View Full Version : Fucken Thieves

08-19-2006, 02:47 AM
around 12pm while chillen in my living room i hear tires screeching, pretty loud too, next thing you know i hear a crash, and i run out to see my aunts car on my sidewalk and my dads alarm going off. next thing i know i see someone trying to run so start fucken yelling at the bitch, he gets into a car in the middle of my block and takes off. the street lamp was off so only description i could get was a old looking 4 door car, and the guy looked around 5'7 or 5'8 somewhere around there, had like a crew cut. the dumb thing is that all he had to do was make a u turn, since the car was in that position already, instead he reverses kills my mailbox and hits my dads rear bumper. old school cressidas are freaken strong after hitting a mailbox, only dented on oneside. damage to the cars werent that bad though. cops toook a long time to come, i eventually got a cop ride kuz they found a dumped car 2 blocks away, looked like the getaway car but dunno it was too dark to see. other than that fucken thieves need to fucken die!! i have some pix, ill try and post em up, sorry if its in the wrong section

08-19-2006, 03:10 AM
I guess they didnt know about if you floor a rwd car somthing is going to happend.

08-19-2006, 04:17 AM
WTF happened? That whole run on sentence was confusing.

08-19-2006, 04:22 AM
1. They were trying stealing your 'Kouki'?
2. He was running when you saw him?
3. But not with your car? So he failed?
4. Cops came a bit late...
5. They found a car that 'might' be related to what just happened?
6. Back to normal except with dented cars and fucked up mailbox?


08-19-2006, 04:25 AM
^Where you get kouki from?!

I thought they stole a cressida cause it ran over his mailbox..or maby he has weird ass neigbors.

08-19-2006, 04:28 AM
i hate Thieves!!!!!!
i just had my carbon fiber hood stolen last week.sucs ass!

08-19-2006, 04:30 AM
Hehe, his name was Kouki.

I'm a bit confused...so they were trying to steal his dad's car...

I thought...

Kouki hit dad's car then dad's car hit mailbox then whatever happened...her aunt's car entered the scene of the crime...then back to his story.

180sExy, yes pignose till we die.

08-19-2006, 03:55 PM
I read it three times and all I got from it was a mailbox got knocked down. I don't know how that applies to a thief either.

Anybody know an ebonics translator?

08-19-2006, 04:59 PM
I don't even think thats ebonics...
I live in oakland, and I'm still confused..

08-19-2006, 05:00 PM
Nubs. It's about thieves. I hope everything's ok now and the damages are only on the cars and no person got hurt.

08-19-2006, 05:29 PM
i am so confused trying to imagine this in my mind, so what got stolen? If nothing was stolen you cant call them thieves, im also from Oakland and i dont understand.

http://www.google.com/search?how+to+make+a+point (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22how+to+make+a+point%22&btnG=Search)

08-19-2006, 06:06 PM
May I recommend...


08-19-2006, 06:08 PM
I don't know what the hell this thread is about or what, if anything, actually got stolen, but since there was no description of a 240SX to be on the look out for being parted or whatever, I will move this thread to offtopic.

I do not, however, expect that I will be left with sufficient reasoning to leave it open too long following this move

08-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Punctuation is your friend. Remember "BIG" letters help to indicate the beginning of a sentence. A period (Looks like this .) helps to know when you have stopped a sentence. If you need to take a breath mid sentence, add a coma (,). This is all really simple. I can understand if you are a bit shaken up from, whatever that was that happened to you. Please comeback and try to explain it a little more clearly, so that we can understand your situation.

drift freaq
08-19-2006, 07:09 PM
:rofl: hahahhhaha this thread is fucking funny. Sorry, to the original person who posted, but between your story not making much sense and the responses, I am still sitting here laughing.
Follow the above said rules of English and we probably not be amused about the whole thing. I do sympathize with you, but learn to remember to use punctuation. It will help a lot, with making people understand.

08-19-2006, 10:03 PM
Around 12mn while chillin' in my living room...I suddenly hear tires screeching (pretty loud too). Then I heard a loud noise outside, it sounded like something crashed into a wall. I ran outside only to see my aunt's car 'on' the sidewalk (not just by the sidewalk - ON THE SIDEWALK MOTHERFUCKER). Then my dad's car went banzai with its security system. Next thing you know I saw someone running away from our house so I was like wtf? FUCKING THIEVES (hence the thread title). So I started screaming...I mean YELLING...at that bitch. He then gets inside the get-away car and takes off.

Man...I couldn't see that much because the motherfucking streetlights were not working. I wasn't able to identify what kind of fucking car it was...I'm pretty sure it was an old 4 door car though and the guy was approximately 5'7? Or 5'8...he also has a crew cut so be on the look out guys!

The cops took awhile but thats ok, those fuckers are always late anyway (jk). There wasn't a lot of damage on the cars so it's pretty much ok for me. Then a cop told me that they probably found the get-away car which was located 2 blocks away from where the incident happened. I couldn't see that much cuz it was dark.

I hate thieves, they need to die. I'll post pictures soon...sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.


*Fucking thieves were so stupid that he had to back up on my dad's rear bumper then fucking hit a fucking mailbox. He could have just made a U-turn and be done with it...but no...he has to make some fucking noise. Dumbass.

**Cressida's are the shit...it hit the mailbox and the dent's on only one side.

I tried my best :( But I guess my best wasn't good enough :(

08-19-2006, 10:53 PM
I ran outside only to see my aunt's car 'on' the sidewalk (not just by the sidewalk......


08-19-2006, 11:55 PM
haha my bad wrote this in the middle of the night. but basically they tried to steal my aunts cressida and ended up running into my dads car across the street, taking out my mail box at the same time. my aunt lives across the street by the way

08-20-2006, 01:08 AM
Around 12mn while chillin' in my living room...I suddenly hear tires screeching (pretty loud too). Then I heard a loud noise outside, it sounded like something crashed into a wall. I ran outside only to see my aunt's car 'on' the sidewalk (not just by the sidewalk - ON THE SIDEWALK MOTHERFUCKER). Then my dad's car went banzai with its security system. Next thing you know I saw someone running away from our house so I was like wtf? FUCKING THIEVES (hence the thread title). So I started screaming...I mean YELLING...at that bitch. He then gets inside the get-away car and takes off.

Man...I couldn't see that much because the motherfucking streetlights were not working. I wasn't able to identify what kind of fucking car it was...I'm pretty sure it was an old 4 door car though and the guy was approximately 5'7? Or 5'8...he also has a crew cut so be on the look out guys!

The cops took awhile but thats ok, those fuckers are always late anyway (jk). There wasn't a lot of damage on the cars so it's pretty much ok for me. Then a cop told me that they probably foun the get-away car which was located 2 blocks away from were the incident happened. I couldn't see that much cuz it was dark.

I hate thieves, they need to die. I'll post pictures soon...sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.


*Fucking thieves were so stupid that he had to back up on my dad's rear bumper then fucking hit a fucking mailbox. He could have just made a U-turn and be done with it...but no...he has to make some fucking noise. Dumbass.

**Cressida's are the shit...it hit the mailbox and the dent's on only one side.

I tried my best :( But I guess my best wasn't good enough :(

+1 for the cliff notes version

08-20-2006, 01:15 AM
thank you for making me feel better about my broken english

08-20-2006, 04:08 AM
Basically nothing was stolen, thieves failed and costed your dad, car & property damage. While all this happened at 12p.m? I am sure you meant a.m. otherwise you should have gotten a better description.

Sorry to hear, but atleast nothing was stolen and they will be attempting to steal someone's 240 *sarcasm* in the next coming days. End of topic so this will most likely be closed now.

08-20-2006, 06:04 AM
I'll stop the bleeding now, at thread starter's request