View Full Version : Took friend to ER last night,anybody ever heard of this (heart stuff)

07-28-2006, 11:49 PM
I got a call from my best friend last night, apparently he needed to goto the ER. Basically...

Dry mouth (said it was like being really high with cottonmouth type of feeling)
left arm went numb
dizzy/felt like passing out
major chester pain
heart beating insanely fast
unnormal rythem(not like bumbumbum like mine,but like bumBUMBUMbumBUMBUMbum etc

Anybody know whatsup? I waited in the ER with him for a solid 6 hours,they ran blood tests and etc. He is having some type of moniter put on for 24 hours to moniter it and stuff? The ER doctor said its not uncommon for men in their 50s-60s to expreince an episode like that,but hes only 18!??

It was really unnerving waiting to find out if he was going to be okay:-/

07-29-2006, 12:01 AM
umm i woudnt really worry unless its causing him constant major discomfort. Pretty much i had the same rythm you described your frind having accompanied with loss of breath for short periods of time, basically i would lose breath and start chocking, it was pretty scary shit. This was when i was around 15-16 though. I rember the hospital giving me a little black box to carry on my belt to monitor my heart rate and record the activities i was doing thorugh out the day. It kinda wierd but help them figure out what may be causing it. Havent had it in the last 2-3 years though and i dont recall them iving me any type of medication, so i guess it just went away on itsown, but in either case it not causing anything bad, i can still outrun and outplay basketball about 75% of the people i meet :). hope evrythjing is cool though with your friend though

07-29-2006, 12:04 AM
Really? Hmm thanks,I geuss that does make me feel better. I don't want him walking around stressed about it too...that definitely won't help his heart out! hah!

07-29-2006, 12:29 AM
it sounds like a stroke doesnt it?
the loss of feeling to me gives it away, like the doc was saying most people who would have a stroke would be in their 50's but i doubt its impossible for someone 18 to have it. hope he is allright

07-29-2006, 12:46 AM
I was thinkin more along the lines of a heart attack.

IIRC, the left arm going numb is the dead-ringer for that.

07-29-2006, 01:10 AM
I was thinkin more along the lines of a heart attack.

IIRC, the left arm going numb is the dead-ringer for that.
I've been told the same thing.

Sucks about your friend. Hope everything is alright with him.

07-29-2006, 02:15 AM
Given his age, if it wasnt a heart attack, it may be Angina.

07-29-2006, 02:46 AM
im a boyscout and sadly, those are the 5 signs of a heart attack.

i hope everything turns out alright for your friend

07-29-2006, 04:25 AM
yes...sounds like symptoms of a heart attack.

VERY scary,and YOU SHOULD be worried. Hopefully they get to the bottom of this... I'm not trying to scare you/make you worry, but i wouldn't take it lightly... Best wishes.

07-29-2006, 06:08 PM
Damn,thanks for all the replies. I think the reason they ran all the blood work and etc was to rule out a heart attack/stroke!?? I was thikning heart attack too,when I first got the call.

well hes getting a Holter moniter for 24 hours...no alcohol/smoke of any kind for at least 6 months,no caffiene whatsoever. I'll post up what they said he has

07-29-2006, 08:55 PM
hopefully your friend will be ok, that does sound freaky.

07-29-2006, 09:02 PM
I was born with an anonymous left coronary artery, but it manifested itself as a seizure and memory loss (possibly result of related concussion).

Heart problems are no fun, especially if surgery is part of the discussion. Get that shit checked out thoroughly- it took 3 separate trips to the ER before they found my problem.

07-30-2006, 01:45 PM
OdessaS13 it sounds like you had some Afib or Atrial Fibrillation.

Ghettokracker71 it sounds like your buddy may have had an MI (heart attack) or unstable angina(pain will go away with rest, didn't sound like that was the case), with some Afib or maybe some other irregular heartbeat. I would have to see the EKG.

I am sure they did an EKG and cardiac enzymes(Troponin, CPK, CK). How did these tests come out. These would tell you what is going on. I am sure by now they know what is going on. I hope your buddy is doing well.

18 is way to young for this type of stuff.