View Full Version : Can rust fail you for safety?

08-08-2006, 10:19 PM
dont know how the FUCK i missed this shit when i was looking @ the car, but miss it i did. i want to know if this could fail me for safety inspection in Virginia.

http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/9208/1006981ap2.th.jpg (http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1006981ap2.jpg)

i know, its pretty bad... so am i going to have to find a shady mechanic to pass me?

08-08-2006, 11:39 PM

The only reason I like living in Florida is because I don't see that often. I found this page, I don't know if it will be much help but you might find something.

http://www.vsp.state.va.us/safety.htm#Replacement%20of%20Stolen/Lost/Damaged%20Safety%20Inspection%20Approval%20Sticker s

08-09-2006, 04:56 AM
well it doesnt say you cant have rust.... so i think i should be kosher.... but this may be a lil bit more expensive then normal... but thanks for the help

08-09-2006, 05:04 AM
weight reduction.

08-09-2006, 05:30 AM
You'll be fine since it's not rusted through.

I'd be more worred about leaking fluid and the steering components.

08-09-2006, 10:06 AM
Thats a main structural component!!!

Weld that sucker

And I am worried about my strut tower cracks!!

Good time for a chassis swap or a tubular cha$$i$

08-09-2006, 09:39 PM
im getting it welded before i start throwing her sideways... too much... but yea i just need to get it inspected, although i think i found some one who will give me a sticker for 30$