View Full Version : Prepackaged Sushi SUCKS!!!

08-03-2006, 02:47 PM
I just ate some sushi I bought at the NEX mini-mart. GROSS!!!!! The rice is all mushy and stuff and there aren't any distinct flavors. It's like it's just all been there together for too long. I hope I don't have to go to medical for this crap. :barf: I had some a this one sushi bar in Chicago and I loved it. I'll never eat packaged sushi again!

Anyone else eat sushi? I've had california rolls, spicy shrimp thing/roll, something with eel I think. I'll never do that one again. Too weird.

08-03-2006, 03:04 PM
well, who woulda thought mini mart sushi was good?

eat sushi alot. and only eat it fresh. best place is a busy place.

08-03-2006, 03:11 PM
I love sushi, just had it for lunch. i usually go to Kinokawa's in long beach. the best sushi ever. oh yeah and Teriyaki Hut in cypress is damn good too.
i usually get a spicy tuna roll, crunch roll, and some salmon sashimi.

08-03-2006, 03:11 PM
youre not eating real sushi if you buy it at a mini mart and eat the americano cooked shit...get some sake, maguro, hamachi, or uni...yes, i said uni; its definitely an acquired taste...

lesson learned...jet spray shit city...

08-03-2006, 03:12 PM
Never ever eat pre packaged mini mart sushi unless you want to get sick. the whole concept on shshi is that it is good fresh.

A Spec Products
08-03-2006, 03:15 PM
prepackaged sushi in japan kicks ass

like at the AM-PM and Family Marts in Japan...add a cold Pocari Sweat or Peach Water to that and its on!

but yeah, america doesnt know jack doo doo about making prepackaged sushi

its usually the rice which is the problem, they either dont flavor it right, or make it so mushy its like mochi rice

As far as sushi goes, I'll eat ANYTHING out of a japanese restaurant, don't matter its all g

Uni is the bomb

08-03-2006, 03:28 PM
I agree.. Prepackaged blows big time... I've only had it one time when it tasted decent.. The rest of the time it's just bland... I hate it and I will never buy it again unless my cravings are strong or if it's on sale..

If i want sushi I'll dish out the couple dollars extra and buy from a parlor

08-03-2006, 03:35 PM
I just ate some sushi I bought at the NEX mini-mart. GROSS!!!!! ......

Navy Exchange sushi? how is your stomach not rotten by now? packaged sushi is usually a okay, but getting it on base - you have a better chance at killing yourself in a game of russain roulette then finding good packaged sushi at nex.

since you're in SD check out Sushi on the Rock (one in PB or the one in Encinitas/Carlsbad) if you want to shell out some $ for a sushi bar. KAMPI BISHES!

08-03-2006, 03:40 PM
The pre-packaged sushi my friends usually get, the rice is always hard.

Fresh sushi is the way to go, as with any food.

Spider rolls for the win!

08-03-2006, 04:20 PM
kabuki i think has one of the best sushi's and is reasonably price for a sushi place, RAINBOW ROLL for the win friends...

08-03-2006, 04:28 PM
I go to Kabuki like once every 2 weeks. It's good to have a friend who works there.

Rainbow and spider rolls for the win!

08-03-2006, 04:48 PM
You really gotta eat it the same day its made, otherwise it gets exponentially worse by the day

08-03-2006, 05:07 PM
I go to Kabuki like once every 2 weeks. It's good to have a friend who works there.

Rainbow and spider rolls for the win!

Kabukis aight...I like crazy fish in west LA better.

Prepackaged onigiri sounds damn good right now too

08-03-2006, 06:05 PM
Yea Uni is good

Only eat it fresh I could of told you that :)

08-03-2006, 07:01 PM
I go to Kabuki like once every 2 weeks. It's good to have a friend who works there.

Rainbow and spider rolls for the win!

Kabuki is okay.
the one in cerritos though - OMG there were some hot girls working as the hostess! its been a while since i been there but there was this one girl....BYAAAH!

08-03-2006, 07:38 PM
The sushi from Costco has got to be the worst of em all :barf:

08-04-2006, 08:05 AM
I had some pre-packeged Sushi recently. It was not good. Never again.

Check this thread out...
5 pages of super sushi suggestions

08-04-2006, 08:22 AM
ha ha my brother...come visit me and the sushi is hours old...literally

08-04-2006, 08:36 AM
ha ha my brother...come visit me and the sushi is hours old...literally

Ok, you have a place for me to stay?:coold:

08-04-2006, 12:39 PM
Prepacked sushi is often steamed to avoid bacteria and has high fructose corn syrup and some other preservative/flavor enhancer stuff thrown in there as well. Gross. I worked at a sushi bar for 6 months until it closed down (frickin landlord), but that job had me sooooo spoiled. Free fresh sushi all the time and then from the kitchen as well. Two favorite things I have to recommend big time.
1) Sashimi Escolar with garlic sauce. Escloar is sometime called Albino Tuna. Get some of this from somewhere good and you will be soooo happy. I dont really know how to describe it beside amazing.
2) Not really sushi.......Teriyaki Salmon. So what? The best way to get this cooked is to have them make it rare, like way way way rare. I tell them when I order it to make it warm or "seared". Prepared as such, it is great.

I'm in San Francisco right now and you guys have awesome fish out here. Its surprising how fresh it is. I would like to say though, my boss did come into work one day with snapper that he caught a couple of hours before work and he cut it up and served us some. Fresh?....hah. He use to go deep sea fishing a lot as well and would literally catch a fish, kill it, then eat up. Crazy Japanese bastard..

08-04-2006, 01:36 PM
Fresh?....hah. He use to go deep sea fishing a lot as well and would literally catch a fish, kill it, then eat up. Crazy Japanese bastard..

We do that in Wisconsin all the time. Catch a gang of blue gills, scale'em and clean'em an hr later. Lightly batter in floor with a lil seasoning and pan fry. OH SNAP! That makes my mouth juicy...:rawk:

08-04-2006, 01:41 PM
Prepacked sushi is often steamed to avoid bacteria and has high fructose corn syrup and some other preservative/flavor enhancer stuff thrown in there as well. Gross.
Yeah, I hate when the put fake dressing on the rice cause the Rice wine vingar doesn't keep.

My cousin goes to Todai all the time. To bad they closed the one in Tampa... :rant:

08-04-2006, 03:31 PM
Mmm.. Todai. Too bad it's sorta expensive, good food though.

08-04-2006, 04:00 PM
Like $12 for lunch and if you cram enough in you can skip dinner.

08-04-2006, 04:02 PM
I never go there for lunch though, always dinner. Dinner's almost $20 a person, but I guess that's good compared to if you went to another sushi place, where you order the sushi by itself, instead of a buffet like Todai.

08-07-2006, 10:50 PM
We do that in Wisconsin all the time. Catch a gang of blue gills, scale'em and clean'em an hr later. Lightly batter in floor with a lil seasoning and pan fry. OH SNAP! That makes my mouth juicy...:rawk:

Thats the best in general, fresh fish. But I'm speaking literally still warm off the fish raw....
s14, come down to Sarasota sometime if you are in Tampa to eat/drink up after going to Bradenton Motorsports park for some draggin. The two sushi chefs of the place I worked at are opening there own places now. My former boss is opening a small place by himself that will specialise more lunch I believe and his former partner is opening a sake bar with all sorts of wild traditional and modern Japanese tid bits. He is going to make the rolls really small and cheaper so that way you can get more of a variety

08-08-2006, 03:16 PM
Thats the best in general, fresh fish. But I'm speaking literally still warm off the fish raw....

Oh... :eek3:

08-09-2006, 01:31 AM
Last time I ate prepackaged sushi, BOOOOOOM! I fucking broke out in hives.

go fresh or go to the hospital..

08-16-2006, 12:17 AM
Speaking of good sushi places.

Go to Sushi Mac off of Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks or Sumo Sushi off of Burbank Blvd in I believe Van Nuys.