View Full Version : pride GP...very disappointing results...

09-11-2006, 07:14 PM
first off i just wanna say that silva still rules...but after watching the fight, its clear who wanted it more...im truly disappointed in silvas performance...dont get me wrong, crocop is one of my favorite fighters, but in the ring with silva, im gonna have to side with wandi...i do give credit where its due and i have to say that crocop was really on that night...its rare that you see silva rocked so bad and with total lack of confidence...but im happy that crocop had his two wins, it is apparent that he definitely deserved them...hats off to crocop for the victories and wandi for battling it out with one of the top heavyweights...

another disappointment would be barnett beating nogueira...it definitely should have been crocop vs. nogueira...

on the other hand, im glad that my other predictions/favorites for the fightcards delivered...arona, shogun, and a. emelianenko came up the victor just like i wanted...

cant wait for real deal in oct...

09-11-2006, 08:45 PM
I was gonna go with you bababahaha I guess wasnt a losss

09-11-2006, 10:14 PM
i dont even wanna talk about it

09-12-2006, 12:54 AM
Cro-cop beat the living shit out of Silva. From the first take down .. all the way to the end.

Isn't it Fedor Vs. CroCop next? Gonna be interesting since Fedor hasn't been fighting lately.

BUUUT Fedor is in a WHOLE NEW LEAGUE! That guy is a monster.

09-12-2006, 03:32 AM
I was gonna go with you bababahaha I guess wasnt a losss
heh? im going to the real deal in oct...you can still join the fun! :D

Cro-cop beat the living shit out of Silva. From the first take down .. all the way to the end.

Isn't it Fedor Vs. CroCop next? Gonna be interesting since Fedor hasn't been fighting lately.

BUUUT Fedor is in a WHOLE NEW LEAGUE! That guy is a monster.

yeah, silva looked horrible...he was going at crocop like it was anyone else...its crocop dude, chill and fight strategically...but crocop definitely stepped his game up from their last fight...its a shame i cant say the same about silva...

fedor is gonna fight coleman in oct...coleman's washed out ass doesnt know what hes doing challenging fedor...i suppose fedor may be fighting on pins and needles because of his hand, but knowing his sav ass, i highly doubt hes gonna let off...

09-12-2006, 07:59 AM
Crocop is the man, enough said.

09-12-2006, 08:12 AM
hah. barnett is hungry, he's determined to beat crocop.

09-12-2006, 08:30 AM
well...wands good but...its about time he got his ass kicked. its one of things where you can win and win and win but eveentually....youre gonna get your ass kicked. im still hoping fedor is working on his ground game cause...well like above hes gonna get his ass kicked if all he does is stand up and takedown defense.

as for the nog and barnett...i like that barnett won. i didnt think itd happen but barnett is rad. hes been rad since back in his UFC days like in the early 20 series. i think it was a pretty even match.

ppsh alexander...i didnt think sergei whould get whooped on so badly. i have this image of him from th last tourny destroying people. then...a few fights later he cant win.wtf

09-12-2006, 08:37 AM
Silvia for one fights middleweight he took the beat down like a soldier he is still a good fighter

the kick to the head was fucked up :(

09-12-2006, 09:39 AM
Soooo, who do you guys think should fight Liddell? I wanna see him get btfd!

09-12-2006, 09:50 AM
heh? im going to the real deal in oct...you can still join the fun! :D

yeah, silva looked horrible...he was going at crocop like it was anyone else...its crocop dude, chill and fight strategically...but crocop definitely stepped his game up from their last fight...its a shame i cant say the same about silva...

fedor is gonna fight coleman in oct...coleman's washed out ass doesnt know what hes doing challenging fedor...i suppose fedor may be fighting on pins and needles because of his hand, but knowing his sav ass, i highly doubt hes gonna let off...

let me know, me my buddy josh and boe would like to attend next, Boes the crazy guy in our house, allways rationing his food (hes a boxer haha) im just afriad one day i drink his oj on accident and i get pulzverizeddd :hammer:

09-12-2006, 04:00 PM
Devastating kick to the head.
I was very surprised that Wandy came in heavier than Mirko.

09-12-2006, 05:54 PM
let me know, me my buddy josh and boe would like to attend next, Boes the crazy guy in our house, allways rationing his food (hes a boxer haha) im just afriad one day i drink his oj on accident and i get pulzverizeddd :hammer:
well, im going for sure...already got my airfare and pride ticket...sorry bro, but UNLV already sold out of end balcony ($52) and balcony ($104) tickets...but if youre still down to go, there are a few nice seats on stubhub and a decent deal for a pair of balcony on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Pride-Fighting-Championships-FC-Real-Deal-Las-Vegas-NR_W0QQitemZ200026666032QQihZ010QQcategoryZ16122QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

and back on topic, i think fedor's ground game is just fine...hes gonna take out coleman no problem...colemans known for his ground and pound, but c'mon, can it really compare to fedors ground and pound? he better polish his skills and be a bit less messy and wreckless if him and crocop were to fight; which i think will be very soon...lets not forget what happened at their last match, very close decision...