View Full Version : S14 Maf Problems With No Answers

09-29-2006, 09:44 AM
I have a problem with my 1995 240sx... I have read dozens of threads but non with the exact symptoms...
OK, I had put a new clutch into the car and went to take it on the test drive and things were awesome and about a mile down the road it started to sputter...and contiually got worse until I returned home and shut it down...
I then checked the Sensor on the top of the trans and its connected and not broken....so I had a friend put his OBD reader on it and it reads a
p100 code MAF malfuntion
We read the voltage coming from it and at ilde it varies like an o2 sensor...WAY to both sides of the extremes....
I went to try a new MAF and it was not any better in fact I check the voltage on the new one and it reads ZERO....all the time.
The car will barely idle and runs RIIIICH.
If I turn the AC on its a bit better at idle but I cannot drive it
all the sensors I have tried are now reading ZERO voltage....im lost.....can anyone help..

09-29-2006, 10:10 AM
Ok I have just tried my friends AUTO s14 ECU and the car doesnt run any better and it still reads 0 lbs/min from the MAF

10-01-2006, 02:38 AM
possibly crap mafs, incorrect mafs (wrong generations) or faulty wiring.