View Full Version : going into the service...

08-04-2006, 11:11 AM
I'm very close to entering either into the Navy or Air Force. I've searched around and found that I'm ineligible for ROTC duty. So basically my only other option is enlistment. I've already talked to the Navy recruiter in my town and today I'm going to talk to the Air Force recruiter.

I am currently enrolled at a local community college going for my associates in Business, then onto my Bachelors. I'm doing good in college too, 4.0 for the entire summer semester. So without asking why I'm going to put college on hold, and without speaking out against your country that might get you arrested, I'm interested in people's opinion of each service, and I hope to hear from those of you with real experiences in one or the other.

Thanks, BEN

08-04-2006, 12:36 PM
search around, there has een lots of service discussions here. alot of air force and USMC ar on this forum. right now there is an air forct thread a couple of topics down.

08-04-2006, 05:01 PM
See this thread that is still current

08-04-2006, 09:51 PM
Navy is good, but, in hindsight, I wish I would have gone AF. They get better lodging and they never have to worry about getting parts and support they need to do their job. They are a lot more professional too.

I am a parachute rigger in the navy. I have been in almost 5 years. Been to a lot of places. Being on the boat sucks. But, some ppl like it. AF is better if you want to continue your education while in. Navy is super hard because of boat and deployment scheduals.

Good luck with your decision...any other specific questions just ask.

Oh, and make sure they guarantee you a job when you go in, and on top of that KNOW what job you want so you dont get screwed.

08-04-2006, 10:51 PM
Well as you can see I don't post here much but I hope this helps.

I have been in the Marine Corps for nine years now, and from what I have learned the:

Air Force: Takes better care of their members, (i.e. food ,housing, etc.) Not a very difficult change from being a civilian(adjustment to military life). Pretty much a civilian wearing a uniform(when being compared to other services).
Join the Air Force if you plan to use the military as stepping stone.

Army: God only knows why people join the Army! The Army seems well suited for those who want to make a career out of the military but what some what of a challenge (i.e. the physical standards, ability to be near the real fighting during times of War). Nice range of jobs to choose from and duty stations all over the world. Promotions in the Army are about on par with the other services, but I believe that the scores needed to join are the lowest out of the four services (at least it was in 1997) I know many people who joined Army because of a lack of options in the civilian world (doesn't sound like you). They say A.r.m.y. means : Ain't Ready for the Marines Yet, but I don't agree, I'll get back to this.

Navy: I really don't know what exactly attracts people to the Navy. Some people seek jobs in the medical field and the Navy has an attractive packages for those who wish to do so. Living on a ship would suck , but some people love it. The Navy offers a wide range of jobs but their promotion process can be a bit involved after the rank of E-4 and up (tests, etc.) The physical standards are some what lower than the other services because their mission differs from the other services but their job is just as important.
Join the Navy if you want to get away and see the world and call you co-workers "shipmate". No really ask members on the forum why they joined.

Marine Corps: I was suckered into the Marine Corps, but it grew on me over time. By far the most demanding of all the other services (physically, mentally) Those who have the Alpha male personality join this branch often looking for a challenge and the pride of being a Marine. We never have enough to do the job, our living areas suck, duty stations suck (ex. the air wing) our living conditions during war time are the worst...you get the picture.
Join the Marine Corps if you want to find out what you are really capable of inside. You will be pushed beyond your own expectations. Most people join the Corps what something to prove and many leave after they do so.

If I were you (based on your post) I would join the air force.

The order in which each of these branches are listed are (in my opinion) from the easiest to the most difficult as far as transition from civilian life and overall performance expectancy. I'm sure that many will disagree, but that is why this is a forum. You should hear from members in each of the other services.

I have had a wide range of experiences in the Corps (maybe more than any other member on this forum) and will be glad answer any questions that you may have.

Good luck and remember that this decision will change your life forever.

BTW yes I know that my grammar and spelling suck!

08-05-2006, 02:48 AM
Navy: I really don't know what exactly attracts people to the Navy. Some people seek jobs in the medical field and the Navy has an attractive packages for those who wish to do so. Living on a ship would suck , but some people love it. The Navy offers a wide range of jobs but their promotion process can be a bit involved after the rank of E-4 and up (tests, etc.) The physical standards are some what lower than the other services because their mission differs from the other services but their job is just as important.
Join the Navy if you want to get away and see the world and call you co-workers "shipmate". No really ask members on the forum why they joined.

Navy is slowly changing this...they are leaning more towards the Marine's way of promotion, and definatly changing the fitness part. Wich is for the better...a lot of ppl disagree though, because seriously, who needs to run a mile and a half? The biggest ship we have is only 3 football fields long :keke: (this was a joke). Yes, most people do call each other shipmate, or Shitmate if you are a dirtbag. Mostly we just call each other by our first names. There seems to be a lack of military bearing in the Navy that the Marines and Army have and I think the Navy should make this more of an issue and demand people call each other by rank and respect it.

Good post Hamlerda!

08-05-2006, 11:35 AM
Silvia Girl it's never too late to change branches ;), I think the AF holds their members to that higher professionalism standards due to the fact that we are taken very well care of. If anyone has any questions about the AF feel free to PM me. Again thanks to all those that serve. :bow:

08-05-2006, 03:11 PM
Good luck with whatever you do! Just make sure not to rush into anything you might regret later on.

08-05-2006, 03:30 PM
I wish I could join. I will explain later why I wasnt able to go into the Core.
I guess have fun and be careful.

08-05-2006, 05:22 PM
Dont be gay and join the NAVY or Chairforce...Go Infantry either ARMY or USMC...


08-05-2006, 07:34 PM
Dont be gay and join the NAVY or Chairforce...Go Infantry either ARMY or USMC...


Hahaha, go infantry and be a target in the middle east or war in general. No thanks :p

Silvia Girl it's never too late to change branches ;), I think the AF holds their members to that higher professionalism standards due to the fact that we are taken very well care of. If anyone has any questions about the AF feel free to PM me. Again thanks to all those that serve. :bow:

AF is extremly picky about who they allow in that was prior enlisted and what jobs they can do. My job, the airforce says that I am 'over qualified'.

08-05-2006, 07:39 PM
Dont be gay and join the NAVY or Chairforce...Go Infantry either ARMY or USMC...


Hahahaha.. where's Barry when you need him....

08-05-2006, 07:54 PM
I'm right here, how can I help you?

hamlerda has said pretty much everything that needed said. I think he hit the standard young Marine mentality on the head. Although, I've been here for 8 years now, and I'm never done proving myself, to myself. I love the challenge that the Marine Corps has put in front of me, and I have met everyone. Certainly other branches get better things, but as was once said...

"The Marine Corps has done so much, for so long, with so little...
They are now capable of doing ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, with NOTHING."

I am not naive enough to sit here and spout about how much "weaker" the other branches are compared to the Corps. I will simply say that we are all different. It's up to you to decide where you fit. We are all on the same team in the grand scheme of things. I knew that the Marine Corps was the only branch for me, plain and simple.

08-05-2006, 08:00 PM
C'mon Barry, you know you want to bust out with why you joined the USMC. It was because you wanted to be in the MEN'S DEPARTMENT. I still remember that, lol.

I still regret not joining the Marines after high school.

08-05-2006, 08:04 PM
Hahaha, that's a fun joke. But I honestly respect all the branches for what they do.

NAVY = Never Again Volunteer Yourself. :keke:
MARINE = Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential :rofl:

All in good fun.

08-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Of course, I respect all of them also, but what do I know, I'm not in any of them. How can you not respect anyone for being in the military, risking their lives each and every day for their country.

When I used to work for the Navy commissary, I got a new-found respect for our military.

08-05-2006, 08:37 PM
Become a Jarhead, go to foreign lands, meet foreign people and kill them..

08-06-2006, 04:25 PM
Thank you guys for all your helpful input. I'm still contimplating, it doesn't help that my girl here doesn't want me to go either. But in the end, this is something that I've gotta do for myself.

I'm leaning most towards air force, but I still have to talk to the recruiter yet. If they can't offer me a job as promising and interesting as the Navy, then I'll choose Navy over AF.