View Full Version : Laguna Seca Thurs Nov 2

10-13-2006, 08:38 PM
Laguna Seca here we come!!!

Come on out to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca with Leadfoot Adventures (http://www.leadfootadventures.com) and T.E.A.M Racing (http://home.onemain.com/~bonster/schedule.html) on Thursday Nov 2nd for a great track day at this world-famous road course! T.E.A.M. and Leadfoot Adventures are known for their low cost - high value events, and this one is no exception! Registration is only $285 and is now open at Motorsportsreg.com. (http://www.motorsportreg.com/calendar/event.cfm?uidEvent=39C6AEC2-FC6C-4F7B-91963FC372E78784) This event is expected to fill up quickly since Laguna events are hard to get into and usually cost over $300 (sometimes way more than that!)

As always, breakfast in the morning and bottled water all day are included at no extra charge. All drivers are welcome to attend the morning classroom session as well as the instructional novice and intermediate download sessions throughout the day. Each driver will receive at least 5 run sessions and will be sharing the track with other drivers of similar experience/skill (novice, intermediate, advanced.) Full event details can be found at LeadfootAdventures.com.

Gates open at 6:45. See ya at the track! :D

10-14-2006, 06:01 PM
We're going to set up a hotel discount and announce it pretty soon so stay tuned for that.

I have a question for you guys, too... we want to get some people together to chill and socialize at the wharf in Monterey, maybe at the Blue Fin. Which night would you prefer to do it?

The night before the track day?
Right after the track day ends?

10-14-2006, 06:20 PM
on thursday?! damn, its time to beg my manager for day off, and of coz cutting class :P