View Full Version : D1 Grand Prix Yukes video game review

09-03-2006, 01:52 PM
So i just picked up the D1 Grand Prix Yukes game last night.... I think it recently came out and i couldnt find any good reviews for it yet. For a heads up for everyone- wait til it gets cheaper, def. not worth the 40 bucks right now. graphics could def. need some work, but gameplay isnt all that terrible, pretty hard since there arent any difficulty settings, so u pretty mcuh just have to keep sucking until u get good gradually. It's prolly the cheesiest game ive ever played in my life, the judge commentaries wil make u wanna find the real people and shoot them in the face- verrry aggrivating. ill add to this later when i get home, this is the main jist of things for now.

09-03-2006, 02:01 PM
i picked up the game too, the judges are the worse part of the game, woulda been cool if they let you design ur own graphics a la forza

09-05-2006, 12:27 AM
agree dumb judges, hard at first but after a while fun. They should of left the commentary japanese. Not many modes in the game but lots of tracks. I would give it a 7.

09-05-2006, 03:30 AM
its fun to play with friends

09-05-2006, 09:05 AM

Absoulute garbage if you've played the JPN version. Lame scoring, lame judges, lame everything.

HDLoader + D1GP JPN = enjoyment.

09-05-2006, 10:53 AM
I'm wondering if the judges commentary is directly translated from the japanese version. There are some really wierd phrases that don't make sense. The whole thong thing for example.
Seems like the voices correspond..
normal guy voice: Suzuki
deep guy voice: Tsuchiya
female voice: Orido?!

09-05-2006, 11:30 AM
I'm wondering if the judges commentary is directly translated from the japanese version. There are some really wierd phrases that don't make sense. The whole thong thing for example.
Seems like the voices correspond..
normal guy voice: Suzuki
deep guy voice: Tsuchiya
female voice: Orido?!

do u mean: " Now that's what i like to call a g-string!". i personally love coming home after a shitty day at school and have a video game literally label me an idiot for losing speed. fuck that game, yet its a little addicting after u get good...