View Full Version : Snakes on a Plane!!!! FTW

08-18-2006, 05:22 AM
Awesome movie...

Great Flick Definitly Recomend

So far best homemade trailer for it yet.

08-18-2006, 05:34 AM
what's with you people and "ftw"

i see that in every other post. :blah:

i saw sam jackson on regis and kelly and he was saying it was the shit. I can't wait for it.

edit: there are also snakes on a plane baby bibs out there.

Makes me want to have a kid.

08-18-2006, 08:11 AM
I made this real quick, 'snakes on a 240sx' "ftw" (lol)
I love the Snakes on a ZeroWing game movie :)

08-18-2006, 08:19 AM
No kidding! The movie has Samuel L Jackson in it! FTW!

It has to be good!

08-18-2006, 08:28 AM
We have organized a mob over here in the bay area, CA. We are all going to see it tonight! Something like 25 or so of us so far!

08-18-2006, 09:29 AM
I just don't get it. Maybe it's a Cali thing, or something. Everybody I've talked to around here agrees that it looks really stupid with a shitty title. :confused: :ugh:

08-18-2006, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't call it a CA thing, but it seems to be getting a lot of attention over here. There is an official SoaP party at the Metreon in San Francisco!

Its just too funny. The whole concept is ridiculous, campy, and meant to be fun and silly. That's why I am into it anyway.

The movie execs where going to change the title too Pacfic Flight 141 or something like that. Who the hell would go see some dumb movie about snakes on a plane called Pacfic Flight 141!?!? Not me.

But instead its some dumb movie about snakes on a plane, and its called Snakes on a Plane! That is so rad.

08-18-2006, 10:15 AM
the title is AWESOME... to me it says "we know that our movie is so badass that we will let you know the entire story "snakes on a plane" right in the title, and then since its so great you will want to come and see it just to support good filmmaking."

08-18-2006, 10:43 AM
Has anyone used that phone message thing on the snakesonaplane website? It's friggin awesome!

08-18-2006, 10:45 AM
I got one of those, it was so funny!

the head
08-18-2006, 10:57 AM
Cant wait to see it...once you guys hit it up lets hear some thoughts!

the phone messaging setup on the website rocks...I send them to my friends when I am at work...that way it looks like I am working.

08-18-2006, 11:42 AM
saw it at the early screening yesterday.

go fucking see this movie.

08-18-2006, 01:15 PM
No kidding! The movie has Samuel L Jackson in it! FTW!

It has to be good!

Almost didn't if the early auditions (http://www.peoplecaster.com/player.php?clip=802) were any indication.

08-18-2006, 01:19 PM
Almost didn't if the early auditions (http://www.peoplecaster.com/player.php?clip=802) were any indication.
LMAO! That was good!

08-18-2006, 01:55 PM
lol the damn previews make it look retarted, like they let some retarted kid think of a title and plot, but i guess from wut people are saying its good, iono, but ill get in for free tonight and let u guys know, since i know people... at teh movies

08-18-2006, 02:21 PM
It IS retarded. So retarded, it's fucking genius.

The campy, cheesy 70's feel of it, it's awesome.
The fake, crappy drama, you just know the director's giggling his ass off while the actors are filming the scene.
And the snakes, oh the snakes, THEY ARE ON A PLANE, WITH SNAKES ON THE PLANE! And they are some pissed the hell off snakes let me tell you.

If you have NO sense of humor, and can't watch a movie like Super Troopers, or Plan 9 From Outer Space, and have a laugh at the sheer absurdity of the film, then avoid this. But if you have seen all the Snakes on a XXX references for the past year and laughed your ass off, go see this, it lives up to everything you hope it would.

08-18-2006, 02:37 PM
it's more like one of those bad-good movies. it's shit just to have fun @, not cinematographic genious

08-18-2006, 02:49 PM
here one of the movie places is doing something called snakes on a day. Basically, you have to sit through the movie without leaving the theater for 24 hrs straight. If you do, you get free admission. If you leave after the first time, you have to pay 1000 bux, after the 2nd time, 500, and so on. The proceeds go to charity.

I'm going to see it tonight with a bunch of friends. I can't wait.

08-18-2006, 02:56 PM
i screened it last night with about 8 friends... well the girls jumped there ASSES off but i mostly laughed at it bceause i think its funny when people jump.. but ill admit i even jumped a couple times.. its worth watching jsut dont have super high expectations haha!


08-18-2006, 05:51 PM
From the reviews I've read, they're saying it's pretty good.

Pretty much exactly what Suidd is saying.

08-18-2006, 10:03 PM
snakes on the plane??? wow i dont know it looks an sounds pretty gay.

08-18-2006, 10:23 PM
snakes on the plane??? wow i dont know it looks an sounds pretty gay.


08-18-2006, 10:54 PM
i dont get it, are you guys seriously recommend me to spend $9 to see the movie?

is it relly a comedy? from the name and content i just thought it is a lame movie

Omarius Maximus
08-18-2006, 10:59 PM
I'm tiiiireed of theeeeese MUTHAF***IN NOOBS on THIS MUTHAF***IN THREAD!!!!

Revolver Ocelot
08-18-2006, 11:14 PM
^Hahaaha, hella random.

08-19-2006, 03:38 AM
haha, i just got back from it... I was in a theatre that was pretty wild so everyone was screaming out random shit which did make it alot more enjoyable and humorous for this type of movie... this is definately for you muthaf***en Sam L Jackson fans.

08-19-2006, 03:57 AM
never mind, i hate those morons shut out or make noise in the movie.

08-19-2006, 04:51 AM
Samuel Jackson's voice makes everything godly.


08-19-2006, 10:12 AM
havent seen it but I know im going to love it, It is a completely different movie, It is not about a guy who kills the senators daughter and two cops, one with family trouble and the other wit ha drinking problem, saves the day and they all go home to get blowjobs. I was going to see it last night but my buddys didnt want to, ill go see it by myself if i have to.

08-19-2006, 10:16 AM
I will call this the best bad movie I have seen in a long while.
The plot wasn't all that great.
Cinematography wasn't all that great.
Dialogue not delivered by Samuel L Jackson sucked.
but it all came together in this cartoonish hyperbole, setting you at ease in almost knowing that you weren't SUPPOSED to take the movie seriously. There was the one snake that gave the South American looking woman a rubdown before it killed her. Then there was the random occurrence of the python on a plane full of POISONOUS snakes, and let us not forget the "Paris Hilton" joke, with the annoying little dog and the OCD rapper dude too. I laughed the whole damned movie, but I will not pay to see it again.

08-19-2006, 10:59 AM
I will call this the best bad movie I have seen in a long while.
The plot wasn't all that great.
Cinematography wasn't all that great.
Dialogue not delivered by Samuel L Jackson sucked.
but it all came together in this cartoonish hyperbole, setting you at ease in almost knowing that you weren't SUPPOSED to take the movie seriously. There was the one snake that gave the South American looking woman a rubdown before it killed her. Then there was the random occurrence of the python on a plane full of POISONOUS snakes, and let us not forget the "Paris Hilton" joke, with the annoying little dog and the OCD rapper dude too. I laughed the whole damned movie, but I will not pay to see it again.

:werd: .

08-19-2006, 12:18 PM
never mind, i hate those morons shut out or make noise in the movie.

It is painfully obvious that you have no concept at all of what makes Snakes on a Plan one of the best movies to come out in a while. This movie is not for you.

Seriously, if there where not 20 or so of us drunk and yelling and the screen and throwing rubber snakes around the theater, it would have been a total waste of my time and money.

At first half the audience was not happy that there where so many people in the theater making a ruckus. Once the movie got going though, everyone was into it! The whole theater was laughing and clapping for the cheezy dialouge, cheering when the snakes killed people, and just in general yelling funny stuff. It was fantastic!

08-20-2006, 09:18 AM
Dialogue not delivered by Samuel L Jackson sucked.

Tru dat. SLJ's voice is godly. Hehehe.

08-21-2006, 12:54 AM
I couldn't stop laughing during the whole movie. Fully sick, it was!

Best Part: Is when the guy throws the dog at one of the snake. Oh man, the tears..

08-21-2006, 03:41 AM
If you go into the movie knowing the movie is supposed to have a dumb plot, the movie is soo awesome. The title almost prepares you to think it will be the dumbest film ever...and it is, lol, but there so much more to it once you start watching it.


08-22-2006, 03:04 AM
lol hahah for sure ima go watch it now!!
everyone i talked and ask if there gonna go see this movie said they think the movie is stupid!!!
but oh well ima buy this bootleg :P

08-22-2006, 08:20 AM
but oh well ima buy this bootleg :P

That totally annihilates the whole REASON of seeing this movie. The audience experience. Enjoy your shitty cam version, with bad sound and soup looking video. :smash:

08-22-2006, 10:27 AM
If you guys liked Snakes on a Plane you should see the movie I'm making...it's called "Feces in a Toilet" starring Henry Browneye and the artist formally known as "Corn-Eyed Brown Trout" This movie is nothin to wag your dirt tail at folks...it's gonna be the next big blockbuster in Germany

haha, only joking of course

08-22-2006, 10:40 AM
Unfortunatly I hear it was a box office flop...That's weird cause it seems like mad people went and saw it.

08-22-2006, 10:59 AM
Unfortunatly I hear it was a box office flop...That's weird cause it seems like mad people went and saw it.
Yeah, it was number one at the box office, however didn't make that much money. The theatre I went to wasn't full, and I wish it was. It would make the movie that much better. I enjoyed it though. Especially the Anaconda on that guys head. LOL!

08-22-2006, 11:11 AM
Some people in Hawaii are getting pissed off at it. I haven't seen it yet but i heard its a flight from Hawaii to the mainland. But the reason some people are getting mad is cause there are no snakes in hawaii and they claim it will hurt tourism. It was in our news. hahaha. But from all the posts i find it pretty hard to believe that anyone would take this movie seriously. I'll go see it this weekend maybe and Talladega nights.

08-22-2006, 11:20 AM
IIRC, it clearly states that there are no snakes in Hawaii. What do they want? For theatres to stop showing the movie? LOL! Maybe a big disclaimer at the beginning of the movie?:duh:

08-22-2006, 11:21 AM
The movie was entertaining as hell. Especially the witness dude rippin a KX450F in the beginning.

08-22-2006, 11:24 AM
The movie was entertaining as hell. Especially the witness dude rippin a KX450F in the beginning.

That was the lamest part of the whole movie. There where no mutherfucking snakes and there where no mutherfucking planes.

08-22-2006, 12:03 PM
but there was a motherfucking railroad tressel.

08-22-2006, 01:09 PM

08-22-2006, 01:24 PM
Pssh.. I don't even remember the KX450F..

"Great, snakes on crack"

08-22-2006, 04:19 PM
I like that when the power goes out on the plane, you hear some voiceover guy in the background yell "SNAKES!".

08-22-2006, 04:45 PM
I like that when the power goes out on the plane, you hear some voiceover guy in the background yell "SNAKES!".
Oh! I forgot about that. Best part of the movie. For the rest of the movie when it would go somewhat silent... "SNAKES!" LOL!

08-22-2006, 05:04 PM
Unfortunatly I hear it was a box office flop...That's weird cause it seems like mad people went and saw it.

If you compare Friday, Sat and Sun totals it actually came in second behind Talladega Nights. I was amped to see this two months ago, since my enthusiasm has turned to apathy to mild loathing. I'll catch it when the DVD comes out.

08-22-2006, 05:04 PM
Was that really on the movie? I just thought someone in the theater said it..

08-22-2006, 06:11 PM
It's so hard to explain the worth of this movie to a lot of people, and yet others just seem to understand so intuitively. Is it really that hard to comprehend this idea?


08-22-2006, 06:35 PM
Was that really on the movie? I just thought someone in the theater said it..
Yes it really was. There were like 10 people in the theater when I saw it, and when the guy yelled "snakes" I just busted up laughing.

08-22-2006, 06:37 PM
haha, that makes the movie soo much better!