View Full Version : farewell ken shamrock...

10-10-2006, 11:02 PM
just finished the tito vs shamrock III and shamrock announced his retirement after his last loss...(yes, you east coast guys already know)...just wanted to honor a great fighter and an even better entertainer (lets not forget his side performance of WWF back in the day)...

10-11-2006, 01:56 AM
From your title i thought he had died. Anyways a great fighter.

10-11-2006, 02:46 AM
lolz wow i was reading the title an was like wtf he died!but yes he was a badass hardcore fight!

10-11-2006, 03:02 AM
great fighter. hate to see him go out like that, especially with tito wearing the 'punisher retired him 10-10-06' tee. So is it true, December Lidell vs Tito 2?

10-11-2006, 03:21 AM
He really had no chance against Ortiz. Tito is way too good at the ground and pound for Shamrock. I knew once Tito got in Shammy's guard it was all over. I was cheering for Ken though, he has always been a class act.

As for Chuck/Tito, I hope Tito isn't stupid enough to try and stand up with Chuck like he did the last fight.

10-11-2006, 06:32 AM
yeah i am excited to see him up against lidell .... as above stated shamrock had no shot once he hit the mat it was over ... lol i just thought it was funny cause ortiz was like well i beat him last time with elbows so this time i wanted to do it with punches .

10-11-2006, 07:31 AM
He really had no chance against Ortiz. Tito is way too good at the ground and pound for Shamrock. I knew once Tito got in Shammy's guard it was all over. I was cheering for Ken though, he has always been a class act.

As for Chuck/Tito, I hope Tito isn't stupid enough to try and stand up with Chuck like he did the last fight.

I don't think Ken is a class act. Did you watch The Ultimate Fighter when he coached? What a joke. I lost pretty much any kind of respect that I may had left for him after that. Tito on the other hand was truely the class act throughout the season.

Yes, Tito will get beat down by Liddell if he tries to stand up with him. But I don't think that's gonna be his strategy this time around. If Tito can get Chuck to the ground and work that ground and pound I think he has a chance to win.

10-11-2006, 09:10 AM
Ken was one of my fav. fighters...:werd:
watched him for years...:blah:
he was a bad dude...:werd:
but Tito is a mad man...:werd:
mexiamerican nut! :smash: :fart:

10-11-2006, 10:07 AM
Yeah I was hardcore Shamrock untill watching the UF III TV show.
Ken wasn't there for the fighters... he was there to instigate Tito... love how Tito handled it also. At least the settled their differences and can move on. :Owned: OMG did you see Tito pick Ken off his feet and walk to the fence!!!

Tito may do his act of shame when he wins, and talk smack, but its all publicity that is needed for this sport... think about it... UFC is finnaly getting out of debt and starting to make money... so now the fighters are making more in return.

Tito v:s Lidell... I think Tito may have this one... I hope so at least.
He has been training and adapting well to new tech. Think it will go the the ground and Tito will use his new Greco-Roman skills.


10-11-2006, 01:56 PM
Lame fight. Glad they settled their differences though.

10-11-2006, 03:56 PM
me and my brother watched it all of yesterday that shit was wild!

much respect to shamrock for being in the game for that long and leaving his mark as "the most dangerous man"

but as for tito damn that dude is crazy!!

i wanna see Ortiz and lidell go at it :fawk:

oh yeh...

was anyone watching MTV? true life "i got tourette syndrome"

that was crazy too

10-11-2006, 04:33 PM
haha, yeah, i should really retitle it...i was thinking the same...

no one took that fight seriously anyways...it was just for the fans to stop bitchin'...well still be seeing a lot of ken...only now hes gonna be in the corner with the lions den...

ortiz vs liddell is definitely happening...if im not mistaken, i think they have already signed a contract a few weeks ago...that ones gonna be a slugfest...i admit that titos game has definitely evolved, but not enough for liddell...as stated before, titos standup pales in comparison to liddells unorthodox, but powerful strikes...titos ground game is the only thing he has, but liddell also has one of the best takedown defenses in the sport...

on another note, i was really impressed with kendall groves bout...what a performance!...hamill really disappointed me and ed herman deserved that humiliating tap out...


10-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Kendall's fight was great, to me, it was the best fight of the night. Ed Herman... blah.

10-11-2006, 04:53 PM
kens washed up anyways.is tito doing jenna jameson.lidell is too crazy for tito

10-11-2006, 05:04 PM
kens washed up anyways.is tito doing jenna jameson.lidell is too crazy for tito



10-11-2006, 10:51 PM
Tito had a hard time taking Forrest Griffin down... I highly doubt he'll take Liddell down. If so, Liddell will get right back up and knock him out.

As far as the Ed Herman fight... All i got to say is.. OoooOOoPppeeeeeeeey!!!

10-11-2006, 10:59 PM
what ever happened to liddell vs wanderlei?
i would honestly choose to see that over tito vs liddell.

10-11-2006, 11:34 PM
dana white pussied out of it and gave a bunch of excuses out of speculation...and silva is still on suspension from the knockout by crocop...so to say the least, its not happening any time soon...

10-12-2006, 12:16 AM
Tito had a hard time taking Forrest Griffin down... I highly doubt he'll take Liddell down. If so, Liddell will get right back up and knock him out.

You can see Tito tired from that, he wasn't his usual explosive self with his take-downs in the later rounds. Tito's conditioning regime is one of the best around, and I'm sure he'll be well conditioned by the time he fights Lidell.

10-12-2006, 09:56 AM
"punish Him Into Retirement"