View Full Version : car broken into :(

06-29-2006, 11:10 PM
Hey guys the other day around 3am in the morning . A couple of mexican guys from Concord came by, and shattered my passenger Window. And stole my stereo system which cost me 650$!! I woke up because the police were knocking at my door. They had told me my car had been broken into. So I came to look at my car and i realized that every thing was vandalized! MY center console was ripped out, my ignition box was pulled out. I had wires everywhere just dangling around. My faceplate for my deck was stolen, along with my digi camera, and my wallet with all my information! and credit cars as well! I guess the guys that tried to steal my car didnt realize that my clutch was COMPLETELY blown out. There for they couldnt even move the car even if it was in gear. The cops caught the guys that did this shit. So i had to go down to the police station over here in lafayette.

Now here is the fucked up shit. The person that attempted to steal my car was actually one of my co-workers. Now tell me how fucked up is that??
Anyways 3 guys got sent to jail. And i am pressing charged on each one of them. The thing that bothers me is that, I'm probally not going to get any money from them for a new window and cd deck along with speakers. and everything else that was taken. BUT i managed to get back my wallet with ALL my cards and information. but other than that everything else was still missing. It was up to 1,200$ taken!

So now i'm pressing hard on taking them to court to get my money.

But for now I have to drive around with no window. and no fucking music!!
And let me tell you first hand. When you have a welded diff, and no stereo!
Your ears bleed! haha.

My highlight of that day, was i installed my excedy clutch ! woot woot!

06-29-2006, 11:25 PM
DAM that sux.....and it was ur co-workers...that just says that u cant trust anyone these days.....and why the hell u leave ur wallet in the car....

06-29-2006, 11:25 PM
My ears don't bleed.

06-29-2006, 11:26 PM
for some reason i saw the thread title "car broken into two." good thing they couldnt get away. was the fellow co worker a good friend?

06-29-2006, 11:28 PM
my ears don't bleed either

anyway.. on the brightside.. the jackasses are caught.

06-29-2006, 11:35 PM
yea at least the person who broke into your car got caught. If i knew who did mines.. omg i would be judge juror and executioner

06-29-2006, 11:45 PM
Yea, i thought we were all "good" friends. This experience shows me that you cant fully trust anyone these days. I'm onward pressing charges against these guys. I dont know why i left my wallet in the car. I had gotten off work, and i had my work jeans in my car along with my wallet. The robbers searched my jeans and found the wallet. The good side is that i got all my cards back, and nothing was charged onto any of my accounts.

06-29-2006, 11:48 PM
i probably sound like a jackass but do you have pics of the damage?

06-29-2006, 11:53 PM
make sure you get restraining orders against them too...they will lose their jobs because they cant work with you anymore. how did you get the wallet back but not the rest of the contriband? and i would get your credit cards changed JUST IN CASE they wrote down your information and passed it on...i wouldnt take a chance against that if i were you. sucks that your car got broken into, but good that you know who did it and that you got them back. im guessing you dont have full coverage or theft on your car do you?

06-29-2006, 11:56 PM
i probably sound like a jackass but do you have pics of the damage?

I do have pics of the damage. but i'd rather not post them up.:Ownedd:

06-30-2006, 12:00 AM
The cops had caught them as soon as they were exiting. So they never had a chance to use my cards anywhere. But I agree with changing the credit cards over. Honeslty my insurance was over last week. I am in the process of switching over to Allstate. So my vehicle was uninsured at the time. I have to take them to court, or small claims court. The 2 of the workers were terminated from the job. But i'm sure I will come across them again. 1 of the workers was charged as a "Minor" and got realesed to his mom. So i'm sure i'm going to see him again. . . Time to take out the brownie from my attic. And no not a chocolate brownie.

There were another person that was at the scene aswell. He was the driver. He was a 17 year old kid. I'm sure that they left all the stuff inside that vehicle. For some strange reason the cops told him to go home.

06-30-2006, 12:02 AM
Glad to hear that you got the car back running and whatnot. My first 240 was broken into earlier in the year and I still don't know who did it. I lost over 2k as well...


06-30-2006, 12:06 AM
Glad to hear that you got the car back running and whatnot. My first 240 was broken into earlier in the year and I still don't know who did it. I lost over 2k as well...

Thanks, they couldnt have even got the car to move even if they tried. The clutch was completely shot, so all the car would do is rev up and go nowhere.

They even fucked up my stock stereo aswell with a fucking pry bar. So now i have to find some sort of replacement.

06-30-2006, 12:16 AM
dont leave your wallet in your car

06-30-2006, 12:16 AM
Since you know who they are.. I would go to their car and bash their shit up and steal their radio and put it in your car.

06-30-2006, 12:27 AM
Since you know who they are.. I would go to their car and bash their shit up and steal their radio and put it in your car.
:goyou: what do I get out of that? just more drama and Myself being introuble with the law.

I know for sure i'm going to see them, and there is going to be a fight.
Untill them i'm Enjoying my new clutch hahahahaha

dont leave your wallet in your car


06-30-2006, 12:30 AM
O shit man that sucks. I know you were all jazzed out the meet too. Then that had to happen. Happy to hear you have you new clutch in.

Look at the bright side, (hate when people say that) if you clutch was already in your shit may be in worse condition. they could have taken it somewhere and completly parted the shit out.

Sorry to hear, and it is not over because now the burden is on you to goooo to court and deeeeeal with alllllll this shit. It really blows. Good luck. :-/

06-30-2006, 12:36 AM
Yea I'm still heading to the meet... I'll just roll down my driver window, and everyone would think i'm just trying to get some breeze haha.

Anyone happen to have a stock stereo that i can put in my car?
Or possibly a pass side window?

06-30-2006, 04:35 AM
damn crooked co-workers, makes me more paraniod now.

06-30-2006, 05:11 AM
I've been at my work for damn near 6yrs and NONE of my employees know where I live.

And if anyone every does steal my stereo, it's worth about $30.

With the faceplace kept on my person, my car is pretty much worthless to break into.

Even if they wanted to tow my car, it would be a bitch and a half.

You know that one first hand eh Ant? haha.

06-30-2006, 10:56 AM
So awesome they got caught...I wonder why they sent the driver home, you figure your posessions were probably on his person, or at least in his car. Time to go Judge Dread on their asses...

06-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I work with THE shadiest of people. But luckily I work 25 miles away from where I live. My coworkers don't even know my last name. Maybe it's an Oil-Change thing. Were these your jiffylube coworkers?

On another note, who owns that clean FD at your work? I was on my way to napa auto, and I saw it parked there.

Jonnie Fraz
06-30-2006, 12:27 PM
Sorry to hear about your car, That sucks! A couple of good things happened, you have your car, dudes got caught, you got your wallet back, at least the thread was not "240 stolen this morning."
My buddy is parting a 92 FB he may still have the passenger window...give him a shout [email protected]

06-30-2006, 03:37 PM
my car got stolen in front of my house last year . i was soo mad i start crying, im being a man about it . then i called everyone in my phone and told them, and guess what i found my car hahahhahahah , still got no alrm thoo

06-30-2006, 06:26 PM
my car got stolen in front of my house last year . i was soo mad i start crying, im being a man about it . then i called everyone in my phone and told them, and guess what i found my car hahahhahahah , still got no alrm thoo
Nice to know you didn't learn from your own lesson.

06-30-2006, 07:39 PM
I nkow how you feel man, my car got broken into before. cool thing about that is that nothing got stolen :) since I dont leave anything in my car, only registration and ins.

06-30-2006, 08:55 PM
damn good to hear the bastards got caught, we should all mob up and beat these bitches down

07-01-2006, 11:06 PM
I've been at my work for damn near 6yrs and NONE of my employees know where I live.

And if anyone every does steal my stereo, it's worth about $30.

With the faceplace kept on my person, my car is pretty much worthless to break into.

Even if they wanted to tow my car, it would be a bitch and a half.

You know that one first hand eh Ant? haha.

Haha yea Mel, I know that first hand with you hahaha.

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :Ownedd:

I work with THE shadiest of people. But luckily I work 25 miles away from where I live. My coworkers don't even know my last name. Maybe it's an Oil-Change thing. Were these your jiffylube coworkers?

On another note, who owns that clean FD at your work? I was on my way to napa auto, and I saw it parked there.

Thats my boy rob. His FD is clean as hell. Yes Ben, this was my Jiffy Lube co-worker.
He was working here about 2 months, I thought I could trust the guy but i guess not.
Our jiffy lube crew are all n/a drivers so its a cool work experience.

On Topic:
The guy said he would pay for my window to be replaced. And do you know where i'ma go??
straight to the fucking dealership and ring up that bill!

Also, He has to pay for my deck. ( Kenwood deck , clean as hell ) and pioneer speakers all around.
Thats gonna cost him another 500$ to replace.

Also my Digi camera = 300, cellphone = 200 replaced by cingular.
and my stress and struggle = 100.

so we are looking at a good 1,000$

Here is another thing I figured out, this guy was on PROBATION, so this is a violation of his probation. Which means he will be serving jail time, and I will be reciving all my money.

07-02-2006, 12:05 AM
Thats great to hear.

I just hope it DOES go down exactly like that and you dont have to wait to get your money. The court could tell him that he owes you the amount that it is worth once you have the charge from the dealer for the window, but you may get it over time and not at once. Because they have to give him time to pay it.

But then again I dont know much about this so...Good luke man. Glad everything is working out. :)

07-02-2006, 12:17 AM
Thanks man.

I'm guessin the white 240sx in your sig is the rb, and the blue is the coupe that your girl drives right?

I'm still intrested in that shell you were telling me about.

07-02-2006, 01:49 AM
fuck up the minors!!!!!!!!
nuff said..........................

07-07-2006, 05:26 PM
Thanks man.

I'm guessin the white 240sx in your sig is the rb, and the blue is the coupe that your girl drives right?

I'm still intrested in that shell you were telling me about.

if i'm not mistaken... that blue coupe was at the last night drift last year.. and he ended up blowing the transmission on it on the way home since it leaked dry.

07-09-2006, 06:32 PM

Oh shit I remeber him telling me about that 1 day.