View Full Version : ATTN: anyone doing business w/ 90Silvia

07-31-2006, 01:05 PM
He contacted me today via email to inform me he was involved in a head-on collision last week and has been incapacitated since. He assured me items would be sent as soon as possible, and he thanks you for your patience. wish him a speedy recovery!

didnt know where else to put this...

08-07-2006, 01:58 PM
Has anyone heard from this guy recently? I lost contact w/ him, no response to emails etc...

08-09-2006, 08:35 AM
Has anyone heard from this guy recently? I lost contact w/ him, no response to emails etc...

Same issue... no responses, etc. I never got a incapacitated email. I never got any emails after I sent my $$. I'm going to request his contact info from paypal then file it as a scammer and get my $$ back. Sucks for the guy if he was in an accident but no responses for 30+ days seems beyond odd.

08-09-2006, 12:31 PM
havent heard from him in over a week, he asked me to post the topic because there were people waiting on stuff... he told me his gf was working on sending out the shipments but after that i havent heard from him.

his last login date was on the first of this month, but he hasnt responded to pm's or aim.

ive been sending at least 1 email a day, anyone else able to contact him?

08-09-2006, 01:01 PM
havent heard from him in over a week, he asked me to post the topic because there were people waiting on stuff... he told me his gf was working on sending out the shipments but after that i havent heard from him.

his last login date was on the first of this month, but he hasnt responded to pm's or aim.

ive been sending at least 1 email a day, anyone else able to contact him?

I've pm'd and emailed him several times. No response to any of them. Thats what bothers me. You'd think he'd at least say.. hey I was in a wreck working on shipping parts. I woulda been ok with that but I'm getting no responses, etc. I haven't tried to get his contact info from paypal yet. I guess maybe I'll have to see if they have a # for him on file. I'd rather think he was sending the parts because thats what I really need/want!

08-09-2006, 01:32 PM
if you get a phone number or something, pass it along. i would love to get in contact with him.

08-09-2006, 10:55 PM
Alec was supposed to have come to my house to grab a couple of things the day that this apparently took place a couple weeks ago. He doen't like owe me money or parts or anything, so the volunteer of information as it relates to the BEVY of shit he was going through that week seemed a bit more earnest than someone blowing smoke up my ass or anything.
Having dealt with him before, he has been more than easy to deal with, even punctual in being where we agreed to meet when we did. Give him a little time.

08-10-2006, 12:40 AM
Yea I talk to him all the time online and he was wanting to help me out with a Hatch he had. I know he is not a scammer for sure guys. Damn I hope everything goes well with him. I know how it is to be in a head on collision. You get scars like me.

08-10-2006, 08:32 AM
i dont believe hes a scammer, but i was getting kind of worried about him since he emailed me like every day for more than a month and now he kinda fell off the face of the earth. i was more hoping for some kind of info on how he is doing...

the stuff i have coming from him is just a bunch of random junk, but it would be nice to have it as it completes the project car that i am selling atm.

i let him know ppl are getting antsy about their stuff, still no response :(

08-10-2006, 10:19 AM
If the guy is truely injured, etc then my best wishes for a speedy recovery. However I can't imagine why he couldn't have someone help him ship stuff out. I mean Dickie said he said his gf would be handling sending out items, etc. You'd think she could login and send some email updates. My stuff isn't anything important that keeps the car from running but he's holding up a project for a magazine article with a deadline looming. Thats whats got me all antsy. I've basically decided that I'll just have to track the stuff down at a junkyard because my deadline is next week. I guess I'll bend over and take it. Jeez. :(

Like I said.. if he's truely in bad shape all I wish for him is the best...

08-10-2006, 04:55 PM
would someone that has alec's phone number give him a call to check on him?

08-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Do you have caller id? lol

08-11-2006, 09:04 AM
why would that matter? i have his address and everything because i shipped stuff to him, but it would be better for someone he has known to check up on him and update us...

08-12-2006, 08:57 AM
still sending him emails and no response.

08-14-2006, 08:59 AM
Another week with no response to emails, im thru his phone, pms on zilvia etc...

i dont have his phone number. would someone who does either call him or else pm it to me or something? he said about 12 other zilvia members were involved in various deals that he hasnt been able to contact them about since his accident. im assuming theyre wondering whats going on as well...

call him, call his parents, stop by his house, someone put some info up.

08-14-2006, 09:22 AM
Another week with no response to emails, im thru his phone, pms on zilvia etc...

i dont have his phone number. would someone who does either call him or else pm it to me or something? he said about 12 other zilvia members were involved in various deals that he hasnt been able to contact them about since his accident. im assuming theyre wondering whats going on as well...

call him, call his parents, stop by his house, someone put some info up.

He's already put me out on my project... my deadline was this week so I had to spend the $$ again and get the parts somewhere else. At this point I'm going to file a paypal deal. I dunno... if the parts show up I guess I'll just resell them on here. Just sucks. I mean.. how can he send you an email that his girl is handling things (after the accident)... but now no one checks or replys to his emails? Seems really weird.

08-14-2006, 11:31 AM
Forreal.. this sounds like a scam. If 90silviawere in a car accident AND had the ability and time to contact dickie of his situation, he definitely would have had the time and ability to have one of his family or friends email those he did business with OR even ship out the parts as requested.

08-14-2006, 12:25 PM
PHLIP, you are obviously close to alec geographically, could you please for the good of the zilvia members onvolved in these dealings check on this or have someone else do it?

if not for our benefit, for alec's. im sure he doesnt want all of those claims filed thru paypal/have his rep ruined on here etc...

08-14-2006, 03:39 PM
bump, needed these parts yesterday, who can check this out for me?

08-15-2006, 08:56 AM
tired of waiting... at this point id settle just to know what the hell is going on.

ill paypal someone to check this crap out upon proof one way or the other whether im (WERE) being scammed or not...

08-15-2006, 10:24 AM
PHLIP, you are obviously close to alec geographically, could you please for the good of the zilvia members onvolved in these dealings check on this or have someone else do it?

if not for our benefit, for alec's. im sure he doesnt want all of those claims filed thru paypal/have his rep ruined on here etc...

damn you are inpatient. cant you see the guy got in a accident.

08-15-2006, 10:27 AM
nope, i cant see that. im asking someone who can to check on him for me. hes logged in and sent me emails since the accident, and the last email he sent said my stuff was being shipped and would be in by the end of the week, that was over 2 weeks ago.

i hope hes okay, but he was the last time i heard from him... so know i want to know for sure.

08-15-2006, 11:06 AM
also perhaps i did not make it clear that i shipped my stuff to him well before and was assured that my package would be in the mail several times over the course of the last month before this stuff happened... maybe thats whats frustrating me now.

08-15-2006, 01:46 PM
Well before anyone else castrates me, hangs me, or fucking torchs me, :( I really was in a car wreck. I had a lasaration to my stomach/chest which caused internal bleeding and a collapsed lung. I have been layed out of work, my car damn near totaled, had to move to Charlotte so I would have someone who could care for me and on top of all that I found out that insurance isnt going to cover any damage to my front end and wont they wont total it out so I am forced to sell my some of my parts. Anyways, I will be more then gladly to return they dudes money for the seats and the other dudes money for the panels. Everything is boxed if you would like it but I have no hard feelings if you would like your money back. Please do however allow me to have time to deposit the money in my bank and transfer it to paypal. Dickie, I will have your parts out Thursday. My bestfriend is coming to pick me up from Mooresville and I will have him take me to the post office. Your parts were suppose to go out when I said they were going out but they couldnt get the bleeding to stop for more then a mere couple of hours. So I had to deal with that bullshit. Gotta love drunks especially when they fuck your life up. Any how, thanks Edgar for sticking up and Dickie for making a post and to Phlip aswell. Everyone else who wants to talk scammer...:mephfawk: I am not here to scam anyone, I am here to learn, build, and chat it up with friends. Plus, If I was this huge scammer, why would I be a Premie? Late *a

08-15-2006, 01:48 PM
Oh and Philip, I will be iun town if you want to meet up for the intercooler. Also, I have your $20 for the driveshaft part. Thanks Again. *a

08-15-2006, 01:53 PM
Shit man, that really sucks. Good luck with everything Alec. Get well soon!

08-15-2006, 01:57 PM
Thanks man. Well I am able to get up and walk around and take it easy. Yesterday I was out hanging my new fenders and had to take it crazy easy. Toke me a hour and a half to hang 2 fenders and a bumper. *a

08-15-2006, 02:21 PM
omfg youre alive! i was starting to think... :(

08-16-2006, 08:50 AM
Wow man.. glad your alive/ok. I responded to your email you sent as well. Sucks about the wreck, etc. Glad to see your relatively ok or getting there.

08-24-2006, 12:05 PM
bump. whoever gave me the negative feedbakc (lol im crushed!) i sincerely hope karma bites you in the ass and you lose a bunch of parts on your next deal. cheers!

09-28-2006, 08:52 AM
no sign of the parts, although ive ordered stuff from japan and had it shipped here and received it since i was told it was shipped from NC. received a LARGE package full of parts from TN in about 5 days and was provided w/ a tracking number too, so whats the hold-up?

09-28-2006, 10:20 AM

I'm in the same boat... I haven't seen anything of the parts I paid for several months ago and have been promised SEVERAL times. I talked to him via gmail chat about 10-12 days ago because I just happeend to see the greenlite saying he was online. He responded and said "Oh I sent your parts via USPS parcel post.. it will take about 9 days but I can refund you if you want and you can send the parts back less the shipping" Now that sounded a little far fetched to me but I said no.. if you sent teh parts I'm willing to wait and not make you fork out the cash back. However 12 days later and NO PARTS.. no tracking.. nothing. I've sent him a couple of emails previous to that requesting a refund or trackign on my parts and never got responses. I just sent him another one and at this point I told him he has 72 hours to put the money back in my paypal account. Otherwise I'll be contacting a friend in law enforcement to make some calls to his area about investigating him for wire/internet fraud. I would also request that he be banned from Zilvia and I'll report him to paypal, etc as well. This is just old. old old old. I understand he's had issues but months later and you can't provide the parts? I think I've been more than fair in waiting and putting up with the run around I've gotten.

09-28-2006, 11:46 AM
PM'ed you both. LOCKED!!!!! *a

09-28-2006, 11:49 AM
^^^ That is all I needed to see, I am putting an end to this bitch & gripe session now, please settle your grievances in private. I, as well as the other members of the forum, could care less.