View Full Version : Hof's Hut Cerritos got robbed last night!

08-11-2006, 12:43 PM
By 2 armed gunmen. I was there! Thank GOD no one was hurt! I hear that there have been many robberies in the Cerritos/Artesia/Norwalk area lately between 8-9 pm. I hope the police catch these fools.

I was taking a dump when 2 other guys walked into the bathroom. It was strange because they were so quiet. After they left I suddenly heard someone yell "EVERYBODY GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR!!!"

Then I thought oh snap is a robbery going down? Then I heard "I SAID EVERYBODY GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR!!!" So I listened by the door and it was really quiet. So I cracked open the door and everyone was down on the floor so I snuck out of the bathroom and kneeled down on the floor. (I did NOT want to be the lone person in the bathroom if they came in and looked)

Then I heard someone say "I don't wanna hurt anyone but I will if I have to." Then I saw the 2 gunmen run out of the restaurant. The scary thing is that my whole family was there. My Wife, Niece that we foster, my Mom, Dad, Auntie. Wow...

Who in the hell would rob Hof's Hut??? Wow...

08-11-2006, 01:55 PM
Gald to hear everything okay.

What a Hof's Hut?

08-11-2006, 02:01 PM
thats just sad and scary, who in their right mind would robb a family restaurant like Hoffs Hut?? then again they are robbers. I hope they get cought too. something like this is very traumatizing to anyone. especially lil kids or wat not. Any how im glad to hear u and ur family are ok and that no one in the restaurant was hurt.

08-11-2006, 02:06 PM
wow crazy man. glad you and your fam are ok

08-11-2006, 02:14 PM
that sucks, i live within a few miles of that hofs hut, ive noticed that that area is getting worse and worse. just a few months ago someone stabbed 5 people in the same neighborhood as i live, new years someone got shot in the same neighborhood(this all happened less than 5 minutes walking distance from my house). its getting kinda scary. i feel like i need to carry some kinda protection.

08-11-2006, 02:19 PM
i find it funny that you were taking a dump when this all went down. did you just decide to finish or hurry up and finish when you heard what was going on outside? haha

sorry i know this is a serious matter.

El Rey
08-11-2006, 05:42 PM
Wow, shitty thing to go through. Glad nothing bad happened. Good thing you, your family and nobody else got hurt.

08-11-2006, 05:52 PM
Damn. Glad you're alright man.

08-11-2006, 06:31 PM
i find it funny that you were taking a dump when this all went down. did you just decide to finish or hurry up and finish when you heard what was going on outside? haha

sorry i know this is a serious matter.

Pretty much. The last thing I needed at that time was to get caught with my pants down. It's amazing what people can do under pressure.

08-11-2006, 06:41 PM
crazy shit! that's my neighborhood. glad nobody was hurt. did you get a good look at the fools who did this?

08-11-2006, 06:46 PM
Thats crazy man!!! were glad to hear that you and you're family are safe.

08-11-2006, 08:19 PM
Holy crap! This so relates to the 240sx!

08-11-2006, 09:30 PM
Holy crap! This so relates to the 240sx!

so was that an attempt at a pun? and btw it does relate to a 240sx because it happened to a member with a 240sx so stop being a post whore. Glad to hear you and your family are all right, that must have sucked to be on the shitter when that went down, u shoulda called 911 with your cell phone, but then again that coulda also put you and your family into harms way, but thank goodness you guys are all ok.

08-11-2006, 09:43 PM
glad no one was hurt...scarry shit. I would have stayed in the bathroom....

08-11-2006, 09:56 PM
Dude, think about it. What if you bumped into those two guys while they were putting on their masks, and drawing their guns in the bathroom. I think that woulda turned real sticky.

Good thing your ok and everyone came out unharmed. Woulda been sick if you accidently knocked both them fools out, and made them eat your stinky poo!

08-11-2006, 10:11 PM
Good thing you were quiet in there when they were inside the bathroom. Also, good thing you didn't let out a fart, haha.

08-11-2006, 11:04 PM
were you in the middle of having doodoo butter come out or were you just chillin waiting? lol just curious. glad everything turned out okay.

08-12-2006, 12:48 AM
were you in the middle of having doodoo butter come out or were you just chillin waiting? lol just curious. glad everything turned out okay.
^^^^ hahahahh doodoo butter, maybe some mud butt? lol

on a more serious note glad you and your family are ok

08-12-2006, 02:48 AM
Holy crap! This so relates to the 240sx!

this is in offtopic..


08-12-2006, 02:57 AM
lol. i been held up at gun point at work. ( i work a register at kragen )

08-12-2006, 03:01 AM
thats just sad and scary, who in their right mind would robb a family restaurant like Hoffs Hut?? then again they are robbers. I hope they get cought too. something like this is very traumatizing to anyone. especially lil kids or wat not. Any how im glad to hear u and ur family are ok and that no one in the restaurant was hurt.

Maybe to kids but not really. Ive gotten robbed before while working at home depot, 2 fucking guys rushed in and it was 3 of us guys working as cashiers, only two of us had a register, with my luck i got the guy with a knife and who happen to be nervous as fuck threatening to stab me for opening the register too slow, and my other coworker had a guy with a gun, revovler, and he was chillin so was the gunmen, apparerntly i took too long to open the register and that fucker pepper sprayed me, LUCKILY he barely got my hand as I backed up when he did it. This was my first job lol great shit huh? oh and then like 1 month later i got layed off wtf!?

But to thread starter, thats more scary dude cuz Id rather get jacked on my own then to have my whole family there invovled, glad theyre ok dude, you shouldve got your avatar on their ass!!

08-12-2006, 04:55 AM
Conceal and carry permit, 1 glock and you could have fucked those douchbags up!!!!

Glad your safe!!


08-12-2006, 05:21 AM
yeah. u shoot one guy, other guy turns, and blows ur face off. or even worse. u shoot, miss, and a big firefight ensues and a few innocent bystanders get shot. not trying to be a dick but i dont really think its a good idea trying to be superman when u dont have to.

actually i think guns in the hands of citizens are stupid. theyre stupid in the hands of pigs too. give them rubber bullets so the NYPD doesnt fill ppl up with holes for taking out their wallets.

back to the topic of offtopic, im glad u and ur fam are safe usdmsilvia. did you not have your phone on you in the can? I probly would have called 911 before hand.

its amazing what ppl will do for 2-3 grand. i doubt they could have had more than that by 8PM on a thursday.. hope the cops do their job for once and catch em

08-12-2006, 08:50 AM
Conceal and carry permit, 1 glock and you could have fucked those douchbags up!!!!

Glad your safe!!

trying to get a concealed weapon permit in CA is almost impossible. California is a communist state.

08-12-2006, 09:03 AM
yeah. u shoot one guy, other guy turns, and blows ur face off. or even worse. u shoot, miss, and a big firefight ensues and a few innocent bystanders get shot. not trying to be a dick but i dont really think its a good idea trying to be superman when u dont have to.

actually i think guns in the hands of citizens are stupid. theyre stupid in the hands of pigs too. give them rubber bullets so the NYPD doesnt fill ppl up with holes for taking out their wallets.

back to the topic of offtopic, im glad u and ur fam are safe usdmsilvia. did you not have your phone on you in the can? I probly would have called 911 before hand.

its amazing what ppl will do for 2-3 grand. i doubt they could have had more than that by 8PM on a thursday.. hope the cops do their job for once and catch em

there is always an if, what if those guys had planned to kill everyone in there. then having a gun would at least give you a fair chance. i think concealed wepaon permits are a great idea. but i believe there must be mandatory training. the way things are today, i would much rather put up a fight then sit there and let them kill me. Just because you listen to what they are saying doenst necessarily mean they arent going to harm you. a friend of mine was shot in his back and killed after giving the carjacker his keys and was walking away. if he had a gun at least he could have tried to defend himself.

and giving cops rubber bullets???? thats retarded, yeah let me try and stop a guy with real bullets with my rubber bullets.

08-12-2006, 09:07 AM
this is in offtopic..

It wasnt last night. It was moved finally.

08-12-2006, 10:37 AM
Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section.

2iv0 sx
08-12-2006, 03:43 PM
cali too vicious!

08-12-2006, 04:50 PM
Mmmmm 2 shots takes about 2 sec to get off!!! Even good headshots...

Ill take my chances and help clear the streets of fucking gangbanger fucks....

Nice cop comment..Your obviously a criminal....:nono: :goyou:


yeah. u shoot one guy, other guy turns, and blows ur face off. or even worse. u shoot, miss, and a big firefight ensues and a few innocent bystanders get shot. not trying to be a dick but i dont really think its a good idea trying to be superman when u dont have to.

actually i think guns in the hands of citizens are stupid. theyre stupid in the hands of pigs too. give them rubber bullets so the NYPD doesnt fill ppl up with holes for taking out their wallets.

back to the topic of offtopic, im glad u and ur fam are safe usdmsilvia. did you not have your phone on you in the can? I probly would have called 911 before hand.

its amazing what ppl will do for 2-3 grand. i doubt they could have had more than that by 8PM on a thursday.. hope the cops do their job for once and catch em

08-12-2006, 07:31 PM
yeah, give rubber bullets to the guys that are out there risking there lives so you can be safer. The only guaranteed way to make a criminal with a gun "safe' is a bullet in the head.

states with more LEGAL guns have less crime.

glad you are safe, did you get time to wipe?

08-13-2006, 01:53 AM
i knew id get a bunch of arguements to what i posted, but this isnt the place to debate em. i just think that other countries without guns seem to stop crime just fine. give cops rubber bullets give citizens none.

and ranger, thanks for the personal attack. no im not a criminal, unless you consider my SR20 swap to be criminal. by pigs i mean cops that abuse their power, not every cop, but there are many that do sadly.

08-14-2006, 09:18 AM
glad no one was hurt...scarry shit. I would have stayed in the bathroom....

not me. if my wife and fam was out there, then i would be out there too. i couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to them and i was stuck being a coward hiding out in the restroom.

08-14-2006, 10:03 AM
not me. if my wife and fam was out there, then i would be out there too. i couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to them and i was stuck being a coward hiding out in the restroom.

I went to the bathroom BEFORE the restaurant was taken over so I was stuck there. My family was way on the other side of the restaurant. I did go outside of the bathroom because I didn't want to be in there alone if they decided to go to the bathroom with the robbery in progress. It would have been stupid to go try to go to where my family was because the gunmen instructed everyone to GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR. Anyone who disobeyed them would have probably been hurt.

steve shadows
08-14-2006, 12:24 PM

08-14-2006, 02:05 PM
usdmsilvia - you have some serious anger issues and not just in that last post. Chill out, woodchuck was commenting on S13SilviaGirl's post and actually agreeing with what you did. I'm surprised you didn't blame Viceroy for the whole thing.
Anyhow, I'm glad you and your family came out ok and no one was hurt.

08-14-2006, 04:03 PM
usdmsilvia - you have some serious anger issues and not just in that last post. Chill out, woodchuck was commenting on S13SilviaGirl's post and actually agreeing with what you did. I'm surprised you didn't blame Viceroy for the whole thing.
Anyhow, I'm glad you and your family came out ok and no one was hurt.

FYI I have abstained from bashing on them after being advised by Thatguy. And if you wanna confront me with whatever "issues" you think I have pm me

08-14-2006, 05:13 PM
Damn that is some serious shit...I'm glad nobody was hurt. I hope your family is okay for the most part....don't want any of them to be traumatized and fear any restaurants or public places with a register.

08-14-2006, 05:59 PM
usdmsilvia - I apologise if I have insulted you or talked without merit. I was commenting on a post(s) you made to woodchuck in an open forum and have now edited without mention. No need to pm.

08-15-2006, 01:46 AM
usdmsilvia....woodchuck was commenting on S13SilviaGirl's post and actually agreeing with what you did.

usdmsilvia - yes, that was the point i was trying to make. you did do the right thing. i know families are a sensitive subject(with me too) so sorry for the confusion. i'm glad that you, your fam, and everyone else in the restaurant is safe.

thanx ManoNegra

08-15-2006, 08:32 AM
what is this world coming too when you cant take a shit in peace! glad too hear to an your family are safe an nobody got hurt.

08-15-2006, 09:09 AM
No worries. I'm just glad that nobody got hurt. I also would like to thank everybody for their kind (and funny) comments. :D