View Full Version : SR Pinging / Tinging noise

08-09-2006, 10:48 AM
well it looks like i might have some serious motor problems? but maybe not. Everything runs great! Sounds awesome. Everything runs fine but theres this quiet little tinging. Kinda sounds metal on metal ish. No real pattern or rhythm to the noise. very sparatic. Sounds like something is just pinging off of something in the motor somewhere. I took the belt off and turned it over, still makes the noise but very very little, before when the belt was on you could hear it pretty good. So im gonna have to find out what it is. Pull the pan/check for shavings, reseal the pan. Pull valve cover. Check for shavings, check for other things. Anyone have any ideas as to what to do or look for in particular? Thanks,

DP_Michelle G
08-09-2006, 11:00 AM
take a screw driver and put up to the vavle cover and then put it up to your ear to see if it's coming from there

08-09-2006, 11:00 PM
i will be sure to try that in the morning.