View Full Version : No BS. Ref Ticket for SR20det Thread.

09-13-2006, 01:12 AM
Okay, after doing a through search of the previous threads on California State Emissions Ref tickets, I've come to the conclusion most of the people that get them are whiny bastards who say "Fuck the POlice" before realizing they asked for it.

Anyway, here is my no BS Ref Ticket experience (in progress). Mods please delete if you find it repetitive, or lock it if it gets out of hand. I simply offer this as a 100% truth, exactly what will happen, no whining tell-all of what will happen if you are pulled over with an SR20det. I write this in hopes that someone doing a search, like I did today, will have a truthful, unopinionated story of what to expect.

2 months back, I was pulled over in my 91 240sx coupe. It was late at night, and I was in the wrong part of town. I was commiting no crime (other than the crime of driving a modified car). I was not speeding, or tresspassing, drifting or racing.

The car is low, it has exhaust, a silvia front end, lots of stickers, lots of dents, a roll cage, a race bucket, no gauges and no catalytic converter. Please do not respond with your "better than thou" insults of how "IF YOU DRIVE ILLEGAL YOU ARE ILLEGAL". Please. I knew the exact punishment for the crime, and I am 100% willing and able to deal with it. No laws will stop me from doing what I love.

An undercover cop in an unmarked Crown Victoria came out of a parking lot and got behind me, turned on his lights and I pulled over calmly. Having been in these situations before, I knew to turn off my car, roll down my driver's side window slightly, and put my hands where the officer could see them.

The officer walked up and asked, "License, registration, proof of insurance."

After giving him the documents, he asked, "What are you doing out here XXX if you live in XXX?"

I told the officer, "I will not answer any questions officer." I probably could have worded that better but I'm kind of a retard to the English language.

He took two steps back, put his hand over his belt (assuming his weapon), and said, "Pop your hood for me, XXX"

I asked, "Officer, is that a demand or a request?" (assuming if he said request, I had the right to deny it.)

"That's an order."

I opened the hood for the officer.

"Well, looks like you have just about everything illegal under this hood." he said, and turned to me for a response, for which I remained silent.

The officer did NOT know what an SR20det was by looking at it. He made reference to the turbine, the turbo manifold (aftermarket), the blue vaccum hose for the BOV, the BOV itself, the hot pipe, and the air filter.

He told me to close the hood and sit back in the car. Which I did. He came back with a ticket for modified emissions, and modified exhaust. (which I have.) He then told me, "On the back of this ticket is a number, call that and set up a date with the state Ref. You should install a silencer, I could hear you a block away." And he drove away. (I actually have a ruthless exhaust leak, and the muffler is almsot dead quiet when my system is without leaks) The car was not impounded. I was allowed to drive it home, and was not told that I could no longer drive it on the street. This may be a cop being nice, or it may be that they cannot impound your car for this offense.

On the advice of a few friends I have that had this ticket before, I didn't call the state Ref. I was told when the letter came in and told me my bail amount, I would be able to send in the bail amount and not deal with the Ref or the Court.

Weeks passed, and today I recieved the letter. Under BAIL: It states "Mandatory Appearance". It appears that the law has since changed, and you are required to goto court for this offense. You are NOT allowed to simply pay ~500$ and walk away. That rumor is false, or the law has been changed for all I know.

So, as it stands as of today, I will be going to court in 2 months, and am not able to fix the modifications (it'd cost me FAR too much money, and FAR too much time.) I have another car to drive, and haven't been driving this one.

What I would like to know is, as I cannot afford legal advice, if anyone has any of their own. Or knows a lawyer that can give some.

Current ideas are:

"Your honor, if you will allow it, I will register the car non-op and take it off the streets." In hopes that she will either drop the fine or reduce it. I will then scrap the shell, and put my old parts into a fresh chassis.

Ask for an extension of time as I simply do not have the funds to switch out the number of modifications I have made AND make the car pass smog.

Questions (please, only answer if you know what you are talking about, and have quotes/experience from actual LAW):

Can undercover police pull you over and give citations?

"an undercover cop is still a cop and give you any ticket they want. a cop off duty is still a cop and can arrest you if they wanted. my current manager use to be a state ref and i asked him about cops off duty and undercover cops as well."

Can a police officer demand you to open your hood?

"you do not have to pop your hood, but if you are not compliant, from what ive been told the cop will tow your vehicle because you are not compliant and will pop your hood in the pound."

Based on this link: http://www.answers.com/topic/automobile-searches
There is legal precedent for a police officer to pop your hood, as they cannot realisticly obtain a search warrant in time, because a vehicle is mobile and can cross state lines with ease. (Unlike a house, which isn't moving, which the officer has time to obtain a warrant before searching.)

What happens if I simply can not fix the modifications?

What happens if I cannot pay the fines?

"if u cant pay the fines they will impound your car, revoke ur registration, revoke ur license, take money out from your assets, pretty much they will force u to pay the money if u cant pay the fines."

What happens if I do not see the Ref before seeing the judge?

If my car is impounded, is it immediately after the trial, or do I have time to strip the car of parts? Should I strip it before going to court?

Please, only respond if you have something helpful to say, if you're going to say 'FUCK CA' or 'FUCK POLICE' , please, goto hell. You're a moron. This is just how we deal with the passion we have. Just like graffiti is illegal, so is modifying a car. I'll keep this thread updated by modifiying this original post.

09-13-2006, 01:29 AM
pay for the fine its a big one but you don't have to go to the ref.... or atleast thats what my friends did. I took mine to the ref cuz i was more legal than an 18 year old naked girl.

09-13-2006, 01:33 AM
an undercover cop is still a cop and give you any ticket they want. a cop off duty is still a cop and can arrest you if they wanted. my current manager use to be a state ref and i asked him about cops off duty and undercover cops as well.

you do not have to pop your hood, but if you are not compliant, from what ive been told the cop will tow your vehicle because you are not compliant and will pop your hood in the pound.

as for the last two questions im not sure. but you can always ask for an extension. say your a student with limited funds and limited time.

09-13-2006, 01:43 AM
I know that a friend of a friend got a ticket for failure to cooperate or whatever
because he didn't pop the hood.

09-13-2006, 01:55 AM
Can undercover police pull you over and give citations?

Any peace officer can.

Can undercover police pull you over and give citations?

You don't necessarily have to open it, but that will just give them authority to impound the car. I'd rather just take my chances with him not knowing anything if I pop my hood.

Good luck!

09-13-2006, 04:15 AM
I don't understand how ANY PEACE officer can just pull anyone over randomly and pop a hood. I call B.S.

I have two reasons to say this.

1. they are OFF DUTY. Therefore they are a civilian. From what i've heard, whenever they make an arrest, it is basically just a citizens arrest.

2. When my lawer goes to court for traffic offences, the first three things he asks are

1. were you on duty
2. in a marked car
3. in uniform

I'm not an expert, but this is what i've gathered on my own. If i were you, i would save 3 to 4 hundred bucks, and just go get a lawer. IN THE END, i think it will SAVE YOU money and time. JMO

PS- PLUS ONE FOR the MAKER of this thread for sticking to what he loves, but understanding the consequences at the same time. LOTS of zilvians could learn from this.

09-13-2006, 05:37 AM
i am trying to learn all i can about this issue as well...and living in socal is especially difficult as everyone knows. All i have to say is... 1. Making things under the hood look as stock as possible and 2. Being overly friendly and respectfull (i have been asked to pop my hood at least half a dozen times and since i always confidently get out and pop it like i have nothing to hide, it has made a world of difference)...and every time the cop has said "thank you very much for cooperating" and lets me shut it and go without question. So i have noticed that if your attidude implies that you have nothing to hide, the officer senses that, and therefore sometimes will not even really look to see what you have, he may have just wanted to see how you react to the question. I have basically made friends with most of these cops, of course there is the occasional asshole cop that hates you just for driving a tricked out car, but in my experience that has been rare. I know this response in no way helped with any ref ticket questions, but i figured maybe this will possibly help someone who reads this out of a future ticket.

09-13-2006, 06:01 AM
if u cant pay the fines they will impound your car, revoke ur registration, revoke ur license, take money out from your assets, pretty much they will force u to pay the money if u cant pay the fines.

It may not be any of my business but this is what i would recommend you doing. save up for a shell and send out a letter for an extension (by law u can request an extension without appearing in court AND give ur verdict or do everything by mail). Extend it as long as possible and when u show up in court explain that the car is non operation and u will pay the fee for pleaing guilty. swap everything over and start anew. (this might work cuz this is one of my plans of escape for when i get caught)

09-13-2006, 06:06 AM
^ :werd:

I think now instead of companies making parts that have a more agressive look they should look into to the market of understated parts and asseories. Decals, agressive aero, exhaust, ect attract attention. And now cops. An easy ticket for them when spotted. They wont even have to know a thing about the modifications but due to the fact give you a ticket. Seeing as if your car has legal mods then you will pass and the ticket will be thrown out.

Developing ways to hide or blend in turbos/exhaust mani's and make them more stelth really needs to be thought about when modifing.

09-13-2006, 07:45 AM
This site was posted awhile ago and I found it pretty informative. http://www.flexyourrights.org/traffic_stop_scenario

09-13-2006, 08:35 AM
iuno i just read that link and well,
3) Just Say "No" to Warrantless Searches..... if u do that, they will impound ur car and get a search warrant and charge u for impounding the car so that fails

they can search ur car even without a warrant legally cuz they have probable and just cause. but heres a post thats very note worthy http://ticketassassin.com/visorguide.html

09-13-2006, 09:11 AM
pretty much keep a low profile exhaust or stock exhaust on if you have a SR20..or any imported motor..the reason for that is..its typical that the cop pulls you over for the modified exhaust. THey can and will use that as evidence that will allow them all the rights to pull you over and have you pop your hood. when you do get pulled over and you have a stock exhaust on, just leave a lil crack open on your windows that way you can talk to them, give them your license, registration, proof of insurance, and so that they can't stick their head's in and spot any other reason to pull you over..chance are they will ask you to get out of your car..just follow what they tell you and get out the car..roll up the windows and lock your doors. whatever they say about your car then, just ignore them....they will ask to search, or pop your hood. and tell them that you do not constent a search..and let them know can you be on your way now..if their isn't any evidence, they should let you go or give you some lame ticket that doesn't involve havein your hood popped...anyways..i've done this before, but i have a ka so i didn't really care if i had to pop my hood..i told them that. and all they told me was that they were lookin for a car similar to a description of my car and they thought that my car fit the description...i was like whatever and left.

09-13-2006, 09:43 AM
pay for the fine its a big one but you don't have to go to the ref.... or atleast thats what my friends did. I took mine to the ref cuz i was more legal than an 18 year old naked girl.

Like I said, there's no fine like how other people I've met have recieved. It just says Mandatory Appearance.

SilviaDriver: Thank you!

2. When my lawer goes to court for traffic offences, the first three things he asks are

1. were you on duty
2. in a marked car
3. in uniform

1. yes
2. no
3. yes

Topsecretgold: I understand that being compliant may have saved me a little trouble, but I am always silent in a traffic stop. I don't like admitting guilt. It's easier to fight a ticket in court, than on the street with a police officer.

Sil-ABC: Thanks for answering that question! I actually planned on doing JUST that. When I said I'd tell the judge that the car would be registered non-op, I planned on already having a registered chassis waiting for the swap.

Pitch: See, I don't like modifying my car to conform with CA law. It's just not my thing. I make my car look how I want it to look, run like how I want it to run, drive it safely on the streets, don't hurt anyone and take it to the track. If CA legislature thinks that's a heinous crime, I'm guilty. Call it "Non-violent protest". If I wanted my car to look stock, I wouldn't buy aero, or exhaust, or an SR20det. I don't think you need to make stock looking exhaust, if you wanted stock looking exhaust, buy stock exhaust. I just don't get that mentality.

Spdfreek: I don't believe the people that made that ever lived in CA. They have laws here where a cop has legal right to demand you to open your hood, if your car makes even a bit of noise, or has a sticker .

Mistaanime: Like I said, I don't give a rats ass, I modify my car the way I want. I don't agree with CA law, I don't agree with the double standards we are being given, and I won't comply. I will simply continue doing what I do, the way I do it. They didn't give you a ticket BECAUSE you have a KA. SR has a turbine in plain view, a cone filter and a BOV.

09-13-2006, 10:07 AM
Many laws have to do with precedent. I found a definition of Warantless Automobile Searches (alot of legal jargon). If you can wade through it, I hope you get some help from it. http://www.answers.com/topic/automobile-searches

09-13-2006, 10:56 AM
Like I said, there's no fine like how other people I've met have recieved. It just says Mandatory Appearance.

I second that. A friend of mine just finished swapping in a KA and is going to the ref because paying the fine is an OLD option that no longer exists!

09-13-2006, 11:18 AM
I know my friend pay the fine about a month ago and never went to the ref. He paid and nothing happen.

Also, Even thought it say mandatory, you can still go to the court house's clerk window (where you pay tickets) and file for an extention. It will push back your court date. You can file once or twice I forgot for a limited amount of them (up to 3 or 6 months I think)

09-13-2006, 11:31 AM
I second that. A friend of mine just finished swapping in a KA and is going to the ref because paying the fine is an OLD option that no longer exists!

Wow, I guess they changed there law from, like 3~4 months ago? where did you find info on the disscontinuation of that?:smash:

09-13-2006, 02:09 PM
I know my friend pay the fine about a month ago and never went to the ref. He paid and nothing happen.

Also, Even thought it say mandatory, you can still go to the court house's clerk window (where you pay tickets) and file for an extention. It will push back your court date. You can file once or twice I forgot for a limited amount of them (up to 3 or 6 months I think)
Yup, 2 extensions is the limit with the clerk. After that, it is a mandatory appearance, you could still get more extension though.

09-13-2006, 02:54 PM
I don't understand how ANY PEACE officer can just pull anyone over randomly and pop a hood. I call B.S.

I have two reasons to say this.

1. they are OFF DUTY. Therefore they are a civilian. From what i've heard, whenever they make an arrest, it is basically just a citizens arrest.

It doesn't matter if they are off-duty, they are still sworn officers. That makes it sound like just because they're off-duty, and if they see a crime being committed, that they just stand there looking and not do anything.

I'm studying to be a Deputy Sheriff, so I know most of the ins and outs of what they can, and can't do.

09-13-2006, 07:29 PM
I rememebr my friend got out of his ref ticket when he first got it with help of a lawyer becuase he said the officer just went and pulled the hood latch without asking and popped his hood without consent first.. but again he had the cash to see a lawyer..

*same guy who battled the cops to run away in sr20 s14 hahaha* got his car back too.. but i think having money plays a big roll in this.

This situation is a little different, I think they might have strictend up the rules with paying bail fines. They might have realised that alot of people jus pay the fines and this doesnt fix the problem of illegal parts on the street. I think they are getting smart, they know the media coverage is vastly growing (movies, games etc) have been increasing interest in modified vehicles.

Ive always had this idea to write to every magazine that cators towards performance modifications if they could maybe colaborate with thier readers to have a "send in" form for people to sign and be used as a petition to be used to take up to sacramento to abolish the "road side vehicle inspection" or get rid of "vehicle smog inspection" .

What happens if I cannot pay the fines?

What happens if I do not see the Ref before seeing the judge?

If my car is impounded, is it immediately after the trial, or do I have time to strip the car of parts? Should I strip it before going to court?

You should be allowed an extension in front of a judge *i think*. I dont think they can take your car right away, im sure they make you turn it over though.

Getting rid of the car wont clear anything, I saw this kid in court with an integra who had ref tickets on it, and he told the judge he sold it, and the judge still enforced the fines becuase it happened during his ownership.

also another kid had his car burn down after he got ref tickets, so he told the judge this and showed pics, and the judge also enforced the fines or correct the problem.

Whatever you do, make sure you give notice if you cant appear, I forgot to appear one time and got a failure to appear, that cost me $500!!

This is why im loosing interest in the 240s.

I wonder if you can email someone @ sema for advice

I doubt they would have ideas to fight it, but could at least find out if the "mandatory" thing is new or not

09-13-2006, 10:10 PM
So as some of you might remember I got a ticket by a punk-ass DRAG-NET cop back in Dec.

He wrote me a ticket for a couple of things including: Modified SMOG Equipment

Well this type of violation carries a pretty heavy penalty, I believe the bail is somewhere around $1500.00 uncorrected.

My initial idea was to go to the SMOG ref and get my car to pass since everything that matters on the car is CARB (intake, header).

So far I've changed: the cat out to one that has actual honeycomb in it from a Jap car, retarded the timing beyond stock, seafoamed the intake system twice at two different points of entry, and spliced the Check Engine Light wire into the oil pressure light.

After my visit to the State Ref today the results were improved, but still FAIL, again.

HC (Hydrocarbons)
15MPH MAX 58 Mine 90
30MPH MAX 42 Mine 41
CO (Carbon Dioxide)
NO (Nix gases)
15MPH MAX 451 Mine 2206
30MPH MAX 738 Mine 1868

And my car failed to communicate with the OBDII connector during the final phase of the test (spliced CEL wire).

So now I must undo what I did to the CEL. Remove my intake manifold to install a fairly expensive component onto the underside of the intake manifold to hopefully correct the CEL code. If this IACV regulator doesn't correct my CEL code I'm going to freak out and probably go on a shooting rampage at the first nursery/playground I can find.

Now, I have access to a SMOG check place so I can gauge my progress throughout this process. And after installing the cat I found, and retarding the timing, and running some Acetone in my gas tank, my car was passing everything except low speed Nix. So I figured retard the timing a little more, add some more Acetone, should be good.

Apparently not, I think it had something to do with the amount the car had to sit prior to testing. I ran the shit out of the car prior to arriving at the ref's (including drifting the entire Miramar Rd. on ramp to the 15N from top to bottom, which was fucking AWESOME. Officially my first successful complete on ramp drift in the dry. Top to bottom, no swerving straight, just straight gansta angle from start to finish, beautiful). I arrived at the ref station at Miramar college about 5 mins early. So since they weren't ready I sat outside with the car running revving to 2500 for about 2-3 mins. Finally I went inside and waited (with the car running outside) The little greeter guy came out took down some info, I signed, he pulled the car around. I think the car sat in their bay for several minutes while they went over it. Then they started it up and started their business. Blah blah, I fail.

I guess the reason for this whole rant is this: if you get a ref ticket call Mr. Ticket, or return your car to stock.

So far, I have tried and failed several methods to settle this whole scenario (risking counts of perjury and/or contempt of court):
1. Told the court I sold the car and showed him the filled out release of liability form from my pinkslip(the judge wouldn't sign off until he saw a completed change of ownership from the DMV)
2. Wired CEL to oil pressure light to dodge CEL failure (State Ref hooks up to OBDII port regardless, it's part of the test).
3. Ran acetone in gas, replaced Cap, Rotor, Fuel filter, retarded timing all to lower Nix emissions, unsuccessfully.

So I guess when I got to traffic court on Wednesday I'll request another extention (my 3rd or 4th in 6 months) and attempt to figure out why this fucking car won't pass a fucking SMOG test.

I love cops like I love FWD cars...

not one fucking bit.

time passes, car passes smog, goes back.

So even tho I wasn't completely wrong,

I still lost.

Since my car couldn't pass smog when I went to the referee the next day after being issued a referee ticket I was "technically" still "In willful violation" therefore negating me paying a minimum fine of $351.

Dat paid Mr. Ticket to handle his business for him, and was still required to pay the same fine as me without stepping foot in court. Only Dat doesn't have to show evidence of compliance (Referee certificate)

So basically even tho I tried to do everything by the book, and even tho the commisioner (judge) was COOL AS FUCK, and tried to get me to only pay $10, I still get fucked in the ass because DRAGNET knows how to fuck "street racers".

So after changing my rear 02 sensor and showing up at the State Ref without an appointment and getting squeezed in and passing visual inspection, and emissions test, since my ECU had not yet reset itself I was in violation regardless.

And even if I did pass, I would still be found guilty, because I wasn't legit when I first went to the ref.


So to conclude this thread:


moral of the story, get a lawyer. and if you go for the legalizing the car thing, DONOT go to the ref until everything is fixed 100% going to pass smog.

09-14-2006, 08:17 AM
moral of the story, get a lawyer. and if you go for the legalizing the car thing, DONOT go to the ref until everything is fixed 100% going to pass smog.
Seeing that a lot of things, and legal procedure has change since I left California 2 years ago. I would like to bring up a few questions:

1. How much does it usually cost for a half decent traffic lawyer to handle something like this?

2. Is it a good idea to get on the phone with your lawyer the moment the police "request" you to pop the hood?

3. When a lawyer get involves, does the ticket disappeared completely? The reason I asked this is because these type of ticket does appear in the auto insurace database, and they use it to raise the rate. I came to know about this because a good friend of my step dad is a State Farm Agent.

Thank you for reading.


09-14-2006, 03:10 PM
Also for all those without cash for lawyer:

You have the right be represented by an attorney, regardless of if you can afford it or not.

If you can't, you'll receive free public council.

The quality of such council, however, may leave something to be desired.

09-14-2006, 04:48 PM
Im in georgia so I dont have to deal with this mess but couldnt you register the car out of state such as a southern area with no emissions? Also with 240sx's do they specifically look for sr20 motors or also rb25 or any other such as ca18. I just want to get a hold of things because I might be going to a college in socal.

bryce with a y
09-14-2006, 08:41 PM
dude 100% sure he had you pop your hood cause you said you wouldnt answer anything... that was just stupid... seriously

09-14-2006, 10:19 PM
Im in georgia so I dont have to deal with this mess but couldnt you register the car out of state such as a southern area with no emissions? Also with 240sx's do they specifically look for sr20 motors or also rb25 or any other such as ca18. I just want to get a hold of things because I might be going to a college in socal.

No, In CA if you drive around for more than a certian amount of time with an out of state plate, you are required to register in state. They've got this whole system pretty much figured out. This officer did not know what an SR20det was. He simply gave me the ticket for modifications he could visually see, such as exhaust, turbine, blow off valve, and "blue vaccum hose". He didn't need to know what motor came with the car, or what motor was put into the car.

dude 100% sure he had you pop your hood cause you said you wouldnt answer anything... that was just stupid... seriously

I'm 100% sure, given what my car looks like, what the car sounds like, where I was, and what time it was, he would've popped my hood anyway. Sorry for expressing my right to remain silent, and to not incriminate myself. Your reply was just stupid... seriously.

09-15-2006, 03:07 PM
Is your engine bay flashy at all? I was planning to paint all polished aluminum with high temp black paint as well as my intercooler. Maybe I could risk it and just keep it stock as possible with a silencer. Body is stock so thats nothing to worry about. Thanks for the insight though.

09-15-2006, 03:59 PM
go to the ref. and find a tech and offer him $500.

09-15-2006, 04:35 PM
First, you should have asked what he pulled you over for. given that, had he not answered correctly, or said something other than exhaust, gives you the right not to pop your hood. if he said exhaust, then you are kind of obligated to. even then, you can still deny him the pleasure of having the hood popped. they do have to get a search warrant, but they can impound your car. if the officer says " please pop your hood or i will have to pop it for you, in effect, may end up damaging your car etc etc." tell him no, i will not pop my hood. if he goes in and pops it for you, illegal search and seizure, without your consent. fight it as much as you can, some cops will just let you be on your way, some will hassle you. in your case OP, it sounds like you just got caught at the wrong place, wrong time. you should just swap out stock real quick, and be on your way. if you have to go to court to fight it, dont you think the fines will be higher than the cost of buying another KA and putting it in, and paying the 30 dollars to have the ref smog your car?

09-15-2006, 05:26 PM
First, you should have asked what he pulled you over for. given that, had he not answered correctly, or said something other than exhaust, gives you the right not to pop your hood. if he said exhaust, then you are kind of obligated to. even then, you can still deny him the pleasure of having the hood popped. they do have to get a search warrant, but they can impound your car. if the officer says " please pop your hood or i will have to pop it for you, in effect, may end up damaging your car etc etc." tell him no, i will not pop my hood. if he goes in and pops it for you, illegal search and seizure, without your consent. fight it as much as you can, some cops will just let you be on your way, some will hassle you. in your case OP, it sounds like you just got caught at the wrong place, wrong time. you should just swap out stock real quick, and be on your way. if you have to go to court to fight it, dont you think the fines will be higher than the cost of buying another KA and putting it in, and paying the 30 dollars to have the ref smog your car?

A. Had an exhaust leak. It's what he pulled me over for, he even stated at the end of the traffic stop that was the reason he pulled me over for. Except that he thought it was my actually exhaust noise.

B. You can deny a CHP to pop your hood, but they WILL impound it and search it anyway, and probably mistreat it, and probably give you even MORE tickets.

C. I dont think I can afford (in time AND money) to swap out an SR20 back to the KA, take allllll the modifications off, get that KA to pass smog, and the ref STILL charges between 100$-350$ (based on information from this thread, and from people I've spoken to).

09-15-2006, 05:30 PM
Is your engine bay flashy at all? I was planning to paint all polished aluminum with high temp black paint as well as my intercooler. Maybe I could risk it and just keep it stock as possible with a silencer. Body is stock so thats nothing to worry about. Thanks for the insight though.

Polished aluminum hotpipe with a large Blitz BOV sticking off of it, a blue vaccum hose going from the BOV, red top valve cover, Megan Racing turbo manifold. It stands out.

I know, I know, I asked for this, and I don't care. I knew the consequences from the begining. There's tons of "you should've"'s and "well if you didn't"'s. And I really, really don't care, I handled the situation the way I handled it. I don't dwell. Time to look at the "Now you should"'s.

09-28-2006, 10:20 PM
go to the ref. and find a tech and offer him $500.

Great way to lose your ride and end up in the slammer. Better yet, smog exempt your SR/RB swapped vehicle from the start and avoid any future ref tickets.

09-28-2006, 10:31 PM
Better yet, smog exempt your SR/RB swapped vehicle from the start and avoid any future ref tickets.

how do you legally do that?

09-28-2006, 11:07 PM
how do you legally do that?


The best way to SMOG your ride is the legal way! We LEGALLY pass the vehicles using CNG/LPG/propane gas. The vehicles are slightly modified and passed on propane, and then, upon the owners discretion, changed back to regular pump gasoline, there are no permanent modifications done to the vehicle, the turnaround is about 4-6 hours. The best part is that once a vehicle is certified as an alternative fueled vehicle, the vehicle is from then on legally smog exempt.

Any engine can be legally smogged and registered. Turboed, supercharged, high compression race motors, KA-t's, SR20DET's, RB25/26's, any engine in any car.


09-29-2006, 04:03 AM

09-29-2006, 10:01 AM
That is interesting, but how do you get passed this rule, taken from http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/smogfaq.htm...

Does my vehicle qualify for a smog exemption?

Smog inspections are required unless your vehicle is:

1975 year model or older
Diesel powered
Natural gas powered and has a Gross Vehicle Weight rating of 14,001 lbs. or more.

09-30-2006, 05:48 PM

Yes, even an RB26 can be made legally exempt.

09-30-2006, 06:05 PM
I have no affiliation with the smog guy, but if he tells us how he get around it then he wouldn't be making any money off us.
That is interesting, but how do you get passed this rule, taken from http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/smogfaq.htm...

Does my vehicle qualify for a smog exemption?

Smog inspections are required unless your vehicle is:

1975 year model or older
Diesel powered
Natural gas powered and has a Gross Vehicle Weight rating of 14,001 lbs. or more.

Orly? Yarly.
09-30-2006, 08:20 PM
I say we all convert our cars to "hybrids".

"Look, theres the battery, and the charging system."
"Thats just a regular car battery and alternator."
"Or so you'd think, due to todays new technologies."

09-30-2006, 08:47 PM
That is interesting, but how do you get passed this rule, taken from http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/smogfaq.htm...

Does my vehicle qualify for a smog exemption?

Smog inspections are required unless your vehicle is:

1975 year model or older
Diesel powered
Natural gas powered and has a Gross Vehicle Weight rating of 14,001 lbs. or more.

yah i would like to see what this would do, I believe that note of past 14k pound is directed at the NG CNG buses...

10-01-2006, 05:12 AM
wait wait wait wait WAIt A MINUTE!!!! so u say there is way to pass smog with SR with exempt it????? i thought they will never be legal on street. PM me!! i need more info, if i can really do that i will do anything to "legalize it"

10-01-2006, 05:38 PM
sounds interesting, but what will happen if you change back to fuel type instead of propane gas and got caught by random check points or referee station?

10-01-2006, 06:41 PM
^ i think thats on you.

10-01-2006, 06:49 PM
Get it registered in another state that doesnt have emission. if they ask for an address tell them all u have is a po box its like 200 dollars a year if that and have all the mail forward to ur current address .

10-01-2006, 06:51 PM
I would think if your car is labelled as another type of fuel, and you convert back, you just play it off that the car is already labelled smog exempt. I dont think they can ask you why, just show them the sticker.

someone should build a community KA24 that runs on vegi oils so we can just swap it around in our cars to pass it hehehe =D

10-01-2006, 10:13 PM
Or you could just turbo your ka and spend the 5hrs it takes to remve it.

10-02-2006, 04:33 AM
Or you could just turbo your ka and spend the 5hrs it takes to remve it.

Haha. That is a good point. Unfortunately for me, I was getting paranoid thinking of actually obtaining this man's services, being that officers are now roaming the internet. Then, I thought, HE should be paranoid that I am the cop.

10-02-2006, 05:20 AM
this whole "legally smogging an engine swap" ordeal is very interesting. why is this the first time i've heard of it?

10-02-2006, 03:21 PM
this whole "legally smogging an engine swap" ordeal is very interesting. why is this the first time i've heard of it?

Short answer:

Because smog shops benefit from you going to them every 2 years and forking down the dough to get your vehicle passed. Yes, you can register your vehicle out-of-state, but you would still need to have valid California registration to remain 100% LEGAL. There are legal loopholes that allow you to run any engine you would like, KA-t, SR20, RB25/26DETT......

Smog exemption is the ultimate mod, imagine getting your tags in the mail every year and not having to deal with emissions ever again?

Why cut corners and risk legal prosecution if you can legally smog and register your vehicle?

10-02-2006, 05:05 PM
A natural gas certification might get you free from smog checks, but how is it gonna help you in a pull over situation unless the cop is seriously stupid...........

I mean if some cop pulls you over for your exhaust or some chit, you pull out some Natural Gas certificate, the cop does a simple check of your gas tank, then how screwed are you? What's the fine for falsifying documents?

10-03-2006, 12:15 AM
I doubt they will question the certificate since your car is then labelled as smog exempt.. makes sense to me

10-03-2006, 01:00 AM
hmmm quick question.
can you sell the car and not worry about anything anymore?

10-03-2006, 01:07 AM
any idea how much this alternative fuel conversion install cost? doesnt seem to be answered in any of your threads. well just a rough figure would be nice, if you could pm me or whatever. thanks

10-03-2006, 02:02 AM
You could sell the car, blow the car up, keep the car. No matter what you do, if you're state reffed, YOU have to take care of it.

If you don't, you'll be fined and be given a point on your license.

And if you pay the bail, you'll still have a point put on your license.

So your choice is to either be screwed, or swap back to a legal ka.

No cops are that stupid to think just a document will mean your car is legal.

Just like how cops could care less about carb stickers, it'll be the same with the whole green gas thing.

With that said, there is NO way around it, other than the legal way.

10-03-2006, 10:14 AM

Finally some USEFUL information. Have you gone through this before? Are you sure it gets put on your license?

Anyone have a KA for sale. Ugh.

10-03-2006, 10:36 AM
I doubt they will question the certificate since your car is then labelled as smog exempt.. makes sense to me

when i got pull over by a cop with my accord that has AEM cold air intake, he still send me to referee station although he saw the CARB sticker but he refused to believe it is legit. i think they are trained as "if you are not sure about the car, just send it to referee station"

10-03-2006, 11:27 AM
You could sell the car, blow the car up, keep the car. No matter what you do, if you're state reffed, YOU have to take care of it.

If you don't, you'll be fined and be given a point on your license.

And if you pay the bail, you'll still have a point put on your license.

So your choice is to either be screwed, or swap back to a legal ka.

No cops are that stupid to think just a document will mean your car is legal.

Just like how cops could care less about carb stickers, it'll be the same with the whole green gas thing.

With that said, there is NO way around it, other than the legal way.

they do not put points on your license, unless u was doin something stupid.. If your state reffed, yes you gotta take care of it. Ive seen people try to get out of it with selling the car etc, and the judges will say that they need to take care of it becuase the car was in the seller's posession when it happened. Simple way is waiting for the ticket in the mail and paying the fines. end of story. But im not sure if that just changed as with squidd's delima since there is no bail amount.

That would be stupid if they put points on your license for driving a modified car.. if thats true time to take a stand..

I got my ref ticket in january.. 2 cops didnt know what the fuck they where looking at... Yes they popped out a book, but that was so they could figure out what to write on the ticket. *stupid girl cop*.. Removal of smog equipment, exhuast and not-visible rear license plate (yet it was visible and light up). Tho my car looked crappy back then.

Recieved the ticket in the mail with teh bail amount around $700. Started saving money. Waited 2 months til the court date, called for extension and said I will pay it, that gives another 2 months, making 4 months total. Then paid the bail. Cashier says "All clear have a nice day!" with a smile on her face becuase they jus got paid.

I never recieved anything after that. Got the registration and renewel in the mail and nothing different on it, so I smog and registered the car, no problems.

Car looks clean now, no stickers and painted, yet the car is slammed low and fmic in the front, but soo far no problems, my car isnt loud. Thou i do sweat when I see cops still, jus gotta look mature and dont let the heat get you.

10-03-2006, 12:31 PM
they do not put points on your license, unless u was doin something stupid.. If your state reffed, yes you gotta take care of it. Ive seen people try to get out of it with selling the car etc, and the judges will say that they need to take care of it becuase the car was in the seller's posession when it happened. Simple way is waiting for the ticket in the mail and paying the fines. end of story. But im not sure if that just changed as with squidd's delima since there is no bail amount.

That would be stupid if they put points on your license for driving a modified car.. if thats true time to take a stand..

I got my ref ticket in january.. 2 cops didnt know what the fuck they where looking at... Yes they popped out a book, but that was so they could figure out what to write on the ticket. *stupid girl cop*.. Removal of smog equipment, exhuast and not-visible rear license plate (yet it was visible and light up). Tho my car looked crappy back then.

Recieved the ticket in the mail with teh bail amount around $700. Started saving money. Waited 2 months til the court date, called for extension and said I will pay it, that gives another 2 months, making 4 months total. Then paid the bail. Cashier says "All clear have a nice day!" with a smile on her face becuase they jus got paid.

I never recieved anything after that. Got the registration and renewel in the mail and nothing different on it, so I smog and registered the car, no problems.

Car looks clean now, no stickers and painted, yet the car is slammed low and fmic in the front, but soo far no problems, my car isnt loud. Thou i do sweat when I see cops still, jus gotta look mature and dont let the heat get you.

It's the new law, don't blame me because you think they are, "stupid".

I know this for a fact because I learned the ability to pick up a phone and call.

And indeed I've had my car popped; end of last month. So I took as much action as I could to find out what needed to be done.

What I said is accurate.

The information that you have is old and outdated.

You are wrong.

10-03-2006, 02:24 PM

So who did you call? I have some questions I'd like to ask as well.

10-03-2006, 02:26 PM
when i got pull over by a cop with my accord that has AEM cold air intake, he still send me to referee station although he saw the CARB sticker but he refused to believe it is legit. i think they are trained as "if you are not sure about the car, just send it to referee station"

You should have just fought that in court. That's like a cop saying your headlight is broken even though it clearly works, but he's just doesn't BELIEVE it works.

10-03-2006, 02:33 PM
ok ok so i guess they did change the law.. dont jus say im wrong for stating my experience, this was jus early this year too.

oh and cops are assholes.. 3 officers paid me a visit b4 for a crackhead nieghbor reporting i was on his roof, and cops happen to stop by when im working on my car, and asked to pop my hood in my driveway..

10-03-2006, 03:18 PM
I will agree with that, many police officers are very, very lame. It is the reason you can run straight pipe out of a Ford turbo diesel all day and dump tons of black smoke and never get a ticket, yet I got a ticket for an exhaust leak.

10-03-2006, 06:26 PM
You should have just fought that in court. That's like a cop saying your headlight is broken even though it clearly works, but he's just doesn't BELIEVE it works.

i went to referee station and they wrote the ticket off immedately. i never went to go to the court, i think they file the certificate electronically. It does make sense because the administrative cost for referee station is cheaper than running the court. in addition the referee station know exactly what is it in your car.

10-04-2006, 01:25 AM
Believe it or not, you can't see or smell smog. The soot you see is less harmfull.


Just a little tidbit I learned in a environment class.

10-10-2006, 05:25 PM
hmmm quick question.
can you sell the car and not worry about anything anymore?

ok ok so i guess they did change the law.....

No, you cannot, once you get a ref ticket, you are stuck. Only way out of it is to make the vehicle stock. I still don't understand why people wait until the last minute to smog exempt and CARB exempt their vehicles.

With smog exemption you can forget about smogging the vehicle altogether, the smog exemption is even owner transferable. With CARB exemption, you can run around with an RB motor, an open exhaust, a huge atmospheric blow-off valve, FMIC and no emissions equipment and still not EVER get a ref ticket.

Even if a cop pulls you over, they cannot give you a ref ticket if the vehicle is CARB exempted. Search as you may, California smog exemption and CARB exemption are unknown legal loopholes.

CARB is California Air Resources Board, CARB exemption means that the vehicle is exempted from any and all CARB emissions mandates. There are 100% legal ways of doing just that.

Why is it that people don't wise up and do things the legal way?

10-17-2006, 10:31 PM

hmm this thread is sayin you can transfer titles and then just transfer back?

10-17-2006, 10:42 PM

hmm this thread is sayin you can transfer titles and then just transfer back?

oh yes you can cause i did and it worked

all you have to do is transfer the title quick to a different city that has no emissions. then transfer it back to your name on the title. make sure the car is in that city with no emissions. but i dont know if in Cali this would work.

10-18-2006, 08:03 PM
oh yes you can cause i did and it worked

all you have to do is transfer the title quick to a different city that has no emissions. then transfer it back to your name on the title. make sure the car is in that city with no emissions. but i dont know if in Cali this would work.
Umm the whole state is an emissions nightmare...

10-19-2006, 12:46 PM
looks like things are getting harder and harder in cali for the 240 crowd. Coming to Florida with my sr 240 was just awesome. I could take off my front bumper and drive around with no worries if I wanted to... I did for the heck of it lol.

If I do come back to Cali and get another 240 thank god my parents will still be in Florida so I can regs. my car as a florida car. But what would happen if they stop me? Could I just say sorry your car laws don't apply to me and they can't do anything about it? Of course having no cat or super loud exhaust is a nation wide thing, but what about the engine and stuff?

Id RaThEr DrIfT
10-19-2006, 03:07 PM
okay hopefully i didnt miss nothing important but i only read the first 3-4 post anyways ... i just got a ref ticket also about id say a month ago i was mad and what not, but anyways i got over it lucky me i know a (sheirif) whatevers a cop/ detective literally a detective anyways he told me just to give him the ticket and he can sign it off i was like wtf are u serious??? and he said yes .... so im like but its a ref ticket dont i have to deal with them he said dont worrie about it ill sign it off go get it smogged have some kinda proff that u goit it smogged and when u go to court show them that u smogged it and ill sign the ticket ... me personally im thinking its bs but will se my court date is in early november .... but yeah i cop does have the right to tell u to pop ur hood .. if u dont they will impound it ....... maybe this helped out a bit maybe it didnt i just had to put in my 2 cents good luck with that though

10-19-2006, 04:32 PM
okay hopefully i didnt miss nothing important but i only read the first 3-4 post anyways ... i just got a ref ticket also about id say a month ago i was mad and what not, but anyways i got over it lucky me i know a (sheirif) whatevers a cop/ detective literally a detective anyways he told me just to give him the ticket and he can sign it off i was like wtf are u serious??? and he said yes .... so im like but its a ref ticket dont i have to deal with them he said dont worrie about it ill sign it off go get it smogged have some kinda proff that u goit it smogged and when u go to court show them that u smogged it and ill sign the ticket ... me personally im thinking its bs but will se my court date is in early november .... but yeah i cop does have the right to tell u to pop ur hood .. if u dont they will impound it ....... maybe this helped out a bit maybe it didnt i just had to put in my 2 cents good luck with that though

In summary of your horrendous post:

1. You have a cop buddy so you got out of the ticket.
2. This information does no one any good.
3. You restated what we already know.
4. No, no it didn't help.

10-19-2006, 05:33 PM
If I do come back to Cali and get another 240 thank god my parents will still be in Florida so I can regs. my car as a florida car. But what would happen if they stop me? Could I just say sorry your car laws don't apply to me and they can't do anything about it? Of course having no cat or super loud exhaust is a nation wide thing, but what about the engine and stuff?

as far as i know, they can't give you a violation on 'engine and stuff' since the car isn't from cali, only excuse is that you're 'visiting', but only suppose to be 'visiting' for a limited amount of time...
which this in itself could be a loophole?
like getting new plates from your state and paint car? i don't know, could work?

but to register a car into cali with cali plates from out of state needs to get smogged.. pita

Id RaThEr DrIfT
10-19-2006, 06:00 PM
In summary of your horrendous post:

1. You have a cop buddy so you got out of the ticket.
2. This information does no one any good.
3. You restated what we already know.
4. No, no it didn't help.

well ur a dick :D i was gonna tell u i can ask him to do the same for u just to be good zilvia friend but i guess never mind:duh: yeah
na well im a nice guy pm me if ur intrested maybe i can help u out.... since i see i u live right around the corner .... ontario cali right? well yea hit me up i cant assure u i can help but i can try .... :D

awww what an ass and u gave me bad rep hmmmmmm maybe i shouldnt try and help u out ..... na just pm me

10-19-2006, 06:10 PM
okay hopefully i didnt miss nothing important but i only read the first 3-4 post anyways ... i just got a ref ticket also about id say a month ago i was mad and what not, but anyways i got over it lucky me i know a (sheirif) whatevers a cop/ detective literally a detective anyways he told me just to give him the ticket and he can sign it off i was like wtf are u serious??? and he said yes .... so im like but its a ref ticket dont i have to deal with them he said dont worrie about it ill sign it off go get it smogged have some kinda proff that u goit it smogged and when u go to court show them that u smogged it and ill sign the ticket ... me personally im thinking its bs but will se my court date is in early november .... but yeah i cop does have the right to tell u to pop ur hood .. if u dont they will impound it ....... maybe this helped out a bit maybe it didnt i just had to put in my 2 cents good luck with that though

Us military guys got this loop hole. Everybody in my crew got SRs and RBs in and all cars are registered out of state. We dont have to worry bout smog (to a certain degree) or anything else. If anything, the only thing we have to really comply with are safety issues. Lights, cracked windshield, side mirrors, etc falls into that. But Ive gotten pulled over for my 5% all around tint and exhaust (blitz nurspec). Went to court and the judge threw it out. The tint thing is kinda iffy just cuz, its not safety per say but it is for officer safety (think bout it as, lets say my car got stolen and they pulled the guy who stole my car over, they cant see inside the car which is dangerous for them). As far as smog for us, cali has no smog jurisdiction on my car so technically i dont have to ever smog my vehicle. Catch is Travis AFB made a rule that if you have out of state plates, in order for you to get a base sticker, so you can get on base, you have to show a smog cert to do so. So that means I have to smog my vehicle to get my vehicle registered on base. But they put us on a different emissions test than what you guys go thru.

Id RaThEr DrIfT
10-19-2006, 06:19 PM
oooooooooo lucky ass ^^^^^^^ i might just join the navy then ... o no the mariens haha

10-24-2006, 11:20 AM
You should have just fought that in court. That's like a cop saying your headlight is broken even though it clearly works, but he's just doesn't BELIEVE it works.

So true...................

10-24-2006, 01:21 PM
awww what an ass and u gave me bad rep hmmmmmm maybe i shouldnt try and help u out ..... na just pm me

Sorry man I have this thing where I get pretty pissed at people that don't read the whole thread, and even have the nerve to say they didn't.


Hahah its okay man, I can deal.

2 month extension weeee.

I'm thinking of getting a straight, unrusted coupe shell, doing a changeover, registering the old chassis non-op and telling the judge I just couldn't afford to fix it and to just ask to drop the ticket.

10-24-2006, 01:28 PM
yah that sounds good sky, Ill be on the look out for a coupe.

If i find one, lemme buy your chassis, we can have fun with it.

11-04-2006, 11:35 AM
i recently did a transaction with hazw8st

and he totally hooked it up. it was smooth, and he works with you.

jay doesn't play around, and he will take care of you.

don't underestimate this dude. he speaks the truth!

11-12-2006, 11:44 PM
i recently did a transaction with hazw8st

and he totally hooked it up. it was smooth, and he works with you.

jay doesn't play around, and he will take care of you.

don't underestimate this dude. he speaks the truth!

Who is this guy you speak of?

11-13-2006, 05:17 PM
As far as military exemptions, yea, you can run your home state plates and they won't be able to do shit. On Camp Pendelton (Marine base) you need a CA smog to get a base sticker, no wussy smog.

11-15-2006, 06:20 PM
^ yeah, that's military.. but not everyone is in the military.

for those who need smog.. like i said.. jay garrett [hazw8st] will take care of you.

i got my stuff together, and never have to smog again. everything he's mentioned in this post isn't bs.

11-15-2006, 06:25 PM
for those who need smog.. like i said.. jay garrett [hazw8st] will take care of you.

i got my stuff together, and never have to smog again. everything he's mentioned in this post isn't bs.

Um isn't his service FRAUD???

11-15-2006, 06:40 PM
Umm the whole state is an emissions nightmare...

You got that right!

11-15-2006, 08:26 PM


12-27-2006, 04:34 PM



01-02-2007, 02:05 PM
hey I got another ref /speedin ticket on 12/4... I havent got anything in the mail, and the citation doesnt come up on the website. Court date is 1/16... The cop gave me the pink copy of the ticket.. Where they suppose to give me the pink copy? My previous tickets where the brown copy. but they do look like different ticket papers so maybe they are jus different then my previous one.

My windsheild cracked the same day and i gotta get a new one, im jus a lil too depressed about gettin it replaced, same for my front tires baldin and cracked manifold etc.

01-02-2007, 02:19 PM
Same here, I never got my citation in the mail. WIerd.

01-02-2007, 02:27 PM
u still got an upcoming court date?

01-02-2007, 02:29 PM
Hm, I can ask my sister to look it up for you if you PM/AIM me the citation number. Though she's LA county, so I don't know if she has access.

They're supposed to give you the yellow copy I believe, I've always got the Yellow (or top copy, different colors by different cities, Rancho is yellow, Pomona is white). Typically pink is the bottom copy.

If you haven't gotten anything in the mail, I would still go on your court date or before, you don't want a failure to appear violation (500$+) just because you thought they did it wrong.

GL hopefully you get a nice judge as I did.

01-02-2007, 02:38 PM
well imma go get new tires windshield brakes today so i hope everything lands ok...

01-03-2007, 01:34 PM
court is moreno valley.. hmm..
i wonder if I admit guilty to my speeding and tell the judge that my car is in the garage and i started parting it out/dismantelling it, that maybe the judge will overlook the ref ticket and fine me for speeding..

01-03-2007, 03:08 PM
Nah. Once you get a ref ticket, it's pretty much over.

You can either take your car to ref, or pay the $735 fine and get a point on your license.

I went through the ref process a few weeks ago.

Even if you sell the car, it still has to be reffed.

01-03-2007, 03:12 PM
court is moreno valley.. hmm..
i wonder if I admit guilty to my speeding and tell the judge that my car is in the garage and i started parting it out/dismantelling it, that maybe the judge will overlook the ref ticket and fine me for speeding..

Very similar to what I did, but I had a coooool as fuck judge. Last time I went to court in Riverside County, the judge gave me MAX fines and MAX community service. Total ass hole.

01-03-2007, 03:50 PM
thanks for the info.. i know last year my ref ticket allowed me to pay it off since it was listed as a fine so i just made payments on it. And from my understanding now, it is mandatory to go to court and to the ref.

So your saying they will give you the option to pay the fine in court?
how did your situation turn out? im at work so imma re-read this thread lol.

thats just soo below the belt that they put points on peoples licenses for that..

01-04-2007, 01:31 AM
i got a person interested in buying my car in texas.. so tempting to leave the game jus to stay out of trouble.. cant afford/allow a 2nd car unfortinutly, and non-op my car I just cant find the joys of all my efforts and not able to drive it around.. I could get another decent car for the ammount from mine..

Just 2night, i was a few cars behind my friend's s14 cruising down chicago ave in riverside and a cop pops out of a side street and pulls him over randomly.. I saw the cop on the side street too.. no way he coulda heard my friends car that precise. pops his hood.. Stock KA so he doesnt mind poppin it.. but it jus pisses me off how random it was. His car is loud, it just stands out, but its not crazy etc.. Cop was in a left turn lane at the intersection and when the light goes green he cuts off some cars in the straight lane jus to pull him over...

Just pisses me off this stuff has to stop.

01-04-2007, 08:57 PM
got ticket in mail.. bail amount is $535... swizzzzeat!!
stress relieved..

01-04-2007, 10:42 PM
You can't sell your car. IF you do, YOU are responsible for getting it done.

If not, point on your license and you pay the fine.

Option #1 - Pay fine and get point on your license.

Option #2 - Take your car to state ref and pay only the smog fee and $10

I just went through the process and went with option two.

If you are pulled over with a state ref on your car, you will get a driving infraction and possible a point on your license from that also.

01-04-2007, 10:56 PM
got ticket in mail.. bail amount is $535... swizzzzeat!!
stress relieved..

FUCK thats a crazy amount.

luckily i just reffed my car and got that shit out of the way.

I didnt know they put a point on your license for paying off the bail amount for a ref ticket. UBER GAY..

01-05-2007, 12:21 AM
FUCK thats a crazy amount.

Shit cheaper than swapping in a KA and making it 100% stock and smogged.

WTF Austin why do you keep getting bail amounts and I get stupid mandatory appearance??

01-05-2007, 12:23 AM
That bail amount is cheap. For mine in norcal, was $735 if I wanted to pay it.

01-05-2007, 12:28 AM
crazy that mine is bail ammount since its ref ticket and speeding ticket *40 in a 20*.

oh well. thanks for the info Zar! . I know last time i paid ref ticket last year, the clerk didnt mention anything about a point being added.. they usually just say "ok all taken care of!" with a smile cuz she jus got paid lol. But I will look into that.

well $535 is alot, but when you can just pay half, then pay half later, its not soo bad. Just gotta cut down on dating chicks (dam that shit is even more expensive cuz i usually drop cash on dates) lol

01-05-2007, 01:04 AM
Damn, remind me to never move to cali. and if i do, no modded imports.

01-05-2007, 01:09 AM
yay austin!

now our S13's can Rome Free Finally!


01-05-2007, 11:04 AM
Just goto traffic school. -1 point. It pays for itself in your insurance rates not jacking up.

01-05-2007, 02:33 PM
k thanks ill check it out

03-24-2007, 07:45 PM
does anyone know if you could switch the plates and the vin tag and maby the door vint tag, or the dash tag? do they even check that at the sate ref?

i also hered if you write a bill of sale for the day before you got your ticket and you get it in your friends name and everything they can no longer give you the ticket because the ticket is in your name but at the time the car was not.

i dont know.. i need to find a way to get my shit passed...i got popped last nite with my sr.....nooooooooooooooooo fun

03-24-2007, 09:23 PM
You would still have the vin stamped on your chassis.

03-24-2007, 10:50 PM
yea i wonder do the state ref really check that?
cause i went to the state ref with my 300ZX and i dont member if they checked the stamp on the firewall or not

03-26-2007, 08:18 AM
The state ref checks your car over with a fine tooth comb. When I stopped by the ref center, they were checking over cars with all data and following damn near every hose.

I seriously doubt they would forget to check something as simple as vin numbers matching up.

03-26-2007, 05:17 PM
I have had the wonderful experience of being sent to the REF for my Turbo Eclipse. Got pulled over by highway patrol at 9am in the morning because of my Greddy Power Extreme Exhaust (Which btw is 50 state legal) and I think they have one for the 240sx as well, so the cops cant do anything about it.

I was sighted for Upgraded Turbo, Blow off Valve, no PCF valve and Exhaust. (Luckily the cop did not smog me on the street because I was running a fake cat) Bail amount was $1200. The ref found my turbo timer, my boost controller. Do NOT go to the ref until you have restored your car to be 100% compliant. If you have an SR, your options are either reswapping or taking the car off the street because you cant pay the bail amount and keep driving because the judge will want the REF certification.

I was able to take off most of the parts (KEEP YOUR STOCK PARTS...its a pain to go back and try to buy stock parts). and took pictures to show to the judge during my hearing...luckily my charges were all dismissed and I ended up leaving with paying a $10 court fee.

Police officers can pull you over for modified exhaust and ask to check your engine bay. Asked the judge personally.

Here are some advice to make your life a little easier if you get busted...For California only :) Your best chance is to sneak past the cop because it is hopeless with the REF (He is professionally trained and has pictures for reference!)

1. Do not sticker your car with manufacturer's part names. (You're just asking to be written up).

2. ENGINE BAY: Do NOT use different colored hoses in your engine bay. Your engine bay needs to look as stock as possible so stick with black. If you're running a blow off valve, paint it flat black...black i/c piping, black valve cover. Make sure there is nothing in the engine bay that is eye catching. Boost controller boxes and wiring, hide it towards the bottom of the engine bay and out of sight. Intercooler, paint it black so it looks like the radiator.

3. Passenger Cabin: Guages, boost controllers, SAFCs, Turbo timers, hide them! You can make a custom glove box very cheap and clean looking. You can mount a 52mm boost guage somewhere in the dash and simply obtain one of those black camera lense covers to quickly cover it.

4. Go with an exhaust system that does not look overly suspicious OR get a system that is 50state legal. (I believe its under 91 decibels). Greddy makes them and they have the paperwork to prove it.

5. Purchase parts that have C.A.R.B. or E/O #s. and KEEP the paperwork in your car in a little folder. (I was pulled over twice more after my first REF ticket and I had all the paperwork, the cop walked away with his tail behind his legs). There's a state webpage with all the E/O and CARB #s. Hint: Cops cant tell between brand names unless its written on the part so you may be able to get away by placing stickers of a different brand name that is CARB complaint. ;) You can obtain carb stickers for cheap from the manufacturer

6) When you visit the ref, act as if he is your best friend and that you are a 100% cooperative. With the ref and judge, dress in a manner that shows that you have absolutely nothing to do with the racing scene.

7) When you go to the clerk, ask to see the judge before paying the bail amount. When you go in front of the judge, plead "guilty but with an explanation"...Your explanation being "Your honor, I had no idea that this was not allowed, I would have never done it had I known. As you can see I took the appropriate measures to correct it immediatly." Take a lot of pictures, have all your documentation, wear a suit or dress shirt. Simply show the guy that you were not aware of the laws but you are more educated today. Let him know that you would have never done this had you known about the legality issues. Make sure to highlight that you are not associated with the racing scene and that you are against those who are. Take BEFORE and AFTER pics to show him that you changed the appropriate parts.

Covering up the SR is a tough challenge because most of the guys who give these types of tickets are familiar with the most common swapped motors.

Hope this helps a little. :)

04-22-2008, 10:30 PM
hate to bring up a dead thread; but didnt want to start a new one.

got a ref ticket for "intake" and modified exhaust. dont want to go into a long drawn out story on the whole ordeal, i was obeying all traffic laws, and was simply pulled over for having a modified vehicle.

i have 2 options:

1. fix car go to ref get signed off pay 10 fix it ticket

2. pay fine and avoid ref.

my only option here is 2.

my question is; once i pay off the fine, is it gone? off the record? the next time i get pulled over, will the officer be able to see that i got a ticket for the ref? will my car be "red flagged" so to speak?

i've heard from a couple of ym friends that after 3 ref tickets they impound your car. does anyone know if this is true or not? any help in this subject would be greatly appreciated!

04-22-2008, 10:51 PM
ive had 2 ref tickets on my s13... i cant imagine why they would impound ur car on the 3rd, u just gotta bs em and say "i dont have the time to open up my schdule for goin to the ref and then goin to court so i decided to pay the fines instead".

i dunno fuck the law lol

04-22-2008, 11:05 PM
if its just intake and exhaust get it signed off, althout i believe for exhaust you will still have to pay the fine ever after you sign it off, something about new law blah blah, dont take my word for it though.

04-22-2008, 11:06 PM
From what I heard, the bail amount doubles everytime you recieve another ref ticket.

04-22-2008, 11:23 PM
this would work if i had a ka but i dont.

if its just intake and exhaust get it signed off, althout i believe for exhaust you will still have to pay the fine ever after you sign it off, something about new law blah blah, dont take my word for it though.

04-22-2008, 11:45 PM
if its just intake and exhaust get it signed off, althout i believe for exhaust you will still have to pay the fine ever after you sign it off, something about new law blah blah, dont take my word for it though.

exhaust is still a fix it ticket with a 10 dollar fee after its checked from the ref. not a sniffer test but just a decibel reading the ref does.

if you get reffed for anything that is under the "modified emissions" you are put under the sniffer.

04-23-2008, 07:38 AM
I say strip the car, scrap the shell, and get a new one. Get a Cat though.

04-23-2008, 09:22 AM
i got lucky got pulled over in torrance from a Lbc bike cop my lsd was loud as fuk going 5 miles a hour..he poped my hood gave me emissions , exhust, waiting checked online after month past didnt show up, went to both court houses and the ticket never went through i guess ..happiest day of life ...

and if u live near gardena/ torrance area go to highway patrol right off 110 and 405 ..get all my tickets writen off took my old car stright pipes, striped interior, full roll cage bascailly alot of crap they could have given me a ticket for.. i went there 3 times they didnt bother even coming outside to look at my car wrote it off

worth a try

pink godzila
04-23-2008, 10:15 AM
Sigh~ this is why im still with KA... = = keep me out the troble.
Just wondering if you have KA-T do you still get ticket for it??

04-23-2008, 10:27 AM
i just paid off my 2nd ref ticket last month for my s13. both tickets i just saw the judge and plead guilty for the modified emissions and paid my fine of $367 both times.

04-23-2008, 03:06 PM
Oh yeah, update.

I got another ref ticket at ASB1.

Went to court last month after I sold the car. Handed them a hand written bill of sale and they signed off both tickets, Illegal Emissions and Modified Exhaust.



pink godzila
04-23-2008, 04:31 PM
Squidd, is this why you sold your Unicorn and bought another one but stay with the KA? or you still plan to drop in a SR.

04-23-2008, 04:33 PM
damn squidd havin all the good luck

04-23-2008, 04:40 PM
Squidd, is this why you sold your Unicorn and bought another one but stay with the KA? or you still plan to drop in a SR.

Yeah there were MANY reasons I got rid of the coupe.

Then I got the hatch...

Then I got rid of that and now I drive a Hemi.

04-23-2008, 05:28 PM
so glad i live in ny :)

04-25-2008, 08:19 AM
Yeah there were MANY reasons I got rid of the coupe.

Then I got the hatch...

Then I got rid of that and now I drive a Hemi.

dam so u did sell the hatch......no...i r sad i was really anxious to see your build for it

04-25-2008, 03:04 PM
dam so u did sell the hatch......no...i r sad i was really anxious to see your build for it

The TE72 is 100x cooler than any hatchback.

04-25-2008, 03:09 PM
^^very truue that thing was soo much fun to ride in....

05-05-2008, 02:29 PM
a friend of mine got reffed and he swaped the sohc to try to pass, passed emissions but failed visual, after 3 extensions the judge fined him 300 dollars, the car is now labeled as a gross poluter and smog every 2 years is required. test only.

Don Nguyen
05-05-2008, 08:11 PM
Out of curiosity, since it sounds like the judge dropped your case due to you selling your car...

Can you just get it "smogged" at some place, and then say sell it to your friend and then not have to worry about getting it ref'd anymore?

Or did I mis-read it somewhere and got the whole thing wrong.

05-10-2008, 01:35 AM
i think you have to sell it out of state.

05-24-2008, 09:18 AM
straight to the point...
appear in court
tell the judge that i will register my car as non-op cause i cant afford re-swap
pay for the fines (one time)
sell it (as non-op) track it, whatever just keep it away from the street
get a new car (im tired of modding street car already)

will it work?
How did you get out of it? i just dont get it
thx in advance

anyways whatever its gonna be i will try it.
lame officer frm "drag net" pull me over right in front of the parking lot(airport), pointing at my left side intercooler pipe and said its a illegal intake, i then point to the right and said my intake is right here sir...got written mod engine part,air intake nocarb,mod exhaust and my broken tailight which is the 2nd fix it with in 4 days... im done with S-chasis just wanna get rid of it.

05-24-2008, 10:40 AM
judges dont care.. its hard telling em what your going to do, squidd has been lucky with that stuff... ive done the same things in court and usually get the "but it happened while you owned the car, tough luck" situations, maybe it could be ethnic playing in, who knows.

Omarius Maximus
05-24-2008, 12:51 PM
You'd want to ADVANCE the timing if you want to pass smog...not retard...

I'd run E85 (naturally making you run 33 percent leaner while having a much higher octane rating so you can safely crank timing up), zero boost, and shit loads of timing.

05-24-2008, 01:53 PM
I am white, that should've been a disclaimer in the beginning sorry. I get away with a lot.

I used to drive around with my car full aero and wheels and slammed and straight pipe, stickers everywhere, and cops would pull up next to me, see me and drive away.

That being said, it ALL depends on the judge.

How I got out of the second one was, I sold the car. The judge asked to see a bill of sale, I had some piece of paper with a couple signatures on it and a date, and she wrote off the ticket. 10$.

Now, I actually sold the car. Not that that apparently mattered. I could've just written out a bill of sale and handed it to this judge. A mexican kid with a Honda did the SAME thing like 15 minutes before me. Again, it depends on the judge and how you present yourself.

What you COULD do. Is sell your car, to a friend. Goto court, say I couldn't afford to fix it so I sold it to someone who could. Get the ticket written off, and buy the car back. Just PRAY you don't get a ref ticket in that county again. The judge will slap you.

05-24-2008, 02:29 PM
thx...have an idea already, maybe i can give them a no-op registration as well...

btw do i need to go to the referee for a "to fix list" that proof to the judge that i cant afford to fix the car?

05-24-2008, 02:40 PM
I don't think so, but it might help make your case.

06-03-2008, 07:28 PM
noob here: just want to know if i going to buy a car that needs to get state ref can the new owner just pay to not take it to get state ref

06-03-2008, 09:44 PM
Question, if a cop gives me an order to open my hood, and I have a kill switch that locks the hood and cuts off power to starter... If he tells me to open the hood, I turn the kill switch and I say I can't because my hood latch is broken. Will I get my car towed? If I get caught will lying will I get arrested?

06-03-2008, 10:56 PM
i thought about that a few tmes, i think it would depend on the cop, if he is an ass hole and is out to gte you, he might just impound your car, not arrrest you,
If he feels you are bullshitting him to the tyniest bit he prob will impound it, just to show you you cant fuck with him,
then again, if he pulled you over just to check your car out for illegal stuff he might let you go, or just write a ticket for what he sees is wrong, like exhaust tint..etc..
I know this through personal experience!

touge monster
06-03-2008, 11:05 PM
Question, if a cop gives me an order to open my hood, and I have a kill switch that locks the hood and cuts off power to starter... If he tells me to open the hood, I turn the kill switch and I say I can't because my hood latch is broken. Will I get my car towed? If I get caught will lying will I get arrested?

If you bs him, what makes you think hes gona let you go? You would probably get written up for every little thing he can find. If he tries to open it and it wouldn't, mabe a fix-it ticket? Depends on the officer/deputy. Being honest and cooperative is your best bet.

06-03-2008, 11:06 PM
If you don't open your hood and he has reason to suspect you have a modded engine, then your car is towed.

Then he open it at the impound.

So fun.

10-20-2008, 09:17 PM
Well, I've read through these ref threads and thought, "No way that could happen to me!"
Out in Roseville, leaving Frys, and I get lit up by two Evel Knievels (watch Smokey and the Bandit). 45 in a 35... which leads to a 45 minute inspection of my car (minus underhood, which I politely explained requires tools to open).
Long story short, no cat, headlights too low, and speeding- REF ticket for the cat!

I know everyone's talking about just swapping their sr into a new shell, but I really LIKE my car!! RHD conversion was done right (A/C, digital climate control, the works!), and it's a solid, rust-free coupe. I was just remarking the other day to a friend how happy I am with it... guess I jinxed myself!!

I saw that the Ref is back in session as of earlier this month- boo. I don't know what to do- pay an exorbidant fine, swap out to a KA and hope I don't miss anything, or sell the car out-of-state and start searching for a new car... all of these options SUCK!!

But, I understand that they are pretty much my only options, and I have to do the time if I'm going to do the crime... just had to vent my frustrations a little bit. I've been cursing at every cop I see for the past few days- why can't they go and catch REAL criminals?! Drunk drivers? Child molesters? Serial killers?! Sheesh...

10-20-2008, 09:19 PM
^ I knew one of these days you were going to get caught. Sucks though..

10-20-2008, 09:40 PM
Well, I've read through these ref threads and thought, "No way that could happen to me!"
Out in Roseville, leaving Frys, and I get lit up by two Evel Knievels (watch Smokey and the Bandit). 45 in a 35... which leads to a 45 minute inspection of my car (minus underhood, which I politely explained requires tools to open).
Long story short, no cat, headlights too low, and speeding- REF ticket for the cat!

I know everyone's talking about just swapping their sr into a new shell, but I really LIKE my car!! RHD conversion was done right (A/C, digital climate control, the works!), and it's a solid, rust-free coupe. I was just remarking the other day to a friend how happy I am with it... guess I jinxed myself!!

I saw that the Ref is back in session as of earlier this month- boo. I don't know what to do- pay an exorbidant fine, swap out to a KA and hope I don't miss anything, or sell the car out-of-state and start searching for a new car... all of these options SUCK!!

But, I understand that they are pretty much my only options, and I have to do the time if I'm going to do the crime... just had to vent my frustrations a little bit. I've been cursing at every cop I see for the past few days- why can't they go and catch REAL criminals?! Drunk drivers? Child molesters? Serial killers?! Sheesh...

wait for ticket pay the fine.. file extension, go to court and ask to make payments = easy.

10-20-2008, 09:43 PM
The fine is due before you're court date correct? I just got mine extended till Dec 22, still haven't been able to pass smog but when I do, I'd rather just pay off the fine asap.

10-20-2008, 09:45 PM
yah i believe so. Go to court and admit to it and the judge will ask if you can make the full payment, say no and they will give you the option to make payments.

10-20-2008, 09:48 PM
Well they wont allow me to come in before my date, and like I said I'd rather not wait to pay it. This money is burning a hole in my pocket lol.

10-20-2008, 09:58 PM
I just wanted to chime in here, at least in the state of mo, this is how it is.

A vehicle can be searched without a search warrant if there is suspicion of wrongdoing or there is probable cause (basically anything, its at the officers discretion) because a vehicle is a "movable scene of a crime", so a warrant to searcha vehicle would impede on their ability to "protect and serve." If you refuse, the police officer can arrest you.

I know alot of states are like this, but I don't pretend to be an expert in law. I just know this because a cop (one I know well, just chatting) explained it to me. I might do a little research to make sure tho...

10-20-2008, 10:05 PM
Can't Cali just float off into the ocean already? :keke:

10-20-2008, 10:28 PM
I was going through the first page and actually I think he did pop your hood because you weren't compliant. I've been pulled over and haven't had my hood popped because I answered any questions/did everything they told me to do. My car is also sr20 swap and I have 3 inch straight pipe exhaust, no cats, no mufflers. you just have to be polite, especially in your case where you weren't even doing anything wrong in the first place, I'm sure if you would have answered his questions he would have just sent you on your way. I mean, all cops are different and maybe it wouldn't have mattered in your case, but it might have.

10-20-2008, 10:35 PM
^ It all depends on the officer. I spent 4 years of my life being respectful and kissing the ass of my superiors.. it didn't do any good when I got pulled over. You're just another one of those 240 owners that think you're the shit because you get away with running an sr... but one of these days it will bite you in the ass.

10-20-2008, 10:44 PM
Okay, just talked with a friend about swapping a 12 valve KA back in for ref inspection, when it hit me:
Why not swap a newer KA in there? I have a '95 KA24DE in storage waiting for my Datsun, and I could swap that in there in a day.
Go to BAR Ref, get it inspected as a '95 KA motor swap, and get a BAR sticker for a smog-legal swap!
THEN... SR time! these cops don't know what they're looking at under there, and the BAR sticker would keep them from sniffing around... of course, I'll put a "cat" under the car to help keep them off the trail, too..

Any input? I think it could work! Or maybe I'm just overly optimistic...

Vision Garage
10-20-2008, 10:56 PM
these cops don't know what they're looking at under there

yea sure they dont! Gluck with that....

10-20-2008, 11:22 PM
Okay, just talked with a friend about swapping a 12 valve KA back in for ref inspection, when it hit me:
Why not swap a newer KA in there? I have a '95 KA24DE in storage waiting for my Datsun, and I could swap that in there in a day.
Go to BAR Ref, get it inspected as a '95 KA motor swap, and get a BAR sticker for a smog-legal swap!
THEN... SR time! these cops don't know what they're looking at under there, and the BAR sticker would keep them from sniffing around... of course, I'll put a "cat" under the car to help keep them off the trail, too..

Any input? I think it could work! Or maybe I'm just overly optimistic...

if you have all the parts, do it, save you at least $500 or more from the ticket anyways.

10-20-2008, 11:25 PM
^ It all depends on the officer. I spent 4 years of my life being respectful and kissing the ass of my superiors.. it didn't do any good when I got pulled over. You're just another one of those 240 owners that think you're the shit because you get away with running an sr... but one of these days it will bite you in the ass.

wow, I was trying to be as polite as possible in that post and someoen still has to try and tear me a new asshole. I did state in my post that it does depend on the officer and all of them are different, but I do feel that if you disrespect the police when they pull you over then you are definitely going to get popped and not answering a simple question like "where are you going?" is asking for it imo.

10-20-2008, 11:34 PM
I was going through the first page and actually I think he did pop your hood because you weren't compliant. I've been pulled over and haven't had my hood popped because I answered any questions/did everything they told me to do. My car is also sr20 swap and I have 3 inch straight pipe exhaust, no cats, no mufflers. you just have to be polite, especially in your case where you weren't even doing anything wrong in the first place, I'm sure if you would have answered his questions he would have just sent you on your way. I mean, all cops are different and maybe it wouldn't have mattered in your case, but it might have.

This is all lies LOL! If your car is a magnet its a magnet, no matter how polite and how much you kiss ass it wont work and you will get your hood popped. Most people wish they had the luck you do or did. Only a matter of time though. sad truth.

Oh and swapping back to stock is still a pain. The referee will fail you for almost anything. I made an attempt at this last year, i passed smog(emissions) with flying colors on a SOHC, but failed visually for some loose wires from the old SR lower harness that werent connected to anything. Make sure you have everything, and i mean everything, legit. They expect your car to be as it was the day it came off the lot at the dealership 15+ years ago. Also depends on the referee, i dont know how the situation is now, i havent gone yet(again). They might be so angry because of budget cuts that they might pass you out of frustration as a way of getting back at the GOV. lol. no but in some cases ive heard some of the refs in different areas(fullerton) are more leniant. GL anyway.

10-20-2008, 11:37 PM
spikNspan- The reason I said what I said was because you're the one that said you can get away with running an aftermarket exhaust as long as you don't drive like an asshole. Well, like my response to your pm said, I wasn't doing anything wrong both times I was pulled over. Cops just like shiny exhausts.

10-20-2008, 11:39 PM
these cops don't know what they're looking at under there,

LOL....hope u dont learn the hardway...just ask some of the people form the TAB Tuesday meet sting about 1 yr ago....yeah pretty sure cops knew what to look for even on the parked cars...

this is why im getting a daily :keke: no fuss and no hot fuzz

10-20-2008, 11:55 PM
cops dont really have to know what they are looking at, if they are under suspicion that its not original OEM, they will write it up and let you deal with it to prove to BAR that its OEM. Hence for items being "correctable".

10-20-2008, 11:57 PM
spikNspan- The reason I said what I said was because you're the one that said you can get away with running an aftermarket exhaust as long as you don't drive like an asshole. Well, like my response to your pm said, I wasn't doing anything wrong both times I was pulled over. Cops just like shiny exhausts.

true dat, they are drawn to shiny for sure. maybe I got away cause mine is a janky lookin steel pipe comin out the back, no shiny here. I do believe I got away with it because I was polite however, but that definitely depends on the officer as has been said many times.

10-21-2008, 01:24 AM
cops do know what theyre looking at. a lot of them were former ricers. i chatted with one the other day, he said he has to take a highly modified vehicle class and go after ricers. sounds like a fun division to be in

10-21-2008, 12:16 PM
good luck bro...

10-21-2008, 12:39 PM
good luck bro...



12-29-2008, 03:18 PM
so if i have a modified exhaust, i will most likely get a ticket? hahaha mine is pretty loud, you can hear me a block away, i didnt install it it was a hand me down.

12-29-2008, 06:32 PM
so if i have a modified exhaust, i will most likely get a ticket? hahaha mine is pretty loud, you can hear me a block away, i didnt install it it was a hand me down.

You can get a fix it ticket for the exhaust. If you have anything else, there is a possibility they'll pop your hood and find it.

12-30-2008, 01:55 AM
when i got pulled over twice in costa mesa when i just bought my 240 (completely stock) but wasen't running any license plates (washington plates, had the sticker on the windshield though). They both asked my to pop my hood. This was about 1.5 years ago.

nowadays, i ask a cop in lake perris (moreno valley), and THEY ask me to pop my hood. thats with a blacktop SR, shiny exhaust manifold (megan ew) full 3" exhaust, nrg quick release with deep dish wheel, some gauges blah blah blah.

i try to ask a damn cop for directions and he asks to fuckin pop my hood, what a dick. but yeah, it depends a lot on the area and type of cops.

12-30-2008, 01:16 PM
so if i have a modified exhaust, i will most likely get a ticket? hahaha mine is pretty loud, you can hear me a block away, i didnt install it it was a hand me down.

they will arrest you and crush your car for breaking the law :naughtyd:

fucktards doing blastpipes and stupid shit on their cars doesnt help lol

12-30-2008, 09:31 PM
just to add to what you guys were saying, cops know. the santa fe springs chp station is in my area, i went to get my fix it ticket(exhaust) signed off, the cop came out asked me if i had a sr20, i laughed and said no, we were talking he has a 05 sti. so it just depends.

01-02-2009, 10:56 AM
hahaha i dont drive stupidly, and because of it i haven't been pulled over. I hope things stay that way.

05-26-2009, 06:52 PM
just got a referee ticket
I was planning to part out da car cause I got a rod knock , can I still do this and tell the judge I don't have the car no more thanks

05-26-2009, 09:41 PM
Getting rid of the car wont clear anything, I saw this kid in court with an integra who had ref tickets on it, and he told the judge he sold it, and the judge still enforced the fines becuase it happened during his ownership.

also another kid had his car burn down after he got ref tickets, so he told the judge this and showed pics, and the judge also enforced the fines or correct the problem.

Found your answer...

05-26-2009, 10:06 PM
Thanks one more question
What's gonna happen when I go to the referee shop , is he gonna put any noteson my DMV records
Also if I pay the fine can I still drive my sr
I was thinking of getting a new shelf and swap everything ?
How much are the fines? My ticket says smog violation and have the sticker on da back of da ticket
I also read about transfer my tile to my friend and then put it back to mine, would this work? Thanks

05-28-2009, 03:17 PM
anyone knows?????

05-28-2009, 03:27 PM
It would not work, you HAVE to fix it before you sell it. You would pay the ticket and get your car back is all. I got a ref ticket on a SR in sacramento. He had no idea what he was looking at. He though my car was supercharged. Than gave me a ticket that said "no turbo ID number" Ended up paying 200 dollars and was on my way to drive that car as little as possible.

05-29-2009, 12:25 AM
anyone knows?????

Thanks one more question
What's gonna happen when I go to the referee shop , is he gonna put any noteson my DMV records
Also if I pay the fine can I still drive my sr
I was thinking of getting a new shelf and swap everything ?

I thought I posted this before but ok here goes again!
If you pay the ticket, it goes away....!!!
its so fucking simple, it costs 560 bucks and it goes away.. just call the number on the back of the ticket process it on the phone, then select the option to pay, and its done, no points no record..its gone!!!
if you are that broke and cant afford to pay just go to court and tell the judge, you werent able to get it fixed, you dont have anough money to get it back to normal, that the referee told you its because of the wiring and the emissions, and that it would cost more than the car is worth to fix it..
there is a big chance that she may reduce the fine or just write it off.
i say this because my buddy luis had this done exactley this way..
by the way i payed off my ref ticket before..it ent away..and i just got another one ad ime gonna pay that one too!
any more questions just pm me