View Full Version : Q-Unit: The Greatest Hits

10-09-2006, 05:24 PM
Queen, yeah as in Freddie Mercury, + G-Unit = Q-Unit (http://www.q-unit.net/)

I'm not really a G-Unit fan but was too intriguing to pass up.
The album cover images are pretty damn funny imo.

10-09-2006, 06:34 PM
Its Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

A Spec Products
10-09-2006, 09:54 PM

I'll download and listen to it later though.

I personally like mashups where they use new school beats with old school lyrics

Drift Motion
10-09-2006, 11:04 PM

lol...look at that mustache

10-09-2006, 11:11 PM
This has to be some kind of joke.

A Spec Products
10-10-2006, 01:24 AM
1. This Is How We Bite The Dust

- Oh you cannot be serious. I think 50 wishes he got shot 9 times again after hearing his shit over this beat. Other hip hop artists have done this beat much more justice back in the day. Although The Game is on the track, so I at least had to listen to that part.

2. If I Can't Be A Champion

- This track would be aight if they just cut out the Queen chorus about we are the champions.

3. Crazy Pimp Called Love

- Eh, again, this is tolerable, but booooring. 5 yawns in the first 30 seconds.

4. Under Pressure All The Time

- OKAY. Finally, this song is actually pretty hard. Got that Vanilla Ice "dun dun dun dundundun ding" flava up in here, and the beats actually lines up, and they actually flip the Queen verses a little so its not just a cut and paste deal. If you are going to download at least get this one. This would actually pass in my car. Not the first choice, but I'd listen to it again.

5. We Will Rock You In Da Club

- FAIL. I want to stab myself listening to this one. Let's try another shall we?

6. Just It All

- Beat matches up pretty well, this seems like a better mash up out of the others.

7. Old Fashioned Outta Control Loverboy

- Too much for me, didn't like this one.

8. Disco Language

- Getting there, at least the beat matches up somewhat. I listened to a minute or two before getting bored.

9. Candy Bottom

- Another obvious mash up, verses don't line up with the beat whatsoever.

10. 21 Flash Questions

- Sounded like someone had two stereos playing, turn off one of them!

11. Bohemian Wanksta

- I thought for sure I'd hate this song, but eh its tolerable. The beats and verses are lined up decently but still don't seem right.

I don't mean to be such a hater, cause I sure as hell can't make music much less mix it. My only problem is that when people do these mash ups, it usually turns out weird because you are taking two ends of the spectrum and trying to make them flow.

Even The Gray Album by Dangermouse, which was heralded, wasn't really all that appealing to me. Mash ups like the Jay Z x Linkin Park project was really great, but that's cause the two worked together to actually mesh. Projects like the Q Unit and Gray Album obviously can't have the artists working together, but my wish is that the DJ's who do these mixes actually work harder at making the verses and beats line up better. Speed up verses, cut out segments, don't just cut and paste verses over beats.

Either way I give the person credit for doing it, cause I sure as hell couldn't do it. But in my snooty tooty rap opinion I'm not really feeling it.

A Spec Products
10-10-2006, 01:32 AM
I sent this Q Unit stuff to my friend who produces, he totally ripped into it.

But he showed me this group Girl Talk:


I don't like "Bounce That" but "Pure Magic" is aight

The track "Night Ripper Tracks" is pretty fly, check it check it

At 1:58 they got Paul Wall flowing over that song from OC "California Here We Come" ahahha awesome

10-10-2006, 09:08 AM
Logan the music critic! lol
I didn't take it as seriously as you did, just something odd I came accross. A few of the songs are aight but, as you mentioned, could have been done much better. I did like the Grey album quite a bit though.

Just started listening to Girl Talk.... Bounce That is pretty dope. Nice production.