View Full Version : Fuckin Cops

08-31-2006, 02:03 AM
today no less then 3 hours ago a cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket for not having my head lights on and i was only about .7(mapquest) miles away from my house and the cop only saw me with out my lights on for about 100 yards of that .7 miles. And i didnt notice that they werent on just simple human error. He didnt even want to hear anything i had to say. instant ticket. Prime example of a pig with power. o ya he then he pulled into the coffe shop 10ft away :bash:

Id RaThEr DrIfT
08-31-2006, 02:26 AM
i would have kept going and pulled into my drive way if u were that near to ur house damm that sucks though what i dick

08-31-2006, 03:20 AM
3 hours ago... that would have made it around 11pm from when you posted this. It's not like he gave you a ticket at 7pm when the suns still out, but this was 11pm! What do you expect? You broke the law and got punished.


08-31-2006, 03:24 AM
no lights on at 11pm? you must drive with night vision lol!

08-31-2006, 03:48 AM
Im almost sure that 1am minus 3 hours is 10pm but none the less it was around 9 maybe even 8:45 sorry i miss judged the time. you two must love cops. OO ya were i live we have something called street lights and he pulled me over in the busiest street in our city, sorry my eyes arent perfect. And not to mention i was leaving my house and i was not even a mile or maybe even half mile away when he stoped me you guys must be perfect nothing gets by you

08-31-2006, 04:02 AM
He's not required to listen to listen to your excuses. What you were doing was wrong, he ticketed you. Is it petty? Sure but whining on the internet isn't going to change anything.

BTW, what does this have to do with a CA18?

08-31-2006, 04:03 AM
wtf ?? driftingisgay.com ???

08-31-2006, 04:29 AM
^ what's it to you? Gay = fun. :P

BoogyManNN, but still. the law requires you to turn on your light 30min-1hr before dusk/night. My eyes are far from perfect. I'm not perfect but I try my best not to get busted. I am driving around with an illegal motor lol

08-31-2006, 04:49 AM
so what you are telling mr. thatguy if there was a sign that read "1000 dollar fine for littering and you have to hit your self in the nuts" and you accidently drop something on the ground and a cop saw you would you a. instantly hit your self in the nuts and give the nearest cop 1000 bucks or b.say sorry i didnt notice???

08-31-2006, 04:55 AM
see this is exactly why u should buy a beamer or anything else nicer than a 240, the lights automatically turn on in the dark!! haha

08-31-2006, 05:46 AM
hey i can wire up our headlights to do that! but then again i wouldnt want that on my car, cuz me an my buddies know my car as knight rider. You cant see it at night, which came in handy once while we were bein dumb... off go the lights, on go the fogs. Illegal wattage fogs FTW.

08-31-2006, 06:00 AM
Im almost sure that 1am minus 3 hours is 10pm but none the less it was around 9 maybe even 8:45 sorry i miss judged the time. you two must love cops. OO ya were i live we have something called street lights and he pulled me over in the busiest street in our city, sorry my eyes arent perfect. And not to mention i was leaving my house and i was not even a mile or maybe even half mile away when he stoped me you guys must be perfect nothing gets by you

So first you thought it was 10pm when he pulled you over, now you think it was 8:45pm? No wonder you had your headlights off, you musta thought it was still daytime.

08-31-2006, 06:16 AM
so what you are telling mr. thatguy if there was a sign that read "1000 dollar fine for littering and you have to hit your self in the nuts" and you accidently drop something on the ground and a cop saw you would you a. instantly hit your self in the nuts and give the nearest cop 1000 bucks or b.say sorry i didnt notice???

sorry...but that is a stupid scenario and you were breaking the law, simple as that. It's not going to kill you to drive with your headlights on at night.

08-31-2006, 06:43 AM
Remember the old saying, See and be seen?

Even if you could see find during the night, that still doesn't mean that other motorists and pedestrians could see you.
If you can't do the simpelest thing such as turning on your headlights, I'm afraid what other simple road rules you can forget. Because that isn't human error, that's human stupidity.

08-31-2006, 08:52 AM
in this situation......you fucked up, dont blame the cop.

Did he search your car?
Did he pop the hood? If not, i dont see why you're complaining. You fucked up....pay or try to fight it, but why talk shit about an officer thats doing his job?

Theres TWO OTHER THREADS right now, where i think the people affected by cops SHOULD be complaining...but this is fucking retarded.

08-31-2006, 09:11 AM
BTW, what does this have to do with a CA18?

Must be one of those California posts..

The only state on the planet. :gives:

I see people drive at night with no lights on and I'm always saying to myself "Christ some cop should just pull these idiots over and ticket them."

08-31-2006, 09:48 AM
He should've ticketd you for being a completely retarded, ignorant, piss ant whiny fucktard.

Short answer, you got what you deserved, if you don't have your lights on, you cant see the people you run over, and they cant see you run them over. Next time turn on your lights jackass.

If you SEE a sign that says 1000$ for littering, and a punch in the nuts, don't fucking litter. Douchebag.



08-31-2006, 09:58 AM
BoogeyManNN, your ignorance is astounding. How hard is it to just turn your lights on. How hard is it to accept that by not turning on your lights, you broke the law. How hard is it then, to grasp the fact that the Police Officers job is too enforce said laws. He did not treat you unfairly. Yes, the law you broke may still seem silly to you, but it is still a law. Get over it and accept that nothing you say or whine about is going to change the fact that you got the ticket.

So if http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/ca.gif means California, does that mean http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/ka.gif is for threads from Kansas? Is http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/sr.gif for South Rakota? Maybe http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/rb.gif means Rhode Bisland?

08-31-2006, 10:03 AM
I live in the hood and I see 1-2 drivers without headlights on at dusk everyday. You think cops would be writing tickets left and right but no, they don't seem to give a damn.
Go a few miles into Culver City and cops will pull you over with three patrol cars for changing two consecutive lanes - I paused and signaled in between changes.
Cops attitudes vary from county to county. Drive like you're supposed to and you won't get hassled.

08-31-2006, 10:49 AM
^From the looks of things, i notice that the ghetto areas...you can do what ever and not get pulled over just cause they have more important crimes to worry about. But in the rich areas they will pull you over just because they never seen your car around that area before...

I never got pulled over or heard of any friends being pulled over for head lights off, they mostly just high beam us or drive behind us with the loud speaker to let us know...but thats cause we dont live in rich neigbor hoods! =] Gotta love the crack heads taking all the attention.

08-31-2006, 01:41 PM
I once got a ticket for having one blown headlight at 730-8pm. It was dark though and he pulled me over 3 houses down from my house.

08-31-2006, 01:51 PM
whats funny is all these people that bitch about cops pulling them over, is because they are doing something wrong or illegal and they bitch about it, cop ranting threads are always amusing because they always find a way to insult the cops for the job they do, if you get pulled over deal with it because honestly theres nobody here :gives:

08-31-2006, 02:24 PM
I can understand the whining about cops giving people tickets for a blue hose under their hood, or for pulling them over constantly just because they have a certain type of car, or even just complaining about laws. But come on, not having your headlights on? That's just plain retarded.


08-31-2006, 02:24 PM
the bussiest street in your city and you had no lights on..what do u expect. i see idiots with no headlights drive around here all the time and get pissed off cuz a cop doesnt pull them over. if it was 1 headlight that was out and u didnt notice or something like that it would be understandable, id be pissed too and ask for atleast a warning so i could go home and fix it.. but cmon bro...no headlights? ive almost plowed into ppl with no headlights on at night in those left turn lane divider things on busy streets...thats pretty dangerous.

and yes i live in a shithole area, so cops do have other shit to do, like eat at in n out or the donut shop, or look for crackheads. it works both ways, ive almost T boned or gotten into head on collisions like probly 5 times this year cuz of shitty drivers disobeying rules and driving like assholes, running reds, no lights on at midnite, etc... so yeah atleast cops crack down on that shit.

08-31-2006, 03:16 PM
so what you are telling mr. thatguy if there was a sign that read "1000 dollar fine for littering and you have to hit your self in the nuts" and you accidently drop something on the ground and a cop saw you would you a. instantly hit your self in the nuts and give the nearest cop 1000 bucks or b.say sorry i didnt notice???

i once got a $1000 littering ticket for ashing my cigarette on the street. i fought it in court and won but still had to take a day off work to get it taken care of.

08-31-2006, 04:19 PM
lol have not seen someone got flame so bad for a while



08-31-2006, 09:15 PM
It's always nice to read this kinds of post. People think that if they go to a car forum and complain at cops in their area they'll get a reply of FUCKING COPS! FUCKING PIGS!

Hehehe. Maybe they should think for a bit. Did I break the law? It's simple...rules are rules...it's their job...just doin' their job son...just doin' their job.

ThatGuy, lol at Rhode Bisland.

08-31-2006, 10:41 PM
be thankful he didnt check out your car or pop your car.. you woulda owned yourself if you had something to look into.. i.e. modded car.

Like for example if you had weed in your car and you wondering why you got busted for weed, you gave em somethin to pull you over for, in that case you didnt have your lights on. lol

Its common knowledge, i wish everyone who doesnt use thier lights would get pulled over.. soo many times i see bitches change lanes right in front of me and dont signal, thinking they too good of a driver to even having to do it.. pfffp

09-01-2006, 01:15 AM
OMG, grow up. I got a ticket for having a headlight out. Something that happened THAT morning, 5 mins before the ticket. I didn't bitch about it. The cop was in the right. I bet if someone cut you off that had no headlights on and you about hit them, then a cop gave them the ticket you wouldn't be whining, you would be saying "fucky yeah, that guy is doing his job to save my life".

09-01-2006, 01:21 AM
well you cant really blame the cop. why didnt you have your lights on anyway?
dont be mad at the cop..hes doing his job.
just let me ask you one question..whos the idiot?

09-01-2006, 01:49 AM
i would have kept going and pulled into my drive way if u were that near to ur house damm that sucks though what i dick

Its funny you should mention that. A friend of mine was driving home with his headlights off at dusk. A couple streets away from his house, a cop spotted him and began following. He pulled into his driveway, opened the door to get out, and the cop told him over the speaker to get back in and he was ticketed in his driveway. Is it even legal for a cop to do that? BTW, this was in IL.

If you got busted for having your headlights off when it was dark, you totally deserve it. I no longer signal cars with their lights off - i came to the conclusion that 99.99% of the time its some retard that shouldn't be behind the wheel or possibly a drunk. If you got a ticket while there was still a good amount of light out, like my friend, i could say its BS because a friendly reminder would have been fine - at mid-dusk there is still plenty of light. The kid was driving a beat up old E30 BMW, his life was hard enough as it is without tickets.

As much as i despise cops, i often think "that guy really needs to be given a ticket", but it never happens, and it seems like its always the undeserving that take the hit. Seeing cars at night with their lights off, or high beams on pisses me off really bad, so imo those people deserve it.

09-01-2006, 02:07 AM
S13 eye, My buddy had the same thing happen to him in IL. I never thought it was legal, but it held up in court. The only diffrence was that he had actually parked the car, shut it off, took his seat belt off, got out, locked the doors, and was unlocking the door to his house when the cop finally pulled up. She told him to get back into the car so he had to get the keys out of his pocket, unlock the door, and get in just to have the cop walk up to his window and execute a ticket by procedure. BTW, this was for 32 in a 30 in his subdivision. Pretty weak IMO.

But on this headlight thing, I know its been said in many diffrent ways already and has been beaten to death with a stick, but you did fuck up. I understand that your mad cause you just pulled out onto the road and just happen to forget that one time (or not) and a cop was there. I know what your trying to say though. He could have been more reasonable, but really, don't you think they are tired of hearing excuses? I mean seriously, they have heard pretty much anything and everything someone could come up with.

If you wanna fight it, take it to court, but I don't think you'll win. I don't know how it is around you, but 8:30pm in the summer here is gettin pretty dark. But anyway, goodluck all the same.

09-01-2006, 06:02 AM
hey at least your company's CEO from Japan wasn't in the car when you got pulled over and ticketed..... oh.. plus a vehicle search.

imagine how that feels.... and that's for doing california rolling stop. I didn't complain... oh.. and majority of the employee and board members heard about it since info from top down goes pretty fast...

so now in Japan....
me=crazy driver

which is sorta true:-D but good bye next bonus!

09-01-2006, 07:16 AM
Why wouldn't it be legal for the Officer to ticket you in your driveway? Do you guys think it's like "Tag" or something and once you get in your driveway, you've reached "base"?

09-01-2006, 09:59 AM
"Prime example of a pig with power?"
That's intelligent.

It's not like he gave you a ticket for speeding or something you werent doing, didnt ask you to pop your hood or give you a bunch of shit for other stuff. You got a ticket for not having your lights on at night which is exactly what you were doing, so it's a prime example of a cop NOT being a dick really.

09-01-2006, 04:20 PM
Where'd the threadstarter go? :cry:

09-03-2006, 02:58 AM
^ oh gawd.. this thread...


09-03-2006, 03:55 AM
If you had just gotten into your car from parking somewhere well lit, got in started up the motor, pulled out, for some reason spaced and thought everything was bright enough because of the streetlights, and you got pulled over in that case, I would take it to court and contest your case, tell your side of the story. Maybe get it reduced to community service or something.

BTW, was this a moving violation he gave you? if so, link the DMV page with the article he prosocuted you under. You could probably get it reduced in court if you write up a detailed account of your ordeal that paints you better.

If you were driving around W/O lights on because you wanted to be "stealthy" or "try something new" then you probably deserved it.

09-03-2006, 06:21 AM
Zilvia.net has proved that BoogyManNN == <insertWhatever>.

Sayin what S13SilviaGirl and what ALMOST ALL PEOPLE POSTED HERE.

Grow up.
Cop's just doin' his job.
Welcome to Zilvia.Net, have a good day.

09-03-2006, 09:11 AM
I don't have problems with cops doing their jobs, but I have met very few who can do so without being an asshole tripping on their power (maybe it's just the city of Atlanta). I don't mind if the cop treats every traffic stop seriously and cautiously as they should, but there's no need to treat me like an criminal or a scum of society for a minor parking violation (which was very arguable anyway). I treat every cop courteously and with respect, but few have given me back the same.