View Full Version : Very Dangerous Open Minded Material - Read at your own Risk

08-03-2006, 12:42 AM
Ive finally had the courage to type this, and I tell you guys beware what your about to read, its something so obvious and its something that shows you the real strength of self-denial.....

The common member of this site is between the ages of 18-25 correct? What do we young adults do in our everyday life? How busy are we and just go on with our everyday lives.....Try to think back to the time you were born, now think before that. What were you? What was it? Pure blackness? Nothing? You didnt exist? Is this how it'll be when we die? What will become of us when we die? Are you really ready to die? What if you died tomorrow? Everything you feel everything you are you do, how will it be when you die? Eternal blackness? How will it be 1,000,000 years from now? We only live by present and we're in such denial of whats to become of us that we dont care. We just continue our everyday lives like itll last forever. I know Im not ready and can honestly say will not be ready until that thing that completely blind thing called faith, answers humanity's question of what the next world holds for us. We can only look forward to such a length that it ends at one point and we have no control of it what so ever. I get fucking scared at night when I think about this and I want to cry because theres nothing I can do about it. So Ive finally had the courage to share this with a community Im familiar with to see how people my age react or share my thoughts. Im sorry if Ive made you realize something that you havent before. But my denial isnt as strong at night as it is in the day. What can I do as a human being to accept the inevitable path we all face?

08-03-2006, 12:46 AM
you're drunk huh?

08-03-2006, 12:55 AM
No Im not drunk right now. I think but rarely, about this when I sleep. I realize that the only thing we have is the present. What else is there? How different is the past and the future? They both take place in your thoughts. Thinking about the future and thinking about the past, how different is it really? Remember when you were 5? How real it felt and how you were so caught in the moment of present time. Now look, you 18, 20, 26 years old. And that 5 year old is just a memory. How is it going to be when you 80. It'll go by like nothing. Then that day will come when your at old age remembering when you read this. Im scared about dying. Its the most real thing Ive ever thought of.

08-03-2006, 12:55 AM
:hahano: Probably stoned

08-03-2006, 01:04 AM
yes we all die, that is what we like to call the circle of life. people are born -> reproduce -> die.

im no phsycologist but i think you not afraid of dying but not being remebered after death. go to college take a philosophy class, they talk about the shit you think. i took it and that shit is a trip.

08-03-2006, 01:07 AM
What the fuck can you do? You do what ever the hell you want, you do it right, you do it often and you die happy.

You find your passions, you act upon them, don't give a crap what anyone says or does, and you make the most of each day. If you hold back, wether because you are afraid of what someone will say, afraid you'll be judged or afraid you'll die, well then you'll regret it later when no one says anything, no one judges you, and you die anyway.

Seriously. Everyone dies. Oh well. You know it's coming, all the more reason to be LESS afraid. The more afraid of death you are, the less you will live.

Horde your money, die with unspent fortune.
Live safely, live long, die regretting it.

I'm half asleep. But you should really smile at the thought of death, knowing it's your time to go, that your cycle has been completed, and that the legacy you leave behind is worth nothing if you didn't have a shit load of fun making it.


08-03-2006, 01:10 AM
i dont know what deal is
yeah if i think mgiht all be black be nothing i cant imagine that
so live your life to the fullest
enjoy yourself enjoy others enjoy everything
one day ill die. better to look on the good stuff i hope to do and will do then focus on that inevitible day.


08-03-2006, 01:13 AM
life sucks without a goal. your life would be more funner if you are pursuing a diffcult goal.

just like most of inerview question "what can you see yourself in five years?"

08-03-2006, 01:18 AM
Im sorry if Ive made you realize something that you havent before.

That's mighty presumptuous. Why worry about death? The only thing you should worry about is making the most of your time while you're alive. Make your parents proud, make your friends proud and most of all don't disappoint that 5 year-old you spoke of. He's still in there somewhere.

08-03-2006, 01:18 AM
Don't be scared of death, embrace it as your entry into rest. If you enjoy life and try to be positive life can be enjoyable. Dont sweat small things and become materialistic, just enjoy life because one day it will be over, which should make you a little more grateful to be alive.

08-03-2006, 01:31 AM
So you are afraid that when you die you will still 'exist', but you will be suspended in lonely darkness? Its funny, because i have the exact same thoughts. This may be due to the fact that i abandoned religion, and now i'm faced with this uncertainty. Also, i figured that without religion, everyone would have these questions, and that is why people chose to believe. I feel like they are in more denial than i am. This isn't about religion though.

If you are looking for closure, you won't find it until its your time. When i get these thoughts, i try to be rational. My mind is just a system of impulses, and information stored in some fleshy tissue, so when i die my body will decay and my brain will get wiped. If there is something else, it would be rational to think there is some process in place to recycle the 'soul'. Thats how i think. Sorry if my thought process offends you.

Either way, you need to control yourself somehow and maybe take your mind off these thoughts. I find that i think this way when i'm depressed, or my life has taken a dive for the worse.

08-03-2006, 01:39 AM
So you are afraid that when you die you will still 'exist', but you will be suspended in lonely darkness? Its funny, because i have the exact same thoughts. This may be due to the fact that i abandoned religion, and now i'm faced with this uncertainty. Also, i figured that without religion, everyone would have these questions, and that is why people chose to believe. I feel like they are in more denial than i am. This isn't about religion though.

If you are looking for closure, you won't find it until its your time. When i get these thoughts, i try to be rational. My mind is just a system of impulses, and information stored in some fleshy tissue, so when i die my body will decay and my brain will get wiped. If there is something else, it would be rational to think there is some process in place to recycle the 'soul'. Thats how i think. Sorry if my thought process offends you.

Either way, you need to control yourself somehow and maybe take your mind off these thoughts. I find that i think this way when i'm depressed, or my life has taken a dive for the worse.

I am not offended at all, and thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I too have suspended attending my religion, catholic, it somehow plays a roll in what I have posted. And I think it plays the roll of psychology for human beings, to keep society sane from dreading the day we die. But what I think I need is to go somewhere on this place (earth) somewhere spectacular and see the beauty of it. I think there I will find God, Im realizing I need to get out more and not be so confined in my little room recovering from my broken arm. Dont get me wrong, my broken arm isnt the cause of my thoughts, I have thought about this since I was 12, and when I first did my God was I scared. But eventually the events of everyday life keep us busy when religion fails. I hope to find answers one day, and I hope that all of you find them as well. I hope to find God

08-03-2006, 01:48 AM
how old are u, seriouly i thought about that when i was like 12, but i keep thinking about it once in a while and today i kinda got a solution:
we all gonna die, we just dont know when, where and how.
but before it comes, let do something that you really want to do, maybe u can have another 50 years to live, but if u choose to give up, this 50 years may shrink into 5
to me, i dun mind i die, i believe in Jesus Christ, i kind of curious what i gonna be like after i die.

08-03-2006, 02:18 AM
you have to think of what is life to accept death. the world exists in oppisets, there is no light without dark, up without down, heavy without light so why do you fear that simple oppiset to life. also you have to take in to consideration that we are more than the sum of our parts, you can have a lump of flesh, but a person is different. so whay don't you think that since there is obviously more to us, an energy mayhap, that it would have to come from and go to somewhere.

i am kind of a religious person, not really that way but try to be. i belive that there is more, everything in life points to it. sometimes it is easy to loose sight of the higher level of everything but from time to time you get a glimpse and realize that life is simply a play that we all are in and that since there is no way to know what will happen when you die for certainty, you should just embrace life and live every day as if you will never get the chance to again. because you won't.

death be as it may when the time comes i say welcome it and hope for something grand for a final act, or to be surrounded by loved ones. I find the idea of no death to be far more horrifying that dieing myself. like a day that never ends. the exhaustion alone not to mention watching everything and everyone you love swept away would be far more torture than anything i can imagine.

just my thought though.

08-03-2006, 02:26 AM
My friend always says this quote "If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do, and what are you waiting for?" I believe this is a good quote, because not one person is guaranteed to see the next day. Live life as if every day may be your last. No regrets, No fear, see as many things you can, and do the things you want etc. That would most likely allow you to live a happier more fulfilling life. 'Everything has an end'

08-03-2006, 02:28 AM
I find the idea of no death to be far more horrifying that dieing myself. like a day that never ends. the exhaustion alone not to mention watching everything and everyone you love swept away would be far more torture than anything i can imagine.

Exactly!!! You entered in another chapter of my thoughts! Why do you fear eternity in this life? What about eternity in the afterlife? If so it exists, and it is grand, do you SERIOUSLY want to live that grand life for eternity, that as well, scares the shit out of me. If only you guys could see how deep I think about this, you'd find yourself lost with no way out, to live or to die are both torturing thoughts of inevitability.

The Island
08-03-2006, 02:29 AM
It is scary to think of death. It is so easy to say to "live your life to the fullest", and "without any regrets". But, Is it just me, or is this impossible to do? How can you can possible act upon your every emotion, impulse, or whatever without being prevented by the possible consequences? For example, do really ask a girl out, or even for her phone number, without thinking twice?

Personally, I don't think about the future as much as I do the past. I remember how fun and easy it was to be young. To have no reponsibilities. To simply enjoy life. There was no drama. Everyone was your friend, even if you just met him/her. Life just gets more and more complicated each and every day. People aren't as open when they get older. Life gets so mundane, and you want to do something about it, but you can't because of the consequences. And, you are prevented by these consequences because of your ingrained thought processes and society.

I think the solution to this is just to keep busy. Work on your car more. It will keep you busy plus the end outcome of every little thing you do will make you happy.

08-03-2006, 02:34 AM
umm...the thing about all living organisms, is that you are born to reproduce. so...basically, you are living to pass on whatever special trait you have inhereted from your family. you pass it on to you kids, your kids evolve, and they pass on the evolved genes etc. circle of life, survival of the fittest. ALL living organisms do this, and this is what we were meant to do. we are just 'special' because we have developed this thing called thought and an imagination. we have 'evolved' from other living organsims, and this is what sets us apart. when you die, as we all, you will cease to exist. your body will decompose and all the nutrients/elements will be redispursed throughout the universe.
there is no such thing as an afterlife, i mean...if there was, why would there be life in the first place right? why should you have to be born, reproduce, live, die, just to become some immortal being? thats all fancy stuff made up by some guys 2000 years ago to explain why we are here. take philosophy, read this book called 'Republic' by plato. its a book depicting socrates, and its pretty friggin crazy. he talks about how if the gods were so great, and we should model our lives by them, then why does zeus run around chasing women when he has a wife? why do they have wars etc etc. he creates a 'perfect society' so to speak, and it still doesnt answer his questions. the man never found an answer even on his deathbed, and he was condemned to death for asking these very questions you ask right now. you want to learn about life, then read what great men before the time of jesus wrote. read what still captivises people today. yes, it is hard reading for some, but damn...it will teach you more than you ever have known about life.

08-03-2006, 02:39 AM


done and done...join the club of emos :bigok:

08-03-2006, 02:43 AM
umm...the thing about all living organisms, is that you are born to reproduce. so...basically, you are living to pass on whatever special trait you have inhereted from your family. you pass it on to you kids, your kids evolve, and they pass on the evolved genes etc. circle of life, survival of the fittest. ALL living organisms do this, and this is what we were meant to do. we are just 'special' because we have developed this thing called thought and an imagination. we have 'evolved' from other living organsims, and this is what sets us apart. when you die, as we all, you will cease to exist. your body will decompose and all the nutrients/elements will be redispursed throughout the universe.
there is no such thing as an afterlife, i mean...if there was, why would there be life in the first place right? why should you have to be born, reproduce, live, die, just to become some immortal being? thats all fancy stuff made up by some guys 2000 years ago to explain why we are here. take philosophy, read this book called 'Republic' by plato. its a book depicting socrates, and its pretty friggin crazy. he talks about how if the gods were so great, and we should model our lives by them, then why does zeus run around chasing women when he has a wife? why do they have wars etc etc. he creates a 'perfect society' so to speak, and it still doesnt answer his questions. the man never found an answer even on his deathbed, and he was condemned to death for asking these very questions you ask right now. you want to learn about life, then read what great men before the time of jesus wrote. read what still captivises people today. yes, it is hard reading for some, but damn...it will teach you more than you ever have known about life.

When written and explained perfectly like that, I wish I was never born I wish I was ignorant. Why was life given to me? Just so that in 100 years (maybe less) it could be taken away? I hate knowing, I hate thinking, I hate life for being so restricted. I hope the best for all of us honestly, there is no reason to just be born, walk your path, and die.

08-03-2006, 02:53 AM
the journey is the destination.

done and done.

also if there isn't a veary real chance of death at any moment, oyu are't liveing hard enuff

08-03-2006, 03:00 AM
um.... right... did that radiator cap incident give you a near death experience or something???

you should stop spending the time rambling on zilvia about your existance and what you wil become after death, and go live your life now in the present.

you cant change whats done in the past, but you can take different paths in life right now to lead you to a better future...

do you really want your life to consist of always fearing the future? if you do then go for it, cus i sure as hell dont. Have a goal in life, if you cant think of one, go back to school, education will never harm you, only help you.

08-03-2006, 03:03 AM
i can relate so i say, keep on with it man. If you dont have anythign ot ponder, life isnt worth it!!

08-03-2006, 03:09 AM
sorry, didnt mean to rain on your parade about thinking about life. but scientifically, yes, you are born to reproduce, and you die. thats it. if you are religious, then you have something to believe in. i wasnt raised religious, so i dont bother hoping that every good deed i do, someone is looking upon me and letting me in the gates of heaven. look at the jehova's wittness faction, they believe that there is a predetermined number of people going to heaven? why live your life just to please some guy to TRY to get into a place that might be full? lol.

life was not 'given' to you. there arent tickets being handed out for who gets born next. YOU my friend, as we all are, are an organism. it is YOUR job, to see that you reproduce. we were once other things, like single cell organisms, and bacterias, and pieces of hydrogen and helium (the universe is made up of like 80% hydrogen/helium iirc.)
think about this, if there is a god, then who created HIM? and why did he get the special powers to create the universe/people and all living things? if he is so great, why is there hatred in the world? why do bad things happen to you? why cant we all get along? why does the cop pick on YOU and not the other guy that flew passed you doing 100 mph, yet the cop pulls you over and gives you a ticket doing 75mph just because you drive a lowered car with rims and an exhaust? WWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYY?????? ask yourself this. ask yourself if god is so great, why doesnt he show himself, and why doesnt HE rule the world? if he is so great why did he pit isaac to kill abraham? lol im rambling. but everybody can think what they want about what is going to happen when they die. for me? im going to be buried/creamated and people are going to cry over my dead body/ashes. and i will cease to exist. do what you can in life, and always think about how to provide better for the next generation, and eventually you will mutate and the xmen will form.

08-03-2006, 03:11 AM
exactly! why live a life fearing death, when no one has control over it. Just live a happy life. [quote]It is scary to think of death. It is so easy to say to "live your life to the fullest", and "without any regrets". But, Is it just me, or is this impossible to do? How can you can possible act upon your every emotion, impulse, or whatever without being prevented by the possible consequences? For example, do really ask a girl out, or even for her phone number, without thinking twice? [quote]

I don’t believe this is impossible I also do not believe a person can act on EVERY single impulse, etc but for example why should you be scared to ask a girl for her number knowing one day you will be dead? Shouldn’t that make you want to ask her even more?

08-03-2006, 03:19 AM
Haha. I was thinking his "live now" was kinda contradictory.

If we all had that mindset, there would be no Zilvia.

No Zilvia = No Life.

08-03-2006, 03:23 AM
um.... right... did that radiator cap incident give you a near death experience or something???

Hahaha, nah. Ive been thinking about this since it first came to my mind at age 12. Everything you guys are saying is true, but Im hoping my humanity kicks in and gets tired of being scared. Ill admit Ive had some times where I didnt care about dying, I was just so fed up with life, and its amazing because you ask, how the fuck could someone under the age of 20 think like that? Well its good to see that most of you people take life head on and dont give a fuck. Thanks for all your inputs

p.s fucking cap, cap 1 me 0

08-03-2006, 06:13 AM
if you live life in fear of death, you're not really doing much living at all. For the religious, the questions you put forward have answers in faith. I personally am not very religious, but simply accept the circle of life, what is is, and will always be, why cry over something you have no control over? Enjoy your life while you have the chance, don't be 80 and old and gray and wish you had spent your life doing more than you did.

08-03-2006, 06:44 AM
Its cool that you are typeing this kind of stuff out, everyone thinks deeply once in a while. But never let the world know because there are always someone to disagree with you.

The way i think is, im just living my life like...its my life. Nothing is holding me back from being myself and doing what i want but money. And being pretty much a non religious persion because i think its just a waste of your time, i think once you die...you die. There is no heaven or hell. And i think people that are too deep into religion is retarded because they are letting their belif hold them back from having fun, but rather worry about doing good to make their so called god happy. And im ready for death, if i die atleast i will die happy but will be sad because i dont get to see the people i love anymore. But hey, who said life is fair?

08-03-2006, 06:52 AM
Ok so I get to be the one. I belive in god and the bible.I also fear death. Who wants to die? To all of you who say they don't fear death, I'd like to see you when put in a life threatning situeation, you will be afraid. Anyway, I love my life, it is hard, I have alot of worry and responsibelities which comes with life, but I love the goodtimes I do have. I am not ready to get old or give it up. I will not get old gracefully!!! I know that what ever I get in this life will go to someone else after i die, so I live for the now and prepare for the after.

08-03-2006, 08:55 AM
Ok so I get to be the one. I belive in God and the Bible.I also fear death. Who wants to die? To all of you who say they don't fear death, I'd like to see you when put in a life threatning situeation, you will be afraid.
+1 on this. I will post my beliefs on this later when I have the time, b/c today is family day!!!(no sarcasm intended) Family day > posting on Zilvia, any day

Fred Allen Burge
08-03-2006, 09:22 AM
What can I do as a human being to accept the inevitable path we all face?

I'm a christian and I believe that if you ask Jesus Christ to come and live inside you and be your Lord and Savior that he will and that he wants to give you a future beyond this life. I believe that Jesus is real and that he lives in my heart, sees what I see, hears what I hear and goes where I go. I try to live life remembering that he is with me and I try to act and do things as if he was literally standing right beside me. I don't fear death because I know that when I die I'll instantly be with him in heaven, because that's what he said would happen in the Bible.

These are the things I believe.


08-03-2006, 10:36 AM
I'm a Christian and I believe that if you ask Jesus Christ to come and live inside you and be your Lord and Savior that he will and that he wants to give you a future beyond this life. I believe that Jesus is real and that he lives in my heart, sees what I see, hears what I hear and goes where I go. I try to live life remembering that he is with me and I try to act and do things as if he was literally standing right beside me. I don't fear death because I know that when I die I'll instantly be with him in heaven, because that's what he said would happen in the Bible.

These are the things I believe.


Amen brother! I'm also Christian, and I try to act that way, but it's so hard nowadays, but yet I strive to do so. I believe in a heaven and hell, and I believe that only you can choose where you're going to go after you die.

Those are my beliefs, so I don't want any of you coming in and saying otherwise. Arguing about religion is worthless. All you can do is live your life the way you want to, and in the way you were meant to live it. You choose the path and the destination. I know for a fact that when I die, I'm going to a better place.

My $0.02 :rawk:

By the way, your thread title wording "open-minded" feels out of place in a discussion like this. Most people already have a strong opinion about this kind of stuff, so it's hard to be open-minded about it.

08-03-2006, 10:48 AM
Ok here it goes…

We are just a complex collection of atoms that just so happened to form in such a way and interact with its surroundings to lead us to where we are today. Can you believe the odds?

Sometimes the feeling of wanting answers is significant and other times not as significant. The times of day play a big role in this phenomenon. When you’re outside playing in the sun do you ever get anxiety and start thinking? Probably not but when you’re in a dark room by yourself tired then the brain starts going if you let it. It’s all a bunch of chemical reactions to the inputs (light, temperature, etc.) your body gets from its environment.

Finding the chemical balance to your body is the hardest part. Exercising seems to release chemicals to stabilize the mind and fight against depression. There are many people who have no money but are the happiest people in the world and yet some people think money will solve all their problems (like me). I know the scientific answer is not always the most sympathetic but it’s all up to the way your brain is setup to deal with the facts. Genes play a big part also; some people will just have a hard time in life just because their program is a little off. Good luck to us all.

The way society is setup is counterintuitive to the human psyche. People who are born with money have a huge advantage. A little relevant history…

Brooks Adams (1848 - 1927), was an American historian and a critic of capitalism. He believed that commercial civilizations rise and fall in predictable cycles. First, masses of people draw together in large population centers and engage in commercial activities. As their desire for wealth grows, they discard spiritual and creative values. Their greed leads to distrust and dishonesty, and eventually the society crumbles. In The Law of Civilization and Decay (1895), Adams noted that as new population centers emerged in the west, centers of world trade shifted from Constantinople to Venice to Amsterdam to London. He predicted in America's Economic Supremacy (1900) that New York would become the world trade center.

BTW stay away from Class A drugs and discussions about existence as your mind will suffer in the long run. It's a weird feeling having the universe figured out.

Disclaimer: What you have just read is only my opinion. Please don't take it to heart. I could be wrong.

Fred Allen Burge
08-03-2006, 11:03 AM
[QUOTE=AkademikONE]Amen brother! I'm also Christian, and I try to act that way, but it's so hard nowadays, but yet I strive to do so.QUOTE]

It is tough, especially for someone in our demographic, it feels like our whole society is geared toward temptation and self gratification... oh wait, it is! It's hard to live the christian life but remembering that Jesus is right there inside you all the time makes it easier to avoid temptation. I've been thinking a lot about that in the last few days after reading a booklet called "My heart - Christ's home" by Robert Boyd Munger. If you get a chance and can find it you should read it, very helpful for me.


08-03-2006, 11:55 AM
When in doubt, ask Google http://www.google.com/search?q=the+answer+to+life%2C+the+universe%2C+and +everything&btnG=Search

08-03-2006, 12:16 PM
Ok so I get to be the one. I belive in god and the bible.I also fear death. Who wants to die? To all of you who say they don't fear death, I'd like to see you when put in a life threatning situeation, you will be afraid.

of course you'll be scared if your staring death in the face, but you shouldn't be on a daily basis.

anyway, I do think about it pretty often. One of my friends is now terminally ill and has about 2 years left. I've found, that you run into problems if you think too much about either the past or future. Not that you should just dismiss them completely, but know when it's too much. About 2 years ago when one of my friends died, his friends at his other school had said he was doing things in a way that almost seemed like he knew his time was short, so he was making peace with people and those kind of things. His death was totally unpredicted, but it was like he was ready because of all the things he had 'sorted out' before hand. Anyway, I brought that up because you said if you were to go tomorrow, you wouldnt be ready. I guess it pays to have those kind of things taken care of, because you never know what can happen.

08-03-2006, 12:17 PM
Ok so I get to be the one. I belive in God and the Bible.I also fear death. Who wants to die? To all of you who say they don't fear death, I'd like to see you when put in a life threatning situeation, you will be afraid.

i have and i wasnt afraid.

08-03-2006, 12:53 PM
i have and i wasnt afraid.

+1 come to terms with it before hand and then the last thought through your head won't be "oh shit oh shit oh shit"

08-03-2006, 01:14 PM
You want a complete mind fuck?

Do you exist?

Maybe you exist, and the rest of us are just biological computer simulations created for your amusement. I know matrix but Read this. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_in_a_vat) Brain in a vat. Scary.

Or maybe we are a bi-product of some extremely advanced civilizations technology, and we are just biological computers. Can you prove we aren't? And if we are how was this advance civilization created?

Brian Greene "the past is as real as the present"

Do we even have a "present"? All that we see, everything that we feel and touch, could they be considered as history? For example, assuming it takes 0.1s for the brain to receive signal that you are touching a hot plate, then that instance that you felt the burn, it is already a "history" that happenbed 0.1s ago. Another one, you are thinking. But how can you tell that it is actually present? It could be just a memory of the past, one that happened less than a second ago. Every single though that we have are considered past. So does that mean that there is a past and future, but no present.

Hawkings once asked "why can we remeber the past but not the future?" Maybe it's because we experience the flow of time in one direction.

What Hawking came to was that we will always experience time in the same direction that entropy increases because our brains become more ordered by creating disorder in the universe. He gives the example of a computer because we know how they work much more than brains. In order for a computer to "remember" something it has to write it to its harddrive, which takes energy. The amount of order lost in the universe from the energy needed for a computer to add something to memory is greater than the amount of order gained within the local system of the computer (to get energy for the computer we have to burn fossil fuels, etc)--therefore anytime you want to "order" something you must increase the total "disorder" of the universe as a whole by more. So for us to order our brains with new information, we have to use up energy and decrease the order of the universe as a whole, so we will always experience time in the same direction in which entropy increases.

Hawking goes on to say that if entropy decreased as time moved on, and somehow intelligent beings were here to witness it, although they would hypothetically "see" everything happening in reverse (broken cups jumping back up on tables), they would remember the future and not the past. So when the cup was broken on the floor they would remember when it was on the table, but after it assembled and jumped onto the table, they wouldn't remember it having been on the floor; thus they would still be "experiencing" time in the opposite direction from that in which entropy decreases (ie: they will experience time just like us, as entropy increases, they'll remember more).

Think about the concept of time. I'm not talking about clocks and how we humans keep track of daily like. I mean "TIME". Look up and see the night sky .....its the past. Or is it?

Philosophy of Determinism. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinism)

Do we really have Free Will? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will)

Do we have a soul?

Do we have alternate universes?

Do you ever notice sometimes things happen the way you wanted them to happen? Yeah but what about the times things didn't happen the way you wanted them. Maybe in your sub consious you actually wanted to fail. Maybe we do have full control of our destiny but our creator has block this function. Maybe sometimes we can access this function. Who knows.

Have you ever had Déj* Vu? I had this once on a trip to germany when I was 9. Kinda freaky. Maybe this is proof of reincarnation.

Quantum mechanics. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics)

String theory. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory)

Read these books if you want a mind fuck.

The Fabric of the Cosmos (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0375727205/qid=1117681540/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-1964840-2608706?n=507846&s=books&v=glance)

The Elegant Universe (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0375708111/ref=pd_bxgy_text_b/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

Origin of Species (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0517123207/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-1964840-2608706?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155)

The Selfish Gene (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0199291152/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-1964840-2608706?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155)

A Briefer History of Time (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553804367/ref=pd_bxgy_text_b/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

The Existence of God (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0199271682/ref=pd_bxgy_text_b/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0195165993/ref=cm_lm_fullview_prod_15/104-1964840-2608706?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155)

Beyond Death (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1592445098/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-1964840-2608706?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155)

The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0743203259/ref=pd_bxgy_text_b/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

The Science of God (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/076790303X/sr=1-9/qid=1154631156/ref=sr_1_9/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8&s=books)

A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0742511677/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-1964840-2608706?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155)

The Wonder of the World: A Journey from Modern Science to the Mind of God (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0972347313/ref=pd_sim_b_3/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

Genesis and the Big Bang Theory: The Discovery Of Harmony Between Modern Science And The Bible (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553354132/ref=pd_sim_b_3/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

God at the Speed of Light (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0876044399/ref=pd_sim_b_4/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

The Wonder of the World: A Journey from Modern Science to the Mind of God (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0972347313/ref=pd_sim_b_4/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

Beyond the Cosmos (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1576831124/ref=pd_sim_b_5/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

Origins of Life (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1576833445/ref=pd_sim_b_5/104-1964840-2608706?ie=UTF8)

I came so close to not clicking on this thread. I thought it was going to be somthing totally different. lol

BTW has anyone read the tale Man in the Black Suit by Stephen King?

*Spoiler* Read the short tale first.


The boy in the story meets the devil in the woods.

How would this change the way you live the rest of your life?

08-03-2006, 02:18 PM
^^^I've read a lot of that material and yes it's all a total mind fuck.

I almost saw Brian Greene in Pittsburgh.

Kurzweil is another interesting individual. KurzweilAI (http://www.kurzweilai.net/index.html?flash=1)

Also...Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay. lol

Ask your philosophy teachers what they believe in.

08-03-2006, 02:52 PM
Think about the concept of time. I'm not talking about clocks and how we humans keep track of daily like. I mean "TIME". Look up and see the night sky .....its the past. Or is it?

its funny because I do think about time like that. For insistance, why do we live by seconds, minutes, hours, days? If time was layed out, sretched out, its infinite. Right in the middle are say, the seconds, so to its left of it are the minutes hours days etc and to its right are the miliseconds etc. Who chose for us to live on this section of time? Like I said before my depth of these thoughts are so deep. But its day time now so its time to be normal! lol Ill add more at night, good day to you!

08-03-2006, 05:22 PM
I had a similar ephiphany at the age of 9
Parents came here when I was 4
I grew up with my grandmother and 2 brothers in Cetral America
which is 99% percent catholic.
Grandmother would listen to religious shows on the radio -
"sinners will be burned" "repent or else" etc, etc.. use to freak me out
I started thinking about God, life and meaning of it all but felt blasphemous
for having these thoughts
It was only until College years later that I came to grips with it all and
felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Was one of the
happiest days of my life.
Realized Religion and God were mere human constructs used to face that
which we don't know and scare us and most often
used to rationalize/justify our hate and crimes
We are just bleeps in the flow of time, no more
significant than a fleas in overall scheme of things.
We are a form of energy, energy never ceases to exist
only it's form changes. That's where the connection or
'spirituality' that we feel comes from.
That's a far better alternative for me than a heaven or a

Living for the moment is great but also don't forget to
live for those you love.
I lost my mother a few months ago and my only regret in
life was not spending more time with her.

Just how I feel about things myself, nobody take offense.

edit - I've read a few of those books and was a Physics major in college.
Quantum Mechanics is a trip far more interesting in it's implications than
anything I've read in the bible.

08-03-2006, 05:28 PM
Realized Religion and God were mere human constructs used to face that
which we don't know and scare us and most often
used to rationalize/justify our hate and crimes

perfect <3.

you nailed it.

Omarius Maximus
08-03-2006, 08:44 PM
I've had several panic attacks where I thought my death was emminent, and came to terms with dying in a matter of seconds...., I think ultimately thats what will happen to every human being if their conscious before they die.

Also, I believe that after you die, you cease to exist. In fact you can almost relate it to sleep. BUT what some people seem to disregard is when you sleep, you have no concept of time. So when you die, the moment you are no longer conscious, trillions of years pass and the universe collapses and shit starts all over.
I was an atheist for a while until I realized that science is a belief, just like religion. Its all about falsifiability. But after lots of philosophising, I've realized that god does exist, it just doesn't fit the discription of any organized religion.

08-03-2006, 08:57 PM
^ so why call 'it' god? just curious
I believe there's an order to the universe
symmetry after all is everywhere in nature
but I don't attribute it to an omnipotent being.

I've had a couple of experiences where I thought
I would die but I reacted different: I panicked.
Got pulled by a current into the ocean once and
had a couple of hard slams (basketball and skateboarding)
where I couldn't breath after landing on my tail bone.
It just made me savor being alive.

08-03-2006, 09:50 PM
I’d really like to know how many of you are coming to your ends, as denouncing Christian thought, which has stood its ground for a number of centuries, seems to call for more than an unlearned subjective reasoning.

To the original poster: don’t be so overwhelmed with all the questions, being that they’re all, relatively, simple and have tons of stuff written on them--save the crisis for later in your study. But really though, do any of you guys read? The questions, the conclusions, the hypothesizing--all have already been done; now, it’s just a matter of picking up a book and realizing you don’t know it all, or any of it for that matter.

But, of course, if you feel that you already know what’s up, feeling entitled to your own end, free and independent, go, continue on in your little vacuum tube--I’m enjoying the laugh.

You’d all seem to be interested in the modern stuff, so check out Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Hegel, Hume and Sartre; existence/ontology, go Decartes for starters, “Cogito ergo sum”; Christianity, James White, Van Till, Lewis; AND if you don’t like reading, check out the movie Waking Life (brief overview of a number of philosophies).

08-03-2006, 10:57 PM

Whoa, what's that girl sucking on? :eek3:

Omarius Maximus
08-03-2006, 11:39 PM
^ so why call 'it' god? just curious
I believe there's an order to the universe
symmetry after all is everywhere in nature
but I don't attribute it to an omnipotent being.

I've had a couple of experiences where I thought
I would die but I reacted different: I panicked.
Got pulled by a current into the ocean once and
had a couple of hard slams (basketball and skateboarding)
where I couldn't breath after landing on my tail bone.
It just made me savor being alive.

I guess I call "it" god out of a bad habit, but my definition for "it" is in line with yours haha.

Also, every possible scenario has been covered by philosophers of the past, but it just feels nicer when you come up with something original (to yourself) without referring to somebody who had the same thought 500 years ago.

08-04-2006, 12:37 AM
Also, every possible scenario has been covered by philosophers of the past, but it just feels nicer when you come up with something original (to yourself) without referring to somebody who had the same thought 500 years ago.

Well then I say one's merely wasting life. I mean who wants to figure out electricity, the printing press, the airplane all over again? You're suppposed build on history, progress. Striving for romantic notions of origniality and profundity should be outgrown. Again, living in a little egocentric box is possible, and even popular, but, again, I laugh.

08-04-2006, 05:18 AM
Do you like to read? I suggest "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.

Carlos Doria

08-04-2006, 08:47 AM
Again, living in a little egocentric box is possible, and even popular, but, again, I laugh.

If everything has been thought out and written about
why bother with thinking and coming to your own conclusions?
The original poster sounds young and starting out on his
quest for knowledge probably in his early 20s, whereas you sound like you've been at it for some time.

08-04-2006, 03:40 PM
If everything has been thought out and written about
why bother with thinking and coming to your own conclusions?

Well that's exactly my point, to a degree, insofar as one would not fly an airplane without training or become a surgeon without going to medical school; one should not reach a conclusion without considering what's been already thought and written about. Granted, it's possible to do so, but then he'd be the guy claiming to be a surgeon merely because he knew how to cut: just because you can think doesn't entitle you to a rational end.

And true, I have been at this for some time, but age shouldn't be an excuse--I'm 20.

08-04-2006, 03:43 PM
If everything has been thought out and written about
why bother with thinking and coming to your own conclusions?
The original poster sounds young and starting out on his
quest for knowledge probably in his early 20s, whereas you sound like you've been at it for some time.

O_o 20 to be exact! I guess I am starting, at the same time Im trying to learn to cope with reality. This is so fucked, Ive never emphasized so much on dying before I dont know why I am now. For the past week I haven't seen anything the same anymore. I see everything with such confusion and ask myself wtf is the point to all of this? I feel like trying and like giving up, I don't know. Its also kind of fucked because my arm is still broken and I cant go out and work on my car or enjoy driving a manual tranmission car. I'm hoping my young adult self stops caring about death and says fuck it, whatever happens happens.

Omarius Maximus
08-04-2006, 03:50 PM
Well that's exactly my point, to a degree, insofar as one would not fly an airplane without training or become a surgeon without going to medical school; one should not reach a conclusion without considering what's been already thought and written about. Granted, it's possible to do so, but then he'd be the guy claiming to be a surgeon merely because he knew how to cut: just because you can think doesn't entitle you to a rational end.

And true, I have been at this for some time, but age shouldn't be an excuse--I'm 20.

Your analogies are a little off, your comparing practical sciences that are applied in everyday life to philosophy which is inapplicable. You do not need a knowledge of philosopy to undertake a certain action. You need years of training to become a surgeon, you need years of training in philosophy to do what?
What it boils down to is a system of beliefs. Philosophy is a bunch of peoples contrived belief systems that explain why and how a person should live. As great as they may be, why would you need Socrates, Plato and Aristotle to explain or validate your existence? Although I understand your argument, your ultimately saying that your system of beliefs is better than another persons system of beliefs because you have studied a famous persons system of beliefs.
There are people out there who will never know Descartes or Sartre, are you saying your beliefs are better than theirs and if so, how does this apply in the real world? Can one belief actually be better than another?

Also, everyone is a philosopher to a certain respect. They may not make a living out of it, but everyone has deep thoughts at some point or another. Who are we to say that Kant, or Marx, or Aquinas were the originators of their respective philosophies? They are the most widely known, but can anyone say for certain, in humanities long history that some other dude hadn't already thought that crap up?

In the end, this is all pretentious BS. Even the simplist concept coming from the most ignorant of people is no different from the most complex and well thought out beliefs, because a belief is a belief. If you spontaniously came up with it one day not knowing somebody else had already thought it up, then the more power to you.

08-04-2006, 04:18 PM
I was not looking for such a literal connection; hence, there being two instances (maybe 3, 4, or 5 more would have made it more clear?). I was simply trying to get across the idea that one needs to have a background before coming to a sensible conclusion (not merely just philosophizing). This, because many in this thread seem to reach their own end independent of historic finding, making thier journey seem overwhelming, which would cause the perceived angst. Just trying to show that this is not new territory, that there are various avenues and, therefore, no reason for trouble, yet ;).

08-04-2006, 05:01 PM
you try too hard sometimes.

08-04-2006, 05:25 PM
you try too hard sometimes.



Omarius Maximus
08-04-2006, 05:27 PM
O_o 20 to be exact! I guess I am starting, at the same time Im trying to learn to cope with reality. This is so fucked, Ive never emphasized so much on dying before I dont know why I am now. For the past week I haven't seen anything the same anymore. I see everything with such confusion and ask myself wtf is the point to all of this? I feel like trying and like giving up, I don't know. Its also kind of fucked because my arm is still broken and I cant go out and work on my car or enjoy driving a manual tranmission car. I'm hoping my young adult self stops caring about death and says fuck it, whatever happens happens.

Believe it or not, its not the end of the world. Its widely known that people in their late teenage years tend to be more depressed and stuff. Just give it a couple of years and you'll be thinking cup half full. Its just how your brain is working right now, all you can see is the negative, regardless of how much positive is out there. Been there, done that.

Omarius Maximus
08-04-2006, 05:30 PM
I was not looking for such a literal connection; hence, there being two instances (maybe 3, 4, or 5 more would have made it more clear?). I was simply trying to get across the idea that one needs to have a background before coming to a sensible conclusion (not merely just philosophizing). This, because many in this thread seem to reach their own end independent of historic finding, making thier journey seem overwhelming, which would cause the perceived angst. Just trying to show that this is not new territory, that there are various avenues and, therefore, no reason for trouble, yet ;).

But thats the way the world works. People slowly forget the lessons of the past, many are ignorant to them.

steve shadows
08-04-2006, 05:55 PM
like is like a giant hemroid belching shit that you never wanted to push all the way out and eventually your going to have to get off the toilet put down newsweek and wipe your ass and die. :coold:

sieze the freakin day man, have as many threesomes as possible:rawk:

08-04-2006, 05:59 PM
sieze the freakin day man, have as many threesomes as possible:rawk:

haha ive only had one =( and it was only a french kiss....and now im practically married =P

08-04-2006, 06:01 PM
Life's a garden; dig it.

Drugs, Sex, Rock n' Roll.

steve shadows
08-04-2006, 06:02 PM
Life's a garden; dig it.

Drugs, Sex, Rock n' Roll.

this kid is emo

really emo:barf: :duh:

drive really fast downhill on crack

live life to the fullest

08-04-2006, 07:06 PM
. i wasnt raised religious, so i dont bother hoping that every good deed i do, someone is looking upon me and letting me in the gates of heaven. look at the jehova's wittness faction, they believe that there is a predetermined number of people going to heaven? why live your life just to please some guy to TRY to get into a place that might be full? lol.

why do so many non-religious people use examples that portray a very small portion of reliigious people? There are so many different religions and variations of these religions that IMO no single one can be 100% correct, BUT if you open your mind to them and apply just a little to your every day life. A lot of religious people are very closed minded about other points of view and I think that hurts us as all as a whole. But realize, if you're thinking "thats totally absurd" , that god or allah or whatever higher power there is designed you to think for your own and find your own path through life. In the end what you believe and what you don't believe is up to you, but don't think that every Jehovah's witness thinks everybody else is going to hell, don't think that all muslims are going to blow you up and don't think that all catholic priests are pedophiles. There is an answer to everything and it usually lies somewhere between the most extreme points of view.

08-04-2006, 10:50 PM
double post damn internet

08-04-2006, 10:50 PM
I just think we should live how we want to live and if there is a GOD, he will judge us later. Dont fear death or the afterlife (if there is one) since it will only stop you from doing what you want to do. Life is Life. As long as you enjoy it now. Live in the moment and dont think about what the afterlife will hold for you.

Now im not going to say which religion is right and which is wrong because i do not know for a fact. Like stated above, i think religion was created from the fear of death and what it could bring. Im not saying live life doing bad things. We all know what is right and wrong. Just be happy with life because you ONLY LIVE ONCE!

If you ponder about what ifs and what nots, it will only exhaust ur mind and take away from the joy of just LIVING! So go out to the club, get tipsy, flirt with the girls, get laid (strap up), and ENJOY LIFE!

You'll never know when it will end so make the best out of the time you have!

08-05-2006, 04:12 AM
So go out:

to the club
get tipsy
flirt with the girls
get laid (strap up)

to the club CHECK!
get tipsy CHECK!
flirt with the girls CHECK!
get laid (strap-up) *whistling*

08-05-2006, 06:15 AM
Wow some of you guys think way to hard about life......

Your just making it way to hard on yourself....

I must say that there is some very interesting info. here, now i have to read it all...

I had a buddy that freaked out because he over thought about everythig, now he is a scitzo...Whoooooo acid,X,meth and raves in JR high are not good for you..


08-05-2006, 12:32 PM
very interesting topic. i first had scary thought about death one evening at home with my parents when i was about 10-11 i think. after a day at school learning about world wars 1 & 2, and anne frank, the evening news states that desert storm has just jumped off. i suddenly had a overwhelming feeling of fear and told my mom "why are we having a war, they kill people, don't want to die". she assured me i was not going to die because of desert storm and i eventually calmed down. over time, now at 26 years old, i don't really have extreme fears of death. i now really have more of a fear of wasting the time on earth i do have rather than the fact that it will eventually run out. i actively try to make sure i'm spending time with my friends and family, enjoying them, loving them, not wasting too much time on the petty stuff. i have the realization that i do want children. which works out perfect since as an organism, it's my job, lol. anyway, i do consider myself a religious person, and i believe in a god, higher power, however u want to quantify it. i try to be a good person because i don't think u can loose doing that whether u believe in religion or not. if anything it can enhance the time u have on earth with acquaintances and have a good impact on experiences, fellowship if u will. my belief overall about this has been stated, don't sweat dying so much, live your life and enjoy the blessing for what it is. eventually u will get the answer, so don't spend your life trying to come to the great conclusion, because it's not gonna stop it from happening or something(death that is). for the science-heads that have a totally rational scientific explanation for life, existence, denouncement of religion, etc., your in the same boat. as was stated before, your believe in science to rationalize this stuff is a belief u have chose to have. science is cool, i enjoy the concepts and theories, but generally, putting so much stock in what another human pondered is the same as a jesus freak putting so much into what another human preached to them or wrote in a book. all i'm saying basically is that everyone will of course have diffrent outlooks on this topic, but at the end of the day, what u do know is that here, now, whether u are a brain in a vat, a figment of someones imagination, a reflection of gods image, u are in this situation and u should enjoy it as best u can. if that means falling in love with the woman(or man) of your dreams, working on cars nonstop, spending time with your family, etc. go for it. at the end of the day, we only know this "will" come to an end, is exactly "whY" it will so important as to spend this time driving yourself batty about it?

circle of life group hug? :hug: anyone can get in on it:rawk:

08-05-2006, 03:33 PM
Do what you want. You only live once. Live but dont throw life away.

08-05-2006, 04:37 PM
I don't think this is a fear, but it just bugs me that there is nothing you can do that will matter. I mean, everything is just gonna keep on keepin on after me, just like it did before me. How can you waste the time you have on this earth if all of it really is just a big waste? It only bothers me when I think of it that way though. All I can do is do what I can.

08-05-2006, 04:53 PM
there is a God. why else are we here. i dont believe we simply evolved from simple organisms in the sea. i am a Christian but am currently uncertain if this is the correct religion to persue. We all have uncertainties. How do we know which religion is the best for us? How are we sure the one religion we choose to be a part of is in fact the truth. it still baffles me how people truly take their religions seriously. Serious enough to kill others over it their bveliefs. the crazy shit that is going on in Isreal is just one example. i believe that everything happens for a reason and that we are compelled to do only things that have already been thought out. i believe God controls everything. While we do have free will to do whatever we want we dont have complete control of what happens to us. The bible teaches that we are on this earth to serve the God. By helping out at homeless shelters or giving to the poor we are serving God. to serve others, to help others, to show love and care to others is all serving God...in one way or another.this is one way to have true happiness and a feeling of self worth. this is also a reason i believe many people feel happy after they have help another out.

As for life after death, i believe that a heaven and hell exists. there is a God and there is a Satan. these are some things i strongly belive in...it is relatively easy to go to heaven after death. All that God asks of us is to believe in him and his son Jesus Christ. IF we believe that Jesue died on the cross for the sins of this world we will be given the gift of everlasting life. When those who truly accept God as their savior will go to heaven after death. it doesnt matter how bad you fuck up on this earth. anything you do ...it doesnt matter. God is forgiving. i know this might sound crazy to some and im not trying to cram religion down anyones throats. this is simply what i believe in. my mind, body, and soul stay at peace knowing this . beliveing this. believing there is a God. i know this is far out but it is faith that makes me believe. faith in God protects me :)

im sry this was a little long but this was a real interesting topic and i thought id share my beliefs. thanks for reading :)


08-05-2006, 05:00 PM
Preach on.

08-05-2006, 06:41 PM
Hey I was talking to my parents about this awhile ago while I was driving them to a corn festival...I was trying t oexplain to them why there is a god...(Universal god...not God). I said that there has to be someone who wasn't created. That there has to be a prime mover of all things. It doesn't matter if you call him/her, Him, God, Jesus, Allah...or whatever. He is the prime mover and the beginning of all things.


I'm a Roman Catholic.

I always try to live like it's my last day. Always thanking people how much they mean to me and always trying my best.

Then I realize I still have to finish my favorite car in the garage...the 240. I CANNOT DIE YET. NOT YET. Hehehe.

08-06-2006, 03:52 AM
It's like that saying, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" There has to be a creator.

That's something I've strongly believed. The Big Bang Theory is soo convincing, but at the same time, there had to be someone or something (a god) that created the basic elements such as hydrogen or helium.

I think an event that would COMPLETELY change many people and religion itself is the discovery of another planet with living beings. That would be pretty scary actually...

08-06-2006, 04:20 AM
Live everyday as an opportunity to improve yourself and those around you. Also become more involved with your faith, whichever religious practice you have, refer to it. It will help bring meaning to life, not to mention peace of mind.

Is it just me or are there a lot of these philosophical subjects circulating on Zilvia?

08-06-2006, 04:26 AM
Hahahhaha, i feel bad for my bro, ChlatBoy.

Quite the Love Triangle.

Lunch? My advice isnt' freeeeee!!!