View Full Version : Damnit Maxima.org is crap

07-28-2006, 11:14 PM
damit what the hell, so i just got a 02 maxima se (pics to come). so i go to register to maxima.org, well actually ive been registered since feb 05 when i had a 96 maxima. so i try to make a post... the damn web site gives the "infuccient privelages bullshit" what the hell. It not like i dont know how to freaking post!!! Then i figure out that i need to m:duh: ake 15 posts, i swear i tried my best to search and try not to make newb responces and finally get to 15 post's. Feeling relieved i go to make new thread ...

"**********, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page"

:bash: :bash: :bash: :fawk: :fawk2: :fawk2: :fawk2: :rant2: :rant2:

WHAT THE HELL...i feel like a freakin cages animal...I WANT TO POST

i cant private message any mods for help because apperantly i dont have privalages for that either.

i cant make a new thread to ask for help

i cant complain becauase, i once agian dont have privelages

ive hit 16 or 17 post already

sorry needed to rant, back to maxima.org to postwhore

[imma f**k their shit up :fawkd: (JKJK)]

damn i just realized its friday and im too tired to do anything... :(

07-28-2006, 11:26 PM

You converted from 240sx, to maxima? why??

you want that spec R huh? lols

07-28-2006, 11:47 PM
Well congrats on the maxima at least? I absolutely <3 maximas

07-29-2006, 12:23 AM
actually its from 96 maxima gxe -> 1992 clean ass 240sx -> semi clean 02 maxima
stayin in the nissan familly :)

You converted from 240sx, to maxima? why??
you want that spec R huh? lols

what the fuk is the spec r
you mean sentra SE-R spec V??? haha

hell nahh

ahh were shall i start
vq35de engine.. but fo real i always wanted a car with HIDS :hsdance: haha jk. i got it becuase i wanted to lean towards luxury but still wanted to have the power when i want it. vq is proven, handling isn't the best though (worse than i expected) but i didnt really buy it to race anyone. Ill post pics up tommorow.

PS: you got a 96 240 and you didnt even bother to tell me...now im sad :( lol

07-30-2006, 07:11 PM
yeah, i don't know what's up with maxima.org lately. i've been part of that community for many years now and a lot has changed in regards to user freedom and access. back in the day, one could post right after registering. =T

07-30-2006, 07:16 PM
PS: you got a 96 240 and you didnt even bother to tell me...now im sad :( lol

awww i'm sorry love :ghey:

Yea doode ur havent been online is awhile. Too buisy macking with them sentras. The s14 has problems, but i'm in the process of finishing them all up.

07-30-2006, 08:18 PM
I've realized that a LOT of forums are starting to be really gay like that. it sucks