View Full Version : Tips for mounting stretched tires?

10-11-2006, 02:11 PM
I brought some 195/55/16s to my friend's autoshop and we counldn't get the bead to seal on my 16x7.5s. We got the tire onto the rim, but the air kept gettin out. I'm not quite sure because I was only watching... one method they said was to put "starter fluid" in the tire and ignite it, sealing the beads instantly. This is common for offroaders/4x4 folks supposedly.

Any other ideas? Not sure I want to try the explosion method. How do the JDM tyte folks do it [Hariguchi, etc]? I havent seen much Option so I wouldnt know :/

Im going back with some 16x7s if that 0.5" makes a difference... but hope I can learn some tips incase the 7s are hard to mount too.

Only one post came up from searching, and its from 2004, and they go off about over/understeer with no info on mounting at all...

Thnx for any info, Justin

10-11-2006, 03:22 PM
Why the hell are you stretching on a 7.5 dude? Come on, that's wack city.

10-11-2006, 03:25 PM
195/55 on a 7.5 should have no mouting issues... What-so ever...

A Spec Products
10-11-2006, 03:30 PM

But yeah, 195s on a 7.5 is not a stretch.

I think the only post you found was from 2004 because thats the time when people were still running 16's hahaha jk

10-11-2006, 03:31 PM
stretching tires on a 7 is kinda retarded man...

205's yes?


10-11-2006, 03:34 PM
that video's crazy! i've heard people doing that, but never have i seen it done.

2iv0 sx
10-11-2006, 04:32 PM
Does anyone have that picture where someone was torching their wheels?

It was really cool

10-11-2006, 04:36 PM
the answer.



10-11-2006, 04:59 PM
VIP cats stretch all day with that method, but theirs are actually considered stretching...

with your situation, i can only think of the tires being damaged or your rim not being true/cracked...so you cant even bead it at all? after mounting you cant even seat the bead? or you can seat the bead and later discover that its not holding air? if you cant even seat the bead after mounting, see if it needs to be reverse mounted due to the rims bead design...

10-11-2006, 05:34 PM
yah a beadblaster is for the win ! We have one here such ownage for streching.

10-11-2006, 07:06 PM
u shoulda seen the shop who did my tires out.. they have this compressed tank that just hits the bead with nitrogen =D

10-11-2006, 07:40 PM
WTF was that tool that guy was using? looked like a bottle with a spout or something?

So are these guys spraying the flamable liquid INSIDE the rim and tire? It looked like they just sprayed it where the tire met the rim.

Last question- Should i just mount my 245's on my 9 1/2 rims like this so they dont scratch them with a machine? looked so simple!

10-11-2006, 07:52 PM
its called a Cheetah (bead blaster) every tire shop should have one. most of them do

10-11-2006, 07:52 PM
I think the only post you found was from 2004 because thats the time when people were still running 16's hahaha jk



if your friend can't get a 55 sidewall to seat he should go slam his fingers in a car door or something.

PS. Its called a Cheeta. Discount and most truck tire places have them.

10-11-2006, 07:53 PM


if your friend can't get a 55 sidewall to seat he should go slam his fingers in a car door or something.

PS. Its called a Cheeta. Discount and most truck tire places have them.
jinx, you owe me a soda

10-11-2006, 07:57 PM
i have a set of 195-50-16s on a set of ssr meshies 16x8, it was easy as fuck to put on man

10-11-2006, 08:26 PM
Last question- Should i just mount my 245's on my 9 1/2 rims like this so they dont scratch them with a machine? looked so simple!

10-11-2006, 08:52 PM
yeah seriously

Mount the damn tires and dont be stupid

10-12-2006, 05:58 AM
Uh yeah I've mount 195/50's on my 15X8

10-12-2006, 09:34 AM
205/45/17 on a 17x9 was a btich.

I need to get a cheeta

10-12-2006, 10:56 AM
air is not getting in fast enough, try a different shop with a tank

you do have the valve stems out right?

10-12-2006, 01:12 PM
Yeah, make sure the valve stems are out...

I'm running a 235/40/18 on an 18x10 and didn't need a Cheetah or anything, the beads seated right up.

10-12-2006, 04:40 PM
air is not getting in fast enough, try a different shop with a tank

you do have the valve stems out right?

not the stems lol but the core

10-12-2006, 06:46 PM
"I did it and it was hella easy" doesnt tell me SHAT bro. Im asking for tips. Thanks to all the people who gave helpful responses. Ill be at the shop tomorrow. Its in Orinda...

I guess I shouldnt have even used the word "stretched" cuz that automatically makes me sound like a JDM tyte wanna-be poser huh? My bad.

Basically, what are some tips for mounting a 195 on a 7.5 cuz when my friend tried at his auto shop [at his High School = FREEEEE for me]? He couldnt get the bead to seal. They had the tire on, and tried bouncing it on the floor while using the compressed air hose to inflate, but it wasn't holding pressure.

They said its possible, but could take a long time, which I can't impose since they're doing it FREE. Which is why I turn Zilvia to perhaps get some tips that will make the mounting quicker. Im bringing some 16x7 too, incase thats easier.

BTW, I normally drift on 18x10 -10mm for all those who think I actually drive on 16s [eeeEEEEW]. I just use 16s when my ported v8 turbo NOS race engine is being rebuilt.

10-12-2006, 06:55 PM
ok, since i was an ass, ill let you know MY method of doing it along with everyone elses

setp 1
put the tire on the wheel all the way, push the front bead on the front of the tire all the way up. Be it with the bead breaker on the side of a machine to push it all the way forward, or however youu want to do it.

once you do that, take if and put it on the gound
get 3 people total around hte tire pushing down gently nad evenly on the tires edge to help it seat down (2 usually works)

then blow iw up and let it seat the bead.

This has worked for extreme streaches too round these parts.

10-12-2006, 07:00 PM
BTW, I normally drift on 18x10 -10mm for all those who think I actually drive on 16s [eeeEEEEW]. I just use 16s when my ported v8 turbo NOS race engine is being rebuilt.
Uhuh... I believe you...

10-12-2006, 10:02 PM
ok, since i was an ass, ill let you know MY method of doing it along with everyone elses

setp 1
put the tire on the wheel all the way, push the front bead on the front of the tire all the way up. Be it with the bead breaker on the side of a machine to push it all the way forward, or however youu want to do it.

once you do that, take if and put it on the gound
get 3 people total around hte tire pushing down gently nad evenly on the tires edge to help it seat down (2 usually works)

then blow iw up and let it seat the bead.

This has worked for extreme streaches too round these parts.

sup guys...so yea i'm da guy das mounting the tires for justin...well here's wuht happend imo...

i got the tires on easy but when i went to inflate it air kept poring out. we had two ppl pushing down on the tires (me n my teacher) but we just couldnt get it to seat down.

we used a snap on tire mounter....n my teacher used to work as a tire boy back when he was a teenager so he'd be good at this stuff...at least i think so....

"Be it with the bead breaker on the side of a machine to push it all the way forward, or however youu want to do it."

didnt really understand that part. we have a bead breaker on the side of the machine.....do i just use it to push the tire to the edge of the rim? i jus thot that there was just too much space to cover with the wheel....the gaps from the tire to the rim is pretty big....

ideas or suggestions? imma nub so go easy on me if i said sumthin stupid.....pls? ty

10-12-2006, 10:06 PM
thnx yokota! See, I was standing there asking what I should do since I never mounted a tire b4... tomorrow I will say, hey, let me help seat the front bead! Arigato Gozai Mas! And thanx to SW20 dude, you guys seemed to post the only helpful info...

JVD, sorry I should have exagerrated more so you would catch my sarcasm. All good! Im glad there's ppl like you to catch all the BSing E-drifters who think they know everything and flame to get a kick out of making ppl feel bad! Not saying it was all you guys in here, but on Zilvia in general.

10-12-2006, 10:20 PM


if your friend can't get a 55 sidewall to seat he should go slam his fingers in a car door or something.

PS. Its called a Cheeta. Discount and most truck tire places have them.

"why u gotta in-stuh-gayte!?"

haha now thats old skoo.... at least where Im from. Keep i mind 'tis only a huble auto shop in a high skool. I doubt they see "stretches" at all. FYI, ill be rockin some 17x9s someday [they're in my storage seriously], soon as I got enough power to smoke em! Otherwise its dead weight, and jus looks goofy :) :axe:

11-01-2006, 01:19 PM
I put the 195s on 16x7s and the popped up and sealed easy. Lucky Im a [cheap] rim whore :]

NOT LUCKY theres no events up here?!???!??? BOOOOOOO

bryce with a y
11-01-2006, 01:36 PM
well seeing as how we put 195/50/15's on 15x9 rims i dont know how you are having this problem....

11-01-2006, 02:33 PM
is there a way to take off tires without using a machine?

like taking the tire totally off so i can use this method to put on new tires without having to pay for installation?

11-01-2006, 02:43 PM
is there a way to take off tires without using a machine?

like taking the tire totally off so i can use this method to put on new tires without having to pay for installation?
so helpless... -__- Ill be nice
yah, you can buy some bars, they are pretty much thin bars with a plastic coating so they dont scratch your rims, if you wanted you could screw up your rims and use large screw drivers, you just take the tire off, its not rocket science...

strech 195 on a 10" Run with all sidewall for grip and /thread

11-01-2006, 02:49 PM
can i ask the point of stretching tires? seriously.....whats the point? it looks like ass and u dont have as much grip. if u have a 9" wheel why would u want to put a tiny ass tire on it? doesnt make sense

11-01-2006, 09:45 PM
can i ask the point of stretching tires? seriously.....whats the point? it looks like ass and u dont have as much grip. if u have a 9" wheel why would u want to put a tiny ass tire on it? doesnt make sense
run what you want. noone is making you do anything.

btw you did answer your own question btw.:wiggle:

11-01-2006, 09:57 PM
Stretching tires takes away lateral flex of a sidewall, giving more turn in.

READ. Why don't you go on the internet to find out, instead of just saying it's stupid because YOU don't understand?

11-01-2006, 10:25 PM
i have read multiple threads on stretching tires and none have talked about the performance benifits until now. I didnt realize it affects turn in... but i still dont understand why you would go so extream like sum guys do instead of putting a tire that fits better for traction.

01-24-2007, 04:12 PM
195/50/15s on a 15x9

01-24-2007, 05:51 PM
Thanks for bringing back a 2 month old thread, by posting a pic, and no info.

A Spec Products
01-24-2007, 06:01 PM
I mount stretch tires in the following fashion.

Go to tire shop.

Give tires to them with wheels.

Come back later and pick up wheels mounted.

Whew, that was hard.

01-24-2007, 06:26 PM
I mount stretch tires in the following fashion.

Go to tire shop.

Give tires to them with wheels.

Come back later and pick up wheels mounted.

Whew, that was hard.

Damn, what about the drive? Or maybe unloading the tires, shieett.

01-24-2007, 08:18 PM
[the most generic corrola I've ever seen]]

Euro fitment sucks, bruh.