View Full Version : what is the difference between BOVS

One-Eighty SX
06-19-2002, 05:25 PM
Hey ppl as u see my topic i wanna know the difference between these 2 BOVs types. I learned a bit bout them and i here the recirculating ones spool up quicker than the atmostferic ones. But if you can give me some lecturing bout theses bovs ill be gladly appreciate it. Also why do some ppl put there atmosferic bovs in their left front fender wont the tire rub or something?


06-19-2002, 05:35 PM
it actully has little to do with the bov...
recirculating: has piping do the ambinant air is sent back befor the turbo to be recharged
atmostferic: releases it under ur hood

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