View Full Version : Decriminalize

09-26-2006, 04:30 PM
http://www.growinglikeaweed.com/ ...like myspace for stoners. And a good source of info for all you unbelievers out there is http://www.greentherapy.com/

09-26-2006, 04:36 PM

09-26-2006, 05:03 PM
It's unnatural to inhale smoke.. Therefore it's bad for you.. Next please

09-26-2006, 05:10 PM
ahahahaha done, and done.

i thought it was good for you? damn next coolest fad ever, hangin out in burning buildings :keke:

midnight zenki
09-26-2006, 07:20 PM
I much rather would poor paint thinner down my throat :gives:

09-26-2006, 08:49 PM
Not that I have never smoked, but I am just not impressed by that shit anymore...
In such, I will leave you smokers to what in the hell ever, I jusy won't get it.

09-26-2006, 11:27 PM
People talk shit in weed threads but not in ones condoning alcohol? I think they either need to make marjuwana legal or prohibit alcohol again. Either way it makes sense. Dont get me started about other drugs as well.

09-26-2006, 11:45 PM
It's because stoners are so gawd damn annoying, and lame, and think they are SO cool for it. The marijuana culture itself is just lame.

Alcohol, well, shit, it's fun. Drunk people are funny. Stoners are boring.

I say legalize it, but wtf is this doing on Zilvia?


09-27-2006, 12:34 AM
How many people do you know get violent when they smoke weed?
Yeah the marjuwana culture is lame but so is the drinking yourself retarted culture.The frat guy degredation to women dont have a life just drink yourself to you puke/pass out. Its all reallllly dumb. People just like it more because they associate it with being manly and cool. ANY substance in excess is bad.

09-27-2006, 12:39 AM
I agree completely. Though I know some people that do some pretty bad stuff when they smoke weed. Violent/Deviant/Angry/Tempramental/Suicidal. The same is true with any substance, people react how they react.

Drunk Frat guys = the bad side of alcohol.
Stoners = the bad side of marijuana.

Casual drinking, celebrating with a drink= the good
Casual smoking, using it to relieve the stress of a day or whatever smokers use it for= the good.

It's all about moderation. Like I said, I believe in legalization, because I know a lot of people that smoke in moderation and it really helps them have a safe, good time, the same as alcohol.

09-27-2006, 01:56 AM
How many people do you know get violent when they smoke weed?
Yeah the marjuwana culture is lame but so is the drinking yourself retarted culture.The frat guy degredation to women dont have a life just drink yourself to you puke/pass out. Its all reallllly dumb. People just like it more because they associate it with being manly and cool. ANY substance in excess is bad.
i call bulshit
JDM ramen is good!!! In HUGE quantities

BNut i dont condone drinkign or smoking, of any kind honestly

09-27-2006, 02:05 AM
we already have alcohol that has good potentials dangering other people, why should we legalize another substance?

09-27-2006, 06:43 AM
Its hard to say prohibit alcohol i mean they tried in the 30's and basically like 500 " speak easy " 's sprang up . As far as pot legalize it and tax the friggin crap out of it . Its gonna be there regardless of what i or you will ever say . I just hate the whole pot scene , its trashy and just well degrading to me .

09-27-2006, 09:46 AM
Its hard to say prohibit alcohol i mean they tried in the 30's and basically like 500 " speak easy " 's sprang up . As far as pot legalize it and tax the friggin crap out of it . Its gonna be there regardless of what i or you will ever say . I just hate the whole pot scene , its trashy and just well degrading to me .

There's a reason they haven't legalized it, they CAN'T tax it because people can grow it themselves.

09-27-2006, 10:14 AM
Word, Capitalizm for the lose.
I smoke, but I'm not about to join a stoner myspace for it..

09-27-2006, 12:42 PM
There's a reason they haven't legalized it, they CAN'T tax it because people can grow it themselves.

No way stoners are too lazy to grow weed. it would be nice to go to the liquor store and buy a pack of northern lights though.

09-27-2006, 01:39 PM
Yeah legalize it..not any worse > alchohol but just like everything (it seems in todays world) people take shit too far

09-27-2006, 02:11 PM
...like myspace for stoners.

Now that's some dumb shit right there.

09-27-2006, 02:17 PM
There's a reason they haven't legalized it, they CAN'T tax it because people can grow it themselves.
I can brew my own beer and other Alcohols as easy as baking bread. Beer is legal to brew in your home. Hard liquor isn't. What's your point? Government can tax everything. That is why hard drugs are illegal. They passed tax stamp laws that make it illegal to posses without a tax stamp(which is impossible to get).

09-27-2006, 03:15 PM
I can brew my own beer and other Alcohols as easy as baking bread. Beer is legal to brew in your home. Hard liquor isn't. What's your point? Government can tax everything. That is why hard drugs are illegal. They passed tax stamp laws that make it illegal to posses without a tax stamp(which is impossible to get).

From what I can tell, and sorry I am not an expert, you can grow marijuana, decent marijuana far easier than you can brew a decent beer. Who knows, I'm just saying.

Plus think of all the jobs that would be redundant if we legalized. We're so deep into this drug war we can't even get out of it if we wanted to.

09-27-2006, 04:41 PM
It would be much better if they made it legal and taxed it. First step is decriminalization though. I dont smoke nor do I drink.
The thing is yeah they did try prohibition, and it made it arguably more popular. People did it anyway and were arrested. Well we're doing the same thing with marjuwana. Making it illegal is not going to stop people from doing it and why are we punishing something that is on a same harmful plain as alcohol. There has to be a better solution, the one they came up with is not working at all. Murder is illegal, but we still have a lot of that...

09-27-2006, 05:07 PM
It would be much better if they made it legal and taxed it. First step is decriminalization though. I dont smoke nor do I drink.
The thing is yeah they did try prohibition, and it made it arguably more popular. People did it anyway and were arrested. Well we're doing the same thing with marjuwana. Making it illegal is not going to stop people from doing it and why are we punishing something that is on a same harmful plain as alcohol. There has to be a better solution, the one they came up with is not working at all. Murder is illegal, but we still have a lot of that...

So we should make murder legal????


09-27-2006, 06:10 PM
Legalize it... tax it.. use money to fix the shitty 405.
it's all about the kitlers!

09-27-2006, 06:57 PM
No way stoners are too lazy to grow weed. it would be nice to go to the liquor store and buy a pack of northern lights though.

I laugh at people when they stereotype stoners as such.

Its a mental thing if being high controls the rest of you.
If you get high and sit around, its 'cuz you're a lazy fuck, not 'cuz of the weed..

Stop scapegoating people.. hahaha, own up to being lazy fucks and take the blame. Or, don't be a lazy fuck.

Basically, being a lazy fuck pre-empts being a stoner.

09-27-2006, 09:26 PM
but its so fun to stereotype people. :D in all reality, depending on the price of legal weed, growing wouldnt be cost productive(unless you smoke dirt weed). no one grows tobacco because they smoke cigarettes. yet cigarettes are taxed.

09-27-2006, 10:54 PM
smoking is great but shouldnt be legalized.

nemeguero, agreed brother.

Its hard to yield some nice buds, so many factors have to be just right when growing. For the most part I think it is just as hard to grow some good trees as it is to brew a nice beer.

09-27-2006, 11:22 PM
Like I said, not an expert, you guys have convinced me it is indeed as hard to grow marijuana as brew beer.

Paul Frank
09-28-2006, 12:01 AM
rofl to this thread.

Anyways, I don't really care much if its legalized or not. Theres always gonna be someone to sell, and theres always gonna be someone one to buy (i.e. me). I find it sort of ironic how you can buy salvia (which is basically a lesser, yet equally effective herbal substance like weed) at a local smoke shop legally, yet they still won't legalize the MJ. Thats like saying, "no, we're not going to let you inhale plant toxins, so we're just going to give you another type of one that doesn't hit you as long, but gets you just as effed up." I don't know anymore, the world confuses me.

Smoke weed to ease the stress of life. Drink alcohol to accept life. Its all the same to me either way ..


09-28-2006, 06:49 AM
So we should make murder legal????

Of course not. If I sit on my deck and smoke weed, I'm not denying anyone elses right to their life, liberty or property. If I murder someone, I am.

.... but yeah, potheads are ironically their own worst enemy when it comes to arguing for legalization.

09-28-2006, 11:14 AM
It's hypocresy, the government knows that 90% or so of cold medicines being bought are going towards the synthesizing of Meth - probably the scarriest shit out there right now - yet they don't get on that since Drug Companies are in their pockets.
We need weed lobbyists.
But honestly, I don't really care since I don't smoke but most of my friends do.
And like Neme said, drugs just brings out what's already inside a person. I knew tripple major students in college that were potheads.

09-28-2006, 11:33 AM
Shit, hard to grow? My litle brother who is 15 has two 2 1/2' plants in his closest. Anyone care to rethink how hard? Anyways, I am down to legalize it but like Neme said, fuck joining a myspace for it. As far as being lazy Evan nailed that one on the head. Its like adderall to me, I have to do something. *a

09-28-2006, 12:20 PM
anyone can grow weed, but to grow quality weed it takes alot more effort than just planting it letting it grow.

09-28-2006, 01:21 PM
I just hate the whole pot scene , its trashy and just well degrading to me .

This flabbergasts me. How the fuck can you justify calling a the "whole pot(omg)scene TRASHY"? Go smoke some meth.

09-28-2006, 01:46 PM
definitely should not make murder legal. But whats going on now isnt helping get rid of it. Our society is fucked man! Look at Canada and most other modern civilisations. Murder rate per capita is sooo much less. How about making hand guns illegal?...I do not understand the purpose of having a concealed weapon if you only need it to protect yourself from other dumbasses with concealed weapons. Ok ok. Some of you guys like your hand guns because its fun to shoot them at the range. Well. Limit the caliber. If everyone else can only have thats a .22 as well then it doesnt really matter does it? Guns make it to easy to kill. If you have to stab someone you realllllly want to kill them compared to shooting them. Shooting someone is to easy. Violence is acceptable in America and I really wish it wasnt.

Hows that for offtopic! ha!

09-28-2006, 02:30 PM
I do not understand the purpose of having a concealed weapon if you only need it to protect yourself from other dumbasses with concealed weapons.

A. Because it's in the constitution.
B. Because even if it's illegal, people will get them, and then what will us law-abiding citizens have to defend ourselves
C. Because it's in the constitution.
D. Because it's not just to protect me from other dumbasses with conceled weapons, it's also to protect me from a government out of control, or an invasion of my country by a foreign power.

/Not a gun owner. But I fimly believe in the right to own one.

09-28-2006, 02:39 PM
handguns are not in the constitution =D

09-28-2006, 03:29 PM
guns dont kill people, people kill people. saying guns are the cause is absolutely ridiculous. people get away with murder literally, thats the reason why we have so much crime. you do about 7 years for murder but 20 years for having a pound of weed or a kilo of cocaine. does that make sense??? no not at all. our country is full of bleeding hearts that think its right to save the life of someone who has murdered another human and has no regard for life. just look at the controversy over the death penalty right now. if you have been sentenced to death, you have taken someones life. most likely you took that life violently and did not care how much pain the victim was in. why should we care how much pain you feel?

p.s. we have the right to bear arms. arms=firearms firearms=handguns therefore the constitution give us the right to have handguns.

09-28-2006, 03:44 PM
handguns are not in the constitution =D
2nd amendment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution )
9th amendment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution )

... I just refuse to believe that they meant "the right to bear arms" had ANYTHING to do with this wifebeater I am wearing right now.

09-28-2006, 03:55 PM
Graaaaawer!!! Bear Arms!

09-28-2006, 08:35 PM
People kill people and people kill people with guns. How come I cant go around saying whatever I want even though the first amendment says freedom of speech? I know I'm just scratching the service and barely going into it and not being very good in my argument as I'm not referencing anything. I just hate violence when its mean.

09-29-2006, 12:17 AM
guns are not the source of the violence.

freedom of speech is not the source of saying smart things.

09-29-2006, 03:13 AM
It's unnatural to inhale smoke.. Therefore it's bad for you.. Next please

Tell that to all the cancer patients in America....tell that all of the people who can't sleep, or have no appetite...tell that to anyone you know who is in some form of physical pain that marijuana will relieve the pain faster than any prescribed or any over the counter pain killer and then tell them that they can't have any because inhaling smoke is unnatural...tell that to every person who is unable to keep food in thier stomach long enough to get nurishment because of nausa.

Another thing.....I guess you have not heard of a thing called a "Vaporizer." Vaporizing the keif/crystals found on marijuana is what gets someone high not the burn of the plant(IE. Smoke)

For the sake of saving tax payers billions of dollars every year legalizing marijuana and ending the "War on Drugs" should be a high priority for future if not current government officers.

Yes, I do smoke marijuana. I have not smoked any in a few months, but I would not hesitate to toke a fatty or take a bong rip if given the chance.

09-29-2006, 06:11 AM
I would not hesitate to toke a fatty or take a bong rip if given the chance.

Ugh marijuana lingo is SO GAY. :ghey:

09-29-2006, 06:40 AM
yah i agree marijuana lingo is gay
but coke lingo isnt, cause its really funny when ur nose goes bloody cause the blow is so yummy and keeps ur tummy empty and makes u act more friendly

09-29-2006, 08:46 AM
For the sake of saving tax payers billions of dollars every year legalizing marijuana and ending the "War on Drugs" should be a high priority for future if not current government officers.

Try 60 billion dollars, not including the additional billions it cost to incarcerate a half million or so non-violent drug law offenders. Plus there are other intangible negatives like asset forfeiture laws, mandatory minimum sentences. Even government's own standards for measure say the drug war is a miserable failure.
...and hey, we might even save a few lives. Botched Paramilitary Police Raids (http://www.cato.org/raidmap/index.php) <- very cool interactive map

09-29-2006, 10:32 AM
Look at Canada and most other modern civilisations. Murder rate per capita is sooo much less. How about making hand guns illegal?....

Maybe Canadians are just happy from smoking all that weed. In Switzerland and Israel, the gun ownership rate per capita is much higher than ours in the U.S., yet their murder rate is lower. In Ireland and Scotland, you pretty much can't get a gun and their murder rate is higher. Even in the U.S., DC has very restrictive gun laws and usually has the highest murder rate per capita.

Some of you guys like your hand guns because its fun to shoot them at the range. Well. Limit the caliber.

I don't have a handgun for the range or to hunt with. Self protection? Sure, maybe.... but mainly it's because I really like guns and think they're cool. Sure, I probably don't need a gun of any kind, but if "need" is standard for what should be allowed, then I don't really need a car that has more than 90 horsepower either. Hmmmmm.... let's see what else people don't really need.........

09-30-2006, 12:28 AM
Ugh marijuana lingo is SO GAY. :ghey:

I am fairly certian a lot of people think some of your own slang is "Gay" is as well.

09-30-2006, 10:13 AM
I am fairly certian a lot of people think some of your own slang is "Gay" is as well.

I'm pretty sure you'd look cute in a dress ;)

09-30-2006, 11:37 AM
I'm pretty sure you'd look cute in a dress ;)

hahahha lmao..

09-30-2006, 11:53 AM
When i said trashy , all the kids around my area dress like the 60's , baggy ragged out clothes , long nasty hair , and havent taken a bath in like 2 weeks and look like the drummer from fog hat . Its pure bullshit .

09-30-2006, 01:47 PM
I'm pretty sure you'd look cute in a dress ;)

My girlfriend thinks so. I had to wear a dress for a light walking gig out at the LA Opera several months ago. My girlfriend was on stage at that moment. Interestingly enough the dress was made out of the same material FedEx uses to make their shipping envelopes. I had my pants and a white t-shirt on underneath the paper dress.

Then again....I don't care about the thoughts of others or the opinions of insecure machoistic men that our society portrays men as. Hell I don't care about the opinions or thoughts of mainstream society as it is.

For the two people who left private comments for me to read later.....

1. I don't care if you think weed is "ghey" I was in an automobile accident and had to deal with lower back pain. Smoking weed was cheaper than going to a doctor and getting a prescription for useless pain killers that would create more harm than good. Some over the counter medicines are worthless as well.

2. About lingo.....Do you think I care about what some idiot walking down the street thinks? If you have read everything I written above...I hope you have learned I do not care.

09-30-2006, 02:05 PM
My girlfriend thinks so. I had to wear a dress for a light walking gig out at the LA Opera several months ago. My girlfriend was on stage at that moment. Interestingly enough the dress was made out of the same material FedEx uses to make their shipping envelopes. I had my pants and a white t-shirt on underneath the paper dress.

Then again....I don't care about the thoughts of others or the opinions of insecure machoistic men that our society portrays men as. Hell I don't care about the opinions or thoughts of mainstream society as it is.


09-30-2006, 03:31 PM
Apparently, he does, why else would he continue responding in support of his habit? Even though when he said "toke a fatty" and "take a bong rip" I thought he was talking about sucking cock

09-30-2006, 04:14 PM
Sounds like Mangina to me.