View Full Version : Any "haunted" places in SoCal?

10-06-2006, 07:24 PM
Me and my friends want to go explore some "haunted" places during Halloween, but we don't know any. We know of Gravity Hill, but that's about it. Know any?


Don't ask why we wanna do this, we'll probabably be bored during Halloween and we've always wanted to do stuff like this.

10-06-2006, 07:30 PM
Check here and you should find something.

10-06-2006, 07:33 PM
Did the foot work for you

Pasadena - abandoned asylum - Off of Green St. Located right under suicide bridge. people have reported hearing voices, seeing orbs, and feelings of anger and feel very unwelcome. Doors have been reported to move on their own. Woman rumored to have killed herself unable to handle the voices after being at the asylum.

Pasadena - Angeles Crest - Old Hotel - On Lake St. where it ends near the mountains of Angeles Crest, there use to be a old hotel on the mountain, people have numerous things around the old ruins and around Echo mountain in Angeles Crest, where the hotel use to be.

Pasadena - the bridge of Fair Oaks Exit - A murder has occurred there, if you look carefully you can see a woman and her husband either dancing or fighting. Also at the front yard a girl has been seen about the age of 2 or 3 running around with a doll in her hand.

Pasadena - The Castle Green - There have been door knobs that turned when no one was in the hall, shadows passing under the doors, footsteps heard, faucets turned on in some apartments, heavy perfume smells, chains rattling. Some apartments are more haunted than others.

Pasadena - Green Street Hotel - It is said that a ghost woman has been seen on the very top floor of this hotel in an all white night gown.

Pasadena - haunted forest - Strange noises, and people following you can be heard there is a haunted house on the hills to and a mental hospital

Pasadena - The haunted mansion - nestled in the hills overlooking the Colorado bridge ( suicide bridge ) a old run down mansion zigzagged with caution tape and broken and boarded up windows reveals a lurky layer of ghost / ghost of wild animals and even voices

Pasadena - Rose Bowl parking lot - Around midnight a lady wearing a white wedding dress was seen walking towards visitors in the parking lot then disappears.

Pasadena - The Colorado St. and Scoville Bridges - Heard galloping horses; seen spirit coyotes surrounding a particular figure with some sort of head dress; and apparitions.

Pasadena - The Historic State Landmark Theater - Was once a College of the Performing Arts, and it has been reputedly haunted by the benevolent spirit of its founder, Gilmore Brown. Long after his death, and when the college was still aperating; the elevator in the classroom tower building would often stop without command on the floor where Mr. Brown's office was located. Many actors and technicians have felt a spirit watching the proceedings and one evening.

Pasadena - The Pasadena Playhouse - Once a school of theater arts and now a state historic landmark theater, is said to be haunted by the spirit of its founder, Gilmore Brown. The elevator mysteriously stopped and started, and often stopped for no reason on the floor of Mr. Brown's offices. Hear a distinct male voice saying "hello," but there is no one in the room.

Pasadena - The Ritz Carlton - Two guest were staying in a room sleeping. In the middle of the night, the women felt someone grab her leg from the end of the bed.

10-06-2006, 07:36 PM
Yea, I was just reading up on the Pasadena ones. I think I'll go check out:

Pasadena - Angeles Crest - Old Hotel - On Lake St. where it ends near the mountains of Angeles Crest, there use to be a old hotel on the mountain, people have numerous things around the old ruins and around Echo mountain in Angeles Crest, where the hotel use to be.

We want a place not near here, I'll go read some more. Thanks.

10-06-2006, 09:20 PM
crazy. i avoid haunted shit like the plague.

2iv0 sx
10-07-2006, 12:52 AM
Queen Mary in LONG BEACH this Sunday!!

10-07-2006, 02:17 AM
blackstar irvine is danm scary. go there at night with a baseball bat in hand ready to swing. i heard theres some cabin were witchcraft was performed but i never went that far. there are also some pretty nice canyon roads to cruise on.

Irvine - BlackStar Canyon - It's located behind Irvine park and the signs that say "no authorities will help you beyond this point" is a main reason why people don't go in. It's supposed to be home of the "KKK" and strange sightings and noises are heard such as running and screaming. Also lion type figures are said to be walking on the mountain tops. "Warning" If you do plan to go take flashlights because it's is freakishly dark (a sort of weapon would also be a good idea).

10-07-2006, 04:19 AM
Just reading those makes me un-easy. I'm a ghost wimp.

10-07-2006, 06:14 AM
Irvine - BlackStar Canyon - It's located behind Irvine park and the signs that say "no authorities will help you beyond this point" is a main reason why people don't go in. It's supposed to be home of the "KKK" and strange sightings and noises are heard such as running and screaming. Also lion type figures are said to be walking on the mountain tops. "Warning" If you do plan to go take flashlights because it's is freakishly dark (a sort of weapon would also be a good idea).

Sounds like fun! I'll tell my friends. I'm into stuff like this. For some reason, I don't get scared, I don't know why. I guess it's the adrenaline rush or something, :D

10-07-2006, 12:25 PM
from personal experience.... i've been to the haunted forrest... n although i still dont believe in ghost...... i saw something that night... n so did 2 of my other friends with me... as far and best i can describe it... it looked like dense fog in the shape of a person... and it moved.. hahaha.... it was about 50 yards out... and when i started to approach it... it started to violently vibrate and then kinda phased maybe 5 or so feet to the right.... i asked my friends if they saw "that" they whimpered out a yes.... i started to approach it... it did the vibration thing again... but this time dissappeared and reappeared about 10-15 feet closer.... needless to say... my friend booked it and ran...

but being the dumbass that i am... i again approached... and it did the same damn thing.. it vibrated and appeared even closer... by now.. i see it damn crystal clear... its fog... plain old fog.... in the shape of a freaking person... arms... legs... neck n head n all.... that was probally the most unusual thing i've ever seen... so i started to back up.... then it got closer... n thats about the time i ran like a lil bish......

im bringing my camera next time...

10-07-2006, 12:46 PM
i think... you can... just use spaces... or commas... instead... of typing... like this...

10-07-2006, 04:58 PM
Sounds like fun! I'll tell my friends. I'm into stuff like this. For some reason, I don't get scared, I don't know why. I guess it's the adrenaline rush or something, :D
Ive been there and seen them(KKK) and its not fun when they're chasing u down with huge trucks:eek3d: :axe: . I thought we were ganna die that day:bite: .

10-07-2006, 05:59 PM
i think... you can... just use spaces... or commas... instead... of typing... like this...

it adds suspense, dude hahahahhaa

10-07-2006, 06:38 PM
So where's this "haunted forest?" Is that the one off the end of Lake Ave?

10-07-2006, 06:58 PM
its just after the pokecenter

10-07-2006, 08:11 PM
my friend had a shotgun pulled on him at blackstar i wouldnt go there.

10-07-2006, 09:25 PM
wow, what's up with that place

10-08-2006, 01:44 AM
wow, what's up with that place

It is full of losers that don't want you messing up there, people hiding or crazy or whatever.

Blackstar is supposedly a dirt road anyway, and it is blocked off; you can only walk or ride a bike (unless you have bolt cutters :-)) Still wouldn't reccomend it, though.

its just after the pokecenter


There was a ghost where I used to work, but it just minded its own business. I saw one where I work now, but I only saw it out of the corner of my eye, didn't get to see what it looked like.

10-08-2006, 01:52 AM
Yeah, Blackstar = NOT a safe place to be. All the negative spiritual shit aside, there are some crazy motherfuckers up there.

If you like your life, avoid Blackstar.

10-08-2006, 02:25 AM
If you like your life, avoid Blackstar.
Damn, I do like my life. *crosses off Blackstar*

10-08-2006, 03:35 AM
"Gravity Hill" isn't haunted.

The slope of a gravity hill is an optical illusion, and gravity has nothing to do with it. Local guides may claim unexplained natural or even supernatural forces are at work, but the reality is less exotic. The most important factor contributing to the illusion is a completely or mostly obstructed horizon—without a horizon, judging the slope of a surface is difficult, as a reliable reference is missing. Objects one would normally assume to be more-or-less perpendicular to the ground (such as trees) may actually be leaning, offsetting the visual reference.

Theres "gravity hills" famous all over the country.

10-08-2006, 04:58 AM
yup. same shit with the 'Mystery Spot' here in Santa Cruz.

but dude... you're killing the experience for other people lol

10-08-2006, 05:38 AM
Wait....did anybody else see this? I like this ghost...

Hayward - Vic Hubbards - An Employee was killed by a dropped engine block, some employee's say he haunts the warehouse behind the shop. Haunting includes "clowning on ricers", "stealing altezza lights"

I shiet you not, thats in there!!!

10-08-2006, 12:06 PM
:rofl: .

10-08-2006, 04:44 PM
i'v looked for a few of these gravity hills, but haven't seemed to found one that works... =\

10-08-2006, 05:04 PM
Me and my friends want to go explore some "haunted" places during Halloween, but we don't know any. We know of Gravity Hill, but that's about it. Know any?


Don't ask why we wanna do this, we'll probabably be bored during Halloween and we've always wanted to do stuff like this.

yah theres suppose to be one around here, beaumont or something I think, Its near an abandoned carehouse, its pretty creepy I hear.... let your car get all dusty so you can see the hand prints afterwards... creeps the girls out :keke:

10-08-2006, 06:03 PM
Wait....did anybody else see this? I like this ghost...

Hayward - Vic Hubbards - An Employee was killed by a dropped engine block, some employee's say he haunts the warehouse behind the shop. Haunting includes "clowning on ricers", "stealing altezza lights"

I shiet you not, thats in there!!!
Holy shit, that really is in there! :rofl:

10-08-2006, 06:43 PM
Alot of them on there sound kinda bs.

10-08-2006, 09:04 PM
wow.... all this talk of haunted shit is creeping me out... giving me the heebie jeebies. :(

10-09-2006, 12:45 PM
Alot of them on there sound kinda bs.

yeah, they do. Read the Ghost Hunting 101, it is pretty funny.

10-09-2006, 01:40 PM
wont be surprised if some are fake jus so people can advertise or get publicity

look my work is on here hahah

Riverside - The Press Enterprise - Reports of an old lady walking in the hallway near the old pressroom, and disappears as she passes by. Doors of the Restroom stalls slam shut then lock by there self as you watch. and tapping on the right shoulder then instantly feeling very cold.

i have no idea where hte old pressroom is, cuz i work upstairs in customer service and we gonna be movin into a new building next year, would be creapy tho. They always post rememberance flyers aorund the building whenever some senior worker passes away.

10-09-2006, 01:48 PM
hey simoun come down to riverside me and robby will show u around haha

Riverside - Mission Inn - The Mission Inn is an older, semi-spooky (yet extremely classy and pricey) hotel. While guests of the Inn may enjoy modern amenities such as an outdoor Olympic sized pool and fitness center, the catacombs that run underneath the building heading in the direction of Mt. Rubidoux are now closed. As one current employee of the Inn remembers, an older gentleman was once given a room in one of the upper stories of the building, as there were no lower floor rooms available due to construction. The next morning, when the gentleman was asked if his accommodations were adequate, he replied, "All was fine, especially the woman singing beautifully in the next room." He was the only tenant on that floor. This place is haunted by the Millers. The Mission Inn Hotel was originally a 12 room cottage where the pool now sits. The existing structure of the hotel was begun in 1900 and completed in approximately 1947. Owned first by C.C. Miller and sold to his son, Frank, in 1900. Frank's sister, Alice, managed the hotel until her death in the late '40s.

Riverside - Mission Inn - 215 - reports of blue lights the size of a bowling ball has been reported inside room 215.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Alice Miller's ('Aunt Alice') room - 4th floor, south east corner. This two-level room is very active. Reports of cold spots, touches, apparitions. Strong presence of Alice.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Bridal/Honeymoon Suite - Across from Alice Miller's room. Multiple reports of being pushed down the spiral staircase of this two-level room. In 1993, a couple on their honeymoon night checked out of the room just after midnight after reportedly being pushed on the stairwell.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Catacombs - Once an underground museum, this area was closed to the public when the hotel was re-opened in 1992. There was an enormous amount of activity in the area of the foyer during the years immediately following the hotel's re-opening. The hotel's comptroller at re-opening resigned after seeing someone in this area late one evening.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Frank Miller's Room - 4th floor, north east corner. One of the only rooms not restored during the closure of the hotel from 1985 to 1992. Possibly now a banquet room at the end of Author's Row. Strong presence of Mr. Miller.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Hallways - numerous sightings of vanishing guests along hallways throughout hotel, particularly along Author's Row, covered hallway near Alice Miller's room, 2nd and 4th floor hallways (east-to-west) parallel to pool, service area hallway behind Mission dining room.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Mission Dining Room (a.k.a. 'Spanish Dining Room') - Apparition seen traveling near ceiling from entrance wall, near the patio, to the far back wall (south to north).

Riverside - Mission Inn - Rotunda - limited sightings. Area was closed to public after re-opening but has since opened to retail space around 1997 or 1998.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Spanish Patio - strong presences felt throughout, particularly in north-east cloister near the Lincoln bust. Mission-themed Glockenspiel was designed by Alice Miller who died just before it was completed. The clock is notorious for misbehaving.

Riverside - Mission Inn - St. Francis Chapel Courtyard - strong presences experienced near left end of Flyer's Wall memorial.

Riverside - Mission Inn - Storage Building behind hotel (north side) - Attached by a small bridge to the main structure of the hotel, this small building has been closed to the public since re-opening with limited employee access. Numerous accounts of sightings and unexplained noises. A construction worker reportedly lost his life during reconstruction in the late '80s in this building.

I wouldnt be surprised about hte mission inn.. that place can be creapy, esp since its an old ass hotel

10-09-2006, 01:55 PM
Riverside - Riverside Cemetery - This cemetery is an extremely old burial site that is now owned by Riverside Parks and Recreation. The grounds are run down and not well kept, complete with fallen headstones that lie haphazardly amongst the final resting places of the dead. Residents of the area (breathing, flesh and blood residents, that is) live a mere 50 feet from the graveyard! Add to this creepy scene the irony of a "One Way" sign situated across from the cemetery that glows eerily without the aid of streetlights.

my friend lives like a block away from this.. he said its freaking creepy he never walks thru there at night

10-09-2006, 02:15 PM
i'v looked for a few of these gravity hills, but haven't seemed to found one that works... =\

there's one really cool gravity spot off the 805 freeway in S.D. not sure what the exit is (iirc kearney mesa) but if you get stopped at the light after exiting (its a downward slope) and put your car in neutral, you're going to feel the car rolling backwards up the hill.:fart:

10-10-2006, 12:17 AM
Austin, I'm always around your area... lol

10-10-2006, 04:32 AM
You wanna get freaked out at night?
Go to Fullerton. Find the bridal trails (off of Euclid, between Malvern and Bastenchury). Take a walk through there between 1 and 5 am. Spefically, the little "play area" where theres an old rope swing and the remnants of an old treehouse...

I'll warn you now, there's a good chance that you'll be chased out. Not by people or animals though, if you know what I mean.

Take flashlights and big fucking sticks with you just to be on the safe side.

10-10-2006, 11:56 AM
dang i wanna go check this stuff out now haha

10-10-2006, 12:01 PM
im down, I use to run around the tops of the mission in as I was a kid, There are so many little hallways and places,

The creepist thing I know about its that there is a underground walkway system that goes from the mission inn and other old places to town hall. I went down inside when they were revamping the courthouse... fuck its creepy,, plus the fact that I wasnt suppose to be in there... etc.

10-10-2006, 12:55 PM
Sounds good soreballz! I'll check that out, haha.

Oh yea, me and my friends are going to Unversal Studios on the 28th. It's going to be a special event. The whole park will be transformed into a "horror movie." Details here..

Details (http://www.halloweenhorrornights.com/hollywood/eventinfo.html)

FAQ (http://www.halloweenhorrornights.com/hollywood/faq.html)

If you take the tram ride, they'll drive you to the backlot, where all the backdrops are, and will leave you there, in the darkness, you'll have to find your way back to the main park.

10-10-2006, 01:40 PM
sick! damn Im down for that let me know what your gonna do!

10-10-2006, 03:08 PM
Yeah, Blackstar = NOT a safe place to be. All the negative spiritual shit aside, there are some crazy motherfuckers up there.

If you like your life, avoid Blackstar.

"Orange County - Black Star Canyon - The site of multiple Indian massacres dating back to the time of Spanish occupation, Blackstar Canyon is home to many strange phenomena. Indians said to have been spotted both roaming the ridges on horseback and walking the creek for a few steps before disappearing completely. Many night hikers report the feeling of being watched, and the sounds of an invisible presence pacing them shortly off the trail. Screams and howls haunt the night along with the faint chants of an age and people long past. Note: If you are planning an expedition to Blackstar Canyon, travel in groups as it is a very dangerous place, and pay no mind to the homemade "Private Property" signs. The Orange County Sheriffs Office has confirmed that all of the trail is in fact open to the public, and those signs were hung some time ago by squatters attempting to keep people off the land. "

very true, me and a cupple friends been up there a cupple times, we made it threw the whole canyon and hike down the closed off road, only walk about 5min down the road untill we started hearing things, go scard and walk back to our cars and cruise back until we saw a big truck following us, at one point he shot at us. the truck followed us all the way out the canyon to the straight road. about 2mins of 100mph+ on the straight road then he was gone, pretty scary stuff. never going back there again.

10-10-2006, 09:06 PM
dam are you guys serious??? thats one of those "hmm i wanna know if thats true"... but i should have to take your words for it.

10-10-2006, 11:55 PM
Riverside - Mission Inn - 215 - reports of blue lights the size of a bowling ball has been reported inside room 215.

=LSD (no, not the car part). The rest sounds cool, if I can believe all of it.

very true, me and a cupple friends been up there a cupple times, we made it threw the whole canyon and hike down the closed off road, only walk about 5min down the road untill we started hearing things, go scard and walk back to our cars and cruise back until we saw a big truck following us, at one point he shot at us. the truck followed us all the way out the canyon to the straight road. about 2mins of 100mph+ on the straight road then he was gone, pretty scary stuff. never going back there again.

dam are you guys serious??? thats one of those "hmm i wanna know if thats true"... but i should have to take your words for it.

Yeah, it is true, "there are some crazy motherfuckers up there." I wouldn't bother finding out whether it is true or not. I drove there three times with my friend, and the last time there were some crazy looking people in crappy trucks outside the gate (closed, like always), just kind of hanging out. They looked like annoyed, but anxious, when I showed up, but not the good kind of look, so I drifted a U-Turn and hauled out of there. They were heading for their trucks when I looked back, and before they were out of sight they were starting to follow me. Lucky I had a lead on them, and a fast car :-P Not going back there anytime soon. . . although, it was exhillarating (however it is spelled)!

The road in blackstar looks awesome, though! if you look on google maps, the road is so windy it is crazy!
Here is the link:

wow that's a long link

10-11-2006, 02:37 AM
yeah its a pretty long and cool canyon road to drive on, pretty easy for newbies. good practice but i'll do it some where safer lol.

10-11-2006, 11:17 AM
I say you dont go to the pasadana mental hospital or any of those cause last time i went there was mad cops just chilllin up there waiting for people to go... not good scary though

10-11-2006, 01:17 PM
try gauster park ( <----spelling) its in asuza off the 60 i think. theres a park up there that is fenced off at night. the was some guy who would take and kill little kids from the park up in the hills. before they had those mesh fences with a whole cut where ppl got in, but last time i went about a month ago there had put a big iron fence all around the park. u can still jump it but it would be a little harder to do so. if u get in u began to walk up the road that leads to the park and the parking lot. its pitch black btw. when u get the play area its all lit up by the moonlight. u see a little tower and the sing sets. keep going and ull get to the trails that lead up the hills. i never went all the way up because im a big pussy but it is pretty creepy. lots of hot spots and i think it was just me but u get feelings like ur being followed.

as for (activity) ppl say usually theres a little ghost of a kid who greets u and tell u to follow him or go in a certain direction. (ive never seen him) and ppl have said to have been chased out by a guy with a knife. (again ive never seen him) i went in a group of 5 or 6 and we all had stick and bats =) and flash nights. its a pretty kool place...

10-11-2006, 02:09 PM
try gauster park ( <----spelling) its in asuza off the 60 i think. theres a park up there that is fenced off at night. the was some guy who would take and kill little kids from the park up in the hills. before they had those mesh fences with a whole cut where ppl got in, but last time i went about a month ago there had put a big iron fence all around the park. u can still jump it but it would be a little harder to do so. if u get in u began to walk up the road that leads to the park and the parking lot. its pitch black btw. when u get the play area its all lit up by the moonlight. u see a little tower and the sing sets. keep going and ull get to the trails that lead up the hills. i never went all the way up because im a big pussy but it is pretty creepy. lots of hot spots and i think it was just me but u get feelings like ur being followed.

as for (activity) ppl say usually theres a little ghost of a kid who greets u and tell u to follow him or go in a certain direction. (ive never seen him) and ppl have said to have been chased out by a guy with a knife. (again ive never seen him) i went in a group of 5 or 6 and we all had stick and bats =) and flash nights. its a pretty kool place...

Yeah..I live not too far from that park. A lot of my friends went up there and all had a very bad experienced. My friend..she got pushed and got bruised all over her arms. Almost 7 out of 10 of my friends doesn't like that place after. I heard a lot of stories about the little girl, but none of my friend witness it.

10-11-2006, 03:47 PM
galster park is off of the 10. Be carefull of the crazy spiders that make webs on the paths, those things are huge. There are usually a bunch of hoodlums there at night.

10-12-2006, 06:59 PM
ugh, I hate spiders. My friends found a black widow yesterday . . . that thing was nasty. . . anyway, I want to check that out. Too bad it is so far away!

10-12-2006, 07:19 PM
Ahhhhhh Blackstar... Fun stuff! I've heard plenty of stories from friends and friends of friends about good ol Blackstar. So about 3 years ago, we all decided to go. I got a large group of us and we brought flashlights. When we got there around midnight, there were some other kids there too who wanted to see what it was like. It was funny cuz they were drunk lil kids and one of them had a samurai sword. lol. They went ahead and got too scared for some reason and immediately left. My group went ahead and we ended up walking for a good 30mins of just pitch black darkness. I don't know what it was but I think my mind was playing tricks on me. It was sooo dark even with the flashlight, I felt like someone was watching and following us the whole time. The girls got freaked out so we had to turn back. My other friend said if you go in far enough, there is a house that he's been too that is supposed to be extremely freaky.

10-13-2006, 03:08 AM
I don't know what it was but I think my mind was playing tricks on me. It was sooo dark even with the flashlight, I felt like someone was watching and following us the whole time.
Haha, that wasn't just your mind playing tricks on you, mang.

10-13-2006, 09:36 AM
Haha, that wasn't just your mind playing tricks on you, mang.

So i hear but as you're walking whenever u stop the feeling of something following you stops. I wanted to see something damnit!! But to no avail, we scared the shit out of the girls and we had to go back b/c they didn't want to go further.

10-13-2006, 12:47 PM
well, you could go anywhere that is dark like that and you would get the feeling that somebody is following you. . .

10-13-2006, 03:51 PM
You wanna get freaked out at night?
Go to Fullerton. Find the bridal trails (off of Euclid, between Malvern and Bastenchury). Take a walk through there between 1 and 5 am. Spefically, the little "play area" where theres an old rope swing and the remnants of an old treehouse...

I'll warn you now, there's a good chance that you'll be chased out. Not by people or animals though, if you know what I mean.

Take flashlights and big fucking sticks with you just to be on the safe side.

Sweet. I know exactly where that is. ride through there all the time on my mountain bike. maybe Ill stroll through there this weekend on sat. night. :bite:

10-29-2006, 01:17 AM
In reference to the:

Haunted Forest in Pasadena:

Not so haunted. My friends and I used to go every other night because we loved hiking and almost 9 years ago they never closed off the road up there (from the bottom where you start, the usual yellow gate that blocks the fireroad is always there.) Anyway towards the left down back the hill is a camp ground.

Nothing so spooky really, we used to trailblaze all the time out there, sometimes 4 of us up to 12 of us. We went to the creak down below played with frogs an such... No spooky nonsense. I guess if you're state of mind is wanting or expecting to get spooked out then you'll spook yourself out. (I'm not saying there is no such thing as the super natural)

We got lost on the way up to the "old railroads / hotel / or whatever is along the way..."

But anywho, the scariest we seen was a lizard run on the fireroad and climb on my friends foot. He screamed, we screamed... bunch of wusses :(

10-29-2006, 02:40 AM
San Diego~ Hotel Del, The wife suppossedly comitted suicide there before it was finished...

10-29-2006, 02:45 AM
Oh and Redlands, the cemetary up on sunset...they have witches burried up there that were trying to escape from the witch trials....My sis and I were up there one halloween, her car died. Freaky ass shit. Totally creepy feeling.

10-29-2006, 03:46 AM
Yeah..I live not too far from that park. A lot of my friends went up there and all had a very bad experienced. My friend..she got pushed and got bruised all over her arms. Almost 7 out of 10 of my friends doesn't like that place after. I heard a lot of stories about the little girl, but none of my friend witness it.

yea ive been there some good shit going on there get through the fence and just explore. me and my friends made it to the playground till we started seeing shit and hearing crap. that tower especially looks scary. and up the trail supposedly it leads to the killers house where he took all the children

10-29-2006, 11:14 AM
Wait....did anybody else see this? I like this ghost...

Hayward - Vic Hubbards - An Employee was killed by a dropped engine block, some employee's say he haunts the warehouse behind the shop. Haunting includes "clowning on ricers", "stealing altezza lights"

I shiet you not, thats in there!!!
hahaha thats the coolest ghost ever hahaim lovin it:)

10-29-2006, 02:53 PM
$1.07 on a credit card.

10-31-2006, 08:48 PM
Hey, these ghosts follow us!!!!

"Local ghost hunter says they're all around us
COEUR d'ALENE -- A grown and lonely man followed a little boy home and didn't want to leave.

The trouble was, the man was dead.

In most of the books published about documented true hauntings -- those places where tenants are overwhelmed by the uneasy feeling that there are more people in their house than they can logically account for -- the entity, or the spirit, or the presence, has already taken up residence.


Like the furnace or the fireplace, it just came with the house.

But according to local psychic and ghost hunter Ann Inman, spirits are all around us, like the specters Haley Joel Osment saw drifting around him in M. Night Shyamalan's spectacularly spooky success, "The Sixth Sense."

And sometimes, she says, they just latch onto you....."


10-31-2006, 10:45 PM
Hey Romeo,
You finish the xfile on all those pasadena sites yet? Im curious and down to go.

I'm a big wussy though.

10-31-2006, 10:47 PM
Actually, we're going out to some of those places around 10:30 tonight.

07-22-2007, 12:05 AM
I decided to bump this thread and give a recap of the places I explored. I'm going to give each place a rating from 1-5. 1 being lame, and 5 being the freakiest/scariest thing I've ever experienced.

Enchanted Forest- Pasadena
My friends and I went to this spot about a month ago. It was around 11pm. Drove up Lake Blvd. and parked our cars at the bottom of the hill. Walked up and a strange wind blew past us. It was strange in the sense that it was a windless night. We went through the gate into "the forest." Walked about half a mile into the pathway when I saw a white "thing" floating. My other friend saw it too and we stopped dead in our tracks. We just silently stood there, freaked out as hell. What it turned out to be, was a very thick patch of fog, about 10 feet wide. Then it disappeared. We ran as fast as we can back to our cars. My friend told us he saw a red orb-like object floating a couple feet from the fog we saw. I have no idea what that was... but I want to go back, with a video camera next time.
Rating of 4

The Fair Oaks Bridge- Pasadena
Went here right after the Enchanted Forest trip. Didn't see anything.
Rating of 1

Los Amigos Hospital- Downey
Went to this one last night. Got to the place around 11:45pm. Scoped out the place just to fnd that a police sub-station was right next to it. We parked far away from the hospital into the neighborhood. We walked and saw all the windows boarded up, and alot of them broken and shattered. There was a big NO TRESPASSING sign, but we still went in. Walked around, nothing major happened. It was too bright out also. Went into this one room and it had a wooden staircase. I wanted to go and climb it so I got my flashlight from my friend and went up. I got to the top to find......... nothing. :(
We passed by a building with a big red X spray painted on the doors, but it was closed. We then went into this open room called "Rehabilitation Engineering" (most of the doors in the place were locked). Trash was everywhere. We look outside through the window and see a police car with the spotlight on searching the place, since I guess they saw the light from our flashlight. We suddenly ducked and waited for them to pass. After that, we ran as fast as we can through the driveways. We got to one end of it, where we spot the police car. We suddenly turn right and hide between a patch of bushes. we were all wearing dark clothing so it was hard to see us. The spotlight lit up the bush next to us. We then waited for them to leave. My friends then got up and started to walk towards the exit. I got up but I felt something hold me down, I don't know if I was just tired, but I felt something on top of me. I just shrugged it off and walked it off. We then went back to our car.

Here are some crappy pics with a digi-cam I had. I took them from the car as we drove by. All the other pics I took were too dark to see anything.

Rehabilitation Engineering building

hospital sign, at entrance

Rating of 3

I still haven't found a place where I've been spoofed/freaked out.

07-22-2007, 10:32 AM
^ before they boarded up the place.. there's an auditorium looking building where you head up a flight of stairs and there's a light shining over a telephone that rings.. no joke! never had the balls to pick it up in fear of what or who would be on the other line..

07-22-2007, 11:50 AM
Most def wanna check some of these places out... From what i have heard... With blackstary canyon there were two guys that felt as if they had to protect the place so they were out there and one did have a gun... they would say that you were trespassing and to get off the property when its a public road. I guess the cops went up there in normal clothes and provoked the guy then arrested him... So it might be okay to do the Blackstar Canyon one now but I am not sure... any updates on this one from anyone?

07-22-2007, 01:36 PM
stop going when your drunk foo. jk <3

07-22-2007, 02:26 PM
^ before they boarded up the place.. there's an auditorium looking building where you head up a flight of stairs and there's a light shining over a telephone that rings.. no joke! never had the balls to pick it up in fear of what or who would be on the other line..Yea, my friend told me about that, but we never found the building.

07-22-2007, 02:54 PM
damn im down for some summer night adventure

07-22-2007, 03:09 PM
Anyone ever been to Cooper house in Chino?

Heres the story:

07-22-2007, 03:55 PM

Come to my backyard @ night.

07-22-2007, 05:06 PM
Ive been there and seen them(KKK) and its not fun when they're chasing u down with huge trucks:eek3d: :axe: . I thought we were ganna die that day:bite: .

wow for real?? I live about 10mins away from blackstar so when I was in high school I heard about that kind of shit but didn't know it really happened :aw:


07-23-2007, 01:13 AM
Most def wanna check some of these places out... From what i have heard... With blackstary canyon there were two guys that felt as if they had to protect the place so they were out there and one did have a gun... they would say that you were trespassing and to get off the property when its a public road. I guess the cops went up there in normal clothes and provoked the guy then arrested him... So it might be okay to do the Blackstar Canyon one now but I am not sure... any updates on this one from anyone?
There are alot more than just two angry fucktards at Blackstar.

No bueno, not safe, stay away. Its for your health.

07-29-2007, 12:52 AM
So, sorry for bumping this thread up but i got a few stories.
For the past few days a group of friends and I have been exploring a few places in Irvine.

1. Abandoned military training camp- off Irvine Blvd and Puran
So i went there friday night. Half of my group were chicken and the other half and I decided to go explore. To our disappointment the gate was locked. As were were walking around the perimeter we see lights flashing and neons turning on and off. Also saw objects moving in cracks of light. All of a sudden, a truck pulls up to the other side of the gate and we all decide to go back to the cars. the truck stayed there and it seemed kind of sketchy so we drove off. we did a u-turn down and came back. the truck was gone. then it came to our attention that the truck had gone through the fence and was next to us. my friend said it was irvine police so we immediately left. later on another friend said it was a beat up truck. not irvine police(freaky?)

edit: just found this link. you guys should read the report...

2. Woodbridge High School.
Saturday night, we decided to search the school. Supposedly there's some black ghost that goes around knocking over stuff like trash cans and whatnot. Well, we were disappointed after half an hour of walking through the school. but as we left i guess all our minds played tricks on us. In the distance we saw a figure on a light skinned male wearing black sitting on the rail. really freaky shit.
probably was the trees and shadows but i also saw a black figure move side to side.

still want to find a really freaky place though. Definately not going to black star....:boink:

07-30-2007, 12:14 PM
Im down for the ghost hunt saturday night cruised palos verdes. And latigo canyon only saw a deer.

08-08-2007, 02:27 AM
I decided to bump this thread and give a recap of the places I explored. I'm going to give each place a rating from 1-5. 1 being lame, and 5 being the freakiest/scariest thing I've ever experienced.

Enchanted Forest- Pasadena
My friends and I went to this spot about a month ago. It was around 11pm. Drove up Lake Blvd. and parked our cars at the bottom of the hill. Walked up and a strange wind blew past us. It was strange in the sense that it was a windless night. We went through the gate into "the forest." Walked about half a mile into the pathway when I saw a white "thing" floating. My other friend saw it too and we stopped dead in our tracks. We just silently stood there, freaked out as hell. What it turned out to be, was a very thick patch of fog, about 10 feet wide. Then it disappeared. We ran as fast as we can back to our cars. My friend told us he saw a red orb-like object floating a couple feet from the fog we saw. I have no idea what that was... but I want to go back, with a video camera next time.
Rating of 4

The Fair Oaks Bridge- Pasadena
Went here right after the Enchanted Forest trip. Didn't see anything.
Rating of 1

Los Amigos Hospital- Downey
Went to this one last night. Got to the place around 11:45pm. Scoped out the place just to fnd that a police sub-station was right next to it. We parked far away from the hospital into the neighborhood. We walked and saw all the windows boarded up, and alot of them broken and shattered. There was a big NO TRESPASSING sign, but we still went in. Walked around, nothing major happened. It was too bright out also. Went into this one room and it had a wooden staircase. I wanted to go and climb it so I got my flashlight from my friend and went up. I got to the top to find......... nothing. :(
We passed by a building with a big red X spray painted on the doors, but it was closed. We then went into this open room called "Rehabilitation Engineering" (most of the doors in the place were locked). Trash was everywhere. We look outside through the window and see a police car with the spotlight on searching the place, since I guess they saw the light from our flashlight. We suddenly ducked and waited for them to pass. After that, we ran as fast as we can through the driveways. We got to one end of it, where we spot the police car. We suddenly turn right and hide between a patch of bushes. we were all wearing dark clothing so it was hard to see us. The spotlight lit up the bush next to us. We then waited for them to leave. My friends then got up and started to walk towards the exit. I got up but I felt something hold me down, I don't know if I was just tired, but I felt something on top of me. I just shrugged it off and walked it off. We then went back to our car.

Here are some crappy pics with a digi-cam I had. I took them from the car as we drove by. All the other pics I took were too dark to see anything.

I still haven't found a place where I've been spoofed/freaked out.

You were in the wrong place. Go across the street behind some bank that's there. There's an old mental hospital that's boarded up. A really good friend of mine (that, BTW, does not scare easily) said when we were in high school he went there with his friend. They were walking around and stuff, and they ended up in some room, where a girl and her boyfriend were there making out. They went in, and they said sorry for interrupting, and when they turned around to leave, they saw an old man across the hall, staring at them and walking towards them. They ducked back inside the room and started yelling at the couple to run, and the guy took off, closing the door and leaving the girl there. (Effed up, I know.) My friend went to go open the door and it wouldn't open. The friend grabbed a piece of wood and broke open the window trying to get out, and the girl all of a sudden froze with her mouth open, and they were trying to get her to move but she was frozen stiff. My friend said when they touched her she was ice cold. He ended up having to slap her to get her back, and she started screaming that the man was inside the door, but they couldn't see him. They finally got her through the window, and they walked her home. Freaky shit.

But yea, go there instead. Investigate.

08-08-2007, 05:54 AM
Yea, we were in that place. There's a fence surrounding the whole hospital and mostly all the windows were boarded.

08-08-2007, 07:39 PM
^I wouldn't know exactly where to go, as I've never been there. I'll try to ask my friend where exactly he was, and maybe one day you can go back and see if you find what they saw that night.

(For the record, I'd never go there just because I value my life and don't feel like being scared into insanity.)

08-09-2007, 03:30 AM
Just reading this stuff gives me the creeps. I don't know how you guys can check it out for fun. It's freaking scary as hell. 240 meet at night in one of these places yo? =D

p.s jk

08-11-2007, 10:57 PM

08-16-2007, 06:39 PM
in moreno valley off of nason street there is this hill that if you put your car in neutral, the ghosts of kids will push your car up the hill. if you put baby powder on the trunk of your car, you can see the outline of their fingers.

what happened there b4 was that a school bus crashed and then all the kids on the bus died.

something like that. haha

08-16-2007, 06:42 PM
It's called a gravity hill. Nothing but a natural optical illusion.

08-19-2007, 07:33 PM
^^^^^ a few post up. we call it looneyville" i have been there and we acutally we freaked the fuck out there are some strange sounds in there. but we didnt see anything, u just have to be careful no to be caught trasspassing

08-20-2007, 05:20 AM
zilvia mission to gravity hill? lol

I've gone up to the cemetery with friends late at night but weren't able to do the whole gravity hill thing. Didn't see anything strange, but whether you come down through Kagel Canyon or Lopez Dr. you seem to be going much faster then what your speedometer reads.

09-05-2007, 04:15 AM
Oh and Redlands, the cemetary up on sunset...they have witches burried up there that were trying to escape from the witch trials....My sis and I were up there one halloween, her car died. Freaky ass shit. Totally creepy feeling.

negative ghost rider, i used to practically live ther with my friends just baller ass house around and a plain old cemetery:ghey:

09-05-2007, 11:17 AM
man youre nuts! i used to live in a 210 year old house that was used for the underground railroad back in the day...talk about seeing some crazy shit...

keep us updated!!!

09-06-2007, 04:45 AM

Me and my friends went tonight to Wayfarer Church in Palos Verdes, on the PCH. This church was where Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio were married. It's made almost entirely of glass. We were just down by the entrance to it. There are stairs about 200 feet away. I look by a tree and I see a little white thing drop from the sky. I knew it wasn't a leaf, because it fell around 50 feet from the nearest tree. I looked on the ground where it dropped and I didn't see anything. My friend (who has a nack for "seeing" things) tells us to look at the stairs. He wasn't even looking himself, his face was down. We all look and we see this black figure slowly moving down. We were like OH SHIT, then all of a sudden, we heard a loud THUD. We all ran as fast as we can to our cars and left.

We are going back there again with more people. :)

09-06-2007, 09:06 PM

Me and my friends went tonight to Wayfarer Church in Palos Verdes, on the PCH. This church was where Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio were married. It's made almost entirely of glass. We were just down by the entrance to it. There are stairs about 200 feet away. I look by a tree and I see a little white thing drop from the sky. I knew it wasn't a leaf, because it fell around 50 feet from the nearest tree. I looked on the ground where it dropped and I didn't see anything. My friend (who has a nack for "seeing" things) tells us to look at the stairs. He wasn't even looking himself, his face was down. We all look and we see this black figure slowly moving down. We were like OH SHIT, then all of a sudden, we heard a loud THUD. We all ran as fast as we can to our cars and left.

We are going back there again with more people. :)

Hit me up next time you go!!!!!!! =D

09-07-2007, 01:59 AM

Me and my friends went tonight to Wayfarer Church in Palos Verdes, on the PCH. This church was where Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio were married. It's made almost entirely of glass. We were just down by the entrance to it. There are stairs about 200 feet away. I look by a tree and I see a little white thing drop from the sky. I knew it wasn't a leaf, because it fell around 50 feet from the nearest tree. I looked on the ground where it dropped and I didn't see anything. My friend (who has a nack for "seeing" things) tells us to look at the stairs. He wasn't even looking himself, his face was down. We all look and we see this black figure slowly moving down. We were like OH SHIT, then all of a sudden, we heard a loud THUD. We all ran as fast as we can to our cars and left.

We are going back there again with more people. :)

I'm usually not down for shit like that, but I'm curious about stuff that has to do with Marilyn Monroe. They say she haunts that place. PM me when you're going again- I wanna come too.

FYI- Try this site- http://theshadowlands.net/places/california.htm it has a lot of places all over CA that are haunted.

09-07-2007, 02:53 PM
We're all rolling deep tonight, around 11-12.

DRavens13, I've been to that site, alot of them are just fake, made-up stories.

09-07-2007, 03:12 PM
We're all rolling deep tonight, around 11-12.

if you go through portugese bend, look for the jogger. me and my friend saw him w/a dog and got scared as shit. i gunned it (driving) and left the other car in the dust. when my friend pulled up they said they didnt see him. :confused: weird. and if you can get into the neighborhood that's gated, its pretty creepy up there to. you'll hear what sounds like lil kids saying "help".

have fun.

09-07-2007, 03:50 PM
Heard about that place, something to do with mansions correct? There was a story of a wife who killed her whole family, including the dogs. Now when you pass by the mansion, you'll see glowing dogs and will hear little kids yelling HELP.

09-07-2007, 07:30 PM
akademikone, you should make like a youtube series. that'll be sick.

09-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Haha. We might bring a video camera tonight, if we can use our friend's.

09-07-2007, 07:48 PM
Wish I could go, but I'm working tonight. It'll have to be a weekend thing.

09-07-2007, 08:20 PM
Haha. We might bring a video camera tonight, if we can use our friend's.

if i wasn't working tomorrow I would so be down to bring a video camera! damn it!

09-08-2007, 06:17 PM
I want to go on ghost hunts :(

few friends and I went to gravity hill yesterday and found the spot where even though you're in "D" it just pushes/pulls you backwards. Plus I didn't touch the acceleration pedal once the whole way down and it would pick up in speed the whole time. Even at the very end I was going around 45 mph.

09-09-2007, 12:21 PM
blackstar irvine is danm scary. go there at night with a baseball bat in hand ready to swing. i heard theres some cabin were witchcraft was performed but i never went that far. there are also some pretty nice canyon roads to cruise on.

Irvine - BlackStar Canyon - It's located behind Irvine park and the signs that say "no authorities will help you beyond this point" is a main reason why people don't go in. It's supposed to be home of the "KKK" and strange sightings and noises are heard such as running and screaming. Also lion type figures are said to be walking on the mountain tops. "Warning" If you do plan to go take flashlights because it's is freakishly dark (a sort of weapon would also be a good idea).

I went there, it was fuckin scary. haha no lights or anything but I think I saw some ppl(may be KKK members?) there too. Isnt it near by the signal hill? The last time I went there was two~three years ago.

09-09-2007, 01:22 PM
just fly over here and visit me....I go to school in salem MA, halloween is nuts here people walk around dressed like witches all year round and theres obviously a shit load of places that are supposedly haunted

09-09-2007, 05:08 PM
Here's a reputation comment left to me by my biggest fan:
http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gif Any "haunted"... 09-08-2007 09:01 PM Grenade180sx your such a fag, wanna be music artist, FUCK YOU-JDA$H

Grenade180sx, you do know I CAN SEE WHOEVER LEFT ME REP right? Hahahaha you're an idiot.

Don't you look stupid now.

09-09-2007, 07:27 PM
haha, thats a cute grey block...

09-09-2007, 07:30 PM
He tried to leave me negative rep posing as JDASH, not knowing I can see who really left me rep.


09-10-2007, 02:00 AM
He tried to leave me negative rep posing as JDASH, not knowing I can see who really left me rep.


:bowdown: caught in action:whip:

09-11-2007, 03:14 PM
Any interesting places to explore in vegas? I've never really heard of many places like that here :/

09-11-2007, 03:24 PM