View Full Version : How many accidents have you been in?

06-24-2006, 04:15 AM
Well, since the drifting scene has been rising up i was just wondering how many accidents everyone has been in. Ive been in one, but that was with another car ('91 accord). i locked the brakes after some idiot cut me off and swerved into someone. Post how many you've been in, add how it happened if u want.

06-24-2006, 10:23 AM
16 years old. ice on an entrance ramp. 1986 BMW 325 5spd. started to lose it, overcorrected. spun 180 degrees. stalled the car dead in the center lane, facing traffic. there was a semi truck comming in that lane.. it swerved, but the rear trailer wheels ran my shit the fuck over. long story short, not even a scratch. but no more E30. :^(

06-24-2006, 10:59 AM
ive had 1 wreck nothing major

06-24-2006, 11:23 AM
street driving? mm had a guy back into me, didnt care, talked w/ him no worries. it was lik 2mph
he just wasnt looking
um..thats its

well ate a guard rail drifting for GRIP VIDEO but its all good.

ate some barriers
ate some hay bales
hit baby's car doing tandem.

i guess thats it.

more ontrack incidents then street driving.

06-24-2006, 11:41 AM
7 street crashes that I can remember....

Crashed my blue S13....understeer into a tree
Crashed it again.....Understeer into another car
Crashed it again.....Understeer into a ditch
Crashed it again....oversteer over a curb
Crashed my bike....highside
Crashed my miata....oversteer into a telephone poll
My mom rear ended someone with me in the car once

Lucky me....:(

06-24-2006, 11:48 AM
3 accident the worst one was when the car rolled 270 degrees smashed the hood, broken glass, radiator..; that was crazy, but fun.

06-24-2006, 12:06 PM
driving fast on the on ramp..started to fish tail and then i fell off the on ramp on the opposite side of the freeway on the shoulder..lucky me...
fell into a ditch with my moms car and hitch a tree but manged to get back on the road..
and then some lady backed into my car..she was looking even though i was honking my ass off..messed up my fender and ended up getting a S13 front end and a repaint on the car..heh..thanx insurance..

06-24-2006, 12:26 PM
Rolled my ef2 civic
Roled my Rx7 fc3s
Front end damage S13
Stock Altima lost control in the rain
Highside on my 99 Gsxr
Rearend someone in my Tundra
And Broke my foot in a wheel chair at the movies......Dont ask:naughty:

06-24-2006, 01:37 PM
some honda boy hit my passenger fender.

and uhhh thats about it.

06-24-2006, 03:17 PM
put a dent into a guys truck bumper with my camaro, no damage to me$300

backed f-250 into some chick that was way too close behind me so I couldnt see, small hole in her bumper she never called me with an estimate $0
guy backed into my s14... bumper fell off, no damage, zipties $5

rammed my s14 into a tree avoiding a flying/rolling/flipping and otherwise out of control CRX kouki front end $too much

seeing a pile of firewood at the scene of the accident 2 days later: priceless

06-24-2006, 04:30 PM
1997: driving 1991 GMC Jimmy, in the rain 2 weeks before Christmas, some girl in a Cavalier is stopped but her brake lights don't work, I rearend her.

2001: Driving 1995 Nissan 240SX. It is raining, concert letting out, some braintrust cuts off a girl in a Honda Accord wagon, who slams on brakes, but does not hit him, but SHE gets hit by an oldschool Honda Prelude, my S14 did not have ABS or enough time to trust threshold braking.

2003: get shitfaced drunk and roll/flip that S14 on the way home, damn near killing myself in the process.

06-24-2006, 04:52 PM
first accident...slid across me neigbhors lawn in my s14...broken control arm...injen cold air intake, cwest s14 bumper

second accident...snow + 350z = spinning off highway down a hill onto oncoming traffic...gained control started driving again...360ed into a pole going 3 mph...needed new bumper cover

third accident...350z...guys clips my front bumper on the highway...i spin into the guardrail...bounce of and then hit the guard rail again...carbon fiber nismo kit by vis destroyed...both fenders and headlights...dash...airbag...rear left suspension...bent rim and all four tires with flat spots...14gs worth of damage...thank god for insurance...also no frame damage!! woot!! that was last month

06-24-2006, 10:29 PM
1990 hatch - Old corvette stalled on a dark highway offramp without working hazzards. Swerved to avoid him, lost control, hit curb, spun 180, hit other wall. S13 thrashed.

95 S14 - Switch lane and accelerated to make a yellow light. Lady in CRV decides to hit brakes hard, no ABS, hit brakes and swearve, rear ended her, bent frame, S14 thrashed.

06-24-2006, 11:28 PM
Just 1. I was driving down I-40 around 7pm EST and I was in heavy traffic going about 40mph. Well we stopped for a minute and then took off again back to 40ish. Then all I see is brake lights and I tried to swerve to the right lane but there was a 18 wheeler so I had to stay and I impaled a Toyota pickup truck. Ended up being a 6 car pile up. Not my fault though. I was driving a brand new '04 Frontier. I totaled mine. Got failure to yeild to avoid a accident, speeding (which I dont understand considering my tire marks), and something else. But ya, that was mine. *a

06-25-2006, 12:09 AM
7, none of which were my fault
1st was in my first pos, got rear ended, broken reverse light
2nd truck backs into s13 nearly ripping the entire quarter off, new quarter
3rd got rear ended by conversion van in my s13, new bumper
4th 16y/o girl backs into me, scrached paint on bumper 2 weeks after it was painted
5th 4 car pile up, I got rear ended, paint job
6th old lady rolled into at stop light, cracked paint
7th 16y/o girl fails to yield on left turn, $2800 in damages, I get $3500
-what sucks is that 6 and 7 happened on the same day 5 hours apart at the same intersection.

06-25-2006, 01:19 AM
2 Major total:

A: Mitsubishi mirage (america's version of EVO V..but that's another thread)
Understeered a corner doing 15mph! Head on to a curb, fucked EVERYTHING up.

B: S13 - Understeer + Dirt + Touge Adrenaline + Unmovable Mt.

a bunch of other ones..but it's practically me getting hit while I'm parked or chilling in a stop light.

06-25-2006, 02:12 AM
Oh yeah once a CKEN reqa ended them and i was like fuck damn IMAM SO fuCCCCCCken drunk hahaaaaaaaaaaa shit

06-25-2006, 03:28 AM
just 1 for me, minor

06-25-2006, 11:15 AM
1 for me.

Turning and accelerating out of a corner I hit some black ice. Car was literally perpindicular to the curb. I countersteered it right back the other way. Hit this tiny birch tree which just flexed as I went by and scraped the entire passenger side of the car then came to a rest right against a light pole. I'm still pissed because I almost saved it. I had little winter driving experience at the time. Insurance said $4000 just to repack the airbags. No more S14 for me.:(

06-26-2006, 03:37 PM
car - 4

16 years old i locked up the brakes in a downpour in my 89 plymouth sundance and slid into a ditch / the woods

year later driving 95 neon i rear-ended a friend of mine who thought it would be funny to brake check me as i followed her turning left across a 55mph highway

maybe 6 months after that i flipped the neon (twice) on a backroad near my parents house because i thought it was a racecar. live and learn.

last spring i hit a deer in my s14 doing 105mph.

bike- a few :lol:

1st time was ridin a wheelie car in front of me nailed her brakes, i slammed it down hard and washed it out.

2nd time i was ridin bear mountain all day.. toward end of day it started to drizzle.. took sloping left turn too fast for conditions and lowsided.

rest of crashes werent bad, just looped 1st gear wheelies trying to learn 12's and some crazy shit

06-26-2006, 05:07 PM
1. My 1988 Corolla hit a car at a stoplight going 2 mph.

2. 1991 S13 hit a curb avoiding a stalled car in the middle of a pitch black road at night. Missed a 4 ft wide tree by a couple of inches.

3. ^^ same car, got t-boned by a Chinese Lady infront of my house. Totaled. Had to climb out of the other side.

4. 1990 S13 hydroplained going 25mph. Minor

5. Had a Gum Tape Deathmatch with some Japanese dude in a Corolla... 86 I believe. He had me in a sweeper turn, and it came really close... I only had one had to steer, and I didnt have enough room left to complete the turn. My tires regained tractions as I understeered into the guardrail. I hit my left headlight and swiftfully glided across the pavement gracefully turning 180 degrees to come to a complete stop.

To my surprise!! there the Japanese guy was standing outside his car facing me, calmly smoking a cigarratte with a grin on his face.

Yea.. .thats about it. nothing special

06-26-2006, 05:32 PM
- Spring 2003 The first week i got my car, i was back out of my parking spot and some old guy was backing out as well and i guess he wasn't comming out when i looked in his direction but when i actually reversed.. BOOM. Honestly i neither of us knew whos fault it was. I think it was both of ours at the same time lol

- Summer 2003 I was comming back from summer school with my friend and it was wet. I had just expirienced sliding around in that period and was slide happy. I understeered into a curb and kinda tapped a telephone pole... Nothing major

- Winter/spring 2004 Driving to school one morning, i was looking over at some car and the car infront of me stopped short and BOOM. Nothing major

- Fall 2004 My ex gf and I was going somewhere and she was giving me shitty directions. It was raining pretty hard and i didn't see a median. A peice of my fiberglass bumper broke off. Retrieved it the week after lol.

- Fall/Winter 2005 I was rain sliding again in my neighborhood. I cut it too quick trying to go into a turn and understeered into a curb. Nothing major

-Summer 2005 I was driving back from class in a heavy rain storm. The traffic light infront of me changes and i was speeding. I come to a quick stop but i was hearing tire screeching thinking it was mine. I come to a stop and all of a sudden BOOM. The bitch behind me hits me. Nothing major

-Fall 2005 Im trying to find a parking spot at my school. I reverse for some reason and i hit some bitch that i didn't see. Nothing major lol

- Fall/winter 2005 I was driving to class and my wheel comes off and grind my chassis to a stop.

It is now the beginning of summer of 2006 and I have a backing up, understeering and wheel comming of phobia. Thanks 240SX!

06-26-2006, 05:45 PM
Rear ended an Integra a few years ago and smashed up my S14 for the first time.

Other than that, minor stuff...taps here and there, none of which were fixed

I've been pretty lucky

06-26-2006, 05:48 PM
1998: high-speed offroading. hit a rock, gave me about 9" of toe-in, went sideways, rolled into a tree.
1999: drifting in the hills, got too much angle, slid off the road, rolled through a cornfield.
2003: understeered into a curb.:Ownedd:
2004: driving in the canyons with my roomate, he understeers, slams on his brakes, I hit him.
2004: hit water on an off-ramp, spun into a curb.
2006: Became friendly with the Irwindale wall.
2006: Ramped a haybale at top drift, destroyed bumper, no big deal.

06-26-2006, 06:25 PM
the day of my 16th birthday me and my best friend stole my parents brand new yota rav4, did some speeding, e brake slides and 360's.:2f2f:

out of the corner of my eye we spoted a very pretty young woman, we came to a stop sign and threw it in reverse to holler at her. :naughty:

a reverse from a stop sign is not a good idea..:bash:

lady on her cell phone comes out of a turn speeding, we smash right into the hood of her audi. unlisenced driving:newbie: it was her fault i swear! so we speed off :)

end doesnt turn out pretty either...

06-27-2006, 02:36 AM
1 accident - fell asleep during traffic hour:-/

06-27-2006, 06:50 AM
1985 (Bike) - Crashed while being a cocky brat thinking he could conquer the world.
1999 (Jeep) - 10 wheeler truck hit the jeep at 80 mph, total wreck.
2001 (Honda) - Someone shot my right front wheel and I crashed into the wall.
2002 (Honda) - A truck hit my passenger's side.
2003 (Honda) - Girl back on my car parked while he was going out of his parkway downhill.
2004 (240) - Lady back into my car while she was going out of her parkway (Damn? Again? Just talk to me if you want my phone number.)
2005 (AS) - Parked on a hospital while waiting for my mom to get done with her doctor's appointment (Family driver ftw.)...while reading the newspaper...I looked into my left side and here's a big old chevy driven by a very old lady (90+), looks like she thinks that I'm still far away...or she just can't see the car.

It was never my fault. Mwahahaha. I think.

06-27-2006, 08:00 AM
-One major accident back in 2003 going into my senior year was involved in a head on collision which changed my life forever. Im lucky to here actually. No Regrets life goes on.

06-27-2006, 01:23 PM
I've been in 6.. None my fault

06-28-2006, 06:05 AM
November 2005- Turned a corner too fast in the rain, oversteered into a curb on bald tires and smashed right lower control arm and tie rod....

January 2006- Reflection from a big rig with aluminum siding hit me in the eyes and blinded me while getting onto the freeway, swerved too hard to miss the wall, oversteered and smashed into the wall anyway, the car had the tire smash in to the right, i was thrown against the steering wheel with one leg jammed into the gas and the other pinned between the door and the seat, and the car when down a 72 degree, 17ft enbankment, bottomed out at the bottom, and ran into a wall right after taking out a chain link fence and two small trees. I was out for a few minutes because when i bottomed out it slammed me against the steering wheel again, and knocked the wind out of me. Pics of the car below....
