View Full Version : Cricket Fighting Videos

08-31-2006, 12:15 PM
I was back in VN once again and saw my cousins playing with crickets so I told them to record it fighting. Here's the breakdown.

The first cricket, lets call him Binh Long (BL), he is the smallest of the top 3 that we kept. The BL type of cricket is legendary from what I'm told by my cousins. They caught him in a hole that he had dug himself. What's more amazing is that his inner wings have fallen off due to old age. My cousins told me that this type of cricket is usually much older and bigger than than the normal ones due to their old age, but somehow this one is much smaller. Supposedly, they are smart, persistent, and quick. This type of cricket is the BL flame type due to their yellow coloration.

The second place is called Charcoal, he is completely black. The biggest of the 3, and the most aggressive. If he hears any other crickets chirp, he starts going crazy and starts looking for them. He is the strongest one in here. Charcoal crickets are usually the most favored because of their strength and stamina. They are usually the knock out type, they push and knock their opponents back rather than grind their jaws. The are rumored to be the best. Old age Charcoal BLs are the champs of champs.

The 3rd is a Flame type, he is the 2nd biggest. Extremely quick attacks, but lacks determination and persistency. Usually lots of attacks with little defense. His jaw grinding skills sucks. He's the push type. This guy happens to have weak jaws, that's why he can't stand being in griding mode with other crickets. Lets begin

Somehow the digital camera I was using couldn't record cricket chirping sounds, it's damn loud.

The first match is between the BL and 3rd place. BL the left corner, 3rd is in the right. BL has already lost a leg in a prior battle, that's why he is weak. If you watch the last video of this thread, u'll see his performance when he was fully intact.

2nd match is between Flame and Charcoal

Finally, the battle between BL Flame and Charcoal. This is the championship match!

Brings back so much memories when I was a kid.

08-31-2006, 02:07 PM
WTF? you got too much time on your hands. Ever heard of video games?


I'm playing.
I too used to mess with bugs when I was a kid. But I grew in Guatemala, what's your excuse?

btw.. vids didn't work for me.

08-31-2006, 06:00 PM
I played with bugs too when I was young.

But NOT pussy Crickets, We fought dangerous spiders, on a stick.

I lived in the Philippines, so they were EVERYWHERE.

Good times.

08-31-2006, 08:07 PM
Who needs pokemon when you have... crickets.

I didn't even know those things fought.

08-31-2006, 10:31 PM
cricket training mastery +1

08-31-2006, 10:44 PM
Hot damn, I used to play with those when I was small.

09-01-2006, 01:20 AM
WTF? you got too much time on your hands. Ever heard of video games?


I'm playing.
I too used to mess with bugs when I was a kid. But I grew in Guatemala, what's your excuse?

btw.. vids didn't work for me.
My excuse? I was born and raised in Vietnam. Videos games were for the rich and spoiled. I remember there was like only 5 TVs in my neighborhood hahaha.
Vids take a while to load up, kinda big I guess. I guess it brings back memories that's why I kept asking my cousins dumb questions and they keep on answering them. I am now a cricket expert hahaha.

09-01-2006, 08:46 AM
Me: 19" black and white TV and kids programming was only a few hrs in the afternoon.
As far as bugs: dragongflies, beetles were fun to mess with but caterpillars were my weapon of choice.