View Full Version : ***Drift Fury Atlanta Round 3 Registration Open**

06-30-2006, 09:57 AM
The Maximum Angle Motorsports association presents....

www.driftfury.com (http://www.driftfury.com)
www.myspace.com/maximumangle (http://www.myspace.com/maximumangle)

pictures from Round 2 can be seen at
www.nemesisdigital.net (http://www.nemesisdigital.net)
www.floridaracing.org (http://www.floridaracing.org)

We did it again! It was a long and hot day, but with all of your support we had an amazing turn out. I wanted to thank everyone for being so well behaved and helping us to be organized. Turner was out there and they were impresses with the way this one went. Thanks again to all of the volunteers. Congrats to ALL of the winners (drifters and car show alike). If anyone has any comments or input always feel free to contact me or joey [email protected] and [email protected]

In the August issues of Drifting Magazine www.driftingmag.com (http://www.driftingmag.com) , Drift Fury was featured with a 4 page spread beginning on page 78. All 4 events will be covered in Drifting Magazine. So be sure to check it out.

Drivers please be sure to read the link provided below. There is important info in there that you definatel need to read. The Round 2 scores are also available on this page.

You can register for the Import Atlanta car show and Drift competition here http://www.driftfury.com/registration.html

We are not allowed to have food vendors so please remember that coolers are welcome. No alcohol or glass.

Thanks again for yor continued support.

if you are interested in volunteering e-mail me [email protected]
volunteering includes free lunch and free dinner.

07-11-2006, 01:55 PM
A little announcement by import atlanta

Hey I wanted to let everyone know we have our 3rd DRIFT FURY event scheduled for July 15th, but we at IA want to announce that we will not be doing an actual car show at this event; the event is still going on but the actual car show portion is not going on. It is open for spectators and drifters.

I wanted to let everyone know we have our 3rd DRIFT FURY event scheduled for July 15th, but we at IA want to announce that we will not be doing an actual car show at this event; the event is still going on but the actual car show portion is not going on. It is open for spectators and drifters.

We kind of dropped the ball on this event due us having two back to back shows in two weeks time. We still want your support for the event so what we have planned is we will be offering 5$ inside parking for show cars ONLY!!! If you come and pay to park at the event to show off your car and enjoy the drifting you will receive 1 FREE SPECTATOR PASS for TunerFest. That is a $10 value. (There is only 100 spaces available so first come first serve).Roll in is from 8am until 12 noon. We will also be making Tunerfest a double point event. So you won’t have to worry about catching up on points before our final event in Nov.

I’m sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused any teams/individuals planning on attending. Please feel free to talk amongst your teams and send us any feedback you may have. Thank you for your understanding and time. We hope to see you at the event.

For those of you that don't know about tunerfest check out www.tunerfestshootout.com
I’m sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused any teams/individuals planning on attending. Please feel free to talk amongst your teams and send us any feedback you may have. Thank you for your understanding and time. We hope to see you at the event.

For those of you that don't know about tunerfest check out www.tunerfestshootout.com