View Full Version : Need help about spark plugs wires....

08-26-2006, 02:14 AM
I dont post much on here for questions cuz i search and find my answers but i have been searching for a little while, and i have a problem with my spark plug wires...i was changing the plugs the other day and when i went to pull out one of the plug wires, it broke and the plastic part around the wire part only pulled out, so i have the plastic part stuck in the hole and i have tried pulling it out with pliers but not use, its good and stuck....the wires are toast and i have new ones on the way just trying to get this one out....any suggestions appreciated and try to keep the flaming to a low, but if i get flamed i probably deserved it....


I will post pics tomorrow for a better view/explanation....

08-26-2006, 08:36 AM
Well, this happened to me once too, what i did, was like u said, took the longest needle nose pliers and tried getting it out, eventually i said fuck it and just took the valve cover off so i could go down a little bit further with them, and eventually got them off. Did u use dielectric grease when u first installed those wires? Also were they some cheap-o wires? When it happened to me, i was using cheap wires, so be careful next time and remember to use the grease.

08-26-2006, 10:50 AM
Hey thanx for the suggestion i will try that...and i think they are the original oem wires or cheap ones... it's my project 240 and looks like shit now just wanted to do some minor maintenence til i can get more money to do an engine swap or turbo a KA....as for the grease when my NGK plug wires come in i will definetly use the grease to make sure this dont happen again....thanx again....

08-26-2006, 12:47 PM
np good luck getting them out, its a PITA