View Full Version : Leave Pot Smokers Alone.

06-20-2006, 12:19 PM

ha, one step closer to making it legal? =P

06-20-2006, 12:33 PM
damn ain't that some shit... hahahaha

whats next?

06-20-2006, 12:53 PM
Here is whats next, we allow one thing...just a "little" then it spreads from there. Most of all those "civil" groups do more harm to the country than help.

06-20-2006, 12:58 PM
yeah i heard about it on the news. The world is going to be the same even if the whole US allows marijuana use. Besides the only reason its not legal is because the government cant make their own profit from it. *cough* cigs *cough*.

I like the whole minor/public/drug dealing as still a crime. it balances it out.

06-20-2006, 02:06 PM
Exactly downshift,basically they are trying to say its legal but they will still arrest your ass when you buy it. Well I personally think it should be legal,so I think that is kind of good seeing as its "less illegal" so to speak at in w. hollywood or wherever it was

that group needs to come to VA next haha

06-20-2006, 02:20 PM
you damn hippi's! Get off your dope smoking arse and get a job! =)

06-20-2006, 03:19 PM
Anyone heard of prohibition? Who cares if pot becomes legal? Really, who is it hurting? Oh yeah, the government since it can't collect taxes on it (yet) like they do alcohol and tobacco.

EDIT: just noticed that downshift180 basically posted the same.

Smoke from drifting probably causes more harm than marijuana

BTW, I don't smoke but I don't care if anyone else does.

drift freaq
06-20-2006, 03:55 PM
Alcohol is legal and in my opinion ten times worse than pot. Both are mind altering. Pot is more addictive, but then again pot heads usually don't kill people with cars, like people who drink and drive. Legalize it(Pot). One less headache that the goverment is spending our taxes on to prevent and locking people up for.

06-20-2006, 04:51 PM
Legalize it.
Government can put a nice tax on it ala cigs, people get better quality stuff (competition in the market) and crime is cut down since violent drug trafficking would be hit hard. There are far more lethal and dangerous drugs out there like McDonald's for example.

06-20-2006, 04:52 PM
^rofl mcdonalds..so true.

06-20-2006, 05:25 PM
Yeah,if they goverment put taxs on it,then they could actually MAKE money off of it,as opposed to spending BILLIONS to fight it. Last I checked the country is still in some pretty serious debt? They could be making money,and saving money at the same time. And like aforementioned,it would end alot of drug trafficing violence,as well as free up officers somewhat who are out chasing potheads. I mean,I'd rather see stricter busts on coke and etc b/c freedup officers,and freedup funds.

Amsterdam doesn't have a pot problem,they have fairly strict control on legal pot and pot use,and people respect that b/c that can legally do what they enjoy.

06-20-2006, 05:42 PM
Besides the only reason its not legal is because the government cant make their own profit from it. *cough* cigs *cough*.

that logic makes no sense whatsoever. if it was legal, they could then tax it.

06-20-2006, 06:10 PM
that logic makes no sense whatsoever. if it was legal, they could then tax it.

na, its too easy to grow on your own, so they couldnt tax it all. hence why they make it illegal to discourage people from growing it. and i disagree with whoever said pot was more addicting than alcohol. thats just simply not true.

midnight zenki
06-20-2006, 07:36 PM
Marijuana has the potential to become one of the highest grossing revenue producing plants in this nation if the government allows it to be so. The stalks and remenants can be processed just like corn or other plants for ethanol, the farmers in the heartland that are already government subsidised to not grow certain produce can use thier land to grow the plant and sell it thus utilizing their land in a more cost effective manor (a bulk of production could be low grade hemp for industrial and consumer applications). Finally the sale of high quality striclty regulated marijuana (not tampered with i.e. dusted with coke etc to hook users) would create a a steady income supplement for the government which could be used to fund drug awarness and rehabilitation in order to educate the public so we may make informed decisions on our own. Given the clear undying consumption rates of marijuana the governent sale of pot would kill the black market which creates the rediculosly high prices for even just an 1/8, prices would drop and yet a hansome tax revenue could still be procured, especially if the government licensed large corporations to produce the marijuana. This would eleviate the want to grow your own, you don't grow your own tobacco do you?, no because its easier to just buy it pre-processed and packaged.

06-20-2006, 08:47 PM
In Hawaii theres a big thing going on about this.I dont know the full details but there trying to get it legalized on Maui. I just hope they come to the Big Island.

06-21-2006, 02:23 AM
isnt marihuana or weed whoever u like 2 call been legal in california for a while.
My friend has that card that u can go 2 certain pharmacies and get weed
Its for medicinal use only though ,

06-22-2006, 03:17 AM
^^^ thats only for medicinal mj. My friend has one cuz he said he has "hurting problems and he's allergic to advil and stuff".

If having a group for mj can somewhat legalize it a little, y dont we have a civil group for modifing cars? mayb that could legalize it more :D

06-22-2006, 04:07 AM
yeah my friend said he has some problems with his sight and back pain!