View Full Version : Conroe anyone?

07-22-2006, 06:05 PM
Just wondering if anyone here plans on ordering up a Core 2 Duo tomorrow when they go on sale. I'll be building a new rig in the next few weeks and I was all set to put together a new AM2 system. But between the benchmarks and the fact that a $3XX Core 2 (E6600) outperforms the FX-62 in almost everything, it's hard to pass up. I've always been an AMD whore so this is tough for me. An idea in the back of my head was to just get a single core A64 and hold out til Q1 '07 when the 65nm AMD's come out.

07-22-2006, 06:36 PM
I know what you mean. I was about to get a 3800+ x2, but Im going to stick with my 3800+ single core and see how things turn out. I dont like to be the first in with the new stuff. I like it when the prices come down and bit in maybe 6 months. Plus im waiting to see the prices on the AMDs drop on the 24th. Tuff decision. But ~300 for conroe is tempting.

drift freaq
07-22-2006, 07:18 PM
Conroe is cool but wait till Woodbridge :D

P.S. Intel is about to showup AMD.

07-22-2006, 07:39 PM
Conroe is cool but wait till Woodbridge :D

P.S. Intel is about to showup AMD.
Well, they already have in the desktop market with Core 2. And AMD already knows that. But if you listen to the Q2 earnings conference call on the Forbes website, they don't seem too worried about it (read: K8L due out Q1 '07). Keep in mind, AMD also has native quad-core on the horizon. Not to mention they currently dominate the server domain. The market has always flip-flopped. So this is no surprise. Just begs the question of how long it will stay that way.

07-22-2006, 07:51 PM

07-22-2006, 08:44 PM
Everyone knows the benchmarks. We're talking about whether its worth it to jump on the Conroe bandwagon now, or wait to see what AMD brings to the table. You can't compare a 4-year old 90nm architecture to the new Conroe. That's why the benchmarks are like that.

07-22-2006, 09:25 PM
it's never worth to jumping in so quick.

Wait it out..you'll be more decisive in about 6 months.