View Full Version : So again, road rage? or drunk

09-08-2006, 12:26 AM
Me and a couple of my buddies, one on here too, we all rolling to the local eaterie (pizza place) when all of a sudden a tahoe is ridding my ass like no other, as i keep driving, mind I am just chillin driving my jeep, plus its pretty late, I just keep going. We get near the turn and he rolls up next to me with all the windows down and tats up and down, like what the F** Fo, what are you doing, we all just look like wtf? uhhh were driving? then he continues to cus up a storm and threaten us. I make the turn and he follows us, so i turn into the pizza place, as he slows down to follow us in. So im like wow, ive allready had a long night, stupid s14 chassis.... So deciding not to get stabbed, i remmber there is a apt complex right there, so i pull in thinking he will think we are going home. So he sees that and bones out.

Uhh 10pm on thursday, what a lovely evening...One of my buddies wanted us to stop and jump out, to what would that acomplish, those 3 guys jump out and ? Its better safe than sorry, Its too bad i didnt catch the whole license number. It seemed like they just wanted to pick a fight, its such a shame they picked a fight with someone who had respect, and not a guy who had a 9mm under the passanger seat.

So once again, road rage leads to some stupid shit, its better to let it go then to have it lead into someone getting injured. I just wish i was driving something other than a mini bus. A nice gettaway would be had... :duh:

Another night.....

09-08-2006, 12:28 AM
yah that guy was crazy.. this whole town goin to shit.. we where just minding our own business driving and this guy tails us..


C. Senor
09-08-2006, 01:49 AM
damn that sux....people these days are fuckin assholes. one day their gonna try and pull that stunt and BOOM there tire's gonna pop and then their gonna be stuck lookin like idiots, or get pulled over abd recive a hefty fine...lol...freakin cali

09-08-2006, 02:46 AM
i read many time and i still cannot understand it well.

so you were driving your jeep or your S14?

i am very lost...

but anyway, did this happened in riverside? you should have just call police on the phone while you were driving and report road rage or possible DUI drivers. i am glad you are ok

09-08-2006, 02:58 AM
ive had shit like this happen before. and in the end you did the right thing. people out there who treat their lives like nothing to lose and will do stupid shit and dont care about consequences, but on the other hand we care about our lives and dont want stupid shit to happen. i wish people lived with honor and integrity.

09-08-2006, 03:35 AM
damn you are a fu**ing pussy,should've jumped out and beat the shit out of them with a baseball bat,and you dont carry a gun???WTF???

09-08-2006, 04:08 AM
Ha sucks bro. get a gun, fuck if i was in cali i would have a gun for sure..

I had a dude do a similar thing, i was in my MR2 with a buddie trying to pull out of parking garage and some chump in a SUV was at the gate paying for his parking we where behind him (this is at 2am bar close we are drunk) I know DUI ya ya..

So this dude(the driver) gets out of his ride to get some shit he dropped out the window, i am just chillin waiting for him to pay and get going, he then says something about a rice jap shitty fag car something, i wasnt having it and jumped out fast as i could, before i knew it i was swinging at this chump right infront of the paybooth guy (he was a somalian and was prob like holy shit crazy americans the paybooth guy was) so my buddie jumps out, he is a big ass dude and barley even fits in the MR2 ha ha. He goes over to the pass side when he sees me jump out and tells the other dudes to stay put..His buddies didnt even move a muscle, i eneded up hitting the dude with about 10 shots of drunk worthless punches but it scared the shit out of him..

We then followed him out and he ran a red light to get away, we laughed smoked a joint and went home...

But ya some of these road ragers are not tuff they just think they are but if you act on them sometimes they are suprised...

But i am always game for a fight soo ya i dont mind calling dudes out!


09-08-2006, 05:19 AM
should have a gun with u, just like the video that the bmw guy owned the pickup driver. and dont forget to video tape it.

09-08-2006, 06:23 AM
Ha sucks bro. get a gun, fuck if i was in cali i would have a gun for sure..

Yeah. That would accomplish a lot in CA. Then he would be dead and we would be reading a whole different thread. I am all for guns, but damn...you act like such a hardass on here and talk a lot of game. Seriously, relax and stop being such a violent person. You don't need to impress zilvia with your mass display of testosterone.

09-08-2006, 07:25 AM
i understand what some of you guys are saying, it seems now a days you need to carry protection.. which is pretty sad. this type of problems didnt exsist back in the 50' 60's... but yah who knows its not worth messing up.

We are soo close to home too, dont want em to follow us.

09-08-2006, 07:44 AM

Shit sucks people have lost all respect for each other.

09-08-2006, 07:56 AM
no idea what this world is comin to anymore atleast if ur gunna pull a stupid act do it with ur own to hands not weapons....ppl always tryin to kill someone its fun in games not in reality....

09-08-2006, 10:36 AM
It's because Limit Break is G dawggzzz. ^_^ Probably picked on you because you were a skinny white dude.

No seriously, these things happened in the 50's and 60's, there were just less population density, and thus, less instances. The sheer number of people packed into this area of California guarantees tension and crime.

It's BS. Don't carry a gun in CA becuase there's a good chance you won't be the only one in the fight with one, and if you pull yours, you won't like it when he and his boys pull their's. If you're going to carry a gun, use it to defend yourself, not to settle some road rage on the street (not saying that you would). That's part of the reason crime is so rampant in this part of America already, someone commits a crime, so that person buys a means of self defense, so the criminal ups HIS means of self defense until it's a weapons war of victims vs. criminals and we all end up fucked. The whole attitude of it just inspires more tension and thus more anger and thus, more crime.

I almost guarantee they were drunk and/or drugged, you see some crazzzy shit in SB/Riverside county, this is just part of the joy that is living here in Southern California's Butthole.

09-08-2006, 11:53 AM
next time: follow HIM to HIS place of residence...then burn it to the ground with everyone inside. lol just kidding, u did the right thing to let it go, the guy was prolly twacked out some kind of drugs or somethin

09-08-2006, 12:19 PM
most likely a bunch of tweakers...... and if your gonna carry a gun in CA you better be ready to use it cuz you most likely wont be the only one with a gun.

09-08-2006, 05:44 PM
Naw truely i had a long night, yah i was driving my jeep, becouse my POS s14 was giving me a hard time.

yes usualy I would stop step out and beat some ass, but i was very tired of shit. mostly in the mood to just go home and crash,

sorry no, i am not a pussy. A pussy would use a gun.

Thanks for your guys support,

maybe next time ill tell ya about the story where my red neck friend had a similar issue, but yah he got some action in :keke: