View Full Version : Muffler Advice

07-24-2006, 03:56 PM
Okay, so here's the deal.

This is the absolute last part in the wonderful journey it has been to get my stupid 240 road worthy. I just took it in for an inspection, and holy crap, it barely needs anything! Yes! Ordered a ball joint today, needs a wheel alignment, and a new muffler, because the old one has about ten holes rusted through on the bottom. I need some advice on what kind of muffler to get...

i. I'd prefer if it would be easily available to I could get it running ASAP.
ii. I'd really prefer not to have a stock muffler, IMO the two skinny tips look super gay
iii. I don't want a super big rice pipe, this car is stock in every other way, that would just look retarded.
I'd prefer something like this
or this
(That's my exact car BTW, except I have a spoiler for mad downforce... :ugh: )
not like this
iv. I'd prefer if this thing would somehow bolt on relatively easily to the exhaust. (It's like a 90 degree right hand bend and then bolts on)

Any tips, suggestions, I'm prob not gonna be keeping this car for too long, but I don't see the point in buying an OEM muffler for like 150, when I can get a decent aftermarket one for the same money. I'd prefer to not take it into a muffler shop, that's why I want a muffler that bolts on easily...

Edit: BTW remeber this has to pass a safety inspection, so it can't be super loud!

07-24-2006, 04:12 PM
boy, you're picky with your stuff, huh? i was about to say muffler shop but you dont want that either. hks has/had a street-type exhuast. dont know if they offer it anymore....rsr exmag.....yea

drift freaq
07-24-2006, 04:14 PM
Magnaflow dual 2.5 tip FTW , 3 inch inlet to two 2.5 inch outlets straight through. Great performance not to loud.

07-24-2006, 08:11 PM
I can take it to a shop if thats what needs to be done. A brand new OEM muffler, which is IMO the gayest looking thing ever, who's idea was dual 1 inch tips, was 200 bucks canadian...