View Full Version : rpm doesnt work! -=o(

06-19-2006, 03:29 AM
after we swapped the rb25 into the 89 240, i noticed a couple of problems w/ the stock cluster

1-my speedo would read 30mph, but im going 60, so speed is cut in half
2-rpm doesnt work, but my friend said the wire that transmit the current to power the rpm up and down is workn.

so, i am not sure if the cluster is bad, because the speedo kinda works.

help! hehe, i wanna know how fast im doing, and what rpm im shifting at! hehe

06-19-2006, 03:33 AM
not sure on rb, but for sr you gotta swap the vss, because the vss is built for your specific gauge cluster. also tachometer has to work with the certain cluster too i believe. probably easiest route would be to swap the speed sensor from your ka, and wire up a tachometer seperate. unless you got a gauge cluster from the rb.

06-19-2006, 04:17 AM
ur goin have to deal with the speed. pretty much double what it says and thats how fast ur going. as for the tach i believe its off by alot since u have a sohc cluster. ryan (s13silady) has a seperate tach for his rb so ur problem sounds normal. pm him and ask him :D

06-20-2006, 01:17 AM
thanks!!!! -=o)