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09-07-2006, 07:31 PM

turbo timer.....? and it's stock....? :rl:

09-07-2006, 07:34 PM
It's not uncommon to see "Turbo Timers" hooked up in non-turbo cars. All it does is allow the engine to sit at idle for a set amount of time before shutting off. Some people believe it is good for the engine, other's just think it makes them look cool. What do you expect? No one is perfect, after all. :keke:

09-07-2006, 08:10 PM
^ True. Even my APEXi Timer was labeled "Turbo and N/A Timer" on the box.

09-07-2006, 08:22 PM
yea its really not too uncommon...

09-07-2006, 08:31 PM
turbo timers are stupid for na cars
turbo timers are stupid for turbo cars
apexi is smart for labeling them for both na and turbo, look who is their market.

09-07-2006, 09:19 PM
turbo timers are stupid for turbo cars
apexi is smart for labeling them for both na and turbo, look who is their market.

well i disagree there..after a few runs in this 100 degree heat and constant 7000 rpms it is wise to let your car and turbo cool down a bit...

09-07-2006, 09:22 PM
well i disagree there..after a few runs in this 100 degree heat and constant 7000 rpms it is wise to let your car and turbo cool down a bit...

why not just chill in your car for a little bit, then shut it off yourself????

turbo timer=lazy...

09-07-2006, 09:27 PM
the idea is to let your turbine wheel slow down to a minimal speed before shutoff. At full boost, they're spinning at over 100000rpm. If you do a full boost run then shut your car off, your wheel will still be spinning fast, and the shaft won't be getting any lubrication from the engine.
Enough of this, and say hello to coked up shaft, seized turbine, etc etc.

09-07-2006, 09:32 PM
why not just chill in your car for a little bit, then shut it off yourself????

turbo timer=lazy...

For the same reason people use drive-thrus instead of going inside a restaurant.

Anyway, straight from the FSM "If the engine had been operating at high RPM for an extended period of time, let it idle for a few minutes prior to shutting it off."

So, a turbo timer is probably a wise investment if you like to drive in the upper range of your tachometer.

09-07-2006, 11:15 PM
^^ Thank you...

as for the lazy comment, I am almost 34 and I bet I could run half of your dicks in the dirt:rl: :eek3d:

09-08-2006, 01:02 AM
^^ Thank you...

as for the lazy comment, I am almost 34 and I bet I could run half of your dicks in the dirt:rl: :eek3d:

all im sayin is why cant you just chill for a little while in your car, then shut it off yourself! its just my opinion, dont get your panties in a bunch. If turbo timers were REALLY needed then wouldnt they come stock???

09-08-2006, 01:09 AM
this shit comes in handy most of the time.

It's a life saver if you're running late..
or it's hot as hell in the car..
or your about to get laid..you're gonna chill in your car for 1.5mins?! FUCK NO.


09-08-2006, 01:17 AM
dont wear panties, but no reason to sit in my car for 2 minutes without ac if I dont have to. I have the timer for that...

drift freaq
09-08-2006, 01:47 AM
this shit comes in handy most of the time.

It's a life saver if you're running late..
or it's hot as hell in the car..
or your about to get laid..you're gonna chill in your car for 1.5mins?! FUCK NO.


hahahhaha I couldn't agree more.

09-08-2006, 03:04 AM
turbo timers come stock in some turbo cars obviously. but i agree about the waiting in the car thing....whats the point of getting a turbo timer if some loser is gonna break into your car, find it hiding next to your seat and steal it? :(

09-08-2006, 04:36 AM
Ummm, so if you don't have a turbo timer, they'll just steal your Stereo? I don't think that argument holds up too well. If your reason for not having a timer is so someone can't steal it, why do you have a car? Pssst, they can steal that too.

bjorkluv, I'm up for a run. :D

09-08-2006, 04:57 AM
It seems that if you live in cali. people will steal the change out of your car just to say its JDM tyte!!

Turbo timer is just a good thing to have but not needed..


09-08-2006, 05:05 AM
Yes and No
Helghast does have a point, sometimes u really need to get off really quick, a turbo timer is a must for hurry/impatient ppl who always running late to work or school. besides turbo timer like hks have speed reading feature also, it let ppl who have sld to see how fast they are going.
But on the other hand, how ofter we rev to 5k before we park, most of the time we drive slow in local and turbo can cool down during that time.
anyway, imma gonna buy one soon coz im lazy

09-08-2006, 08:32 AM
Thatguy - Anytime brother, bring your ass to the rock:D

Fellas, the thread was about an N/A timer...yes they make them for N/A cars, same reason to cool down the vehicle, we covered that..let the juices run a bit before shut down...thats about it...shit they only cost 100 bucks for the highend ones....so whats the big deal...I dont have one to be cool...dont need a gadget for that;) it's a mod used by many before me, so I got one....everyone I know with a turbo car uses one, its the norm..so go ahead and be different dont run one if you dont want to..when you pull up to the mall, tell your girley to sit in the car for 2 minutes so your car can cool down, she will think you are retarded...have a timer and you guys get out and she will say "um your car is still on" and you can say "shut up bitch dont you think I know that" and then go about your way, just remember to zip your pants since you just got road head:wackit:

09-08-2006, 10:37 AM
"discontinued edition"?