View Full Version : A random nightscene - Me versus Ricer

09-20-2006, 04:38 AM
This is not a very funny story but i still wanna share it
Half an hour ago, around 2:45 in the morning, i got off from work, tired as fuckhttp://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c322/HKsilvia/faces/sleepy.gif, but still decided to go to gas station for a half tank of fuel...
came to an intersection, an Honda Accord with 19" chrome rims and 3 people pull up, a white guy (i guess) stick his head out, lets call him Mr. R...
Mr.R: hey you wanna race?
Me :shoke my headhttp://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c322/HKsilvia/faces/ugone2far.gif
Mr.R: (pause for 2 second...kinda surprice to my respond) hey cummon!!!
Me :http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c322/HKsilvia/faces/owell.gif
light almost turned green...
Mr.R: On your mark...
Me : slowly shift to gear one :o
light green, the Accord squeeze his tire and launch. Me: an old granny start:D , but judging from his launching speed, i could do way better on my dad's Sienna...
Mr.R: (sticked his hand out of the window) Wohooo...
Me : :wavey: and pulled into the gas station

on my way home, i was thinkin, damn, few months ago i would have playing with these ricer fags, and guess what, what if theres a cop pop out all of a sudden...i just saved the following
1. a speeding ticket
2. a speed contest ticket
3. get my car impounded
4. a ref ticket
5. my life
6. somebody's lives
thas about $5000 in there just for the tickets, and lives is priceless, and i just saved my own ass from those;)

conclusion: dont street race, even u got taunted and u know u gonna win for sure. a shake of your head can save you a lot, i mean A LOT of trouble.

09-20-2006, 05:00 AM
Good choice.

09-20-2006, 06:52 AM
i'm the same way. but sometimes i have a feeling of regret when i come across the cocky bastards in their hondas. thinking of the consequences beforehand keeps me out of trouble though.

09-20-2006, 07:58 AM
I run into people that want to "race" all the time, I know when I was in high school out cruising in my friend's piece of shit honda, I would randomly tell people "lets race" and then we would just drive normal.

09-20-2006, 11:13 AM
I think we can all honestly say

1 You WOULD do it if you knew your area very well and knew cops didnt really post up on XX street.

2. If it was AT LEAST worth it, your 200-300whp car agaisnt a rich guy in his porsche with a HOT passenger? Or something worth it :D

3. If the entire straight was in plain view and there was 100% no possible way of civilian interference.

4. You say fuck it, you do it, then your like (hitting head) stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid!

09-20-2006, 01:09 PM
I think we can all honestly say

1 You WOULD do it if you knew your area very well and knew cops didnt really post up on XX street.

2. If it was AT LEAST worth it, your 200-300whp car agaisnt a rich guy in his porsche with a HOT passenger? Or something worth it :D

3. If the entire straight was in plain view and there was 100% no possible way of civilian interference.

very true...im still training myself how to hold my right foot, believe me its hard...

4. You say fuck it, you do it, then your like (hitting head) stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid!

09-20-2006, 01:21 PM
1. no, cuz popos will pop outta nowhere at any time

2. ehh.......no comment heheheheh MAYBE

3. no unless MAYBE 2.

i said MAYBE!!!

09-20-2006, 01:36 PM
Good points.

I would have to say tho - if it were a mustang or a camero that I lined up with in my S14 i would HAVE to take the race. . . . a slow ass honda just wouldnt do it for me either.

09-20-2006, 02:42 PM
I've got a good one too.
Saturday I had lunch with my friends at Wendy's on our way to the mountains to shoot some photos (really.)
As I was pulling out of the Wendy's parking lot, a black Integra with a cage pulled in, passed the mini and 3-series my friends were driving and pulled up next to my S13 hatch. He looks over at me with a serious look on his face, and says "Wanna Run"
I respond with "Um, No." and pull into the street and stop at the light.
The integra waits for a bit in the parking lot, like I'm actually going to change my mind. He finally gives up and pulls into a spot while I'm still waiting for the left turn light to go green.
He get's out of his car, and while he's staring me down, his wife/gf is pulling their infant child out of the back seat! WTF!?

09-20-2006, 04:55 PM
I've got a good one too.
Saturday I had lunch with my friends at Wendy's on our way to the mountains to shoot some photos (really.)
As I was pulling out of the Wendy's parking lot, a black Integra with a cage pulled in, passed the mini and 3-series my friends were driving and pulled up next to my S13 hatch. He looks over at me with a serious look on his face, and says "Wanna Run"
I respond with "Um, No." and pull into the street and stop at the light.
The integra waits for a bit in the parking lot, like I'm actually going to change my mind. He finally gives up and pulls into a spot while I'm still waiting for the left turn light to go green.
He get's out of his car, and while he's staring me down, his wife/gf is pulling their infant child out of the back seat! WTF!?

People these days will risk anything and everything to prove they have a "fast" car. Racing on the tracks, sure why not? But on the streets AND having a passenger AND a kid in the backseat. That guy should be locked up and his car impounded for his stupidity and ignorance. Good call for you, Yuri, on the other hand!;)

09-20-2006, 05:26 PM
i ignore these types of ricers all the time. not worth it.
You always hear about these stories where a kid would drag race another car in day light and end up crashing. You dont want to be the guy dying or in hand cuffs.

09-20-2006, 06:14 PM
i ignore these types of ricers all the time. not worth it.
You always hear about these stories where a kid would drag race another car in day light and end up crashing. You dont want to be the guy dying or in hand cuffs.

Quoted for teh win

09-20-2006, 06:24 PM
i ignore these types of ricers all the time. not worth it.
You always hear about these stories where a kid would drag race another car in day light and end up crashing. You dont want to be the guy dying or in hand cuffs.

well true but those are stupid people liek the guy in the integra!! WTF MAN! Same shit too, I saw a mustang NOT EVEN v8 a v6 2001. This guy was ALL over the freeway going in and out hella reckless right. I end up next to him since he's exiting and I see he's talking to someone, and im like wtf?? i dont see anyone, I look closer and i barely see a little head, there was a little boy in the passenger seat while he was doing that, fucking IDIOT!!!

09-20-2006, 07:01 PM
The best thing to do is to get in a lane that you can turn left in as well as go straight. Rev your engine at ricer, and then turn left as they peal off.

09-20-2006, 07:16 PM
ive had a actual car load (4 guys) want to race, even flash a hundred dollar bill out the window of thier IMPALA on some stupid rims while were sitting at a light, im like uh no, and roll my window up while there trying to talk to me into racing. now i dont know if they knowticed, but we're at a busy intersection anyways, and i could see a cop in the parking lot down the road a little ways. seriously. i dont street race, and even if i did. i would have been arrested that night for it. liekwise if the cop haddnt been there, and i did race, and everything turned out fine and i won, im quite sure they wouldnt have handed over the hundred dollar bill they so proudly flaunted at me. infact, im sure they would have take my money. or my car with me wrapped up in the trunk.

dont race on the street. ever.

09-20-2006, 08:34 PM
well true but those are stupid people liek the guy in the integra!! WTF MAN! Same shit too, I saw a mustang NOT EVEN v8 a v6 2001. This guy was ALL over the freeway going in and out hella reckless right. I end up next to him since he's exiting and I see he's talking to someone, and im like wtf?? i dont see anyone, I look closer and i barely see a little head, there was a little boy in the passenger seat while he was doing that, fucking IDIOT!!!

state department of wildlife should issue permits for hunting idiot's

I get revved on all the time, civic, scions, and the worst kind, you're own kind, yes, s13's.

09-20-2006, 08:39 PM
i was parking my car at school and walking away when these 2 black guys shout "hey!" i turn around "you wanna race pinks?"

this was last week..

09-20-2006, 09:48 PM
There are cockbags like that everywhere, when I was still in Cali those fuckers rev at me on 101 at 3pm, in bumper to bumper traffic. I moved to TX, now I have the same type of idiots reving at me in a school zone.

09-20-2006, 10:33 PM

a year ago some dude came from to over to our cars in the parking lot at Mt. Sac during a Olympics thing my work hasand looked around my friends red integra.... took a look at his Racing Hart Type C's....

and then said:

How fast are you?

Friend goes: Speed of Light...

dood goes: Wanna run?

Friend goes: I jog in the evening.

hahahahaha Dude is like huh? I'm for a second like wtf just happened.
friend had no clue he was talking about running his car.

ahahah probably cuz we were at a "olympics style" thing we have annually.

or maybe he was hitting on my friend... sick

09-21-2006, 01:43 AM
this morning, driving to walgreens, a clean 68 mustang coupe reved on me. sounded like a 289 hah.
Leaving the target parking lot that morning, a civic was parked with someone in it, then another civic pulls up behind it and rev at it 3 times. :shakes head:

EndLeSS8, why the quote? the only time i toy with cars is with my friends. The last time i've done any bs was way back in the days. 2002?

airsoft, tons of idiots at that school. I remember hanging out at the 3rd floor math building, and i witness a BOV challenge in the parking lot LOL.
couple of honda people hit me up in the parking lot, but it was small talk. you know them? i'm the only grey s14 there.

09-21-2006, 03:11 AM
My buddies were in a beater civic when these ricers started to rev on him. My buddy grabbed a crown shaped air freshener that was stuck on the dash and threw it and it hit the head of the ricer. He stop then made a quick right turn.

My other buddy got out of his car and started pounding on a ricers window, when a ricer kept on reving him during traffic. My buddy was at a light( if anyone has driven past the greatmall in milpitas you know how close the lights are.) A ricer stated to rev at my buddy, but he waved it off. Light turns green and the ricer takes off, going no where fast because he hits the next light. He does it again and this time it pissed off my buddy so he got out of the car and started hit the guys window telling him he is going to beat his ass. Funny thing was the light turned green the ricer just sat there in his car with him and his friend just looking foward. No one moved or honked there horns. once my buddy got in his car he left and thats when people started to move.

09-21-2006, 06:55 AM
It's getting that time of year where I want to drive with my window down most of the time. I know this is going to lead to ricer instances.

09-21-2006, 09:46 AM
My buddies were in a beater civic when these ricers started to rev on him. My buddy grabbed a crown shaped air freshener that was stuck on the dash and threw it and it hit the head of the ricer. He stop then made a quick right turn.

My other buddy got out of his car and started pounding on a ricers window, when a ricer kept on reving him during traffic. My buddy was at a light( if anyone has driven past the greatmall in milpitas you know how close the lights are.) A ricer stated to rev at my buddy, but he waved it off. Light turns green and the ricer takes off, going no where fast because he hits the next light. He does it again and this time it pissed off my buddy so he got out of the car and started hit the guys window telling him he is going to beat his ass. Funny thing was the light turned green the ricer just sat there in his car with him and his friend just looking foward. No one moved or honked there horns. once my buddy got in his car he left and thats when people started to move.

And and you don't get into trouble with your buddies? :rl:

09-21-2006, 09:51 AM
Yea i work at a goodyear and i was test driving a kids 96 integra ls with a huge tranny issue . When some kid in a srt4 downshifts and the bov is obnoxiously loud and then flys off as i turn into my store and i look up and a cop is allready in the middle of the street pointing at him to pull over.

09-21-2006, 10:09 AM
this morning, driving to walgreens, a clean 68 mustang coupe reved on me. sounded like a 289 hah.
Leaving the target parking lot that morning, a civic was parked with someone in it, then another civic pulls up behind it and rev at it 3 times. :shakes head:

EndLeSS8, why the quote? the only time i toy with cars is with my friends. The last time i've done any bs was way back in the days. 2002?

airsoft, tons of idiots at that school. I remember hanging out at the 3rd floor math building, and i witness a BOV challenge in the parking lot LOL.
couple of honda people hit me up in the parking lot, but it was small talk. you know them? i'm the only grey s14 there.

What I meant was, not being in handcuffs or dead = win

09-21-2006, 10:33 AM
It's not always just the ricers, I had some old like 40 year old dude revving at me, squealin his wheels, tailgating and cutting around people in heavy heavy traffic in a dodge viper...with his what looked to be 12 year old son in the passenger seat. When I finally caught eye contact with him I just shook my head at him and laughed and he realized I wasnt gonna play, cut over all the lanes and took the next offramp...very very fast.
What an ass, thats teaching your kid good driving morals. I was praying for a cop to come by.

09-21-2006, 10:57 AM
You should have told him right infront of his son.


Hehehe. Just joking. Make babies not war!

09-21-2006, 02:23 PM
There was an instance on Rosemead Blvd heading South passed Broadway towards Lower Azusa, a friend way way back in 1999 was racing a Mustang (dumb regardless of reason racing) and a CHP hits his lights adn tells the Accord (my friends car) to pull over (via Megaphoneage) and basically allowed the Mustang to pass on by with no problem...

1st thing Cop says, "Looks like the Mustang beat you..."

That was shitty. Anywho it was a ticket he deserved anyway.

09-21-2006, 03:30 PM
Street race is like sex without condom... u know is wrong but feel goooood =P

09-21-2006, 04:24 PM
u can let the girl take birth control pills...but theres no risk control pills on street racing

09-21-2006, 09:42 PM
i know is wrong, but i live in a place where u can get away of any ticket with $100 or $200 pesos ($10 or $20 dollars) sometimes less... O_o

09-22-2006, 03:10 AM
yea mexico, currupted law enforcement/government FTW!

09-23-2006, 10:46 AM
u can let the girl take birth control pills...but theres no risk control pills on street racing

Cyanide would do the trick for quite a few people.

09-27-2006, 04:00 PM
aparently despite being old u dont get any smarter-

i was going home at like 1 AM, in an area thats known to have a lotta ricers and street races, and im sitting at a lite by myself when some vette pulls up and starts revving on me. i dont bother looking at him and when the light turns green i just cruise like normal. the vette on the other hand goes balls out tires screetching and everything. then we both stop about 100 feet away at the next red light. this same shit happens for about 4 lights in a row, and then i look over at the vette at the fifth light and its some guy in his 50s...
ud think ppl would wise up after theey turn 20 but i guess sum ppl never learn...