View Full Version : Shine Street?

10-07-2006, 06:02 AM
Does anybody know what happened to Shine Street? I don't mean that they are gone but I was told a story that they changed owners.

The only reason I ask this is I deposited $1200 on a Uras kit and it took four months to arrive. It took me a month to finally find time to pick it up before "studying abroad" and they closed shop early that day. Unfortunately, I just got back and tried to pick up the kit but they don't know what happened to the kit even though all of the workers are still the same people. Any suggestions on what I could do? It has been a year and I really don't feel like donating $1200 to a car shop. It has been 2 weeks and they are "trying to find the kit". Damn I should've went RareTrick.

10-07-2006, 08:37 AM
got your bank statements? have a receipt? if they agree that you did purchase it, just get your money back, demand it politely....or you will be forced to get your attorney involved, which is your uncle.


10-07-2006, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the response. I have the reciept but not a bank statement (I guess I could request it). The only problem is they changed ownership. Is it the same, since they are still the same company but do not have the same merchants account?

10-07-2006, 09:39 PM
You should just go there and talk to them about it. If that does not resolve your problem. Then contact a lawyer.