View Full Version : SR Installed and runs great...however odd interior and dash light problem

06-30-2006, 12:35 AM
I Finally got my SR in...primed it all up and started it for the first time, but noticed immediatly that the dash wasn't working, nor were parking lamps/interior lamps/heater etc working...

I let the engine break in a little and I revved up to 3k, and all of a sudden the lights came on, the dash worked....it was like a normal car again!

I have no clue even wehre to start looking on how to diagnose this problem, and using the search feature here isn't the best, as short words are ommitted from queries!

Any help would be appreicated!


06-30-2006, 11:49 AM
You know theres a technical forum on these boards for your issues..

IF everything works your wiring is right, usually atleast. Its probably related to your alternator or battery, get them checked out.