View Full Version : criminals reach a new low..

09-07-2006, 12:14 AM
geez.. I just witnessed a theft. It was about 6:30pm, plenty of sun outside. Me and my friend where leaving the local Kragens, and these 2 hispanic teens (my guess was 16 and 18) runing out of the store with a new car battery. I was parked right in front of the door and we where standing at my car when this happened. THese 2 guys run out the store, to thier car which is parked on the side of the building near the back *white 80s 4door honda accord*. And in an attempt they try to start thier car, I guess they where stealing a battery for a reason. The Kragens employee runs up to the door, (hes probably about my age, early 20s) and pauses to see what direction they went. I was still amazed at the event. THen he runs towards the theives. Well the theives cant get thier car started. so in a flurry they start pushing the car!!!!!

The employee doesnt throw down and scrap or anything stupid, (not worth the risk of injury for a job like kragens) he writes down thier license plate. Me and my friend where watching the whole thing.. Not a word was spoken between the theives and the employee who chased em. The employee didnt shout or anything he jus ran over there and wrote thier license plate down as they pushed thier getaway vehicle off into the horizen.

Obiously they had to get it started becuase the direction they where pushing to leads the exit driveway which u can only make a right turn. Well it happened pretty fast. THe employee just busts out his cell phone and starts to walk back inside.

During the whole thing tho, i was just thinking "wtf??" .
then me and my friend where laughing at the getaway tho.. We left, I know we probably coulda stayed to talk to them to tell what we saw, but eventually they should have camaras in the store and obiously those guys are fucked no matter what since they got thier license plate. I guess they needed the battery. but still it pissed me off becuase this is the kragens I always go to, so its like my kragens. I hate seeing crimes being commited and to know my area is becoming crappy.

Hahah just too funny tho... at least plan out a better getaway, like he shoulda had one of them stay outside and leave the car running, and one guy go grab teh battery and run so they could make a quick getaway.. but no, the dumb fucks had to push start thier car lol..

You know the saying about if your family is hungry would you steal a loaf of bread to feed them? I guess they needed the battery..

fuck tho, imagine they probably dont have insurance... dammmm!!!

09-07-2006, 12:22 AM

I wonder what lies in the future for these guys. :? lol

09-07-2006, 12:25 AM
lmao, wtf..wow; all for a battery.
so many robberies/theft and whatnot nowadays.. f*ck thieves.
but all in all, at least noone got held up at gun point or hurt.

and forsure those 2 are done for.

drift freaq
09-07-2006, 12:33 AM
ya thats like the Jackasses that did a purse snatch at the local coffee bean I go to at 6:30 in the evening in Los Feliz.
Fucking idiots are just hanging around in front of the place looking out of place. I walk through them get a newspaper say excuse as I do.
Then I go sit down start drinking my coffee and looking at the paper.
Out of the corner of my eye I see one of them leaning through the side door into the Coffee bean craning his neck like he is trying to see someone.
Then bam I hear something slam against the glass, as he grabs this womens purse, thats on the seat right behind her ass, right by the door.
He takes off running around the corner of the building. This Japanese guy sitting on the other side of the patio looks up hops over the wall chases him down the street and gets the license plate of the car he jumps into. There must have been at least three eyewitnesses . Stupid ass fucking thieves.

09-07-2006, 01:17 AM
Crazy story Austin, I was just in Autozone today getting a new battery, but I paid for mine. :bigok:

09-07-2006, 01:19 AM
at least prep a "working get away car"

09-07-2006, 01:44 AM
hahahah, yah that was too funny, sloooww get away :P

09-07-2006, 02:15 AM
Hah...yah...working at kragen ive seen at least 2 would be thefts of the snazzy orbital batteries we used to carry.

Last time i remember, this guy and this girl came into the store, bought a bottle of antifreeze. I even checked em out, real uneventful. They kinda walked around for a bit afterward. As i was checking out another customer, I noticed the girl standing in the furthest aisle from the counter, kinda glancing over every couple of seconds.

A visiting store manager from the store down the street noticed too, and i guess he also noticed that while they were wandering around, they made their way over to the battery rack.

So when they finally walked out, he walked out there too and rather sternly asked the guy, "Hey, are you gonna pay for that battery?" The guy said something like, "I dont have no battery," so the manager says "You wanna show me where you put it then?" The guy comes in and actually shows him where he hid it.

So we got the battery back, and the guy comes up to the counter and wants us to give him a refund for the coolant he bought, but between buying the bottle and "setting up" the battery, he managed to lose the receipt.

He had a pretty funny conversation with the store manager trying to get his refund. Went something like:

Guy: Man that guy didnt even give me my receipt! <pointing to me>
Me: Yah i did, i dont have any receipts sitting around here.
Manager (Stern): I cant give you your money back without your receipt.
Guy: Then can i get the number to your main office or something?
<Manager gives him the numer>
Guy: Whats your name man?
Manager (still stern): What?
Guy: Whats your name??
Manager: Jose
Guy: Whats your last name?
Manager (still stern and pretty angry): Store Manager. Im Jose the Store Manager. Whats yours?
Guy: None of your damn bussiness

So the guy leaves and someone gets his licence plate number and we went along our merry way.

We have these new buff 'Marathon' batteries now instead of the orbitals, and somehow they managed to chain them down to the rack, so it wont be so easy for punks like that guy to take em.

09-07-2006, 10:56 AM
i wish i was there to witness that lol!! but as for thieves reaching a new low: just heard on Tom Sullivan's show: A thief stole a puppy in front of the Children's Hospital in San Francisco the other day. the puppy belongs to a 9 year on child with cancer and like 2 other kinds of diseases. what a bastard...

09-07-2006, 11:46 AM
i wish i was there to witness that lol!! but as for thieves reaching a new low: just heard on Tom Sullivan's show: A thief stole a puppy in front of the Children's Hospital in San Francisco the other day. the puppy belongs to a 9 year on child with cancer and like 2 other kinds of diseases. what a bastard...

:tweak: :tweak: :rl:

That's fucking retarded. WHAT THE HELL! :smash:

09-07-2006, 12:23 PM
i wish i was there to witness that lol!! but as for thieves reaching a new low: just heard on Tom Sullivan's show: A thief stole a puppy in front of the Children's Hospital in San Francisco the other day. the puppy belongs to a 9 year on child with cancer and like 2 other kinds of diseases. what a bastard...

read that in the newspaper too. The puppy go return though.

On another note, I once saw theives pulling a "runner" on a restuarant. One black guy (mid-late 20's) who dress like a rapper/thug, a white girl (early 30's)dress like hillbillies and a white older lady (mid-late 30's) dressing like a mom were all eating together. One of them kept complaining about the food and when the chef and manage goes to back to the kitchen to remake the food, all of them left. The restaurant happens to be on a Main street in SF and has fast moving traffic. They happen to be parked outside the restaurant, just about 15ft away. They chef and two customer ran out after them and the mom like lady came back in to pay the bill. The bill was about $30. WTF??? The guy came back and try to threaten the customer that caught them too.

They were extremely lucky that my friends and I didnt run out. We know the owner for over 8 years and we were stuck closer to the back where we usually sit. We didnt know what happen until the mom came back and paid. THe chef told us later.

09-07-2006, 12:37 PM
Worked at an electronics store years ago and I have numerous stories to tell about thieves and other crazy stuff.

One of the better ones:
Mother comes into store with two kids (12 or so, one girl and one boy). We notice the kids acting weird and spending too much time by the pagers - we had just gotten in a pretty nice Motorola model.
They walk around and we go check and notice three of the pagers missing. We keep a close watch on them and make sure they know we're looking at them and one of the employees there goes up to them and keeps asking them if they need help... what are they looking for.. etc...
They get nervous and stash the pagers by the house phones and go complain to their mom that we were harassing them. Mom throws a fit and makes a scene about how we are racist (they were African-American), her kids are angels, she's going to sue us. Even after we explain everything to her and show her proof she still leaves cursing. Oddly enough, she never followed through on her threats.

Used to find PS2 controllers missing all the time. Plastic cases cut and controllers missing. Found a few bloodied cases and a nice stain on the carpet once.

09-07-2006, 12:51 PM
One of my friend owns a fish store. He caught this kid trying to steal a pump for his tank. My friend took his school ID and color copies it and post it on his wall right next to his counter where everyone would see it as they walk out the store. The kids father comes in a few weeks later and notice it. He ask to see it up close and he confirm it was his son and offer to pay for whatever was stolen and ask to take down the picture. My friends say no. My friend took out a poloriod camera and takes a picture of it and handed that to the kid's father. The kid came back the next day and apologied. We noticed he got the beat down though.

09-07-2006, 12:56 PM
^ love that story. Proppers.

09-07-2006, 12:58 PM
One of my friend owns a fish store. He caught this kid trying to steal a pump for his tank. My friend took his school ID and color copies it and post it on his wall right next to his counter where everyone would see it as they walk out the store. The kids father comes in a few weeks later and notice it. He ask to see it up close and he confirm it was his son and offer to pay for whatever was stolen and ask to take down the picture. My friends say no. My friend took out a poloriod camera and takes a picture of it and handed that to the kid's father. The kid came back the next day and apologied. We noticed he got the beat down though.

thats way better than the black lady assisting her 3 kids to help steal, awesome.... :duh:

09-07-2006, 01:56 PM
a while back i over heard some ghetto ladies talkin about why they carry such big hand bags.. but geez. or like when you hear people like "yah i came up on these new kicks" someone should post that pic of those kids who where looting that clothing store from the hurrican catrina incident.. thats too funny

09-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Turkey Thief (http://www.peoplecaster.com/player.php?clip=910)FTW!

Drift Motion
09-07-2006, 06:11 PM
lol @ the push start...

09-08-2006, 12:39 AM
lol @ the push start...

I think we thought it was some automatic, it was an accord hhahaha 90% it was auto, no push start for them hahaha:duh:

09-08-2006, 01:12 AM
that's $80 bro!

09-08-2006, 05:08 PM
I work at a large electronics store (name shall be anonymous), and the employees can't do shit to shop lifters. All you can pretty much do is keep an eye on them and have it all on camera and call the cops. We can't even stop a shop lifter from trying to run out the door. A few years ago at another location, some kid tried to steal 3 cd's. The employees went to grab him and he ran out the door. The employee chased after him and the kid ran in the parking lot. Not paying attention, he ran out infront of a car. The car ran him over and killed him. The kids parents sued the store for 16 million dollars and won. So know the store's policy is that they would rather lose a few bucks to shop lifters than be sued, so now you can't do shit to shop lifters. Does that make any damn sense? America is so f'ed up.

09-08-2006, 05:24 PM
^so true and smart thieves know this.
I remember taking sales for expensive shit (laptops, etc) with what where obviously fake credit cards. I'd be waiting for approval and manager sig, etc and the thieves would change their mind, ask for their card back and leave when they sensed the jig was up. Nothing I could do.

09-25-2006, 06:28 PM
I work at a pharmacy and occasionally I work in the front and photo department, and you should see the stupid people. Some kid tried reaching over the counter and stealing lottery tickets(dumbass). Seriously. If you try to steal lottery tickets, you have to eventually redeem it. When it gets redeemed, you're fucked.

09-26-2006, 02:27 AM
Just happened yesterday:

One of the guys i work with was running one of the registers and got a 100 dollar bill from a customer i guess. Since the register drawers have slits in the front of them, he slid the bill in there, since we havta put them in the bottem of the drawer anyways.

Another customer comes up, waiting to be rung up while the cashier is away, and notices that he apparently didnt shove the 100 all the way in and was sticking out by just the corner. So the customer pulls out the bill, then the cashier rings him up.

Later they watched the security camera and got a total view of the guy stealing the bill. I guess hes a guy that comes into the store often, so they have his information stored in the database.

The store manager calls him up and tells him they got him on the camera taking the bill and that if he doesnt bring it in by tonight theyll call the cops or whatever.

At around 6 the guy actually brings us back the bill and asks 'What will become of this?'

Pretty funny i thought...so did everyone else working at the time.

09-26-2006, 10:06 PM

somewhat off topic.. i work at a call center am customer service for a newspaper company.. well this old guy calls in and bitches that his paper was thrown under his car.. and then he blames us for him ripping his pants and wants to get reimbursed for his pants. I tell him that we appologize for the paper under his car, but we can not pay for the pants he ripped. lol.. he gets mad and threatens to sue.. call ends with angry old guy.. but he cant do anything. :hahano:

09-26-2006, 10:34 PM
ROLF! Ripped pants FTL

ya damn whipppersnapppers ripping my pants! :keke:


09-27-2006, 12:20 AM
I work at a large electronics store (name shall be anonymous), and the employees can't do shit to shop lifters. All you can pretty much do is keep an eye on them and have it all on camera and call the cops. We can't even stop a shop lifter from trying to run out the door. A few years ago at another location, some kid tried to steal 3 cd's. The employees went to grab him and he ran out the door. The employee chased after him and the kid ran in the parking lot. Not paying attention, he ran out infront of a car. The car ran him over and killed him. The kids parents sued the store for 16 million dollars and won. So know the store's policy is that they would rather lose a few bucks to shop lifters than be sued, so now you can't do shit to shop lifters. Does that make any damn sense? America is so f'ed up.

as a manager at a grocery store, i see people stealing/trying to steal every single day. i'm pretty good at deterring shoplifters and getting merchandise back while staying within store policy. we're not supposed to chase shoplifters once they've left the store, all we can really do is get a good description of the person and license plate number of their vehicle. we tend to bend the rules a little bit and chase customers down anyway. most of the time if they run, we don't bother. but if they try to be slick without running, we confront them. hooray for doing a security guard's work.

09-27-2006, 12:26 AM
dam crazy, thanks for your guys input, i never knew that stores had those policies..

but im sure if someone started walking away with something of your personal belonging @ work, then all hell would drop and youd be pounding on thier ass ..

09-27-2006, 03:03 PM
this thread is great. my gf used to work at a CD store in little saigon and said old ppl in their 80s would come in and just blatantly put CDs in their bag and try to hobble out. shed ask them if they were going to pay and theyd say no and give them back, then theyd start bitching at her for being disrespectful to elders. @[email protected]