View Full Version : Osaka, Japan Sat Aug. 26

08-22-2006, 02:26 AM
excusE the crappy keyboard that i'm usIng at the hotel right now. SOmetimes it wants to capitalize and sOmetimes it doeSN't. sOme keys are sTuck together.
Anyways, i will be waiting for a transfer flight in osAka, japan on sAturday, augusT 26. i will be free from 6:45AM TO 5pm that sAme day. instead of waiting for the plane, i want to go and check around. is there anything fun i SHould check out? are there car places where i can buy sOme sTuff? Anyone want to hangout with me for a couple of hours? PLEASe? hihi. Anyways, let me know. I will posT SOme pics when im' back in california.

08-22-2006, 03:15 AM
oooOOOooo, what part of california are you from?...just curious if you would be willing to fulfill a mission for me :naughty:

08-22-2006, 03:25 AM
oooOOOooo, what part of california are you from?...just curious if you would be willing to fulfill a mission for me :naughty:
sOuthern california, oRANGE COunty

08-22-2006, 03:35 AM
oh nvm :( ...as for car places, im sure there are plenty in osaka...just pick up an options mag, point to a few shops here and there, and tell taxi drivers thats where you wanna go...just an idea...

08-22-2006, 05:40 AM
find an Upgarage, and have fun

08-22-2006, 01:43 PM
the keyboard that i'm usIng at the hotel right now. sOme keys are sTuck together.

hmm... wonder why rofl...:barf:

wouldnt touch a hotel keyboard