View Full Version : im so fucken mad!!!!!!!! (ref ticket/stupid cop)

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-02-2006, 10:53 PM
okay i was driving down san gariel in the city of asuza ... driving 35 mph at the flow of trafic mindind my own buss. and a stupid as cop is just kickit it at a light seees me and gets on my ass so i jst keep on driving and about 2-3 minutes later he turns his light on ..... tells me hes pulling me over and tells me my hes doing it cause of my hids .... :fart: so im like wtf right i though they were legal but anyways then ask's me if i have any illegal parts in my car ... there for i respon no sr. he ask's any mods.... and its only noticelble i have an exh so i tell him thats it welll... get to the point poped my hood took pic's gave me a ref ticket for :blah: illegal headers (megan exh. manifold) intake ( greedy ic piping) and caped off places like were my stock bov goes i have it caped off .....
IM so fucken mad .... i know this has been talked about before but is there any possible way to jst not pay the fine not go to court and then get charged a big amount like 500- 1000 for not showing up and jst paying that fine and everything goes back to normal? or am i jst fucked? and i should jst make it a track car only???

09-02-2006, 11:03 PM
Damn that sucks. i got popped in azusa also awhile back and got a ref ticket. Mines due 2 weeks from now also. But ne way i got a paper in the mail with bail amount but im not sure if i can just pay it off and be done with it. So if anybody knows it would help Id RaThEr DrIfT and I out and OTHER zilvians as well.

09-03-2006, 02:46 AM
I love louisiana

09-03-2006, 07:15 AM
It sucks, but, that is the risk you take when driving with illegal parts on your car in socal.Put the engine back to stock, go to the ref and pay the fines.

09-03-2006, 07:18 AM
North Carolina is beautiful this time of year

09-03-2006, 10:11 AM
My buddy got a ref ticket. IIRC it was ~$1000 to pay off

09-03-2006, 12:11 PM
my bf got a ticket in my car... granted the car is still a KA, but he got busted for the hks exhaust and the dc header. when he took it to the ref station he left the aem intake on cuz its CARB. they told him our car was a 90 so he would have to take it to since it goes on a 91 and up (i have a 90, with a dohc in it). so he had to take it back to the ref station and thank god it passed. i told him to take the paper work to court and show the judge. end result was good. his ticket was supposed to be $300+, but the judge said u corrected it so pay $10. btw... this was in west co.

09-03-2006, 12:14 PM
btw... you all are scaring me with the whole azusa thing. i work in azusa, and i by no means do i want a ticket.

azusa kinda sucks! i got my daily broken into there... they took my radio (so pissed...) and some ppl were scoping out my 240 there too... i called the cops on them . :] take no risks!!

09-03-2006, 12:23 PM
It sucks, but, that is the risk you take when driving with illegal parts on your car in socal.Put the engine back to stock, go to the ref and pay the fines.

Quoted for truth.

Do you guys have any idea how annoying it is when you come on here and bitch and moan about getting busted for illegal mods? They're ILLEGAL. Jesus H. Christ, man up and stop complaining.

Yeah, the law isn't exactly fair. However, it still is the law. If you get busted, it's your fault. Stop complaining and either comply or deal with it.

09-03-2006, 01:22 PM
Goddamn you sound like a retard.

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 01:27 PM
okay so if i go out and buy a S14 and jst swap the engines and go show them my s13 with a coupe will i be fine? or do i need a sohc, since its a 89 ?
also have another coupe 90 so i could do it with that one but dont feel like driving it ... so thats why im leaning towards the s14 .... haha or is it possible to change the vins from my sr'd 89 to my 90 sohc and take that one in??? haha

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 01:29 PM
My buddy got a ref ticket. IIRC it was ~$1000 to pay off
is that how much he payed after he converted it to stock or he payed that much to not have to change anything and jst pay a fine?

09-03-2006, 01:30 PM
is that how much he payed after he converted it to stock or he payed that much to not have to change anything and jst pay a fine?
i would like to know this also =]

09-03-2006, 02:07 PM
It sucks to hear that you got a state ref ticket and all, but I don't understand why you're bitching about it like its not your fault. The HIDs and the exhaust is enough probable cause fot the cop to can you already. I would understand your greivances if your car looked almost stock looking. Good luck with it.

09-03-2006, 02:17 PM
Stupid Cop? So you have illegal parts on your car, he finds them during a routine stop and tickets you. How is he a Stupid Cop? For doing his damn job? Stop blaming the cops when you are clearly breaking the law. "Stupid Cop arrested me, and all I did was rob a bank". Sure you might think it's a different story, but the law is the law, you broke it, he enforces it. Get off the "Butt-hurt Bandwagon" and man up to your wrong doing. :rl:
If you can't accept the blame, at least blame the law makers, not the law enforcers.

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 02:42 PM
na well im not mad any more ..... im actually like whatevers ... jst yesterday i was heated and the cop was a dick taking away my DL and telling me i need to find another way to work witch i have another car but still he was being a dick but yeah like i said i was mad yesterday , since it had jst happen ....... also last time i checked hids are legal so whats wrong with a 240 haing them if 350z'z mercedes and lexus could have them

09-03-2006, 02:44 PM
Stock HID's are legal, retofits are not, I believe.

09-03-2006, 03:13 PM
North Carolina is beautiful this time of year

Phlip is a speaker of the truth. *a

Stock HID's are legal, retofits are not, I believe.

Barry is right about the HID's. *a

09-03-2006, 03:34 PM
Dont fucking switch a vin plate on anything, and DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT just miss your court date.

Missing a court date will equal a fun night in jail.

see if you can just pay the ticket.

09-03-2006, 03:48 PM
Stupid Cop? So you have illegal parts on your car, he finds them during a routine stop and tickets you. How is he a Stupid Cop? For doing his damn job? Stop blaming the cops when you are clearly breaking the law. "Stupid Cop arrested me, and all I did was rob a bank". Sure you might think it's a different story, but the law is the law, you broke it, he enforces it. Get off the "Butt-hurt Bandwagon" and man up to your wrong doing. :rl:
If you can't accept the blame, at least blame the law makers, not the law enforcers.

its easy to say that when you dont have to deal with california laws.

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 03:48 PM
okay so jst misss court got it ... but about the jail part wow i dont know about that haha ... will see what happends as of now im thinking of jst getting an s14 daily driver and jst keeping this one as a track car i always wanted to do it ... so this is a good reasone to

09-03-2006, 03:54 PM
Yeah ok, sure. I deal with Military laws and laws from various states. I travel the eastern coastline ~6 times a year. True none of them may be as harsh as California (except the Military laws) and not once have I blamed a Police Officer for my tickets. I have had 9 violations from 4 different states at one point in my life. Don't give me that worn out, sad line about Cali life being so hard. Californians always crack me up with this shit. Every time they get a ticket they start bitching about bad laws, and what not. But then they turn around and act like Cali is the only state in the whole country, period. I, for one, am tired of hearing both.

09-03-2006, 04:04 PM
do you think the laws in california are fair?

09-03-2006, 04:05 PM
i would like to know this also =]

IIRC he's not gonna swap it back. It makes more sense to keep it as it is and just pay the fine.

09-03-2006, 04:10 PM
It doesn't matter what I think VROOM, I can't change the laws. If I moved to California I would do my best to obey the laws, that's what they're there for. It works alot better than constantly bitching on the internet about it. If I truly thought they were unfair, than I might try to do something about it. But face it, we don't have the money to get law makers on our side. So you can either deal with it, or get the fuck outta Cali.

09-03-2006, 04:11 PM
If you just pay the fine and don't fix it. then next time you get pulled over with those mods there is a VERY good chance your car will end up being impounded.

09-03-2006, 04:19 PM
do you think the laws in california are fair?

yes they are fair.. but the enforcers that enforce them "choose" when to enforce them making it not fair. Sherrifs around LA always harrass asian youths for various reasons (im sure its the same for other races but I can't speak for them)

just dont have any exhaust it doesnt do shit anyways and it makes the ride so much more unbearable

don't have HIDS they don't help out THAT much ..
and if you DO have HID make sure it doesnt glare and stick w/ 4300K temp.. 12000K and ur just asking for it

and if a cop tells u to pop ur hood just say no " wtf for?" lights and exhaust ok.. those are on the outside write me up asshole.. this has saved several of my friends. I'm always firm w/ cops as I use to get pulled over allot

09-03-2006, 04:19 PM
If you just pay the fine and don't fix it. then next time you get pulled over with those mods there is a VERY good chance your car will end up being impounded.

will it? itll be on the record?

09-03-2006, 04:20 PM
I really don't buy that crappy argument that cops are just doing their jobs. If that's the case then whomever is violating the law needs to be dealt with equally. When a certain demographic is being zero out, the cops is no longer just "doing his job" but is a bigot.

09-03-2006, 04:20 PM
Another one of these threads...

Dude, you have ILLEGAL parts.


09-03-2006, 04:21 PM

And to everyone ragging the shit outa this guy for being upset with the cop. Lay off. I agree, everyone should man up and be responsible for what they KNOW they are doing wrong.

HOWEVER, a lot of cops out here pull over cars just by the way they LOOK. You can drive the speed limit, not harm anyone, be 100 percent against using the streets as a track, and still be pulled over and harrased for bullshit and stereotyped as a street racer.

I've been pulled over because ONE OF MY licence plate lights was out. Also got pulled over multiple times for "exhaust". One time it wasn't even that loud so i took it AS IT WAS and got i signed off by another officer.

I still respect most cops, i'm not here to bash them. However, i see this guys frustration for getting pulled over for such minor stuff when much larger problems are out there...flame away

09-03-2006, 04:23 PM
Another one of these threads...

Dude, you have ILLEGAL parts.


Dude everything you do in life is illegal if someone really wants to come after you.

09-03-2006, 04:24 PM
i bet he still would have gotten pulled over with stock lights and stock exhaust. Shit ive been pulled over looking stock, but they still want to find something.

09-03-2006, 04:29 PM
Face it, if you drive around with illegal parts, one way or another, you will get caught. That's the whole risk in this thing we love to do, modifying cars. I agree, some of the laws are unfair, and that we do get profiled, but that's the way it is and can't do anything about it.

09-03-2006, 04:31 PM
im all for laws that make sense. but when your car can pass the tailpipe test for smog and you fail because you had a shiny intake that doesnt have a carb number thats plain retarded.

09-03-2006, 04:32 PM
Face it, if you drive around with illegal parts, one way or another, you will get caught. That's the whole risk in this thing we love to do, modifying cars. I agree, some of the laws are unfair, and that we do get profiled, but that's the way it is and can't do anything about it.
so let the poor guy vent.

09-03-2006, 04:33 PM
Face it, if you drive around with illegal parts, one way or another, you will get caught. That's the whole risk in this thing we love to do, modifying cars. I agree, some of the laws are unfair, and that we do get profiled, but that's the way it is and can't do anything about it.

I understand. I was just in a sympatizing mood for the OP since it's really fraustrating that someone whim can have such a huge impact on your life. I think that's what annoys me the most is that I'm at someone mercy for doing something I like in life.

09-03-2006, 04:35 PM
Dude everything you do in life is illegal if someone really wants to come after you.

Then let them come, hell, I'll open my door for them to come in. Fact is, it's ILLEGAL. :duh:

I don't agree with alot of the car laws also, but I take the risk anyways because I know I screwed myself over for installing illegal parts.

Let him vent, but what gets me is why the "stupid cop" comment had to be made. How was he stupid for writing you up for something you broke the law for? I can understand venting, but calling the cop stupid is another thing.

09-03-2006, 05:17 PM
Illegal parts?
cops doing their job?
haha give me a break...
if they would bust any camero or vette or even those fukin Harley davidson for modify exhaust, then i would love to agree with you. ever seen a domestic got hood popped? ever seen a biker got a ref tkt? at least i had never seen any...

keep it stock?
i believe over 95% of zilvian in Cali does not have a stock car. and those 5% are the ppl with a new bought car...nuff said.

09-03-2006, 05:22 PM
^ haha its cause the camaros and vettes dont street race duh, they keep it on the tracks! haha

09-03-2006, 05:25 PM
keep it stock?
i believe over 95% of zilvian in Cali does not have a stock car. and those 5% are the ppl with a new bought car...nuff said.

My coupe is pretty much stock (for now), with the exception of coilovers and a K&N drop-in filter.

I'm done with people bashing cops. I'd like to see the looks on your faces when you really need a cop, but there isn't one around. :fawk2:

09-03-2006, 05:45 PM
My coupe is pretty much stock (for now), with the exception of coilovers and a K&N drop-in filter.

I'm done with people bashing cops. I'd like to see the looks on your faces when you really need a cop, but there isn't one around. :fawk2:

Aha ur rides is too low, u got a ref tkt!
and u are right, they wont show up when u need them,
- couple months ago someone hit my dad's truck and was trying to flee, my dad dialed 911 and guess what, voice message!!!, then he called CHP, CHP said its not their business and tell him to call local police, which is voice message. cops end up arrived after half an hour, and thas downtown area...
- Also, where are the cops when our cars got broke into, how many cars were stolen these days?
WHERE THE FUK ARE THEY WHEN U NEED THEM???? o yeah! searching for illegal parts!

however, im not trying to say every cop is an idiot, at least the cops i met so far are nice. and yes, law makers (especially DOT and state Ref) in Cali are whole bunch of motherfukers, what is the point of visual smog??? i believe we do our parts and they do theirs, but then some of them just gone waaaay to far.

09-03-2006, 05:48 PM
- Also, where are the cops when our cars got broke into, how many cars were stolen these days?

We should have one cop for every car out then, so no cars get stolen.

09-03-2006, 05:53 PM
nope but we do have 3-4 times of stolen car increased in these few months.

and also please dont try pick on 1-2 sentense on my post, try answer all of them.

09-03-2006, 05:59 PM
for the people bitching about you taking it like a man and owning up to the cops tickets and such.

the cops break more rules than the people. the cops should have a reason to pull you over He said HIDS. but ive been pulled over tons of times and they tell me a tail lights out, which is bullshit and then they start looking around for somthing. ILLEGAL. they have to have probably cuase. there probably cuase that they told me is bullshit. they ask me to pop my hood. whats the probably cuase for that my tail light that really isnt out.

i am a firm beleiver that cops break more rules than the people and they break even more rules to enforce lesser ones on civilians

09-03-2006, 06:11 PM
for the people bitching about you taking it like a man and owning up to the cops tickets and such.

the cops break more rules than the people. the cops should have a reason to pull you over He said HIDS. but ive been pulled over tons of times and they tell me a tail lights out, which is bullshit and then they start looking around for somthing. ILLEGAL. they have to have probably cuase. there probably cuase that they told me is bullshit. they ask me to pop my hood. whats the probably cuase for that my tail light that really isnt out.

i am a firm beleiver that cops break more rules than the people and they break even more rules to enforce lesser ones on civilians
So you're telling me that everything on your car is legal?

... now, having answered that truthfully, I want you to prove to me that there was NO reason to pull you over.

09-03-2006, 06:11 PM
WHERE THE FUK ARE THEY WHEN U NEED THEM???? o yeah! searching for illegal parts!

Haha, you answered your own question. If they find illegal parts, then they have done their job.

Cops can't be everywhere at once, if they could, then there would be no crime, and we all know there's crime everywhere. The thing that upsets me is all the cop bashing that happens when people bitch and rant about getting a ticket about illegal parts, I mean, hello, it's illegal.

I may have a soft-spot for cops, as alot of my friends are one themselves. I'm also taking Administration of Justice, and am wanting a Sheriff position after I graduate. Talk all the BS you want about them, but they risk their lives everyday so they can protect little whiners such as some people on here.

Pulled over for illegal parts? GO CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER.

09-03-2006, 06:18 PM
The damage is done so I guess I'll be leavin'..

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 06:24 PM
k so let me get this straight??? jst go to court dont change my stuff to stock and expect a 1,000 dollar fine? and second time they will impound my car right...hmmm if that so then i can live with that after that im goiing stock exh. electric open down pipe and reg headlights ooo and no stickers at all witch i only have one but he didnt even see it

09-03-2006, 06:28 PM
One question u need to answer
what is the job of a cop?
To protect us? or to bother us?
i totally understand the part is illegal and stuff, but i would really like u to explain the profile issue, to be a law-enforcer, i believe u need to be equal on judging, why domestic can have limo tint, why they can have open exhaust, why they can have 45397515086 illegal parts in their car without worrying anything? biker can have an exhaust loud in enough to hear 6 blocks away, do they really need people in 6 blocks away to notice their existance? but then again, none of them had pulled over as far as i noticed.

again answer to whole question, not to pick on one or two sentence.
good luck on ur career

09-03-2006, 07:24 PM
okay so if i go out and buy a S14 and jst swap the engines and go show them my s13 with a coupe will i be fine? or do i need a sohc, since its a 89 ?
also have another coupe 90 so i could do it with that one but dont feel like driving it ... so thats why im leaning towards the s14 .... haha or is it possible to change the vins from my sr'd 89 to my 90 sohc and take that one in??? haha

IIRC in CA you can always put a newer engine in, just not one that is older than the car itself. Look on the CA DMV website.

09-03-2006, 08:21 PM
IIRC in CA you can always put a newer engine in, just not one that is older than the car itself. Look on the CA DMV website.

if you put in a DIFFERENT newer engine then you need to use ALL the smog equipment and get it checked out at the state ref. then you're pie.

Id RaThEr DrIfT
09-03-2006, 08:52 PM
once again can i jst pay a fine? and not have to swap it?

09-03-2006, 09:02 PM
^^^ I speak from a point of view and experience different from those who will know for sure, not being a Cali resident, but in NC "just paying the fine" is a guilty plea, which in your case would mean that your car is not legal. If I am not mistaken, this would keep you, out there in America's urethra, otherwise known as California, from legally registering/tagging your car. I would ask how WOULD you expect to be able to tag/register a car that you'd readily conceded was not road legal for the state in which you're looking to register it.

My advice, in this case, would be to go about the means of getting it proven legal BEFORE paying out any fines and/or tickets, it'd cost you less to do it right out front than to do it wrong a couple times before being FORCED to do it right.

09-03-2006, 09:29 PM
most people that bitch about getting caught don't know the law, don't bother to get to know the law, don't bother to vote, and usually have a bad attitude toward the police or the government in general

if you fall into those categories, you have no right to bitch about anything the cops do to you

driving is a privilege, driving a modified car is a luxury. There are people with far larger concerns to bitch about, so moaning about how you aren't allowed to break the law the way you want, or HAVE FUN the way you want is petty and smacks of childish naivete

Listen: I don't modify my car because it improves my standard of living; I do it for fun. If a cop busts my ass about something, I'm not happy about it, but I can think of far bigger problems to worry about. To think that the world or the government is against you because of YOUR CAR is the sort of ridiculous arrogance and ignorance that allows the stereotype of the irresponsible street tuner to perpetuate itself.

Message: Shut the Fuck up, pay your fine, and enjoy the time you do have with your car. Keep it on the track, learn some driving skills while you're at it, instead of hardparking, blowing off the BOV or revving up to show off your exhaust in parking lots.

And yes, I have seen mustangs and camaro's busted. Wish a few more of them got pulled over, but it's far from the inequality you want to believe it is.

Some cops are bad, some cops are cool- but you know what? Some 240sx owners are self-righteous and ignorant, others are knowledgeable and careful. What a concept.

I know you're pissed you got caught, and sure, you can vent. But don't carry that with you forever, it ain't gonna help anyone. And if you're truly interested in what you can do, pony up for a lawyer- if you're willing to pay for car parts, you should be willing to pay up for someone to help you protect it OR take the time to learn yourself.

drift freaq
09-03-2006, 09:44 PM
Now Now Phillip don't let the whiners on Zilvia affect your opinion of California. California in my honest opinion rocks. There is a lot in this state that is great. I am not saying other states aren't good too. I like some of them more than others.
Fact is I was born on the east coast and moved here when I was ten. I love it here.
Laws ya we have them. Do I bitch about them? No. Do I like some of them no. If I get caught will pay the fine and deal with it? Yes.
Fact is the things a lot of the guys are complaining about here were created by kids of their same culture causing part of the problem. Did kids of other cultures contribute? Yes. Is it funny that a majority of 240 drivers in the San Gabriel valley are asian? No. The majority of the San Gabriel valley is asian!!
Is it funny to see them complaining about profiling when the fact is the majority of them are asian ? Well sorry guys and no offense but yes.
Get over yourselves of course they look at asian drivers in 240's there are more asian guys driving 240's around here than any other culture.
I am a minority in the 240 world because I am Italian american. So how much of it really is racial profiling or just the cold hard reality?
You don't think I have not been followed all over the place in Walnut/Industry by sherriffs looking for something to pull my over before in my cars? Many times!! The only thing that saved me was I drove like a granny and was very carefully not to do anything that would make them pull me over.
Hell my mexican friends in Azusa have been pulled over and hoods popped!
Please stop whining about the laws. If you don't like it leave California.
I would prefer if some of the people moved away from here anyways hahahahhahha. To many people move here already.
Plus all your whining about California laws gives a misperception of this state overall to the rest of the country on this forum. I am a nice guy and all but I am sick of this shit.
California has a lot to offer if you want it. Cars are not the only things in our lives and should not be the only thing.
Ok I said it. I am done.

09-03-2006, 10:10 PM
North Carolina is beautiful this time of year

puahah yea right!! I would NEVER live anywhere else besides socal, uhh just daily a stock car? Only drive ur 240 on rare occasions? Thx

09-03-2006, 10:18 PM
puahah yea right!! I would NEVER live anywhere else besides socal, uhh just daily a stock car? Only drive ur 240 on rare occasions? Thx
Walk into a muffler shop, DEMAND of the tech what you want done and how you want it, 3" from the downpipe back, THEN have him complete your inspection? In California? Not a motherfucking chance.

... My lights worked, the car ran, my tires were good, the horn blew and all signals were operational, FUCK California.

09-03-2006, 10:30 PM
I'd like to see the looks on your faces when you really need a cop, but there isn't one around. :fawk2:

Haha, I really tooked exception to this because my girlfriend was abducted at gun point. Long story short the guy got spooked and ran away. She didn't want to go to the police but I convinced her to. Guess what happened when we got to the police station? The officer there kept trying to convince her not to file a report so he won't have to do more paper work even after she told her story. I even had to suggest that they might want to try to lift some finger prints from her car since we were careful not to disturb the scene when the guy ran. So you'll understand why right now I'm not too happy with cops going around popping hood instead of doing their real job. Do you think my girlfriend feel safer now that there's police out there popping hood? I'll give you a hint, I'm moving next month. I feel like an ass for convincing her to do the right thing and then being treated like crap. I understand that not all police officers are like the one that I dealt with especially since I have a couple of friends that are in the LA police academy but guess what so far I've only run into the bad ones on the street. The good ones are the ones busting their balls and we don't hear of them because they're the ones that are really doing their job!

09-03-2006, 11:01 PM
So you're telling me that everything on your car is legal?

... now, having answered that truthfully, I want you to prove to me that there was NO reason to pull you over.

well i get pulled over in my 240 which is pretty modded and i drive in my bone stock integra. i swear to god that integra is as OEM as it gets. i use acura oil filters i replaced my exhuast with a acura exhuast. it dont matter what car i am driving. they always still pull me over with with either my tail lights out of licence plat light out and guess what they never are out, big surprise and then they pull me over for no reason for they can look for somthing becuase they wanna pin me with a ticket. that my friend is illegal and its bullshit. and ontop of it all he broke the law by pulling me over for no reason and giving me a false ticket and then walks away and says he is the enforcer and upholder of the law when he broke the law several times to pin an innocent person with somthing that they dont deserve.

like all professions there are some guys that are awesome and some that are cops. i have friends that are cops and familly too ... its just that when the guy at work that you have to deal with is an asshole you just ignore him. well the cops that are assholes get to stop me when i am driving and i cant ignore them

09-03-2006, 11:03 PM
get his badge number and file a complaint

09-03-2006, 11:04 PM
Some people have a lot of money in their pocket, and they love car too. so they decided to pour their money into their ride to make it a "track car" and have another stock car for "daily driven".
you may got a garage for 2 cars, but not everyone is as rich as your family that can own a house to start ur project with. so should u say people whos not rich enough shouldnt be playin with cars and need to STFU and leave?even they love their cars?

Ever thought why Japan, Europe has developed so much mad skill drivers, thas because these countries does not have some stupid rules like US do. know that US is the only country that has such wierd engine in silvia and called it a 240.

Am I mad and bitching? no, i just feel sad about these crap. i do mod my car, and i dont have money for a spare car and i dont have a place to store one. but i know what situation im in so i wont drive like an idiot. i dont have tints nor stickers. i even have friends that laugh at me saying how slow im driving. i believe most of the time cops wont give u hassle unless u really ask for it (ie. reving, speedin, burn out, unnecessary throttling bla bla bla) but sometimes some of them are just ridiculous.
Would u prefer your kids to play with cars or play with guns and weed?
excuse my poor gramma and spelling...

09-03-2006, 11:16 PM
Um...thats as ignorant a statement as one can make.

In britain they have "speed cameras" (watch Top Gear) that monitor your speed and mail you a ticket if you're over the limit. Even California doesn't have anything that draconian.

I'll say it again, directly to the kid above: Modding your car is a PRIVILEGE. It is not something you HAVE to do as part of your life. There are rules that govern how or if you can, and if you don't like them, work to change them or work within them. Otherwise, don't bitch about the law when it comes down on you.

If you're willing to spend money to mod your car, you should be willing to learn about the law or hire someone that has to protect yourself from any risks you've assumed, and you HAVE assumed responsibility when you mod your car.

would you prefer yourk ids to play with your cars or play with guns and weed? how about you go to school and maybe one day you'll be able to do any of those without whining about how someone won't let you do it illegally?

Your failure to get away with breaking the law is not evidence of any flaws in any regulations you violate.

Again: you can whine about your problems if you want or you can go out and do something about it.

on a side note, when i complete my JD i'll be happy to offer a zilvia discount off my hourly rate in the vendor section =P

09-03-2006, 11:37 PM
IBTL: My exhaust (from the header back) fell off at the Streets of Willow. I had no choice but to run open header all the way back to Lancaster. I kept my speed low and the RPM low. I was passed by two police officers, neither of which bothered me. I was consciously being as good a citizen as I could be at the time and it paid off.

If you have a modified S-chassis in good condition that doesn't scream "bling!" then you're probably in the section of the population who are invisible to cruisers. If you speed, blow yellows all the time, perform California stops, play your music loud, blast through the gears, or anything else to garner attention, you will pay.

I've been pulled over three times. All three times it was my fault. First time, I was too cheap to replace a busted tail light in my rolled BMW. Second time, I followed a friend of mine and in the process illegally turned left while driving my dad's CTS-V. Third time, I was doing 69mph in a 55mph zone in my S13. All three times the officer was almost genial. I was extremely polite.

Let's keep the "I'm a victim" bullshit to a minimum. If you have a license plate light out, a tail light out, a turn signal out, are too low, are too loud, are driving like a retard, fishtail because you have no idea how to use your right foot... you deserve whatever ticket you get. Life sometimes ain't fair, but how pissed will you be when someone changes lanes on the freeway without a signal and you hit them? Or when you rear-end a person with a tail-light out? Get tagged by some testosterone-laden prick who can't control the ass-end of his car? The laws are there for a reason.

09-04-2006, 01:27 AM

i had never said its our right to drive, i knew its a privilege on the 1st day, obviously u just read and answer without thinking my point. No matter how we yell and bitch it aint gonna change anything, i just feel sad about some fact that we can do nothing about whas your problem smart guy? i aint the one who start this thread. i would rather have speed camera to catch reckless driver in stead of cops driving around searching for modify exhaust. I can hardly see anything in other country called "visual smog".

btw, engine swapping in other country is not that popular unless u wanna go crazy because they have the original engine, and they have a straight guideline unlike US that officer can give u a tkt by his/her own judgement.

u should go take some critical thinking classes.

09-04-2006, 06:40 AM
if you have illegal parts or an illegal motor, you know you are at risk of getting caught, ticketed, fined, impounded, whatever (it's been said a thousand times). of course anybody would get pissed when that time comes around. i'm still "at risk" and think about it everytime i see a cop. i drive normal all the time, hardly ever go passed 40% on the throttle. i obey all the speed and traffic laws. i just like having that extra kick when i need it. i'm at a point right now where i'm thinking of selling my car and getting an s14 and keeping the motor stock. from there i'll just go for looks instead of power. it would be a load off my shoulders knowing that if i got my hood popped i would have nothing to fear. the shitty thing about that is i know i will miss having a turbo car. after i got my sr i swore that i would never go back to naturally aspirated. geez i wish i could have the best of both worlds....

09-04-2006, 06:51 AM
fuk it. i'm a risk taker. once i get in trouble for illegal mods i'll get an s14. it took me at least 4 years to get my car the way it is now.

09-04-2006, 11:45 AM
i had never said its our right to drive, i knew its a privilege on the 1st day, obviously u just read and answer without thinking my point. No matter how we yell and bitch it aint gonna change anything, i just feel sad about some fact that we can do nothing about whas your problem smart guy? i aint the one who start this thread. i would rather have speed camera to catch reckless driver in stead of cops driving around searching for modify exhaust. I can hardly see anything in other country called "visual smog".

btw, engine swapping in other country is not that popular unless u wanna go crazy because they have the original engine, and they have a straight guideline unlike US that officer can give u a tkt by his/her own judgement.

u should go take some critical thinking classes.

And you should take some English classes.

The implication of you and others railing against the laws governing car modirifiactoin is that you think you know better than the government and you know whats best for society. Who are you? You can barely speak english and you somehow can tell me about automotive policy, which ones make sense and which ones don't?

In Italy they restrict wheel sizing. Do we have that? You're making broad generalizations that the U.S. is somehow regulated worse than others, and that you and others are poor victims of a conspiracy against you.

AGAIN, maybe you should read again: modifying your car is a luxuy, bitching about how you're ALLOWED to do so smacks of arrogance and shortsightedness.

Back to your original point: You're "sad" you can't do anything about the situation? Write to your legislator. Learn about the actual laws and what the cops can or cannot do to you legally. Vote against laws you don't think will help (After appropriate research). Talk to the cops in your area. Get badget numbers against anyone that haraasses you. join an automotive group, there are some out there for modified car owners.



09-04-2006, 12:12 PM
Purely hypothetical question:

Let's say you have an illegal engine and you get your hood popped and have to convert back to stock. You buy an identical car for cheap and switch VINs, license #s, etc, and submit this stock car to the ref as the subject illegal car. How possible is it to do a quality VIN-switching job enough to trick/get by the ref?

Yes, i know, very very illegal and bad and heavy consequences. Just wondering.

09-04-2006, 01:19 PM
I do not condone this behavior, however, with a plasma cutter or cut-off wheel, a skilled welder, and a broad imagination, you can do virtually anything. Do not attempt under penalty of law.

09-04-2006, 02:25 PM
all you really gotta do is swap dashs..
if the door jam was ever re-painted, it doesn't have the VIN there..
and it really isn't anywhere else.

09-04-2006, 02:41 PM
all you really gotta do is swap dashs..
if the door jam was ever re-painted, it doesn't have the VIN there..
and it really isn't anywhere else.
Isn't there a VIN on the firewall? The last time I went to State Ref, I could've swear they checked the VIN on the firewall.

09-04-2006, 02:50 PM
Yea, there is. Oops, sorry. That one will be a lil' difficult..

09-04-2006, 03:50 PM
Yea, there is. Oops, sorry. That one will be a lil' difficult..
Heheh, I guess that's why "That Guy" mentioned "skilled welder".

Omarius Maximus
09-04-2006, 05:30 PM
When your tailing a poorly running Nissan with a catless downpipe and early nineties (if any) emissions equipement, you'll be able to sniff the coffee can exhaust from a good 5 6 cars back. Not to mention, the interior wall of their exhaust will usually be pitch black which is made apparent by the rediciulously large tip diameter and the bumper will have black residue on it as well. Now I know of several people running this setup, but they are concientious drivers. Would a cop be wrong to pull them over?

If you only have one car, and you depend on it every day to go to work or school or whatever, why would you swap the engine? WTF?

If you can drop 4-5 k on a engine swap, you can buy a beater for 1500 bucks, too bad there isn't any forethought.

09-05-2006, 08:25 AM
okay so if i go out and buy a S14 and jst swap the engines and go show them my s13 with a coupe will i be fine? or do i need a sohc, since its a 89 ?
also have another coupe 90 so i could do it with that one but dont feel like driving it ... so thats why im leaning towards the s14 .... haha or is it possible to change the vins from my sr'd 89 to my 90 sohc and take that one in??? haha

I have a 90 and the ref station didnt seem to notice i had a dohc... but they noticed that i had a 91 and up air intake. wtf...?

09-05-2006, 02:39 PM
And you should take some English classes.

The implication of you and others railing against the laws governing car modirifiactoin is that you think you know better than the government and you know whats best for society. Who are you? You can barely speak english and you somehow can tell me about automotive policy, which ones make sense and which ones don't?

In Italy they restrict wheel sizing. Do we have that? You're making broad generalizations that the U.S. is somehow regulated worse than others, and that you and others are poor victims of a conspiracy against you.

AGAIN, maybe you should read again: modifying your car is a luxuy, bitching about how you're ALLOWED to do so smacks of arrogance and shortsightedness.

Back to your original point: You're "sad" you can't do anything about the situation? Write to your legislator. Learn about the actual laws and what the cops can or cannot do to you legally. Vote against laws you don't think will help (After appropriate research). Talk to the cops in your area. Get badget numbers against anyone that haraasses you. join an automotive group, there are some out there for modified car owners.



u are not getting my point... but anyway
i know what i have in my car and i know my conseqences, what i can do is to deal with it and prevent any "touchwood" scene from happening (ie. drive safe, silencer bla bla bla). and i think everybody should do it too. everybody did speeding. the point is how, when, and where.
i just want to say...
Is it the law? YES
Do we need to follow? YES
Is it sux? well...depends on different ppl, to me, yes
Is it likely we could change it? Probably not.
so conclusion: deal with it, do your best to keep both the laws and your own favor balanced. If u mod ur import and drive like a moron and have a loud ass exhaust. you deserve a ticket.
thas it, im out

09-05-2006, 08:34 PM
I might have been able to get your "point" if you posted even remotely coherently.

As it is, it seems like your posts say NOTHING- all you've done is try to say the law sucks and you think its futile to change, a lazy and ignorant viewpoint.

09-05-2006, 11:04 PM
okay i was driving down san gariel in the city of asuza ... driving 35 mph at the flow of trafic mindind my own buss. and a stupid as cop is just kickit it at a light seees me and gets on my ass so i jst keep on driving and about 2-3 minutes later he turns his light on ..... tells me hes pulling me over and tells me my hes doing it cause of my hids .... :fart: so im like wtf right i though they were legal but anyways then ask's me if i have any illegal parts in my car ... there for i respon no sr. he ask's any mods.... and its only noticelble i have an exh so i tell him thats it welll... get to the point poped my hood took pic's gave me a ref ticket for :blah: illegal headers (megan exh. manifold) intake ( greedy ic piping) and caped off places like were my stock bov goes i have it caped off .....
IM so fucken mad .... i know this has been talked about before but is there any possible way to jst not pay the fine not go to court and then get charged a big amount like 500- 1000 for not showing up and jst paying that fine and everything goes back to normal? or am i jst fucked? and i should jst make it a track car only???

Here is what got you the ticket.....you gave the cop information that you did not have to give. Just because a cop asks you a question does not mean you have to answer. The fifth amendment in the Bill of Rights gives everyone the option to remain quiet or talk. Because of the fifth amendment, you do not have to answer any self incriminating question even in court.

In this case the cop took advantage of your ignorance to the fifth amendment. Next time a cop pulls you over the only things you should say are, "How may I help you?" and "May I go now?" Other than that any question you answer gives the cop more opportunities to find a probable cause.

09-06-2006, 12:05 AM
Here is what got you the ticket.....you gave the cop information that you did not have to give. Just because a cop asks you a question does not mean you have to answer. The fifth amendment in the Bill of Rights gives everyone the option to remain quiet or talk. Because of the fifth amendment, you do not have to answer any self incriminating question even in court.

In this case the cop took advantage of your ignorance to the fifth amendment. Next time a cop pulls you over the only things you should say are, "How may I help you?" and "May I go now?" Other than that any question you answer gives the cop more opportunities to find a probable cause.
The cop had enough probable cause to pull him over the moment he saw this dude operating his vehicle on the street (visual indication of modifications). There's no need for him to answer anything, he was basically screwed the moment he was pulled over. If and when he refuse to cooperate, his vehicle would then be towed at his expense, and they will find the aswer to the cop's question(s) at the owner's expense whether it is time or money, or both.

Edit: I've been through enough of this to know, and I know enough cops that have told me the same thing

C. Senor
09-06-2006, 01:23 AM
u guys do know there is a law in california, atleast i know this for sure in southern cali, now that states, a cop can pull you over and look under your hood for even suspecting that you are a "street racer". so we're all pretty screwed if the cops feels like being an ass. and just as willow said, u dont have to open your hood if you dont want to, but...BUT lol, your car will be impounded...so your choices these days if you get pulled over in an area where they have a lot of street racing is, u want it with or without ky jelly...lol...seriously

09-06-2006, 01:25 AM
^^Agreed .

09-06-2006, 04:24 AM
I might have been able to get your "point" if you posted even remotely coherently.

As it is, it seems like your posts say NOTHING- all you've done is try to say the law sucks and you think its futile to change, a lazy and ignorant viewpoint.

and one more thing i wanna say, u are an idiot, u dun know how to think like a human, u only have right or wrong, black and white.
i was trying to be polite but then again u keep trying to show how smart u are. tell me u never speeding. bet u dont.

09-06-2006, 04:34 AM
u can pay the ticket and then ur goes to test only.

first ref ticket for me was like 400 odd dollars or so.

Still f'd in the arse tho. ITs' a hassle...

09-06-2006, 06:03 AM
Ok...lets keep this civil or I will lock it.

09-06-2006, 08:52 AM
Ok...lets keep this civil or I will lock it.

referring to person above me right?

09-06-2006, 09:04 AM
referring to person above me right?
Yes, you're good.

09-06-2006, 05:42 PM
i already cut down some words :o
my bad...

09-07-2006, 03:36 AM
The cop had enough probable cause to pull him over the moment he saw this dude operating his vehicle on the street (visual indication of modifications). There's no need for him to answer anything, he was basically screwed the moment he was pulled over. If and when he refuse to cooperate, his vehicle would then be towed at his expense, and they will find the answer to the cop's question(s) at the owner's expense whether it is time or money, or both.

Edit: I've been through enough of this to know, and I know enough cops that have told me the same thing

Sure the cop had probable cause to pull him over. Headlights. Illegal headlights are not a emissions violation nor do they give probable cause to search for other emissions violations. The cop was given probable cause to check for emission violations when the exhaust was mentioned.

Refusing to cooperate....(IE. Not doing what the cop asks you to do.) VS. Choosing to remain silent are totally different. The cop asked him if he had any illegal modifications. Unless subpoenaed choosing to remain quiet is not against the law. Without getting into it....the terms "Modifications/Mods" opens up into a huge grey area.

See the fifth amendment:

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Simply put....."You have the right to remain silent."

Information about Self Incrimination (http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/410/410lect13.htm)

More information about the Fifth Amendment and Self Incrimination (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution)

09-07-2006, 08:53 AM
Sure the cop had probable cause to pull him over. Headlights. Illegal headlights are not a emissions violation nor do they give probable cause to search for other emissions violations. The cop was given probable cause to check for emission violations when the exhaust was mentioned.

Refusing to cooperate....(IE. Not doing what the cop asks you to do.) VS. Choosing to remain silent are totally different. The cop asked him if he had any illegal modifications. Unless subpoenaed choosing to remain quiet is not against the law. Without getting into it....the terms "Modifications/Mods" opens up into a huge grey area.

See the fifth amendment:

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Simply put....."You have the right to remain silent."

Information about Self Incrimination (http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/410/410lect13.htm)

More information about the Fifth Amendment and Self Incrimination (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution)
I guess you missed the part where he said he has an exhaust huh? I never said you have to answer the cop, but the whole point is that once the cop saw this dude operating a modified vehicle on a public road, that is enough for him for pull him over on suspicion of other "hidden" modifications. Hell, at that point, even if his lips were superglued he would still gets it in the ass. The issues with the 5th have been thoroughly discussed in reguards to modding car and popping hood. Your "right to remain silent" in this case will only enrage the low paid bastard and enable the him to call a tow truck, tow ithe car to the impound yard and leave it there for god know how long (you will have to pay for this), and then call in the California Air Resource Board task force and go to town with your precious ride. Noticed that I'm talking about the case of the owner of this thread, and not some old dude driving a clean looking Camry at the speed limit just like the rest of the population. Could you win in court with something like this? Sure, I don't see why not, but at what cost? You've got to understand, California created a task force specifically to deal with these kind of things, they trained their officers to spot illegal modifications. Did I mentioned the infamous binder with all the pictures of swaps that we've been putting in our s-chasis? I'm no lawyer, I don't want to be a lawyer. What I do know is what I've been through when it come to this, my best friend is going to law school and had to go through this at the expense of having to sell his car, another friend got his car back in peices (that's another chapter altogether). One of my old neighbor is a cop and the other was a sheriff deputy that was trained to do this. I say you come over to California and pull that stunt with a car that has visual indication of modifications (like the owner of this thread), and then tell me how it goes. :hahano:

drift freaq
09-07-2006, 10:53 AM
I have a 90 and the ref station didnt seem to notice i had a dohc... but they noticed that i had a 91 and up air intake. wtf...?

The DOHC engine swap is a legal swap into a 90. He was noticing a 91 up air intake but thats still perfectly legal.

09-07-2006, 12:48 PM
Um...thats as ignorant a statement as one can make.

In britain they have "speed cameras" (watch Top Gear) that monitor your speed and mail you a ticket if you're over the limit. Even California doesn't have anything that draconian.

I'll say it again, directly to the kid above: Modding your car is a PRIVILEGE. It is not something you HAVE to do as part of your life. There are rules that govern how or if you can, and if you don't like them, work to change them or work within them. Otherwise, don't bitch about the law when it comes down on you.

If you're willing to spend money to mod your car, you should be willing to learn about the law or hire someone that has to protect yourself from any risks you've assumed, and you HAVE assumed responsibility when you mod your car.

would you prefer yourk ids to play with your cars or play with guns and weed? how about you go to school and maybe one day you'll be able to do any of those without whining about how someone won't let you do it illegally?

Your failure to get away with breaking the law is not evidence of any flaws in any regulations you violate.

Again: you can whine about your problems if you want or you can go out and do something about it.

on a side note, when i complete my JD i'll be happy to offer a zilvia discount off my hourly rate in the vendor section =P

I've seen "speed camera" @ scottsdale, AZ. haha those are creepy if you don't know where it is... also there are MANY of em in Japan. Especially on highways. We call it "orbis" (dunno what it stands for..)
what's scary is getting radored from those airplanes... in middle of dessert and getting a ticket at next town 30min away... that hurts.

09-08-2006, 12:32 AM
I guess you missed the part where he said he has an exhaust huh? I never said you have to answer the cop, but the whole point is that once the cop saw this dude operating a modified vehicle on a public road, that is enough for him for pull him over on suspicion of other "hidden" modifications. Hell, at that point, even if his lips were superglued he would still gets it in the ass. The issues with the 5th have been thoroughly discussed in reguards to modding car and popping hood. Your "right to remain silent" in this case will only enrage the low paid bastard and enable the him to call a tow truck, tow ithe car to the impound yard and leave it there for god know how long (you will have to pay for this), and then call in the California Air Resource Board task force and go to town with your precious ride. Noticed that I'm talking about the case of the owner of this thread, and not some old dude driving a clean looking Camry at the speed limit just like the rest of the population. Could you win in court with something like this? Sure, I don't see why not, but at what cost? You've got to understand, California created a task force specifically to deal with these kind of things, they trained their officers to spot illegal modifications. Did I mentioned the infamous binder with all the pictures of swaps that we've been putting in our s-chasis? I'm no lawyer, I don't want to be a lawyer. What I do know is what I've been through when it come to this, my best friend is going to law school and had to go through this at the expense of having to sell his car, another friend got his car back in peices (that's another chapter altogether). One of my old neighbor is a cop and the other was a sheriff deputy that was trained to do this. I say you come over to California and pull that stunt with a car that has visual indication of modifications (like the owner of this thread), and then tell me how it goes. :hahano:

Let me get one thing straight. My car still has the California plates that came with the vehicle when I bought it while I was living in California.
I have had a cop, in California, do a short walk around my car once he found out what my interior looked like. In my case the cop flagged me down because my rear tire happened to chirp after driving over a pot hole.
I am well aware of California laws, so there is no need to verse me on them. I also know about the special task force San Diego put together which goes to other cities teaching what they know to that local body of public authority.

I am also aware of the original poster mentioning he had an exhaust after being asked about it illegal modifications. Reread my last post carefully.....I do make mention of the exhaust giving the cop probable cause for emissions violations.

The thing that makes me wonder is did the cop write up a ticket for the headlights as well as the iemissions violations. Or did the cop mentally overlook the headlights because he found something that would bring in more money? If the cop didn't write a ticket for the headlights as well.....possible entrapment comes into play. If entrapment was used to find the emissions violations we all have an entirely different situation.

I will agree with you, just because a person does not answer a particular question does not mean the cop could not have requested the hood be popped. If the cop used common sense one illegal modification can mean other illegal modifications. My entire point of mentioning the right to remain silent was to show that if he had not said anything about the exhaust he might have not gotten his hood popped.

09-08-2006, 12:46 AM
Let me get one thing straight. My car still has the California plates that came with the vehicle when I bought it while I was living in California.
I have had a cop, in California, do a short walk around my car once he found out what my interior looked like. In my case the cop flagged me down because my rear tire happened to chirp after driving over a pot hole.
I am well aware of California laws, so there is no need to verse me on them. I also know about the special task force San Diego put together which goes to other cities teaching what they know to that local body of public authority.

I am also aware of the original poster mentioning he had an exhaust after being asked about it illegal modifications. Reread my last post carefully.....I do make mention of the exhaust giving the cop probable cause for emissions violations.

The thing that makes me wonder is did the cop write up a ticket for the headlights as well as the iemissions violations. Or did the cop mentally overlook the headlights because he found something that would bring in more money? If the cop didn't write a ticket for the headlights as well.....possible entrapment comes into play. If entrapment was used to find the emissions violations we all have an entirely different situation.

I will agree with you, just because a person does not answer a particular question does not mean the cop could not have requested the hood be popped. If the cop used common sense one illegal modification can mean other illegal modifications. My entire point of mentioning the right to remain silent was to show that if he had not said anything about the exhaust he might have not gotten his hood popped.
My bad about "trying to verse you" on CA laws, I'm just a little pissed off and worked up about it all (CA laws) since I will be moving back there in the near future. I've got your point though.

Edit: How long have you been in TX? Does the DMV still send you the registration sticker?

09-08-2006, 10:50 PM
My bad about "trying to verse you" on CA laws, I'm just a little pissed off and worked up about it all (CA laws) since I will be moving back there in the near future. I've got your point though.

Edit: How long have you been in TX? Does the DMV still send you the registration sticker?

Like many other California residents, I am not all that pleased with how the laws are seemingly applied more to one group of car enthusiasts than another.
I have been in Texas since May. I plan on being back in California by 2010 hopefully earlier. By then my car will have Texas plates and the cops can't legally do anything about the modifications. I don't get the stickers anymore. I need to take the remaining paper work for Texas registration to the county and then my car will offically be out of the jurisdiction of California.

Where are you at the moment. Dallas, Tx?

09-09-2006, 12:49 AM
Like many other California residents, I am not all that pleased with how the laws are seemingly applied more to one group of car enthusiasts than another.
I have been in Texas since May. I plan on being back in California by 2010 hopefully earlier. By then my car will have Texas plates and the cops can't legally do anything about the modifications. I don't get the stickers anymore. I need to take the remaining paper work for Texas registration to the county and then my car will offically be out of the jurisdiction of California.

Where are you at the moment. Dallas, Tx?
I'm in Dallas area (Garland to be exact) right now for school. It's strange that you don't get the sticker from CA, I just paid my $48 registration and they actually sent me my registration sticker without requiring to do a smog check since I'm due for one (been living here for 2 years). If you ever need help with your car let me know, I'll come over and help.

09-10-2006, 06:52 AM
I love louisiana
i love colorado, lol. in western colorado ,at least, there are no inspections and no emissions testing. pay your registration and be on your way. sucks though i'm originally from socal and often think about going back. i guess i'll stay put for now.

09-11-2006, 11:51 AM
Quoted for truth.

Do you guys have any idea how annoying it is when you come on here and bitch and moan about getting busted for illegal mods? They're ILLEGAL. Jesus H. Christ, man up and stop complaining.

Yeah, the law isn't exactly fair. However, it still is the law. If you get busted, it's your fault. Stop complaining and either comply or deal with it.

WOW, replys like this to someone in need really makes me glad I joined this forum, how about if you don't have an answer for someone that's constructive you just move to the next thread, DAMN. Help a fellow Silvia owner out and quit being a douche, and take some anger management courses or something. I wouldn't be suprised if you beat your wife and kids with all that pent up frustration. Maybe jacking off a couple more times a day will do you some good pal. :wackit:

09-11-2006, 02:06 PM
And your response helps the original poster...how?

Lock this shit.

09-11-2006, 03:48 PM
Hey dethtoll, he has a 240sx not a Silvia.

This thread is over.
