View Full Version : Air Force

07-24-2006, 12:36 PM
im sure its been talked about plenty of times. but what do you all think about the air force? i dont wanan hear about how one is better than the other or how the air force sucks over this or that. i juss want some real info, info from people you may know of thats in it and gave you feedback. or any other real info besides af.mil. ive always had a thing for wanting to fly n get my wings. been thinking about it for years on and off and now i think im really gonna do it this time.

07-24-2006, 04:31 PM
fliprayzin aka ray is in the AF.. talk to him

07-24-2006, 04:54 PM
the real info (excuse my typos im in a hurry)

If you go in, make sure you get the job you want, and dont be an SP thinking it will help you be a cop after, it doesnt. You just get shit on all the time.

If you enjoy working on your car, dont go maintenance, i work a 10-12 hour day, adn cant muster the energy to even put a set of subframe spacers in until 3 weeks after i got them.

If your going to go air force, find a nice job that you can live with. One indoors, liek finance, or something. You get paid the same amount i do playing on a computer while im out in the 110 degree hanger changing engines.

But its all in waht you want to do. Im crosstraining to Media...

But all shit aside, i love my job and what i do. I love the airforce and will reccomend it to anyone who it is for.

07-24-2006, 04:59 PM
If I could join the military...I would. Proble not the air force,but to each his own.

07-24-2006, 05:04 PM
Don't get a job on flightline. Its hell.

07-24-2006, 05:10 PM
^ i disagree, i came from flightline at my last base and i loved it. We had a grip of 130s...and it wasnt too bad

07-24-2006, 05:58 PM
Well I'm going off what the Crewchiefs and loaders say in my ALS class. It might just be this base though. I didn't hear too many complaints when I was at Kadena.

07-24-2006, 09:19 PM
well i talked to a recruiter today, and im not qualified to be in the air force due to certain drug use.

that sucks.

07-24-2006, 10:54 PM
Prescription or recreational?

07-24-2006, 10:59 PM
What type of Armed Forces is located in JP? *a

07-25-2006, 12:32 AM
i am about to go to boot-camp on the 1st and i think though i'm only 18 this is the best choice i've made so far, if you want your wings, good luck i hope you have kick as eye sight and everything else, plus you will never be home (if that matter to you, also depending what you want to fly)

07-25-2006, 02:08 AM
well i talked to a recruiter today, and im not qualified to be in the air force due to certain drug use.

that sucks.
if you can handle being on a boat, Navy isn't too bad. They do waivers for drug use (more so than the AF iirc).

07-25-2006, 02:09 AM
What type of Armed Forces is located in JP? *a

Army, Navy, AF, and Marines..

07-25-2006, 05:14 AM
well i talked to a recruiter today, and im not qualified to be in the air force due to certain drug use.

that sucks.
dumbass. ONLY 3 times retard

07-25-2006, 06:12 AM
Deny, Deny, counter-accuse! If you want "real" wings, you have to be a flying officer, which means first you have to have your degree (4 year). Then you have to actually get selected & get selected for the job you want. If your eyes are bad, being a pilot is out, however there are some other jobs you can do such as navigator and a few other specialty jobs. I've been in the AF 16 years (enlisted) & have retrained into other jobs twice (three times if you count my going back to tech school again to learn to fly on another type plane doin the same job). I'm currently a Special Operations Loadmaster, flying on a specially modified C-130. The military as a whole isn't what it used to be. The doing more with less on a daily basis, having MULTIPLE full time extra duties that detract from your actual job, and a host of asinine restrictions, designed to do nothing else but keep your superiors promotable at the cost of their subordinates. If you like being able to be your own person & make your own decisions or are fiercely indepandant, use the military only as a means to an end...such as completing your eduaction or learning a decent marketable skill. Sometimes I wish I would have gotten out after my first enlistment, but now I've only got 4 years to retirement, so I'm over the hump!

07-25-2006, 10:39 PM
^props to that man for hangin in there for so damn long ! BRAVO.. im still procrastinating on joining... who knows where i end up...

07-26-2006, 12:08 AM
you on talons? I was on h-c130ps in ga

Society Mike
07-27-2006, 03:58 PM
lol... jesus christ your recruiter sucks, i guess he failed to tell you that answering "NO" to the next 3 questions is better then a Yes.

Just go back after a few days, answer NO to the same questions. You'll do fine. If you give up that easy, then good luck at 7-11.

If you want to fly, go to College first, join ROTC, the cross into Air Force OTS and become an officer, finish the school, then fly all day.

I've been in the Air Force for almost 8yrs, I can't wait to get out, BUT, these last 8yrs have been the best years of my life and will probably always be. The greatest experience ever. I would not trade them over anything, EVEN after all the BULLSHIT you put up with over the years. I've also been stationed in Japan my entire career, between Tokyo and Okinawa. But i have gone to about 32 countries and conquered most all races with my cock all because of the Air Force. I'm so glad I didn't do the normal job thing when i finished high-school and college.

btw, my flight-line job is pretty cool. There are plenty of down-sides to it but overall it's a pretty cool job. Plenty of trips to Thailand, Air drops, tropical paradises in the middle of the Pacific or Indian Ocean, and action filled days with long hours but a sense of accomplishment.

There is nothing like working a 16 hour day, coming home, pop open a beer, light a smoke, and watch on the news how all the stuff you just delivered helped the locals not starve to death after a huge fuking wave destroyed their entire universe.

07-27-2006, 04:13 PM
Air Force here, I'm Aircraft maintenance and love it.

07-27-2006, 10:56 PM
i found this http://www.fighter-pilot.org/Air_Force.htm?gclid=CJq6w_3Qs4YCFQ1XFQoduk7HQQ

i just heard my cousin is copilot/navi guy or whatever you call it on jet fighters. what are they called anyways?

07-27-2006, 11:10 PM
they are called RIO's for F-14's and WSO's (pronounced wiso's) for f-18's and *most* other aircraft. WSO stands for Weapons systems operator.

07-27-2006, 11:43 PM
lol... jesus christ your recruiter sucks, i guess he failed to tell you that answering "NO" to the next 3 questions is better then a Yes.

Just go back after a few days, answer NO to the same questions. You'll do fine. If you give up that easy, then good luck at 7-11.

If you want to fly, go to College first, join ROTC, the cross into Air Force OTS and become an officer, finish the school, then fly all day.

I've been in the Air Force for almost 8yrs, I can't wait to get out, BUT, these last 8yrs have been the best years of my life and will probably always be. The greatest experience ever. I would not trade them over anything, EVEN after all the BULLSHIT you put up with over the years. I've also been stationed in Japan my entire career, between Tokyo and Okinawa. But i have gone to about 32 countries and conquered most all races with my cock all because of the Air Force. I'm so glad I didn't do the normal job thing when i finished high-school and college.

btw, my flight-line job is pretty cool. There are plenty of down-sides to it but overall it's a pretty cool job. Plenty of trips to Thailand, Air drops, tropical paradises in the middle of the Pacific or Indian Ocean, and action filled days with long hours but a sense of accomplishment.

There is nothing like working a 16 hour day, coming home, pop open a beer, light a smoke, and watch on the news how all the stuff you just delivered helped the locals not starve to death after a huge fuking wave destroyed their entire universe.
This guy is telling the 100% truth

When i was at moody, in GA, we had to do search and rescue for Katrina.. We were working 12-16 hour days flying missions every 3 hours to get supplies, medical care, aid and everything from an hour after the storm was gone. It sucked but it was worth it for what you do.

If you want to do something that you KNOW will actually do something, do aircrafy maintenance. Its worth the long days and all for sure!

07-28-2006, 12:17 AM
As far as the military...a good rule of thumb is that if havent puffed in 30 days, YOU HAVE NEVER DONE DRUGS!!! Least thats what my recruiter told me. At the same time they could be just discouraging you from joining. AF right now is over manned and has been cutting people the last 2 yrs. And from what were hearing, theyre planning on trimming another 30-40k personnels in the next couple of years. Flight line jobs are pretty much non-existent right now, theyre actually forcing people out of the flight line jobs to other jobs or to the civilian world. Honestly if your serious with the air force, theres a couple of jobs id recommend. Air Traffic Control just cuz if you actually make it and get certified, you can get out and work FAA starting at$80k a year. Any flying job where they actually pay your flight pay is good job cuz that means you actually travel so TDY money. If you like numbers and really good at it, do flight engineer. Another option is medical jobs like X-ray tech, physical therapist or pharmacy. With military experience, these jobs pay well on the outside. My boy whos working as an X-Ray tech moonlights on the wk ends as a stand by tech at one of the local excercise. He gets paid $40 per hour if he gets called in for the wk end.

PS: Right now im doing Satelitte Communications and im misearable cuz im attached to a Deployed Communications Package that doesnt seem to want to get deployed. Been at Travis for 3 yrs and yet to get deployed anywhere other than stupid excercises.

07-31-2006, 09:12 PM
ray ur gay, sheetmetal is better than your shit. I like being on the flightline sometimes, you just drive around, but then again thats just on c-17s. hey ray did you guys get 17's yet?

07-31-2006, 10:00 PM
Join the Air Force for many reasons, most of all they have the hottest looking chicks:boink: ! Only problem for you then would be they all want to bang Marines:rawk: :rawk:

07-31-2006, 11:23 PM
J Only problem for you then would be they all want to bang Marines:rawk: :rawk:

this is why:

Marine>Airforce. LIke you said AF may have all the hot chicks, but the Marines have the Hottest men.:coold:

07-31-2006, 11:33 PM
ray ur gay, sheetmetal is better than your shit. I like being on the flightline sometimes, you just drive around, but then again thats just on c-17s. hey ray did you guys get 17's yet?

They said the first C17s coming in something in AUg...Spirit of Solano or some shiet like that. Funny, they just put the Golden Bear (first C-141 in travis) on its memorial thingiemahbobber, now they got the first C17 rolling in soon.

Anyways...yah most AF chicks do the marines...but thats just overseas. They have to go thru tech schol and everything so we get first DIBS!!! then hey i guess we do the marines just like the navy does em.. give em the scraps after were done with them...:p Hooah devil dogs....:rawk:

08-01-2006, 03:34 PM
ARMY RANGERS> Everbody else...........

We dont even call the Airforce a branch of service, its a corporation..They dont ever get out of there PT's here and there all pretty much fat and lazy....

If you want to fly, go Spec. ops with the ARMY they will bring you up in a plane but you jump out halfway through the flight,its kinda like flying....

HA HA..jk All you hardcharger Airforce studs....

But ya i love being a Grunt and doing "highspeed" shit....


08-01-2006, 06:27 PM
See if i wanted to be all hard core bout the military...i would be a in fuckin marine recon and be a damn sniper!!! I got deployed where there were no showers for 2 wks and basically i "bathed" myself with baby wipes...that experience was more than enough to remind me not to be hardcore.

08-01-2006, 06:36 PM
See if i wanted to be all hard core bout the military...i would be a in fuckin marine recon and be a damn sniper!!! I got deployed where there were no showers for 2 wks and basically i "bathed" myself with baby wipes...that experience was more than enough to remind me not to be hardcore.

Marine Recon and Marine Snipers are a different identity, though Recon can have snipers attached. Snipers are generally with a STA (Surveilance and Target Aquisition) Platoon resident in the HQTS Company of an Battalion.

But you cant say USAF is not Military Ranger, since they are and they take care of your Army cats very well with CAS missions...

You wanna look good in Uniform and Brag Join the Marines...and you know ARMY stands for Arent Ready to be Marines Yet!!!:cool:

Just Kidding...Navy is good to save money though..cant spend shit on a boat..USAF is good for bennies and chicks...

08-01-2006, 07:10 PM
I was in the Navy for five years of which 3 years of it I spent being with the Marine Corp. I was a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman and my recruitor didn't tell me that I would be attached with the Marine Corp. But it was the best time of my life. Now joining the cheer force (just playing) is great. They have the best living standards and technical jobs. But it's pretty much just like being a civilian with a uniform. But no matter what service you go into you'll get a life experience that'll change you forever. I'm a change man because of it. Although I did join when I was just 18 it did straghten me out quite a bit. I'm glad of the experience and will always cherish. Plus when people hear that you were or are in the military they look at you with the upmost respect. Because remember not everyone can do it. But anyways take what everyone here writes you and form your own opinion of it. Good luck and take care.

08-01-2006, 07:18 PM
I'm engaged to an AF chick(whos good looking btw), and she would never date/marry a marine. My enlistment is almost up and am not sure If I am going to re-up due to the fact that I almost have my automotive degree. :)

08-01-2006, 08:40 PM
I'm engaged to an AF chick(whos good looking btw), and she would never date/marry a marine. My enlistment is almost up and am not sure If I am going to re-up due to the fact that I almost have my automotive degree. :)


08-01-2006, 08:48 PM
I'm engaged to an AF chick(whos good looking btw), and she would never date/marry a marine. :)

not sure how you can gurantee that...

08-01-2006, 10:26 PM
Another option is medical jobs like X-ray tech, physical therapist or pharmacy.

Wait a minute.... what are you saying here? Pharmacy? They teach you to become a pharmacist?? I've wasted lots of money on exams and entrance forms trying to get into pharmacy and you're saying the air force will teach it to you?

Confirm this.

08-01-2006, 11:12 PM
they will teach you to be a pharmacy tech. my wife was one before she became a nurse. if you want to be a pharmacist, you would have to get a degree.

08-01-2006, 11:22 PM
they will teach you to be a pharmacy tech. my wife was one before she became a nurse. if you want to be a pharmacist, you would have to get a degree.

That's what i was thinking (pharm techs). Flip said "pharmacy" and i was thinking "WTF was i doing going to college." Thanks for clearing that up.

08-03-2006, 07:55 PM
not sure how you can gurantee that...

Well being as though we have like 3 marine bases very close to us and shes never dated one, seems like a garuntee to me(not to mention shes made it pretty clear they're all jarheads in her opinion). ;) here's some pics:



But, I respect anyone who has and is currently serving..thanks.:bow:

08-04-2006, 06:56 AM
Well being as though we have like 3 marine bases very close to us and shes never dated one, seems like a garuntee to me(not to mention shes made it pretty clear they're all jarheads in her opinion). ;) here's some pics:



But, I respect anyone who has and is currently serving..thanks.:bow:

cute girl congrats...3 Marine bases, where you at?

08-04-2006, 02:05 PM
Seymour Johnson AFB, we've got Cherry Point, Camp Lejune,and New River

08-04-2006, 04:00 PM
Seymour Johnson AFB,

see more johnson

yeah I was at Lejeune for 4 years back in the day 93-97 I used to hit up old seymore in the winter time when Myrtle beach was dead..that base had potentional, the girls barracks were nice...we used to just show up there and meet chicks at the messhall or PX then scam our way into staying there all weekend drinking and whatever...usually pissing off the guys in the barracks to the point of fist fights...caught the clap there so that wasnt good. SRA Mock was her name...I still remember that shit..(remember to wrap that little willie boys)

cool man!

08-04-2006, 05:50 PM
I have gone to about 32 countries and conquered most all races with my cock all because of the Air Force.

I think the USAF should use this as a tesimonial on their website. :keke:

08-17-2006, 01:16 PM
i have a question that may hijack this thread a little bit.
i have asthma and i've been told that i cannot enlist in any branch of the military because of the illness. but the thing is i'm on advair and i haven't had a problem with my asthma ever since. so is there anyone that is in the military with asthma or knows someone with asthma in it? if you guys know any options for me or anything, like a waiver lemme know haha.

bah, it sucks if they are really strict about it because i've dreamed about enlisting forever.

08-17-2006, 02:34 PM
Don't tell them, if it's not a problem anymore it's no biggie. Just don't go getting a job you might need to run.