View Full Version : sunroof repairs - I need help

06-29-2006, 07:54 AM
The plastic trim and the rubber seal on my sunroof are falling apart. The rubber seal came loose, apparently, and through the rubber pushing back on the plastic trim, it has ripped the trim in two. So, now the back half of my sunroof doesn't have any seal. Its kind of an open hole.

Where can I find the plastic trim and that rubber seal to replace it? I'm afriad the local dealer will ..... bend me over .... on pricing.

Also, will I need to replace the whole mechanism? Or can I buy and replace just that top plastic piece?

08-06-2007, 02:32 PM
bumping this back up........ you can buy the seal from a dealer for ~80 bucks.....but i'm also wondering how much is involved with replacing the piece. it LOOKS fairly straightforward, but can anyone chime in on this? its the rubber seal that goes around the glass, thanks

08-06-2007, 02:58 PM
Not too familiar with S14, but on S13, all you have to do is just take off the rubber and put on a new one.
Maybe dab a bit of glass/rubber adhesive to keep it in place.

*just realized this was a thread from more than an year ago....*