View Full Version : more dead street racers

09-26-2006, 11:36 PM
I live in Nor Cal ya see, it seems like at least once a month stupid kids street race and end up killing themselves and or almost killing other people. most of my friends think its good that they're dead since they are the kinds of people that make it harder for everybody else to have a modded car. some of my friends think otherwise, that it's sad they died. im just wondering what everyone else thinks about this, just curious, just a thought.....

09-26-2006, 11:44 PM
Old news.

your killing us smalls......

we all know, and weve allready talked about this... i think it was when FF3 came out...

09-27-2006, 12:12 AM
You're killing me Larryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

But yes, this is old news. At least once a month? I know it's alot more than that...

09-27-2006, 12:15 AM
I look at it as nature's way of ridding the weak or in this case sutpids that aren't contributing to society. I would rather they killed themself than killing some innocent people that are unfortunate enough to be in their way. To sum it it all up, good ridden.

A Spec Products
09-27-2006, 12:23 AM
You're killing me Larryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

But yes, this is old news. At least once a month? I know it's alot more than that...


only socal'ers know them commercials!

did u know that the brother isnt actually part of the business? he just does the commercials and whatnot...or something like that

09-27-2006, 12:30 AM
^ hehehe http://www.sitnsleep.com/_about/_images/bobble_head_irwin-copy.jpg

I like to consider it Ricers Darwins Theory...

09-27-2006, 12:38 AM
We brought touge to the states to do the same thing...get rid of stupid people and unskilled. Whats the rate that they peel people off the cliffs off GMR down there in socali? Its pretty cool watching headlights in the distance suddenly fall off....

09-27-2006, 01:59 AM
We brought touge to the states to do the same thing...get rid of stupid people and unskilled. Whats the rate that they peel people off the cliffs off GMR down there in socali? Its pretty cool watching headlights in the distance suddenly fall off....
Angeles Crest is a great example of that. Just over the side on some turns are tons of car and motorcycle parts.

09-27-2006, 03:02 AM
We brought touge to the states to do the same thing...get rid of stupid people and unskilled. Whats the rate that they peel people off the cliffs off GMR down there in socali? Its pretty cool watching headlights in the distance suddenly fall off....
True true. I had an EF Civic with 6 guys in it chasing me on the downhill there once... I saw his headlights behind me for 4 or 5 turns, then darkness behind me. What kind of moron would drive like that with 6 people in the car? Especially packed like sardines into a freaking EF. :smash:

09-27-2006, 10:10 AM
True true. I had an EF Civic with 6 guys in it chasing me on the downhill there once... I saw his headlights behind me for 4 or 5 turns, then darkness behind me. What kind of moron would drive like that with 6 people in the car? Especially packed like sardines into a freaking EF. :smash:
haha, was it a yellow hatchback? Because if it was, some friends and I saw the same car crashed on another canyon with 6 people milling about it.

09-27-2006, 10:28 AM
I live in Nor Cal ya see,.....

Do you talk like a 1920's gangster in real life?

09-27-2006, 11:27 AM
We’ll beat any advertised price or your mattress is FREEEEE!

09-27-2006, 11:58 AM
I live in Nor Cal ya see


"ya see the kids like to do the street racing, which causes the brain damage.. with the speeding and the shiftin and the kicking and the clutchin so they don't know what the drivings all about.."

09-27-2006, 12:05 PM

"ya see the kids like to do the street racing, which causes the brain damage.. with the speeding and the shiftin and the kicking and the clutchin so they don't know what the drivings all about.."

oh man...i first heard that on an episode of The Simpsons. thanks for the laugh.:D

09-27-2006, 02:43 PM
Do you talk like a 1920's gangster in real life?

of course i do! i also carry around a tommy gun to blow people's brains out whenever they talkin' to me all wrong. did anyone here go to that one RF meet last month where that idiot kid almost slammed into a pole trying to drift is eg sedan?? i wish he did, then an RF meet would actually be fun for once...

09-27-2006, 02:55 PM
LOL, to help the lost kids above....



09-27-2006, 03:03 PM
True true. I had an EF Civic with 6 guys in it chasing me on the downhill there once... I saw his headlights behind me for 4 or 5 turns, then darkness behind me. What kind of moron would drive like that with 6 people in the car? Especially packed like sardines into a freaking EF. :smash:

thats obsurd you can't fit 6 ppl in a EF its impossible i say.. thats like putting 4 ppl in a 240 ... can't be done

09-27-2006, 03:06 PM
LOL, to help the lost kids above....




LB knows whats up!

09-27-2006, 03:57 PM
hell yah, lol i have it in mp3, lol i bump tat shitzzzz =D

Drift Motion
09-27-2006, 06:58 PM
let them do stupid things and die
just dont hurt innocent people

09-27-2006, 07:07 PM
the reason it hurts all of us.. is it results into stricter laws againts all modified cars etc...

so we all loose, thanks to people who have gradually donated thier life to ruin it for all.

And i shall always blame media influence.. fuck fast and furious, and need for speed underground and any type of "urban street racing" game.

09-27-2006, 08:02 PM
an 18 year old kid in his m3 crashed and died from street racing his friend in a CLK55. his two passanger are in the ICU. the driver of the CLK is in jail with manslaughter charges. Please dont street race, you're only hurting yourself or friends.

09-27-2006, 09:31 PM
they should post these gory pics in highschools.. haha

i never took drivers ed in california becuase i was in kansas at the time where you dont need it.

09-27-2006, 09:54 PM
shit happens, oh well. DHs never get into a car with a cocky driver, bad shit always happens when someone wants to showoff. Hopefully the girls make it out of this and learn a lesson. At least this time it was a rich family who got to experience this. Although, the lesson/reason of why you never buy an inexperienced driver, an experienced skilled automobile. I want to see what the retaining wall and front of the car look like.

Drift Motion
09-27-2006, 10:03 PM
my fd just get a E46 M3 n he is 18...getting a cayman s sooner or later, so far no crashes
go figure...

09-27-2006, 10:40 PM
my fd just get a E46 M3 n he is 18...getting a cayman s sooner or later, so far no crashes
go figure...

Speak english you freakin douche.

Omarius Maximus
09-27-2006, 11:52 PM
Wow, how smart are the parents of those little bastards. "Hey son, you just hit 18, I know you just started driving and you have no experience with high performance RWD cars, but I'm gonna get you an M3! I know the money would probably be better spent on your acne medication, but we all know how important it is to show off in highschool." WTF, his parents should have been in the car with him. If your gonna buy an M3, buy it because its a sports car and have some respect for it (its dangerous in the wrong hands), don't buy it as a boutique car so you can show your stinking wealth because your inexperienced stupid kid doesn't drive like you (crawling along at 55 on the freeway in your F430) so its only gonna be a matter of time before he crashes it.

09-28-2006, 12:08 AM
my fd just get a E46 M3 n he is 18...getting a cayman s sooner or later, so far no crashes
go figure...

I think what he's trying to say is...

My friend just got an E46 M3 and he is 18. He's also getting a Porsche Cayman S sooner or later, but so far, no crashes. Go figure.


Omarius Maximus
09-28-2006, 12:12 AM
Its amazing how intelligent a person will come across when they use proper grammar and actually take some time to compose decent sentences. Just look at the before and after. ^^^ hahaa

10-11-2006, 12:15 AM
nice bf2 stats\
http://www.bf2player.com/sig/annihilator666-486.png (http://www.bf2player.com/index.php?page=stats&account=annihilator666)

10-11-2006, 03:38 AM
an 18 year old kid in his m3 crashed and died from street racing his friend in a CLK55. his two passanger are in the ICU. the driver of the CLK is in jail with manslaughter charges. Please dont street race, you're only hurting yourself or friends.
wow.....thats all i got too say!

10-11-2006, 04:39 AM
good, let em die


wow.....thats all i got too say!

Yeahi nkow, nice cars

10-11-2006, 05:29 AM
jon wayne has no sympathy for the weak.

10-11-2006, 06:09 AM
ITS GOOD that they died.

Sad to see good cars that mom and dad got them go to waste...

More stupid people needs to die in this world.

Thats why the jungle animals are smarter, the stupid ones gets killed and serverd for dinner.

Its mostly the rich kids that do stupid things...

10-11-2006, 07:56 AM
Lots of people are stupid and deserve to die, but some made bad choices.

The other day some stupid 15 year old took his mom's Porsche Cayenne out and raced around some twisties during a rain storm. He lost control, hit a tree, killed himself and a friend. Idiots.

The other day a girl was driving about 5 over and hit ice. She landed in a creek, got metal to pierce her lungs, and died in a little less than waist high water. Poor girl.

10-11-2006, 08:08 AM
18 yr old with an M3? That's what mom and dad get for spoiling the kid.

10-11-2006, 08:42 AM
i hear storys of retards drifting their civic every day now...

Guess what they say when i ask them how?

"Go as fast as you can, and turn, right in the middle of the turn pull and hold the ebrake and floor the gas"

10-11-2006, 09:54 AM
You're killing me Larryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

HAahaha damn I haven't heard one of those ads on the radio in a while... Since I came out to vegas :(. Damn those commercials are nuts. :rofl:

Kids dying while racing is good and bad:

good: brings attention to the fact that if you don't provide legitimate venues for things like racing, people are going to do it anyways and probably die.

bad: brings attention to the fact that people are going to do what they want anyways. Some "people" (if you can call them that) interpret this to mean we need more legislation and enforcement, instead of solving the problem (build venues & promote safe driving events).

10-11-2006, 11:06 AM
For some reason I don't see the owners of BMW's, Mercedes, and Porsches getting hassled more because of these unfortunate events. Imagine if a 240 had been involved...

10-11-2006, 12:15 PM
I dont think they deserve to die, just get punished severly. Racing on public city streets is freaking stupid. Not to mention parent's shouldnt be buying thier kids cars like that. a CLK55 and an M5, man wtf.

10-11-2006, 12:40 PM
Not to mention parent's shouldnt be buying thier kids cars like that. a CLK55 and an M5, man wtf.

That's the first problem right there. No matter how mature your kid is, you give'em guys to a car like that and you mind as well get them a license plate that says "DTHMOBL"...

Shit when I was in HS is was cool to have ANY running car. Now kids gotta have brand new shit.

10-11-2006, 12:48 PM
When I was in high school, the "best cars" as voted into the yearbook in my class were a Chevy Lumina coupe and a Geo Tracker.
But I also went to school in rural wisconsin.
When I bought my MkIII Supra after starting college, the local people thought it was a Ferrari.

10-11-2006, 02:28 PM
vote to raise the driving age to 20 years old hahhahaha

10-11-2006, 03:00 PM
I vote for 21. And banstick all stupid test drivers.

I'm just saying 21 because I'm above 21. Hehehe. But if I were 16, I'll be like wtf stfu you old fart.

10-11-2006, 03:06 PM
Haha, seriously. in high school, just having a car was cool.

10-11-2006, 03:27 PM
I think the age should be at LEAST 18. 20-21 is kinda pushing it. At 18 your considered an adult and some people start making a living at that age. You need to drive by the time your 18 IMO. Plus it's only 2 years later then it is now. They'll get over it.

10-11-2006, 04:33 PM
I didn't get my first car til I was 16, it was a low Honda Civic I got for free, I couldn't drive stick, nor did my parents want me to drive until they thought I was responsible enough. I had to wait til I was damn near 18 for my license.

Taught me a good lesson, I learned to drive restricted, and not drive like an ass, although I don't always display that in my S13 often.

10-11-2006, 11:42 PM
i live right buy ontario,ca and im glad the police put a end to the street racing that went on here for years, saw soo many people crash down from my street.

10-16-2006, 12:21 PM
thats obsurd you can't fit 6 ppl in a EF its impossible i say.. thats like putting 4 ppl in a 240 ... can't be done

Oh yah...well ive stuffed a total of 10 people in an 89 Chevy Celebrity!!!

Yes there were people in the trunk...:D And no I was wasnt crossing the border from Mexico...:duh:

10-16-2006, 12:50 PM
Oh yah...well ive stuffed a total of 10 people in an 89 Chevy Celebrity!!!

Yes there were people in the trunk...:D And no I was wasnt crossing the border from Mexico...:duh:

hey you cant beat my record..
1993 ford aerostar with 18 people. ohh and this was in mexico!! no point in taking two cars, there was more than enough room!!!

but yeah here in dfw, street racing hasnt been that bad. its mainly a bunch of stupid kids acting like they are the shit!