View Full Version : Any of you hook up with your best friend?

09-28-2006, 07:18 PM
I'm at this situation where I can get with my best friend (girl in my avatar) :bigok:. We met about a year ago when we were introduced by downshift180. :D

We started talking and were into each other. A month earlier, I just got out of a 2-year relationship so I wasn't exactly ready for another one. I told her that but she was cool with it. Instead of us not talking to each other anymore, we got even closer. We told each other everything and knew each other's deepest thoughts and secrets. We became the best of friends. People would always ask me why me and her weren't together, and I just said because all she is to me now is just a friend. About a month ago, more and more of my friends (close friends) asked me the same question. I started thinking about it realized that the girl I have been looking for all this time, was right under my nose. She was everything I could ever want in a girl, and more. I told her how I felt and she sorta felt the same way. The thing is, we're both scared of getting together, because of this whole "friendship" thing. We have been seeing each other lately, and our feelings are getting stronger.

Any of you people been in my situation? Did it work out? I know they say best friends don't make the best gf/bf, but I doubt that in my case. We complement each other in every way, I just don't want to lose her as a friend if things don't work out.

Sorry for my long post, I just need to know your people's advice on this. I know it's ultimately my decision, I just wanted to hear some suggestions/stories.

By the way, this isn't an EMO thread. :fawkd:

09-28-2006, 07:57 PM
If your friend ship is as strong as you say it is then you don't have to worry. If it doesn't work out you seem mature enough to be able to stay friends. Also if your worried about it not work out then it wont, go with the flow. Just remember that the rules change when your a couple. Most of these don't work out for two reasons. 1 never assume and 2 the guys the one who pushes for the relationship.(in your case she pushed first so your in the clear) You already seem to be able to talk with each other that most couples can't so your already ahead of most people. Just one question, was she part of the reason for the break up with you last gf(really think about this one).

09-28-2006, 08:00 PM
lets see pics before we judge... Avator is too small!

I dont know man. You have TWO OPTIONS.

1. she's perfect, get together, get married eventually

2. get with her, then loser her.

09-28-2006, 08:02 PM
I meant that I got out of my relationship a month before I met her. This was over a year ago. We've been friends for a year now.

Also, I'm the one who actually pushed for this, since I told her how I felt. We're already sort of a couple, as we hold hands already and do couple stuff (no sex, I don't see her in that way, I have total respect for her).

lets see pics before we judge... Avator is too small!

Puahaha, you'd like that huh? HAHA

1. she's perfect, get together, get married eventually

To me she is. She's gorgeous, understanding, caring, she can sing and dance, she's part of a band, she has her whole life ahead of her, etc. I also have a million of her guy friends who hate me due to the fact that I "have" her. :keke:

09-28-2006, 08:11 PM
emo thread.

IM me if you want my opinion. :D

09-28-2006, 08:13 PM
Puahaha.. Kevin has spoken. :D

09-28-2006, 08:13 PM
I had a girl like that. We always had a blast.

Then i was dicked over Senior year, and had a bitter bitter prom.

Havn't talked to her ever since.

But, i did get to get some IDB action, as well as some booby action.

Wasn't a total waste.

09-28-2006, 08:14 PM
i second the request for pictures...

i think me and evans' affair would be the best example of success :love:

09-28-2006, 08:16 PM
Then i was dicked over Senior year, and had a bitter bitter prom.
Well, we aren't in high school anymore and most of our immaturity is out. Did you see that I said "most." Haha
But, i did get to get some IDB action, as well as some booby action.
I don't see her that way, so none of that for me. I don't wanna lose her you know. ;)
think me and evans' affair would be the best example of success
The truth comes out!! HAHAHAHA
i second the request for pictures...
Fine, here's a picture.


She's also a part-time model. :D

09-28-2006, 08:21 PM
Maturity level is what makes or breaks the relationship.

Can't have an overly protective GF, or an underly (sp?) protective one.

I could honestly say i didn't feel that way with her before, but she started touching, and hey, if you were groped, you wouldn't turn down, would you?

and after the groping and what not, we actually became super damn close. Like white on rice!

09-28-2006, 08:25 PM
She's not overly protective, actually very trusting. I know for a fact our maturity level about this is up there, as we both don't want to lose each other over this.

I could honestly say i didn't feel that way with her before, but she started touching, and hey, if you were groped, you wouldn't turn down, would you?
Honestly, I would. We both feel the same way about that situation, so no problem for us there. No CBM for me huh Cheat? lol

09-28-2006, 08:31 PM
I wasn't being a dick - just a smartass..

I do have some sage wisdom to pass if you want to IM me (aim: fochkopf).

09-28-2006, 08:31 PM
Hahaha. Gay!


Hahahaha, you know i respect you.

I'm mature as hell, and yea, i see your point of view. I'm actually kinda going thru the same thing, i just haven't known her as long.

+Rep for keeping it real.

09-28-2006, 08:32 PM
ive heard quite the opposite of what you said about best friends making bad relationships, ive actually heard that your best friend is the best choice to marry, im pretty sure your significant other is supposed to not only be your best friend but your lover as well.....just my opinion but why not go for it

09-28-2006, 08:34 PM
Kevin, I was jk. :)

Fuckin Cheat, I knew you were gonna post that, lol. Here's the original pic you :mrmeph:.


:keke: I was 18 at the time, lol.

Here's a quote I saw once, "I'd rather be hurt knowing we tried and it didn't work out, than not trying and always wondering what could have been."

Ok, this is beginning to sound like an emo thread... haha.

09-28-2006, 08:41 PM
Never hooked up with my best friend. Not gay.
Females are completely evil though. I dont care what you say, all of em are evil even though they are wonderful. I say just go for it though. I mean there is some stuff to lose, but you can probably gain it back if shit goes to hell. Its better to try then to sit around and wait forever thinking about it. What if she is just waiting for you dying and doesnt think you are interested and is kinda heart broken so she goes and gets a b/f and then you are heart broken? Run on sentence what! But shit man, just pull for it. Just dont rush it and get fiesty, patience for the right time. Watch her to make sure she isnt trying to set you up for some touchy. Get more touchful with her. Start cuddlin up and stuff slowly. Work it. It might feel weird and you'll both abort or it'll be awesome!

09-28-2006, 08:50 PM
Just dont rush it and get fiesty, patience for the right time.
Trust me, we're not rushing this in any way.

Get more touchful with her. Start cuddlin up and stuff slowly. Work it. It might feel weird and you'll both abort or it'll be awesome!
We already do stuff like that, couple stuff...

09-28-2006, 08:50 PM
u know what sucks about dating your best friend.... if your anything like me youve already told her everything about your past .... who youve slept with and the crazy sex stories.... and once her feelings get strong she will get jelious. when that happens watch out. like for instace you told her how you used to love diong your ex in the butt, you can kiss idb goodbye becuase everytime you ask for it she is gunna think your asking becuase ur thinking about your ex

09-28-2006, 09:05 PM
In high school, I was hanging out with this one girl alot. Well, after two years of being best friends, I started to have feelings for her. We were at a party and hooked up, we werent even drunk, it just happened. She told me afterwards that she had wanted for us to be morethan friends for a year, I told her I felt the same and we have been going out ever since, going on two years now and couldn't be happier.

09-28-2006, 09:13 PM
Just make the move and make it sober. Kiss her on the neck at a romantic moment. Get happy! My girlfriend is a ho so I cant say much. She engineered our meeting and getting together. I was with her for 6 months before I found out. SEE! Girls are evil!

09-28-2006, 10:00 PM
:tweak: :cj: :loco: :faint:

:D Dont trip Ill hand you some of my pimp juice!

09-28-2006, 10:23 PM
hahaha I got her myspace i got her myspace imma hit her up! haha jus playin man..

ive never been in that situation.. well close.. but thats jus it.. it never gets farther becuase eventually that person clubs way too much, to a point that every guy grindin on her becomes a turn off and eventually looks dirty lol

09-28-2006, 10:59 PM
Just go for it. Stay on the same track you are currently on and all things will fall into place. I got with my best friend and we have been happy together for over 4 years now.

09-28-2006, 11:12 PM
Definately go for it. You never what you could have had? *a

09-29-2006, 01:08 AM
Just don't get drunk and screw...just in case you guys regret it the next morning, that always comes off ackward...

So don't let each other get too hammered...

If you want more than go for it, people together for so long are best friends, so at least you have a solid "nonsexual" relationship to build upon.

-advice from a girl

**oh ya if you just got out of a heavy relationship, wait longer, so it doesn't seem your just attaching to another girl, most of the time people don't realize it, even if she's "perfect" everyone has a bitchy side.

09-29-2006, 01:59 AM
Let what comes naturally happen. If you still like her after all the "glitter" wears off (When you see her "human" side haha) then there's a really good chance that she could be the one.

09-29-2006, 02:04 AM
I never knew guys and girls can be best friends. In my head it a set up from the girl from the begining. Also there are a few type of girls... girls you fck.. girl you didnt fck yet.. and your boi's girl that you will never go after.

09-29-2006, 02:16 AM
I agree with Michael, I never BEFRIEND girls, I either want to fuck them, or I don't want to touch them. It's as simple as that. Once you start thinking you're friends, and you're chill, you start thinking about how much her ass looks good, and how much better it'd look naked in your lap.

You're setting yourself up for a lose with "friends"

09-29-2006, 04:21 AM
:D Dont trip Ill hand you some of my pimp juice!
Puahahaha Cesar. We both know I don't need that. ;) Ask Sil-ABC, s13poop, and downshift180. :D

it never gets farther becuase eventually that person clubs way too much, to a point that every guy grindin on her becomes a turn off and eventually looks dirty lol
She actually stopped clubbin for awhile now. I don't mind if she dances with other guys at the clubs, it's only dancing, and she doesn't freak dance with anyone besides me, so I'm cool with that. I'm not the jealous type, if anything, the other guys should be the ones jealous, not me, because alot of guys do want to get with her and tell her that they're "hating" on me. lol.

Just don't get drunk and screw...just in case you guys regret it the next morning, that always comes off ackward...
We won't have that problem, trust me.

If you want more than go for it, people together for so long are best friends, so at least you have a solid "nonsexual" relationship to build upon.
I may sound gay for saying this, but I don't care. Sex is the last thing on my mind whenever I'm around her. We both can have fun with each other, in a non-sexual way. Flame away people, I don't give two shits.

**oh ya if you just got out of a heavy relationship, wait longer, so it doesn't seem your just attaching to another girl, most of the time people don't realize it, even if she's "perfect" everyone has a bitchy side.
I haven't been in a relationship since last year in August, so I'm pretty clear on that. I know all sides of her, trust me. I know the bitchy side, so I stray away from that, lol. Thanks Marlyn.

If you still like her after all the "glitter" wears off (When you see her "human" side haha) then there's a really good chance that she could be the one.
I already can see her "human" side. Before, when we were "talking," I fell for her "glamorous" side, but now that I know her inside and out, I know the type of person she really is.

Remember when you called me about the club, and I said I was in MoVal? Guess who I was with... lol.

I agree with Michael, I never BEFRIEND girls, I either want to fuck them, or I don't want to touch them. It's as simple as that.
That's how I am with other girls, but with her, it's completely different.

Thanks for the responses and suggestions guys. +rep to everyone. :bigok:

09-29-2006, 05:44 AM
i say keep doing what you're doing and let things fall into place. obviously she makes you really happy and vice versa. keep taking things slow...but not too slow because some other guy might make a good impression on her, making her back off from you. if you don't give it a shot, you will definately regret it when she finds someone else. the fact that there is no sex involved shows that there is love and not lust. two thumbs up for you...i wish i was in a similar situation.

09-29-2006, 09:29 AM
nobody has said it yet... but if you are doing all the "couple" things, and cuddling and holding hands. Then you're pretty much together. You really won't gain anything out of making it official.

and a girl that you don't picture sexually at ALL, will be a short relationship. Because without the sex, she will only see you as 'just friends'. Eventually, if you do not do things that a MAN is, she'll see you as a boy, and sleep with some guy. Whether she dumps you, or keeps you as arm candy, I don't know.

There's more to relationships than holding hands and being able to talk on the phone for hours and hours.

Edit: I'm not going to say that all girls are evil, a lot of them really only worry about themselves, and their image. and no matter how well you THINK you know this girl, if she has 'liked you' for as long as she has, you don't know the real her yet. She has been trying to be perfect around you, trying to get her chance with you. That's a good thing, but realize that you don't know her as completely as you think you do.

09-29-2006, 12:40 PM
A relationship communicated without sex, is pretty much awkward in general, especially when those instincts start building up, and you want that ass. If you get physical I always find it's much easier to communicate, and be with someone, because you're comfortable with them inside and out.

09-29-2006, 01:15 PM
Just don't get drunk and screw...just in case you guys regret it the next morning, that always comes off ackward...

WHAT AM I READING? This is the key to the oft dreamt but rarely achieved fuck buddy situation. It's just ackward the first time. After this situation you can

A. Save by telling her it was a mistake and you still respect her and apologize and win brownie points.

B. Leave her if shes a prude.

C. Keep it going until you decide to climb the ladder further.

D. Keep it because you realize its the best you're ever going to get.

I vote for getting drunk and screwing.

09-29-2006, 03:40 PM
You really won't gain anything out of making it official.
Making it official is something I could care less about, as in the date of us getting together and that "label" of us being together. That's all it is anyways, a "label."

and a girl that you don't picture sexually at ALL, will be a short relationship. Because without the sex, she will only see you as 'just friends'.

I mean, I do "picture" her like that, but it's not enough for us to actually do something. We both were raised Christian/Catholic and we have strong beliefs on waiting. I know I'll get alot of shit for that, but I don't care. :fawk:

and no matter how well you THINK you know this girl, if she has 'liked you' for as long as she has, you don't know the real her yet. She has been trying to be perfect around you, trying to get her chance with you. That's a good thing, but realize that you don't know her as completely as you think you do.
Trust me, I know her inside and out. When we stopped "talking" back then, all her human qualities came out, because at that time, she didn't need to impress me anymore. Some qualities I haven't seen yet might come out later, but for the most part, I know her pretty well.

i say keep doing what you're doing and let things fall into place. obviously she makes you really happy and vice versa. keep taking things slow...but not too slow because some other guy might make a good impression on her, making her back off from you.
I'm not worried about that.

the fact that there is no sex involved shows that there is love and not lust.
That's how I see that I really care about her. With other girls, I just want to get some ass, but with her, it's different.

09-29-2006, 03:56 PM

hahahah j/p..


this situation actually reminds me of back in the day since i actually went through this with my current GF

i dated her for a year and half before we actually got together

but yeh we were really close together since we had the same friends so we would always kick it and talk for hours on end on the phone

i got really tired of the hoodrats in my area since they were all the same ie: drama, confusing and uninteresting.. and like you said the girl i was looking for was "right under my nose " :D

the only thing i was scared of was us getting together and then breaking up meaning: can't really hang out with the same friends, losing her as a friend and things being akward ect ect...

but i took a chance and asked her to be my GF.. 9 months later we're still together and everything is gravy :werd:

IMO: i think you should lay it out on the table and let her know whats up as far as the present and future, don't let the situation get the best of you.. so take a chance then you'll know fo sho if it was really worth it

juss my 2 cents romeo

09-29-2006, 04:04 PM
AkademikOne -

Your situation all sounds way too familiar to me.

here's some advice:

1) the connection that you two have is golden. you have a strong foundation for a relationship already and it looks like the both of you are on the right path. i don't think you have anything to worry about it when it comes to the pace - the cats out of the bag so just go all out.

2) jealousy - its normal man, so embrace it. i got burned by my ex for not being jealous enough. some girls think it shows that you care (in a cynical way). i say its okay to be a little (and i mean a little) - just don't be possessive.

3) her guyfriends - thats tough. 98% (thats a made up percentage but we all know its something like that) of the time guys are freinds with chicks they want to bone. so a hypothetical scenario: you and her are hanging out with some of your friends and one of your friends use to be a girl that you had had sex back in the day. do you honestly think your girl is gonna let that slide? now do the whole roles in revers thing with that same scenario. it's ALL hypothetical so i'm not saying you did or she did whatevers, just try and apply yourself to that situation. the principle of it all is more important then the scenario actually appying to you.

4) sex thing - its natural so don't fight it when the time is right - timing is everything. respecting her feelings about it is also key.
240FaLKoN said it best "If you get physical I always find it's much easier to communicate, and be with someone, because you're comfortable with them inside and out."
...we have strong beliefs on waiting more power to you guys.:D

good luck dude.

09-29-2006, 04:36 PM
you are in a good spot. now if this thread was something like, "Should I have sex with my best friend?!?!" then that would be a definate no no. this happened to me and totally ruined our friendship. we used to do everything together (just not "couple stuff") and then three nights in a row we had sex. she all of a sudden got really jealous because i was still into her friend (who i was seeing, just not bf and gf) and me and her stopped talking for months. when we did finally start talking again it was awkward and took lots of time to strengthen our friendship to the way it is today. now my roommate is her current boyfriend which makes things even more awkward at times because he gets jealous of me.

this is just a little bit of one of my situations...there is so much more. damn i think i should start a new thread.

09-29-2006, 04:38 PM
Hahahha, this thread is sooo funny to me.

The girl im dating is the same, she just doesn't like me to 'wastefully spend' on cars and stuff, when i told her i was gettin back into it. I gave her a pissy look.

Now i'm the boss!

09-29-2006, 04:44 PM
do it already..

my friends says.. use your own supply, throw it away yourself, and put in da butt just incase - that way avoid all bad situation - haha, im saying it cuz im in a wierd situation as well.

My advise, just take it slow and just try but dont be pushy about it. I have lots of friends who has my back on every situation so I have a foundation. I can see if you are in a situation if you two share the same group of friends it can be difficult. On on hand, if you two do get together, the group will remain the same and whatever, you two are the couple of that group. If it doesnt, it all depends on how your group see the situation. If it ends, end it good to keep the group together. But good luck and I hope it works out.

09-29-2006, 05:02 PM
I can see if you are in a situation if you two share the same group of friends it can be difficult. On on hand, if you two do get together, the group will remain the same and whatever, you two are the couple of that group.
Our network of "close friends" are practically the same people. I am fully backed by my close friends, as she is also. She's like the "older sister" to my two closest guy friends (she's 20, the guys are 19). Most everyone we know support us, except for the haters, lol.

09-29-2006, 05:30 PM
go for it, a friendly girlfriend is something that i have ben trying to get into for a while.

09-29-2006, 05:51 PM
PLUNGE IN MAN!!!! hahaha. go for it, you only live once and you might never meet a girl like her again.

09-29-2006, 06:24 PM
Honestly, getting with somebody you know and hella comfortable with is probably the best situation. Put it this way, for the most part, you've seen and know how she is. There will hopefully be no surprises in your relationship. Same way with you. If shes comfortable with the way you are now and accepts you for who you are, then i dont see an issue. You said you guys feel the same way bout each other...so fuck it. Go with the flow, roll with the blows. Even if things get fucked up between you 2 but you care about her as much as you make it sound, you'll still be friends with her no matter what. Seriously, you got nothing to loose but to gain. You'll never know till you try. Take advantage of the chance you got to be with her before its too late. Time doesnt wait for you hommie...Girls that make you feel thais way doesnt come too often in a lifetime....

Funny as it may seem, this may be the reason why ive decided to get married. I'm 26 yrs old and i'm done with the whole "game" I got a girl that im happy and been with for 2 yrs...got orders to go to japan so that means either i start all over again and risk finding or not finding a girl who would put up with my shiet...so i chose to bring her with me. Catch is i gotta sell my car before i can officially propose...:Owned:

09-29-2006, 06:47 PM
see romeo what if i never drove her to the club that night so u can meet her? huh huh huh? lol

09-29-2006, 06:50 PM
Psh, I really met her for the first time at one of our Spots meetings, a week before you brought her to Century, but didn't know it was her. Haha

09-29-2006, 07:22 PM
If you are still asking then No stay friends

09-29-2006, 07:24 PM
I just wanted to know your guys/girls opinions and suggestions. We both already have our minds and hearts set on getting with each other, slowly, but in time.

drift freaq
09-29-2006, 07:34 PM
ok, you have the foundations of a great relationship. Quite often we don't realize that after the initial excitement stages of relationship we settle down into at cruise mode type situation. At that point friendship is of the utmost importance. The foundation of a lasting relationship is built on trust and friendship. I.E. best of friends who can share their darkest secrets with and can get mad at each other but never hate each other.
The best relationship I had in my life started out as friends. It was great there were no pretenses we were natural together and we fell deeply in love. Suffice to say it was cut short for reasons beyond our control. Thats life.
I would say you have the makings of a great long term situation. Do whats in your hearts regardless of what we tell you here.
It sounds like you guys have all this stuff figured out. Let nature takes its course.
I am a firm believer in the whole theory of if its meant to be it will happen regardless of circumstances around you.
I for one am very happy for you. You have found a precious situation. Live it , love it , explore it, enjoy it.
Good luck man.

09-29-2006, 07:51 PM
good luck simoun!!!! hahhaa *wink*

hahha gay

09-29-2006, 07:58 PM
after reading your responses... I believe it will work for you. I rarely have faith in any relationships, but I put my stamp of approval on this one. I think at least you seem to be mature enough to deal with whatever happens, and it sounds like she is too. Don't mess anything up and end up regretting something you didn't try. Unless its gay sex or incest, you can regret not trying that if you really need to.

and I will neg rep anybody that gives you shit for staying true to your feelings about waiting for sex. I just didn't want you to forget that it IS a part of the big picture in relationships. When and where and how is up to the couple, but it is there.

09-29-2006, 08:14 PM
HAHAHA ^^^^ what he said AND! go for it and stop thinking about it! the more you hesitate , the more precious time is wasted! i speaking of which, why am i on Zilvia at this hour! i should be driving!! anyway! think drift freaq is right! things that are meant to be will be! :)

p.s. never sell your 240 to propose to a lady!!!

09-29-2006, 08:31 PM
Alright, here we go.

You two already formed a strong intimate emotional foundation. Now it's time to just let things happen, and let that friendship blossom. Don't think about changing the way you act with eachother either...

Labels just kill things. Trust me. Let the relationship take its own course and you two will be ultimately happier. Things happened like that with Jess and the relationship was beautiful. Nothing was pushed, everything was honest, there was an unspoken understanding of everything, and we let things happen.

Good luck and I hope you two become even more intimately closer.

09-29-2006, 10:36 PM
emo thread.

IM me if you want my opinion. :D

Yep, VERY emo' thread. It's okay if you're in denial. Many people are in denial when it comes to their emosexuality. :wavey:

09-29-2006, 10:51 PM
Alright, I'm just going to tell you the truth--I'm not telling you what to do. The feeling of having an opportunity slip away because of fear is one of the most horrible feelings of regret that I have ever had. Actually, it did more damage than ripping the ankle and rehabilitating it for one year. Being that you stated that you are trying to recover from a previous relationship, I say you jump onto this one. I don't know why. I'm trying a Doctor Phil.

09-29-2006, 10:53 PM
Hahahha, this thread is sooo funny to me.

The girl im dating is the same, she just doesn't like me to 'wastefully spend' on cars and stuff, when i told her i was gettin back into it. I gave her a pissy look.

Now i'm the boss!

Damn, that is funny!

09-30-2006, 12:55 AM
p.s. never sell your 240 to propose to a lady!!!

sounds like someone got their balls clipped right there.

09-30-2006, 01:38 AM
sounds like someone got their balls clipped right there.

it could be worse, you can let your girlfriend drive your 240 and well..... :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh:

09-30-2006, 02:30 AM
My best friend is my girlfriend. She was my best friend before she became my girlfriend.

09-30-2006, 03:07 PM

Do it already! :D

09-30-2006, 03:58 PM
I let my girlfriend drive my rx7. I'm teaching her how to have fun!

09-30-2006, 04:41 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I just wanted to know what you thought of the situation. From the start, I knew I was going for it. :bigok:

I let my girlfriend drive my rx7. I'm teaching her how to have fun!
As long as you don't let her drive your 240, then it's all good. :keke:

10-01-2006, 02:34 AM
it could be worse, you can let your girlfriend drive your 240 and well..... :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh:

I think the only time I let my ex-boyfriend drive my car I was drunk...and one other time since he wanted to try it in the canyons. So only twice...

10-01-2006, 12:12 PM
sounds like someone got their balls clipped right there.

So would you rather get married and tag along $14k in credit card debt, and trying to make ends meet? On top of that have a car that will sit in storage for atleast 3 yrs? Id rather start off on a clean slate, I can build another car when i get to Japan and ship back all the parts when i come back for a US chassis. :D

10-01-2006, 12:22 PM
i say go for it, man!! me and my best (girl) friend are now together. going on 2 years and have had nothing but success in this relationship. we're gonna get married soon after she graduates college!

like everyone has said, you two know each other deeply. so, why not give it a shot? and best of luck to you!!

10-01-2006, 03:12 PM
F 240's =P
I might get an s12 soonish.

10-01-2006, 11:17 PM
well... my best friend is a girl too. she is my ex. we have been friends for 8 years now. we started to go out after about 4 years into the friendship, went out for 3 and went back to being friends for 1 ... it's weird... trust me.. idk but something is diff but we still go to movies, get dinner, sleep together( just sleep) we do everything together. it's great... i mean she knows every aspect of me, and i mean EVERY aspect, so she understands stuff, and do vice versa her.i mean it was a HARD break up but hey we managed through it. i think in life you really have to take yoru chances at stuff. i mean why not do something that you MIGHT regret later in any point of your life. just do it. if it doesn't work out, you have all the time in the world to get over it, and then move on. so long story short... i give a +1 to go for her!

10-02-2006, 12:31 AM
So would you rather get married and tag along $14k in credit card debt, and trying to make ends meet? On top of that have a car that will sit in storage for atleast 3 yrs? Id rather start off on a clean slate, I can build another car when i get to Japan and ship back all the parts when i come back for a US chassis. :D

Well obviously you came off wrong, sounded as if you had to sell the car to be with her or to buy her a ring. I never understood that junk about buying a ring three times your income crap...outrageous.

10-02-2006, 06:23 AM
Go for it. Back in the days (F*ck, that sounded old...) me and this girl went from friends > friends with benefits > bf & gf > best friends with benefits > best friends. We fight then kiss and makeup then we're at it again then kiss and makeup again.

If your friendship is strong, I don't see anything going wrong went both of you call it quits*.

* See my super cute little true to life story.

10-02-2006, 11:50 AM
damn.... simon... you know what to do....


10-02-2006, 01:33 PM
if you want to be with her, than be honest with her. If you want to stay friends, be honest with her.

At the end of the day, you need to be honest with yourself, and her. Simple.