antifreeze out of the radiator, cause im not sure if the S14 is a sealed system or not, but i'd recomend doing it just because it doesnt hurt to change ur antifreeze for the winter.

good luck.

10-14-2006, 07:23 AM
its not that hard to do a heater core, its just time consuming, the only thing i can suggest is to get a haynes or chilton repair manual, i'd explain how to do it but i havent done one on mine yet... but i need to.

its usually just about 6 bolts on the heater core box, which is usually under the passenger side of the dash, then 4 bolts on the heater core mounting bracket, disconnect the hoses and its out.

And im not sure if you have to drain the antifreeze out of the radiator, cause im not sure if the S14 is a sealed system or not, but i'd recomend doing it just because it doesnt hurt to change ur antifreeze for the winter.

good luck.

Suggesting a Haynes or Chilton manual over an FSM, strike one. Neither one of those publications are worth the shit you step on at the park.

"6 bolts on the heater core box, which is usually under the passenger side of the dash, then 4 bolts on the heater core mounting bracket, disconnect the hoses and its out." - Strike two. The heater case sits dead center in the Schassis, requiring the dash and crossbar to be removed. It's also 4 bolts that secure it to the firewall, then a single screw and clip to remove the core from the case.

The heater core is sealed, but since it's already bypassed all that needs to be done is top the radiator off once installed and then bleed it.

sccrstar011- scan and download an FSM online, that's all you need. It's an involved process, but one that can be done with common hand tools and for a novice ike yourself about three hours of labor.

silentstyle1- Do not contribute to a thread if you have no clue what in fuck you're talking about or are going to give poor/inaccurate advice.

10-14-2006, 10:06 AM

Thanks for the advice. I downloaded the FSM, but they dont seem to elaborate on the heater core very much. I'm not too worried about it, I just wanted to make sure I wouldnt have to do with the AC (drain the freon or anything like that). It seems pretty straight forward so hopefully I can get it knocked out next weekend when the core comes in. Again Thanks for all your help R240NA.


10-15-2006, 06:51 AM
No problem. Feel free to PM me with specific questions as well.

10-15-2006, 07:35 AM
did you find one yet? i have one you can have for a lot less than 175

10-15-2006, 03:38 PM
aNskY: I was able to find one on e-bay, but if it doesnt work for some reason I will PM you. Thanks for the offer though.