View Full Version : s13 coupe wangan wing

08-16-2006, 02:09 PM
just like the title says, s13 coupe wangan wing... pick up only for now... bought it a while ago, just didn't put it on...

110 firm...

http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/4330/dsc00689fw4.th.jpg (http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00689fw4.jpg)
http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/1724/dsc00688lk0.th.jpg (http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00688lk0.jpg)
http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/2884/dsc00690sz1.th.jpg (http://img336.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00690sz1.jpg)

08-17-2006, 12:05 AM
god I want this when I import in my coupe, I have one on my hatch, I love the look for them

Bump for a wicked price

08-17-2006, 08:46 PM
yea, i just need to sell this so i can get other things i need more... driveshaft, and some other little things... but most of the things are over this price so not much to trade for... but let me know...

08-08-2009, 10:53 PM
ill give you 75 sorry not trying to lowball but i lost ma job otherwise ill offer you wat you asking for

Kid coupie
08-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Dam I want this no wait I need this