View Full Version : mindless drivers are attracted to my car

09-22-2006, 06:28 AM
Last night i went out to my car after work and found that someone had hit my car. On the rear passenger side ,underneath the sidemarker, the panel is pushed in. From there all the way up passed the gas door hinge there are paint and scrape marks. Obviously it is from someone trying to get in or out of the parking spot next to me. This totally ruined my night because it makes me think back at how much bad luck I have when it comes to getting dents on my car.

A couple years ago I was driving in a parking lot and some dumb shit was driving in the opposite direction towards me. He had his fucking side door open. I started honking at him and he drove right by letting his door smack up against my front fender, leaving a nice big dent in it. He kept driving as I tried to make a 3 point turn to go after him, and he was gone. Instead of getting the dent fixed I decided to go with a silvia front end. That worked out fine.

Another time when i was waiting for a parking spot, a car was pulling out from another spot and hit my drivers side rear fender. I was like, "how the fuck did you not see me!!!" After hitting me, the driver took off in the opposite direction. There were cars in front and behind me, so once again the other driver got away.

I never got that side fixed, and now I have the other side dented up. My car is on its way to looking like a beat up piece of junk (along with one missing hubcap, oxidized roof, primered hood). Now i remember why I never got my car painted nice. Someone always has to fuck it up. So what now...a trip to the body repair shop? I don't have the time or money for that. Widebody rear fender overlays? That would mean different rims and tires and once again more time and money. At this rate i'm tempted to sell it and get something free of dents and paint flaws. I just wish I could get back as much money for this car as I put into it.

Anyways, I just felt like ranting.

09-22-2006, 06:45 AM
oops i left out another situation where my car got owned....by a fucking couch on the freeway late at night! it completely tore off my silvia bumper, one of my front fenders was flapping around and dragging on the ground, broken headlight bracket, both corner light brackets were broken off. the corner lights were still on the car thanks to the bulb wires.

the only thing i had to replace was the bumper. the fender was ziptied back on and i drilled holes on the inner parts of the corner lights and ziptied them on as well. if you looked at it you wouldn't even think it fought a couch at freeway speeds. damn, my car has been through a lot. makes me really think it needs to retire.

aside from all the bad things it's been through, it's still fast and runs perfect!

09-22-2006, 07:16 AM
aside from all the bad things it's been through, it's still fast and runs perfect!

...who cares then?

09-22-2006, 07:55 AM
...who cares then?

back in the day i used to be more into looking clean than performance, so all of the body damage irritates the hell out of me.

right now the performance aspect of the car is definately what keeps me happy. don't get me wrong, i love my car but just wanted to cry about my dings and dents!

09-22-2006, 08:34 AM
Yea, i feel the same way. My car is like a magnet for bad drivers. I had someone do the same thing to me. i came out of my condo one morning and see that the rear passanger side quarter was all pushed in and scratched up. and of course they didnt leave a note or anything. but luckily my insurance covered it under hit and run, so i got an $850 check. just in time, b/c a couple days before, my computer crashed, so i just went ahead and bought a new one with check from the insurance company.
also, my mom took the brush gaurd of her landrover down the drivers side fender of my car, but it's cool b/c it almost looks like my fender is pulled a little bit. haha, she said she'd pay for it anyway. and finally just the other day i go to my car after finishing up w/ class and the girl that parallel parked behind me decided to rest her front bumper on my rear bumper. it just chipped a small spec of paint off. so obviously i took out my lug wrench and knocked all of her windows out and left her a note that said "learn how to drive!"

..just kidding, i didnt do anything to her car. but yea, that's frustrating. have you thought about turning it in to your insurance to see if they cover hit and run?

09-22-2006, 09:25 AM
I'm glad someone else can feel my pain hehe.

I have full coverage AAA insurance but am hesitant to call. I heard that they raise your insurance when you make claims. is that true?

09-22-2006, 09:37 AM
..mine hasnt gone up. but i have amica, so it may be different from company to company.

09-22-2006, 01:31 PM
here is a tip... carry a disposable camera that is easy to reach, when driver tries to run away take pictures. although it might not prove anything in court, we could go all vigelanty and mess there shit up. It's funny how google's search on license plates and show so much.

09-22-2006, 07:49 PM
You shoulda seen me the next day when my car got hit in the parking lot where i live. i was going around looking at every car for damage w/ burgandy paint from my car on it. i bet anyone that saw me out there thought i was one strange nut job..either that or they thought i had a thing for car bumpers.

09-22-2006, 07:51 PM
my civic was the same way...rear ended while stopped by someone doing 50 clicks(snapped the subframe), rearended by a dumb bitch backing up and almost pinning kevin and I after we got it back from the body shop from the first accident, I rearended an Escalade cuz he strted going I turned my head to see if it was clear for me to go and turn right and he slammed on his brakes to avoid a car making a u-turn (he ended up owning the apts I lived in at the time....asshole). Plus tons of door dings and stupid shit...fuct front end from driving in the desert with sandstorms....poor car, gald I got 6K for it when we moved to japan!

09-22-2006, 08:04 PM
You are not the only one. I park my shit a mile away in a expmty parking lot. All this to avoid someone hitting it, one day I will come out and the shit will be gone. Oh well. *a