View Full Version : WTF is up With Korea!

10-09-2006, 01:25 AM
:rl: seriously :rl: http://articles.news.aol.com/news/_a/north-korea-says-nuclear-test/20061008231009990002?ncid=NWS00010000000001



A Spec Products
10-09-2006, 07:08 AM
You mean...

WTF is up with NORTH Korea!

They've always been super messed up over there. They have sick propaganda over there, its like they are in their own bubble.

10-09-2006, 07:33 AM
Werd. N.Korea...not KOREA. My wife said that it's full of propaganda crap over there. People are dying ON the streets - Her experience, 1st hand not from some tv show since she's from S.K. The people wanna go out of N.K. but they're not allowed...well not really not allowed but discouraged and probably threatened too.

10-09-2006, 07:38 AM
^~~~ I have heard the same thing from other people who have experienced it first hand. Kinda scary that such fuck up knuckle heads (no racisim) can get ahold of nuclear weapons. *a

10-09-2006, 08:23 AM
Proof that with lots of money and a small penis you can fuck anything up

10-09-2006, 01:53 PM
What money? That SOB would rather feed his military than feed his people. No people cant leave North Korea cuz they got nowhere to go. If they leave as far as escape North Korea, its pretty much a death sentence to the rest of your family and relatives you left behind.

10-09-2006, 01:58 PM
I watched something on Disconvery about the propaganda in N Korea. MAAAAAAAN is that bad news. Scared the crap outta me and I usually I have an additude like, "Oh well what are you gonna do?'. But N. Korea is totally messed up.

Here's a good example:


10-09-2006, 02:08 PM
we need to call in Team America to assasinate Crazy Kim

10-09-2006, 06:46 PM
I also watched that thing on Discovery. I have been told that only people in the capitol city of Pyong yang and other large cities buy into the propoganda and hate the US/love North Korea and its leaders. In the smaller cities and rural areas it is not like that.

And about the people leaving North Korea, its not impossible. If you have money you can do it. There are a decent amount of North Koreans studying abroad in China and maybe other places. I also met an escaped North Korean while I was in South Korea and he said that its not really death penalty for your family if you leave.

South Korea is not completely immune to this either. The current President of ROK is the most sympathetic towards communism yet. There is also a growing movement among college aged kids the believes that the only way for the two Koreas to unite, is by South Korea to also become communist and become like the North. It's fucking stupid.

10-09-2006, 06:54 PM
It's cause he's "So Wooaanwee....."

10-10-2006, 11:59 AM
Yes I might not no much about poplitics and crud like this (sheesh whatta yah expect IM 17 and I;ve lived under my car since I was 14) all I know is 1

N>Korea is el Pollo loco
2. Korean Girls are cute :)

10-10-2006, 01:33 PM
North Korea wants power and respect in the international community. People tend to fuck with you less if you have severe capabilites.

Think of it like this. We're America, we've been working out for a long ass time but are starting to get old so we arent as strong anymore. We have to work harder to stay as fit. Korea just started working out and we dont like it. They could maybe beat us up! They are younger then us and dont follow the same rules, they are getting kinda strong so thats scary. We cant have them get near as strong as us or we're in deep shit. THen you have two solutions here, talk to them and be friends, friends dont get in fights very often. Or ignore them and pretend they do not exist.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. They are going to get a lot stronger behind our backs because they are going to keep working out and we do not have influence with them anymore if we were friends.

10-10-2006, 02:28 PM
:duh: lets look at the story this way...
we all know fire crackers are forbidden. A little boy(N.Korea) has discovered how to make one by using some baking powder and some stuff that provided by his parent (China and Russia). please note his parent did not help him to make a fire-cracker, this boy discovered it himself.
A guy (United States) who was living next door didnt like this family in the first place. but he cant actually kick them out because there was a whole neighbourhood (United Nation) watching. He found out what the boy had done, he didnt personally talk to the boy nor his parent, he just post out banners and signs in the center of the street that say "Ban this boy!" "This boy is going to kill us all with his weapon!" "Send him to Jail!" however this guy has over a ton of TNT in his backyard storage which he claimed that he is "legal" to have them for "security reason".
of course we dont know the detail about every little parts of the incident.

I believe what N.Korea is trying to show that "hey! we got a gun too, so dont mess with us!"
and US is like "hey he got a gun, kill him before he shoot!"

Is N.Korea right? personally No
how about US? Nope either, Bush mistreat them in the 1st place.

10-10-2006, 04:56 PM
North Korea wants power and respect in the international community. People tend to fuck with you less if you have severe capabilites.

Think of it like this. We're America, we've been working out for a long ass time but are starting to get old so we arent as strong anymore. We have to work harder to stay as fit. Korea just started working out and we dont like it. They could maybe beat us up! They are younger then us and dont follow the same rules, they are getting kinda strong so thats scary. We cant have them get near as strong as us or we're in deep shit. THen you have two solutions here, talk to them and be friends, friends dont get in fights very often. Or ignore them and pretend they do not exist.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. They are going to get a lot stronger behind our backs because they are going to keep working out and we do not have influence with them anymore if we were friends.

You could not be more wrong about North Korea. They are not strong at all as a country. Even if they had an ICBM that could reach the US, we would not consider them strong. Nukes != strength. Economically they are still in the shitter and would crumble if not for the huge amounts of foreign aid they receive from other countries such as South Korea and China.

They are developing nuclear technology not as a sign of their power but as a bargaining chip with which they can hopefully coerce foreign countries into giving them more aid. If you wanna make an analogy, North Korea isn't some young kid on the block buffing up and trying to hang with the old timers, it is some whiny mascara wearing Emo kid who cuts himself to get more attention from mommy and daddy.

10-10-2006, 06:28 PM
looks like Turkey need to go back and finish off North Korea....

10-10-2006, 09:22 PM
wow, the excess of politically aware and correct people on this board does not cease to amaze me. you should look in a little bit deeper before just going "woa wtf".

10-10-2006, 09:30 PM
i think kim jon il is doing this becuase this is the final resort he has, his people want to over throw him, the u.n has sanctions on top of sanctions and proving that he has nuclear technology, will show that he is not some one to push around. but it must not be that important because the news is showing more and more about what celeb got a new hair cut or who got married than showing minute to minute updates on a possible ww3

10-10-2006, 11:51 PM
wow, the excess of politically aware and correct people on this board does not cease to amaze me. you should look in a little bit deeper before just going "woa wtf".


That is why I refrain from posting in political threads...