View Full Version : San Leandro **meet**

09-08-2006, 04:24 PM
OK. . .

so i was out driving with the wife and found the PERFECT spot for a meet. its by the water and LOTS of parking. no charge to get in, AND theres a BBQ pit. . so maybe we could get a BBQ going too. . any way here are the details. . .

by the way. . . . . . . .
************************************************** ******************** i have always had a good turn out, and i promise ill be there for my meet, and EARLY. . just to make sure that every one finds it. . ill try to post in as many places as i can. but help posting els where would be great. i hope to see a bunch of you guys out there. if i can, ill try to get the BBQ going on my dime, IF theres enuf people going, lol and i can afford it
************************************************** ********************

WHERE- san leandro MARINA .all the way in the back. if you drive inside there are a couple of places to go but only one place thats WAY in the back. from there you can see the whole BAY. the briged and all of san fran. . GOOD PIC SPOT. . .

when- SUNDAY. . .OCTOBER 8, 2006

what time- 6:30 pm

who- EVERY one. esp 240. . but any car welcome. ..

COME On. i got three weeks to get this thing going. like i said enuf people. and i BBQ
************************************************** ********************
if i can get 30 people to come to this meet, ill do the BBQ
************************************************** ********************
i finally got this thing together. . . WOOT FOR ME

the list. . .

1- me- diesel
2- kraynohr240sx
3- 1on1
4- blue240
5- Projekt_S13
6- E10ChickeN- and freinds
7- trigger94587
8- Shift_Sideways
9- G35_RJ
10- AJ1356
12- Hillside107
13- zxpwr
14- downshift_sideways
15- lilaznjeff
16- steaminhotryce
17- Chineseguy
18- jy116
19- altimateone
20- JtWo
21- Sil_Abc
22- lilaznjeff
23- meteorite_flo
24- HKsilvia
25- fliprayzin240sx
26- EndLeSS8
27- Rps13Dfrt510
28- Agent_S13
29- Lowney[Staff]
30- zilforty
31- its_james
32- Realchaos1
33- Gabiss[Staff]
35- ArlockS13
36- EarlyS13
37- kenempireex
38- NinivTA
39- just4AhoZZZ
40- kray-z
41- rAwBz33
42- kaybee650
43- Marisa
44- 05altimaSS
45- EG_K20
46- junknstuff
47- P11Gdub
48- hiimj0ne
49- scribbles6
50- nissan_drift
51- sl87
52- asdf54
53- delphis
54- thirty_two_characters_hella_long
55- jdm_master_X

WOW. . very well done guys, this meet is going to be CRAZY. .

there are a lil more then 20 people bringing freinds, and a few more people that are MAYBES. .


09-09-2006, 10:12 AM
Thats 3 days before my birthday.

Count me in, I'll have the new project hopefully done by then.

PS* I used to live in san leandro, and that marina parking lot iss big. If you guys try to do burnouts or slide there, the sailors that are in the boats next to the water will call the cops in a hot second.

09-09-2006, 08:04 PM
make sure no pizza tho

09-10-2006, 12:08 AM
God damn anthony sold another 240? How many 240's have you been through?

hey diesel Ill bring some sodas so you dont have to pay for eveything out of your pocket.

09-10-2006, 12:10 AM
umm, yea i sold my s14, for 4,000 and picked up alex's fastback.

and working on a new project, installing an sr20det , gonna be crazy

I've been through 5 240sx's

09-10-2006, 12:34 AM
God damn anthony sold another 240? How many 240's have you been through?

hey diesel Ill bring some sodas so you dont have to pay for eveything out of your pocket.

THAT would be SICK. .. much appricated dude. .

so far, it looks like will be getn about 11 or more cars. thats not counting me, or my freind thats coming with me. . as far as people, i think like 20 or so people are already coming. . SO, so far, this is coming out pretty good. . ive even got a few companys that might want to make it out to the meet. nothing big, but just a few that might want to show there love. .

if any one els can bring anything that would rock, money is a lil tight, but i can def get all the meat. .

2-sodas- ~Projekt_s13~

anything would rock. . .thanks for the help

09-10-2006, 01:44 AM
Hey SL isnt too far for me! Ill try n make it, got any GoogleMap link? Ill bring some beers or sumthing :]

P.S. If any you Bay Area folks find me a working Auto Trans, you can have 20 Beers!

09-10-2006, 01:52 AM
still working on the map. . but ill have it soon. .

09-10-2006, 03:54 AM
I don't recognize any of those user names...

09-10-2006, 04:02 AM
if anyone else from LP is going ill go :P

09-10-2006, 04:05 AM
^I'll go if Jon goes. LOL

09-10-2006, 02:14 PM
those are user names from a few different sites. . i dont really want to have to sort through them all, each person knows who they are, and that they will get fed for being on the list. .

hey, JtWo- Sil-Abc

do you guys want me to add you guys to the list. .

09-10-2006, 02:29 PM

13800 Monarch Bay Dr, San Leandro, CA 94577

if you copy and paste that crap, it will show you a bar and grill thats right by the meet. . thats the nearist i could get to the meet. . .

if your coming down fairway Dr. make a left at the end of the street, and go twards N dike Rd. turn left onto N dike Rd. then just follow it all the way to the back. on the map it should, on satellite, show you all the boats and that part of the marina that kinda raps around it, just go to the FARTHEST part of the park in the WAY back. . if you need more help, PM me and ill give you my cell, so that on the day you go, you can call me, tell me where you are, and BLA BLA BLA. . .

hope that help

09-10-2006, 07:24 PM
when is the meet going on

09-10-2006, 07:30 PM
when is the meet, what date is it going on

09-10-2006, 07:43 PM
when- SATURDAY. . .OCTOBER 7, 2006

what time- 6:30 pm

if you read my first post, it has all the info on it. . .sorry for the mix up. . if im missn any thing, let me know . .

09-10-2006, 08:05 PM


Wow thats not a good time to start a BBQ. By the time everything is ready and its time to cook its like 7:45 or 8pm

09-10-2006, 11:13 PM
i know. . ill be there a lil earlyer to make the food, so by the time every one shows up, i can just chill, while every one digs in . .

so my trany is a gone'er, i was driving up hill when i heard this sound like i was draging something metallic under my car. then my whole car started shaking really bad, and THEN it start rolling backwards. . .

so now i need a trany for CHEAP, hopefully a manul . . the thing is that i dont have the tools to do it. any one know where to go from here.??

09-11-2006, 01:20 PM
yeh, mine made a grinding metal sound too... but mines Auto... i thnk it was the torque converter dying for me... just want to replace it cuz its cheaper + easier

09-11-2006, 02:47 PM
mine is auto too. . i just tryn to find out how much its going to cost me to replace my auto with a manul. . .

09-11-2006, 08:41 PM
i might be down to go, but that's only if my car is out by then. it hasn't been registered since 7 months ago.

09-11-2006, 09:27 PM
mike pls pls pls pls pls pls pls Sunday

09-12-2006, 01:27 AM
hopefully is going to be a good turn out.
how about we do what the guys do in LA
sounds pretty damn good

09-12-2006, 12:52 PM
Good idea Jeff! I tried to do that at the Booth Park one in San Mateo[?]. I had a white paper on my windshield with items for sale and the asking price. THEN some one asked me if my whole car was for sale!!

If stuff is too big... maybe we could just list our crap for sale and pass it around if anyone is interested/wants to make a offer? I dunno if I want to roll up with my car full of rims...! Maybe 1 of each? haha

09-12-2006, 01:00 PM
we need to find a place with a good internet connection, that way other members at the meet can paypal. and compare prices. we can lay like some what stuff for sale like in front of the car.
but having piece of paper is a good idea. maybe some picture of item would work as well.

09-12-2006, 05:59 PM
Hey Mike you have Jeff listed twice, phase12xs13 + lilaznjeff = Same Person

Hell yea let do that Swap meet thing.

09-12-2006, 06:15 PM
damn james discover the damn secret, i will have over 6 other coupes at the meet hopefully

09-12-2006, 09:00 PM
6:30 is hella late mang...do it earlier like 3 or 4. You already know peoples gonna lag as shiet. By the time everybody gets there, itll be too fucking dark to see anything.

09-12-2006, 10:24 PM
thats true you cant buy stuff at night
you will not see stuff in details

09-13-2006, 01:23 AM
OKKK. . . im changing the day to sunday. . FOR jim. . nad making it a lil earlyer so that we can do a lil swap meet. .. sounds good to me. .

09-13-2006, 10:27 AM
I'll try to make it, I hope I'm not out of town.
So it's the 8th right? What time?

09-13-2006, 05:20 PM
time is posted in the EDITED first post. So this is final rite? Im tryna see wut things i can go to... might have some work stuff... Ill try to bring sumthing too... maybe the red cups

09-13-2006, 07:44 PM
might not be able to make it on sunday, but I will try

09-13-2006, 09:16 PM
YES. . this is the FINAL change. . .no more CHANGES. . .

i will def be there. . but sadly my car wont be . . it was vandilized. . . the person that did this to my car, did it SO badly that my car is WRECKED. . ill have pics of the dameged soon. . .

if any one is selling a car that i can depened on that nothing special, PLEAS let me know. . i need a car BADLY to get to and from work . . . thanks

09-14-2006, 10:48 PM
YES. . this is the FINAL change. . .no more CHANGES. . .

i will def be there. . but sadly my car wont be . . it was vandilized. . . the person that did this to my car, did it SO badly that my car is WRECKED. . ill have pics of the dameged soon. . .

if any one is selling a car that i can depened on that nothing special, PLEAS let me know. . i need a car BADLY to get to and from work . . . thanks

wow dude, what happend? Sucks my car was also just vandilized (sp?)

09-15-2006, 04:09 PM
OK. . .SO project ride is going to be there at this meet. .

they emailed me and said that they would LOVE to come out, and SUPPORT the meet . . im hoping they send a few of there teams out. .

i also have a few other companys that want to show up to. . . but are still kinda in the works, about what EXACTLY that intels

09-15-2006, 04:32 PM
Can i join with you guys :d.

09-15-2006, 05:37 PM
Can i join with you guys :d.

you sure as heck can lil dud'lit. .

na for real, ANY BODY is welcome. . im just not doing the list. . cuz, its WAY to long now, AND there are a few companys coming out to support US with the meet.. a few are sending out some teams, and maybe some help with the BBQ. . . .

09-15-2006, 05:52 PM
google says Project Ride is an equestrian organization... but I trust you got good stuff in store for us... :]

Lets BBQ some "SWAP MEET" ooo yeah!

09-15-2006, 07:38 PM
google says Project Ride is an equestrian organization... but I trust you got good stuff in store for us... :]

Lets BBQ some "SWAP MEET" ooo yeah!

^^Hell yea!!!

09-17-2006, 12:39 AM
I'll make my list of all the shit i need to get out of my storage. If anyone is intrested, I'll shoot you a good deal. s13,s14, ka and sr galore parts. and my storage is in San Leandro aswell. About 15 min drive away from the marina. So if anyone is intrested we can drive to the storage and pick parts.


09-17-2006, 02:24 AM
I'll make my list of all the shit i need to get out of my storage. If anyone is intrested, I'll shoot you a good deal. s13,s14, ka and sr galore parts. and my storage is in San Leandro aswell. About 15 min drive away from the marina. So if anyone is intrested we can drive to the storage and pick parts.

^^^ YAY Lets Swap meet

09-17-2006, 09:56 PM
Sounds good! U need any rims? I got like 20 rite now... nothing fancy tho, just cheap CList stuff :/ good for drifting events when u want spares :]

ALSO, since we got such a turn out [i think], can I get a ride in some one with Welded diff? AND if anyone has Short Shifter installed, I wanna see how that feels too... Thanks!

09-17-2006, 11:34 PM
6:30 is hella late mang...do it earlier like 3 or 4. You already know peoples gonna lag as shiet. By the time everybody gets there, itll be too fucking dark to see anything.

hahahahaa FLIP TIME! lol true true....hey mike count me in....lol

09-17-2006, 11:36 PM
I'll make my list of all the shit i need to get out of my storage. If anyone is intrested, I'll shoot you a good deal. s13,s14, ka and sr galore parts. and my storage is in San Leandro aswell. About 15 min drive away from the marina. So if anyone is intrested we can drive to the storage and pick parts.


lol u said pick parts? is it free? hahahaha ill get some!

09-17-2006, 11:48 PM
yo any body wants to go cruise after the bbq?

two routes

north and south
north = 5 roads
south = 2 roads

i wont post it coz u know what im mean....we can talk about it when we get together.....hehehehe

you guys know what im talking about

09-18-2006, 06:25 AM
Well i was planning on going...but now im having issues...GT2871R took a dump on me this morning. So either i drive up there NA or i drive the civic or i dont go at all.

PS: Find me a used GT2871R or any GT series turbo...

09-18-2006, 02:32 PM
hey mark. . ill talk to you more aout it when i get there. . but yea, im done for a lil drive. . .

and i NEED some parts. . a new trany, 5-speed pleas. . .woot

09-18-2006, 02:42 PM
link to the pics of my car. . .


09-18-2006, 11:25 PM
Sounds good! U need any rims? I got like 20 rite now... nothing fancy tho, just cheap CList stuff :/ good for drifting events when u want spares :]

ALSO, since we got such a turn out [i think], can I get a ride in some one with Welded diff? AND if anyone has Short Shifter installed, I wanna see how that feels too... Thanks!

What kinda rims ya got? I have a weldy, so if you want i can give you a little ride.

09-19-2006, 12:09 PM
Alright, I'm only going if someone's going to buy my stuff. I'm not going to the bbq because there's plenty of football to be watched, but if anyone wants any of my stuff, PM me and I'll show up to sell it.

Nismo 50 mm extended studs (bought 'em used) Fits only S14 front hubs or 300zx hubs, not S13's - $40 obo
Set (4) of 4-lug Hubs w/ stock studs (130k miles, bearings still good) - $40 obo (must get all 4)
Brake Dust shields for S13 (took 'em off when I changed hubs) - $20 OBO
Pair of 3-mm Wheel Spacers - $25

More stuff to come, but just really trying to clean out the garage.

PM to let me know if anyone wants this stuff and then I can coordinate to meet someone at the BBQ to buy my stuff.

'91 240sx coupe

09-19-2006, 12:17 PM
ya i got alot of stuff for sale as well
apexi intercooler
apexi bov
greddy style oil pan
greddy down pipe
suspension link
turbo manifold
turbo elbow
nismo transmisson mount

im looking for 550 - 640 cc injectors

i dont know if i can fit everything in my coupe.
oh gosh

09-20-2006, 01:28 AM
I got stuff that needs to go too...

S13 SR Engine (unknown condition) was gonna use it for a rebuild but changed my mind
S13 SR Tranny
Os Gilken Twin Plate clutch
S13 SR stock Cams
Stock SR Oil pan
SR Oil Pump
DOHC KA motorset with tranny with a BHG (Head already off the block)
SOHC KA motorset pulled off a swap ~160k miles, strong and well taken care off.

09-20-2006, 01:14 PM
I got stuff that needs to go too...

S13 SR Engine (unknown condition) was gonna use it for a rebuild but changed my mind
S13 SR Tranny
Os Gilken Twin Plate clutch
S13 SR stock Cams
Stock SR Oil pan
SR Oil Pump
DOHC KA motorset with tranny with a BHG (Head already off the block)
SOHC KA motorset pulled off a swap ~160k miles, strong and well taken care off.

OMG. .. how much for the trany. . . i need one BADLY. . im thinking about fixing my car, just got an alarm. .. need a TRANY BAD .. . let me know

09-20-2006, 02:06 PM
Stock 1996 S14 Airbox

09-20-2006, 09:42 PM
I need a safc and turbo timer! and can use some fmic piping.

Let me know if you have, so i bring the dough. hopefullly my baby will be up and running by this meet yee!

09-20-2006, 09:59 PM
wow i got motor stuff too
i got a complete 5 speed converison, pedel, hardline and other shit

09-21-2006, 11:12 PM

PROJECT ride sent me and email saying the will be there for sure. . and they took it a step futhur, and said that they want to contribute, $100 dallors twards the BBQ. . .

we all need to thank project ride, and kiss there A$$. . . that was really cool of them to help out in that way. .

i want an " A " load of poeple there. . bring your freinds, cuzins, moms, dads, HOT SISTERS, GF, wife, brother, uncle, aunt, dog, dogs mom and dad. . . EVERY one. . .

FREE BBQ. . and it sounds like theres going to be ALOT of food. .

09-22-2006, 06:17 PM
O yeh, anyone good at fender rolling?! Or pulling :] Friggin $50 per fender at places I've seen...

09-22-2006, 06:25 PM
Should i still bring some sodas??? lol
or plastic cups???

09-23-2006, 01:51 PM
Should i still bring some sodas??? lol
or plastic cups???

BOTH. . .lol, thats up to you bro. . . sodas would be nice. . i mean, CANs. . tryn not to have to much trash. . bottles=cups, food=plates, forlks, knifes, napkins. .

lots of garbeg. ..

09-23-2006, 02:08 PM
OMG. .. how much for the trany. . . i need one BADLY. . im thinking about fixing my car, just got an alarm. .. need a TRANY BAD .. . let me know

$150 and its yours...you talking bout the SR tranny right?

09-23-2006, 03:55 PM
$150 and its yours...you talking bout the SR tranny right?

na, i dont have an SR. . im still runin my KA. .

09-23-2006, 04:23 PM
well...$400 and you get both KAs. SOhc and dohc set ups. Buy it so i can clean my garage!!!

09-25-2006, 11:10 AM

SO this is SUNDAY OCT 8 at 4:00PM or SATURDAY OCT 7 at 4:00PM?

Cuz I read originally that it was Sunday, but then changed to Saturday, but now I look at the original edited post and it says SUNDAY OCT 8tht 4:00PM

Thanks in advance.

09-25-2006, 04:26 PM
its this SUNDAY, OCTOBER the 8th. . .

4:00pm . .

it was originaly saturday, but i changed it to sunday, cuz there where more people that could come. so the final date is listed ubove. . .

im not doing the list any more, cuz there are to many people coming. . but i am going to do it this friday. Friday, ill have every one thats coming up on the board, so if your planing on coming, and havent let me know, PLEAS let me know ASAP, so that i can make sure that there is enuf food for you. ..


09-25-2006, 10:07 PM
^ I'll be coming
Thanks for setting this up.

09-26-2006, 07:13 PM
damn i donno if im going, cuz my car is sold.

09-27-2006, 01:22 AM
so is this set as october 8 at 4 pm, if you do it at 4 pm i cant make it man.

a did anyone see this yet

09-27-2006, 01:39 AM
i got a fender roller, will roll fender for 100 all around,
compare to shops out side, charing you like 60 per corner

09-29-2006, 10:44 PM
i'll see if i can help, maybe i'll bring like hella chips or something, chips are good, i like chips....

mmmmm.... :eek3d: :drool:

ohh! wait, i'll bring some trash bags, i bet no one thought of that, or maybe some one did and i'm not as pimp as i think i am...

10-01-2006, 03:27 AM
Looks like I may come by early around 3 to help you BBQ:wavey:

10-01-2006, 01:57 PM
Looks like I may come by early around 3 to help you BBQ:wavey:

that would rock. . thanks dude. . .

10-01-2006, 06:41 PM
i might bring 2 of my subaru friends, that's if their not busy doing something.

10-01-2006, 07:16 PM
Yeah, i'll be getting off work at 3, i'm plannin to be there after i get off so i'll see about helping too, i'm a good cook as well.... or at least i like to think so.

10-02-2006, 10:37 AM
so it is still set in sunday 3 pm right

10-02-2006, 01:31 PM
ru gonna bring the fender roller? can we do it there? i bet u could get other ppl interested too! I think I just need rears... should I just use a baseball bat? haha

I might bring my sparco speed seat for sale too, like new, no bracket, $250 obo [not even posted yet, y'all got dibs frist :)].

10-02-2006, 05:07 PM
wow this is happening the same day as Lukes grand opening, looks like you have some competition lol http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=121525

10-02-2006, 05:47 PM
first, YEEEAAAA. . . any one willing to help out in ANY way would ROCK hard ice.

second, YES, the final date is SUNDAY- OCTOBER 8th, at 4pm, ill be there by 3 so i can start BBQing the food. so that by the time you guys get there, the food will be pretty much done. . .

third, NOO, there is no compition, i mean, luke is cool, and his shop is off the chain, . . . . . i hope every one has fun at his thing, lol. . . na for real though, im not worried, i have enuf people coming that are good freinds, and yea, maybe later, i might go to his meet, and leave MY OWN meet a lil early. . i might even get a few other people to ride wit me, so we can pull up all crazy like. .lololololol

10-02-2006, 06:22 PM
Well, I have 2 meets in one day as well then.
I hafta go to Luke's Grand Opening as well, cuz Luke rocks, he's done a lot of work on my car, and he's my friend.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend.

10-02-2006, 06:45 PM
i cant wait either. .

WOOT, . made meet hopn WOOT

10-03-2006, 01:28 AM
i wont be able to make it but i will have this stuff for sale with a friend

largus s13 sways new 400
power prace new s13 125
blitz TALKING turbo timer with harness for s13 100
180sx kouki position lights new 100


10-03-2006, 03:18 AM
i wont be able to make it but i will have this stuff for sale with a friend

largus s13 sways new 400
power prace new s13 125
blitz TALKING turbo timer with harness for s13 100
180sx kouki position lights new 100


hey im interested in the power brace...who am i gonna look for at this meet? thanks..

10-03-2006, 12:39 PM
ooh your that silly pink car i see driving around. uh i work downtown, if my friend doesnt buy it before the meet ill let you know.

10-03-2006, 12:58 PM
is he the silly pink one? hahaha... i kno both u guys, so if u need to coordinate, look for me at the meet [silly pink car?!]. Thas why its good to have ur pic in ur sig, so when we go to meets ppl kno whos who... or name tags... w/e :]

10-04-2006, 02:15 AM
hahaha...where do you see me driving around?? Most of the time im in berkeley. What color is your S13?

10-04-2006, 02:16 AM
btw...it's not pink :) it's fuschia = pink + purple (pink doesnt sound so masculine)

10-04-2006, 01:29 PM
o yeh, FREE driver seat from s13, navy blu, small 2" tear on outside, otherwise its perfect! Picked up in downtown oakland, otherwise $5 for me to bring it.

pair of 6bolt half shaft $20
SILVIA oem center piece $20
triple beam headlights [missing mouting tab] $100
z32 multi-link, brakes for sale, I can bring some of it: http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=121064

also got some 5lug, 16x7 +38 mille miglia w/ 225/50/16 S03s [tread almost gone, but sticky when hot], clean 5 spoke w/ center cap, used for altamont once, otherwise pretty new $200 obo

*WTB momo, sparco, etc slider for bottom mount.
*lookin for FREE auto trans 8)

10-04-2006, 01:34 PM
We're going to have a group photoshoot, right?

10-04-2006, 01:35 PM
chrysler 300C rims, 5x115 (fits, but I wouldn't drive long term on it, I just used them to drift on once), with 215/50/17 and 235/50/17 $200 [cheap even if you just want the tires!!!]

10-04-2006, 07:01 PM
i'll go sorta late but if its not raining i'll go it'll be nice to meet people i'm new and all

10-05-2006, 09:35 PM
We're going to have a group photoshoot, right?

HELZ YEA. .. .

even me in my crap ass honda will be in the pic. . .

10-07-2006, 02:15 PM
Im coming thru for sure with atleast....4 cars. Yall need us to bring anything for this thing? BTW this is gonna be my last meet since im selling the car next wk end...

Also who ever posted this in the other forums. You guys might wanna up date it. Everybody still thinks its today (saturday @ 630).

So is it for sure tomorrow at 4 right???

10-08-2006, 04:07 PM
its gona be off the chain! lets do a lil caravan after and roll up to the new shop openin in santa clara..ridin in deep!!!

10-08-2006, 09:17 PM
thanks again Mike


10-08-2006, 09:19 PM
there was no BBQ!!! i was hungry. but you guys had some nice cars.

10-08-2006, 10:20 PM
Huge Turn Out But No Food Boooooooooo O Well!!!zzz

10-08-2006, 11:36 PM
Yay...my last meet...car is sold starting tomorrow:o

10-08-2006, 11:40 PM
yea there's a lot of car but no food at all......i was waiting for the bbq thing...i didnt even took my bfast and lunch for that shit....lol

at least there is a shitload of cars showed up

10-09-2006, 09:23 PM
where's the pics!?

10-09-2006, 09:29 PM
where's the pics!?
Did you think about checking the Picture from San Leandro Meet!! (56K = 死) (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=122085) thread.

I unno.

Just a thought.

10-09-2006, 11:42 PM
THANKS for coming out guys. . .

that was my last meet, im moving to NYC, long island.. . .

VERY nice turn out. . sorry about the BBQ, but as most of you know, i was supposed to get some help from a certin COMPANY, that never came though. . .

any way, hope it wasnt a total bomb, hope you guys had some fun. .

thanks again for coming out. .

10-10-2006, 09:46 AM
sorry I left early, I went to Luke's and I didn't expect ppl to show up later

10-10-2006, 01:16 PM
The food was hella good, thanks! Was cool seeing 3 other cars that almos look exactly like mine! Same multicolor silvia parts, and same original color! We all just dont shive a git about painting it so its pretty huh?! COOL 8)

Anyone talk to the guy with the green polishing stuff? I didn't get a chance to talk to him and thank him for polishing my grill :] Is he on this forum maybe? THANKS! Good luck makin it main-stream!

10-12-2006, 02:56 AM
Hi, I am posting on this old post because I have a question for some bay area 240 owners. I am abou tot purchase an auto s13...and want to convert....i have a donor car....anyone know mechanics who can do the job PROPERLY?....and how much?
I can be emailed at [email protected]

10-12-2006, 10:28 PM
this post aint old, its just a TOTALLY DIFFERENT topic! But since u ask, heres a quick reply: I was calling around for a car I got and if u dont care to search to save a some money, its like $1200 everything parts n labor. You might be able to beat that price, but I doubt it unless u got some hookups. Try Blacktrax in Milpitas, they might cost more but they do good work [they built the Green "Blacktrax" Levin, T. Fujita, you see at events sometimes]

or parts alone, w/ new oem clutch, can be had for like $700. I never did the whole thing, but pulling the trans for my pilot bearing SUCKEEDDDD, esp on the floor w/o a lift....