View Full Version : get well soon daniel (ootransformeroo)

07-20-2006, 02:45 PM
daniel (ootransformeroo) has been hostipalized due to a collapsed lung(s)...its trippin me out because to my recollection, daniel doesnt smoke...its definitely got me scared being a smoker...i urge all of you to give him some kind words during this time of physical distress...first ruskie, then this? hang in there man :boink: get well soon bro...

p.s. if this thread makes you uncomfortable or feel that its no ones business, let me know man...dont mean to step on anyones toes...

07-20-2006, 02:55 PM
Damn man, I wish him the best! I have quit smoking for 7 weeks now. Its VERY hard still. *a

07-20-2006, 03:25 PM
that happend to me when i got in my accident it sucks so bad they stick a tube by your rib cage

hope he gets better soon!!!

Team Rootbeer
07-20-2006, 03:49 PM
wow, his car has been one of my favorites since 1st time i saw it, get well soon bro!

07-20-2006, 03:55 PM
hope he comes out of it okay. damn.

07-20-2006, 04:01 PM
damn my first girlfriend passed away becuz of unmatured viens to the lungs causing lack of blood flow... thats fucked up hope he turns out ok

damn that sucks i tried doing a donation for him like we did for nokeone, not that many people saw it i guess....

life sucks and i thought i was the only one going through hard times... life is a bitch!!!

07-20-2006, 04:03 PM
Sucks to hear, hope he gets better asap

07-20-2006, 04:26 PM
Good to see how much heart Zilvia has. Get well soon Daniel. Tell your lungs I'll ban them if they don't behave themselves!

07-20-2006, 04:42 PM
Good to see how much heart Zilvia has. Get well soon Daniel. Tell your lungs I'll ban them if they don't behave themselves!

no you fool!! needs lungs he does!!

07-20-2006, 04:52 PM
what happened? accident? Best wishes.

07-20-2006, 09:11 PM
get well man, hope to see to see you soon
i got an extra set of lungs mang.
freeeeeee of charge

07-20-2006, 11:38 PM
i just saw him posting earlier in the fs section for that s14 motorset for 1700 Paypal scam so is he back at home now?

07-20-2006, 11:49 PM
damn get better bro

07-21-2006, 01:24 AM
get well soon man!

07-21-2006, 01:57 AM
i just saw him posting earlier in the fs section for that s14 motorset for 1700 Paypal scam so is he back at home now?
That's what I was wondering.

Hopefully he's at home resting.

Get well Daniel.

You still have stuff I want to buy from you also. :P

07-21-2006, 08:45 AM




or turbo your lungs, more boost = more airflow

07-21-2006, 12:40 PM
The collapse or caving-in of all or part of a lung occurs when air gets into the area between the lung and the chest wall. If this happens, the lung cannot fill up with air as you take a breath. It may occur spontaneously without a known cause, often in healthy people. Medically, the condition is known as a pneumothorax (nu-mo-THOR-ax).
Often, collapsed lung is due to rupture of an air pocket or bleb (fluid filled sac) in the lung. Changes in pressure during diving, flying, or even stretching can cause a bleb to break. Asthma or infections in the lung also can cause a rupture.

Posted because I didnt know what a collapsed lung(s) was.

Get well dan!

07-21-2006, 08:40 PM
Feel better man.. best wishes

Arsenal of Glory
07-21-2006, 09:44 PM
ah man i totally did not know :( He's in good physical shape too. I hope he gets well soon

07-23-2006, 03:44 AM
Hey guys! Im freakin out of the hospital! Didnt even know this thead existed until Brian sw20>>s14 told me now.

That post you saw in the for sale section I think I was still in the hospital at the time on my dads laptop.

First of all, I appriciate everyones kinds words and respects.

Im sure you guys want to know what happend and the inside scoop and everything.

heres the story...Ill cut it a little short but still leave some detail.

Tuesday night on the 18th, I was just laying in bed and got up and felt a slight pain in my left side. Didnt think much of it so I just slept it off and woke up the next morning hurting a little more.

I went to summer school(which I now dropped...fuck!) and it started hurting more and I just kept hoping it would go away. Instead, it just got so worse I asked my mom to take me to the hospital.

The first Dr. told me he couldnt hear breathing in my left side and told me I might have something called Numothorax (pretty much where your lung collapses) and told me to go get an X-ray. After seeing the X-ray, they took me to the ER and put that shitty tube in me to help suck the air out so my lung could expand again. Exactly what Edgar said...aka fuckin irritating....

So friday comes and I get discharged going home with the tube still in me with a one way valve attatched to it. I left it in until the following Monday and they said they would take it out then too. So they take it out and patch up the hole in my side and I go home feeling so much better and free.

Later that night Im at my gf's house watching 16 Blocks(good movie btw). That night I started feeling a shortness of breath and coughing and slight pain etc. etc...AGAIN. So im like shit its not happening again!

She takes me to the hospital to the ER and they take me in right away to take an X-Ray again. So im sitting there waiting and waiting to see whats going on and one of the nurses comes in that I saw my first time says "AGAIN?! its happening again!?" Im just sitting there like FUUUUCK!!....i dont want to go through with it again...

So the Dr. comes in(which was a much nicer Dr) and says she has to put the tube in me again. Boy when that thing goes in the rib cage it hurts. Even more when they turn the suction on it will make you shout.

Anyways finally got discharged again on this past friday 7/21. Going back sometime this week for a check up. Hopefully everything is okay. Just being lazy as fuck staying home watching tv/movies taking it slow.

Enough blabbering though I dont want to bore you guys. Just would like to say thanks to everyone and their support. Wish me luck!


Ritz S14
07-23-2006, 04:08 AM
Glad to see you're somewhat okay man

07-23-2006, 04:13 AM
Thanks V. Im off to watch national treasure then sleep bro. night.

07-23-2006, 12:41 PM
Yay! he's alive!! glad you're okay, daniel

07-24-2006, 07:58 AM
built in bov for the win!

07-24-2006, 10:00 AM
^~~ ROFL. Glad to see your better man. Whats the odds of twice in a row though? *a

07-25-2006, 03:10 AM
hope everything stays coo. stay up d.

07-25-2006, 04:51 AM
glad youre ok.. but i was reading your story while eating and dam.. it sounds graphic and painful.. i couldnt eat anymore.. haha

07-25-2006, 10:45 AM
this thread made me worry... to much jdorama for me eeerrr
its all good your ok now man

07-25-2006, 01:19 PM
Even though I don't know him personally and whatever I definitely think that anybody dealing with major health issues (like this one) really sucks for them,...I wish him the best and hope he is back on his feet and better than ever before. Modern medicine ftw?

07-25-2006, 01:29 PM
My lung collapsed when I was 19. I did smoked at the time but have quit. It hurts like a som-a-bitch though.

Were they able to re-inflate the whole lung? They were not able to with me.